966 resultados para Harvard College (1636-1780).--Class of 1724.
v.13 (1884)
v.74 (1932-1933)
v.145 (1973)
v.52 (1908-1910)
Small notebook containing notes kept by John Winthrop on sermons he attended between September 1, 1728 and October 19, 1729, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The volume contains one-to-two page entries on specific sermons and provides the biblical text and related doctrines, questions, and conclusions. The inside back cover contains a handwritten index of the minister who gave the sermon, most often Nathaniel Appleton.
v.18 (1889)
v.96 (1945-1946)
v.14:no.2 (1892)
Two leaves of a draft of a letter in Eliphalet Pearson's hand addressed to "Gentleman,"detailing the Committee of the town of Cambridge's attempts to tax real estate owned the College.
Four folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten copy of a petition to the Massachusetts General Court from the Harvard Corporation requesting the College's amount of tax exempt real estate be enlarged.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten list of Cambridge real estate belonging to Harvard and the amount of related rents, signed by President Willard.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a one-page handwritten list and description of the College real estate.
The volume contains handwritten copies of lectures delivered by Sewall to students, an 1780 letter from Antoine Court de Gébelin written in French and glued into the front inside cover, a preface to the set of lectures, an autobiographical sketch of Sewall, and the statutes governing the Hancock Professorship of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages.
This list appears to be the most comprehensive in this series. Although its contents are very similar to those of the list in Folder 2, there are some discrepancies. Entries are arranged by format (folio, quarto, octavo) and include the date the book was "delivered" (loaned), the name of the individual who borrowed it, and its author, title, and volume number. Many of the books had been out of the library for decades prior to the fire, with some loaned out since as early as 1742.
This list appears to be a draft of the list in Folder 1. Although most of the entries match, there are some discrepancies.