248 resultados para Gypsophila trichotoma
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen, plant macrofossil, radiocarbon and sedimentological analyses, was performed on a small mountain lake in the Eastern Pyrenees. This has allowed the reconstruction of: (1) the vegetation history of the area based on five pollen diagrams and eight AMS14C dates and (2) the past lake-level changes, based on plant macrofossil, lithological and pollen analysis of two stratigraphical transects correlated by pollen analysis. The palaeolake may have appeared before the Younger Dryas; the lake-level was low and the vegetation dominated by cold steppic grasslands. The lake-level rose to its highest level during the Holocene in the Middle Atlantic (at ca. 5060±45 b.p.). Postglacial forests (Quercetum mixtum and Abieto-Fagetum) developed progressively in the lower part of the valley, while dense Pinus uncinata forests rapidly invaded the surroundings of the mire and remained the dominant local vegetation until present. The observed lowering of the lake levels during the Late Atlantic and the Subboreal (from 5060 ± B.P. to 3590±40 b.p.) was related to the overgrowth of the mire. The first obvious indications of anthropogenic disturbances of the vegetation are recorded at the Atlantic/Subboreal boundary as a reduction in the forest component, which has accelerated during the last two millennia.
The improved understanding of the pollen signal in the marine sediments offshore of northwest Africa is applied to deep-sea core M 16017-2 at 21°N. Downcore fluctuations in the percentage, concentration and influx diagrams record latitudinal shifts of the main northwest African vegetation zones and characteristics of the trade winds and the African Easterly Jet. Time control is provided by 14C ages and 180 records. During the period 19,000-14,000 yr B.P. a compressed savanna belt extended between about 12 ° and 14-15°N. The Sahara had maximally expanded northward and southward under hyperarid climatic conditions. The belt with trade winds and dominant African Easterly Jet transport had not shifted latitudinally. The trade winds were strong as compared to the modern situation but around 13,000 yr B.P. the trade winds weakened. After 14,000 yr B.P. the climate became less arid south of the Sahara and a first spike of fluvial runoff is registered around 13,000 yr B.P. Fluvial runoff increased strongly around 11,000 yr B.P. and maximum runoff is recorded from about 9000-7800 yr B.P. Around 12,500 yr B.P. the savanna belt started to shift northward and became richer in woody species: it shifted about 6° of latitude, reached its northernmost position during the period of 9200-7800 yr B.P. and extended between about 16° and 24°N at that time. Tropical forest had reached its maximum expansion and the Guinea zone reached as far north as about 15°N, reflecting very humid climatic conditions south of the Sahara. North of the Sahara the climate also became more humid and Mediterranean vegetation developed rapidly. The Sahara had maximally contracted and the trade winds were weak and comparable with the present day intensity. After about 7800 yr B.P. the southern fringe of the Sahara and accordingly the savanna belt, shifted rapidly southward again.
A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment core from the nowadays terrestrialised portion of the Löddigsee in Southern Mecklenburg, Germany was palynologically investigated. The lake is situated in the rarely investigated Young moraine area at the transition from the Weichselian to the Saalian glaciation. The high-resolution pollen diagram contributes to the establishment of the north-eastern German Late Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy. The vegetation distribution pattern after the end of the Weichselian is in good agreement with other studies from North-eastern Germany, but also has its own characteristics. The Holocene vegetation development reveals features from the north-eastern and north-western German lowlands. A special focus was laid on the environmental history of the two settlements on an island within the lake (Late Neolithic and Younger Slavic period), which were preserved under moist conditions. Both settlements were constructed during a period of low lake level. Although there is evidence of agriculture in the area during the respective periods, the two island settlements seem to have served other purposes.
In recent years enormous success has been achieved in varve counting of the Eifel maar lakes, but a detailed correlation with the biostratigraphy has been missing. In this paper, we present new palynological results of the Lateglacial sequences from Holzmaar Lake and Meerfelder Maar Lake based on annually laminated sediments. In particular, the Meerfelder Maar has great potential, because, in contrast to the Holzmaar, the sequence between the Ulmener Maar Tephra (11 000 varve years BP) and the Laacher See Tephra (12 880 varve years BP) including the Younger Dryas is undisturbed and complete. Therefore, we currently use the Meerfelder Maar chronology (Brauer et al., 1999b) as an independent varve calendar for the biostratigraphy of the Lateglacial. The palynological signals of both maar lakes are in good agreement and can easily be correlated with one another and with type sections/type regions in northwestern Germany and Jutland. The sequences of the Eifel maar lakes have the quality of hypostratotypes with regional biozones based on an absolute time scale.