954 resultados para HORMONAL
Abstract Background Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been considered the standard care in locally advanced breast cancer. However, about 20% of the patients do not benefit from this clinical treatment and, predictive factors of response were not defined yet. This study was designed to evaluate the importance of biological markers to predict response and prognosis in stage II and III breast cancer patients treated with taxane and anthracycline combination as neoadjuvant setting. Methods Sixty patients received preoperative docetaxel (75 mg/m2) in combination with epirubicin (50 mg/m2) in i.v. infusion in D1 every 3 weeks after incisional biopsy. They received adjuvant chemotherapy with CMF or FEC, attaining axillary status following definitive breast surgery. Clinical and pathologic response rates were measured after preoperative therapy. We evaluated the response rate to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and the prognostic significance of clinicopathological and immunohistochemical parameters (ER, PR, p51, p21 and HER-2 protein expression). The median patient age was 50.5 years with a median follow up time 48 months after the time of diagnosis. Results Preoperative treatment achieved clinical response in 76.6% of patients and complete pathologic response in 5%. The clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical parameters were not able to predict response to therapy and, only HER2 protein overexpression was associated with a decrease in disease free and overall survival (P = 0.0007 and P = 0.003) as shown by multivariate analysis. Conclusion Immunohistochemical phenotypes were not able to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Clinical response is inversely correlated with a risk of death in patients submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and HER2 overexpression is the major prognostic factor in stage II and III breast cancer patients treated with a neoadjuvant docetaxel and epirubicin combination.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito do tratamento hormonal do hormônio Gonadotrofina Coriônica Humana (HCG), em dois esquemas posológicos diferentes, ao placebo quanto sua efetividade e segurança no tratamento da Criptorquidia. Métodos: Este estudo é um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo-controlado de 14 semanas. A amostra de 92 pacientes que foram randomizados para o grupo-HCG dias alternados, denominados de Grupo G1 (N = 29), para o grupo HCG a cada quatro dias, denominados Grupo G4 (N= 33) e o grupo-placebo, denominados como Grupo O(N = 30). 2. Os desfechos clínicos primários para este estudo foram 1) Cura, 2) Melhora, 3) Não Cura. Os desfechos complementares foram: 4) Efeitos adversos, 5) Níveis séricos hormonais. Resultados: Não existiram diferenças entre os grupos HCG dias alternados, HCG a cada quatro dias e placebo para as medidas dos desfechos primários. 1) Cura: G1: 3/29(3,3%), G4: 4/33(4,3%) e O: 3/30(3,3%) 2) Melhora: G1:3/29(3,3%), G4: 1/33(1,1%) e O: 3/30(3,3%). 3) Não Cura: G1: 23/29(25%), G4: 28/33(30,4%) e O: 24/30(26,1%) p=0,815. 4) Os efeitos adversos mais freqüentes em nossa amostra foram: Aumento do numero de ereções: não foi possível avaliar. 5) Níveis séricos hormonais: Testosterona sérica: G1: de 34,15 ± 5,8ng/ml; G4: 49,6± 5,6 ng/ml e O: 7,5± 3,5ng/ml. Hormônio Luteinizante (LH): G1: 0,22± 0,2 , G4: 0,07±0,1 e O: 0,08±0,02 Hormônio Folículo Estimulante (FSH): G1: 0,88±0,16, G4: 0,3±0,1 e O 1,15±0,6. Conclusão: Não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença estatística no tratamento com HCG, independente da posologia adotada, e placebo. Os autores concluem a hormonioterapia com HCG não demonstrou superioridade na eficácia e ou segurança no tratamento da criptorquidia ao placebo.
[EN]The objective of this experiment was to determine the efficacy of different GnRHa doses for the induction of the spawning in meagre broodstock born in captivity. Five experimental groups were established, and one control group that was not injected. Fish were acclimated in six 10 m3 tanks, and in each tank there was 3? and 4? with an average weight of 8.33±0.97 and 8.47±1.09 kg respectively. Throughout the experimental period (April 14- June 2 of 2009), broodstock were induced on a weekly basis. Each time one female and two males from each of the five experimental groups were induced with an injection of GnRHa at the doses of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ?g.kg-1 respectively. No significant differences were found in any of the controlled parameters: % of injected females with spawning, latency period and % of spawns. Although the highest spawning ratio was obtained with the lower doses, a statistically significant negative correlation between the doses and percentage spawning was found.
Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM)
[EN]Eighteen mature meagre (Argyrosomus regius) broodstock, born in captivity, were divided in 3 experimental groups in ratios of 3 ♀ and 3 ♂ each. One group was inducted by injections of hCG, the other with GnRHa and the last group with implants of GnRHa. In all three treatments all females responded positively to the hormonal treatment. Statistically differences were found, in the number of spawns per induction, of females induced with hCG with the GnRHa treatments. Latency period was longer in spawns from GnRHa implants, and showed statistically differences with the other two treatments.
The aim of this study was to investigate cortisol and progesterone (P4) trends in hair from birth up to postweaning in Italian trotter foals. Hair sampling is non-invasive and hair concentrations provide retrospective information of integrated hormone secretion over periods of several months. Samples were collected at birth and at a distance of 30 days, collecting only regrowth hair, up to post weaning. From birth to 3 months, foals cortisol falls from 47.64±5.6 to 4.9±0.68 pg/mg (mean±standard error), due to the interruption of foetal-placental connection and progressive adaptation to extrauterine life. From the third month of life to post weaning concentrations don’t vary significantly, underlining a non-chronic activation of the HPA axis. Hair P4 significantly decreases in the first two samples (from 469.68±72,54 to 184.65±35.42 pg/mg). At 2 (111.78±37.13 pg/mg) and 3 months (35.96±6.33 pg/mg) hair concentrations don’t show significant differences. These concentrations are not due to interactions of the utero-placental tissues with foals, animals are still prepuberal and P4 isn’t produced by adrenals as a result of high stress. We could therefore hypothesize that the source of foal hair P4 could be milk, suckled from mares. The high individual variability in hair at 2 and 3 months is due to a gradual and subjective change in foal diet, from milk to solid food, and to the fact that mares do not allow to suckle. From fourth month to post weaning P4 concentration in hair remains around 37.56±6.45 pg/mg. In conclusion, hair collected at birth, giving information about last period of gestation, could be used along with traditional matrices, to evaluate foals maturity. Hair cortisol could give indications about foals capacity to adapt to extra-uterine life. Finally milk, configuring as a bringer of nutrients and energy and assuming the characteristic of a nutraceutical, could give fundamental information about parental care.
Full geometry optimizations using the PM3, AM1, 3-21G∗/HF and 6-31G∗/HF levels of theory were conducted on the syn and anti conformations of cyclic3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Comparison of the anti crystal structures with the semiempirical and ab initio results revealed that the ab initio results agree well with the experimental results. The results of semiempirical calculations are in qualitative agreement with experimental and ab initio values, with the exception of the glycosyl torsion angle for the anti conformer. Sugar puckering, which is not handled properly by semiempirical methods for unconstrained sugars, nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleotide base pairs, is modeled reasonably well by the semiempirical methods for cAMP. This improvement results from the constraints introduced by the cyclization of AMP to form the phosphodiester.
Introduction. To assess the role of adjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in high-risk prostate cancer patients (PCa) after surgery. Materials and Methods. The analysis case matched 172 high-risk PCa patients with positive section margins or non-organ confined disease and negative lymph nodes to receive adjuvant ADT (group 1, n = 86) or no adjuvant ADT (group 2, n = 86). Results. Only 11.6% of the patients died, 2.3% PCa related. Estimated 5-10-year clinical progression-free survival was 96.9% (94.3%) for group 1 and 73.7% (67.0%) for group 2, respectively. Subgroup analysis identified men with T2/T3a tumors at low-risk and T3b margins positive disease at higher risk for progression. Conclusion. Patients with T2/T3a tumors are at low-risk for metastatic disease and cancer-related death and do not need adjuvant ADT. We identified men with T3b margin positive disease at highest risk for clinical progression. These patients benefit from immediate adjuvant ADT.
In view of the growing health problem associated with obesity, clarification of the regulation of energy homeostasis is important. Peripheral signals, such as ghrelin and leptin, have been shown to influence energy homeostasis. Nutrients and physical exercise, in turn, influence hormone levels. Data on the hormonal response to physical exercise (standardized negative energy balance) after high-fat (HF) or low-fat (LF) diet with identical carbohydrate intake are currently not available. The aim of the study was to investigate whether a short-term dietary intervention with HF and LF affects ghrelin and leptin levels and their modulators, GH, insulin and cortisol, before and during aerobic exercise. Eleven healthy, endurance-trained male athletes (W(max) 365 +/- 29 W) were investigated twice in a randomized crossover design following two types of diet: 1. LF - 0.5 g fat/kg body weight (BW) per day for 2.5 days; 2. HF - 0.5 g fat/kg BW per day for 1 day followed by 3.5 g fat/kg BW per day for 1.5 days. After a standardized carbohydrate snack in the morning, metabolites and hormones (GH, ghrelin, leptin, insulin and cortisol) were measured before and at regular intervals throughout a 3-h aerobic exercise test on a cycloergometer at 50% of W(max). Diet did not significantly affect GH and cortisol concentrations during exercise but resulted in a significant increase in ghrelin and decrease in leptin concentrations after LF compared with HF diet (area under the curve (AUC) ghrelin LF vs HF: P < 0.03; AUC leptin LF vs HF: P < 0.02, Wilcoxon rank test). These data suggest that acute negative energy balance induced by exercise elicits a hormonal response with opposite changes of ghrelin and leptin. In addition, the hormonal response is modulated by the preceding intake of fat.