980 resultados para Guinea-pigs


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This research investigated the potential of folk opera as a tool for HIV and AIDS education in Papua New Guinea. It began with an investigation on the indigenous performativities and theatricalities of Papua New Guineans, conducting an audit of eight selected performance traditions in Papua New Guinea. These traditions were analysed, and five cultural forms and twenty performance elements were drawn out for further exploration. These elements were fused and combined with theatre techniques from western theatre traditions, through a script development process involving Australians, Papua New Guineans and international collaborators. The resulting folk opera, entitled Kumul, demonstrates what Murphy (2010) has termed story force, picture force, and feeling force, in the service of a story designed to educate Papua New Guinean audiences about HIV and the need to adopt safer sexual practices. Kumul is the story of a young man faced with decisions on whether or not to engage in risky sexual behaviours. Kumul's narrative is carefully framed within selected Papua New Guinean beliefs drawn from the audit to deliver HIV and AIDS messages using symbolic and metaphoric communication techniques without offending people. The folk opera Kumul was trialled in two communities in Papua New Guinea: a village community and an urban settlement area. Kumul is recognisable to Papua New Guinean audiences because it reflects their lifestyle and a worldview, which connects them to their beliefs and spirituality, and the larger cosmological order. Feedback from audience members indicated that the performance facilitated HIV and AIDS communication, increased people's awareness of HIV and AIDS, and encouraged behaviour change. Tellingly, in one performance venue, forty people queued for Voluntary Testing and Counseling immediately after the performance. Twenty of these people were tested on that night and the other twenty were tested the following day. Many of the volunteers were young men – a demographic historically difficult to engage in HIV testing. This encouraging result indicates that the Kumul folk opera form of applied theatre could be useful for facilitating communication and education regarding sexual health and safer sexual behaviours in Papua New Guinea. Feedback from participants, audience members and other research stakeholders suggests that the form might also be adapted to address other social and development issues, particularly in the areas of health and social justice.


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Papua New Guinea (PNG) is facing what must seem like an insurmountable challenge to deliver quality healthcare servicesfor women living in both rural and urban areas. Glo bal governing bodies and donor agencies including WHO and UN have indicated that PNG does not have an appropriate health information system. Although there are some systems in place, to date, little research has been conducted on improving or resolving the data integrity and integration issues of the existing health information systems and automating the capture of women and newborns information in PNG. This current research study concentrates on the adoption of eHealth, as an innovative tool to strengthen the health information systems in PNG to meet WHO standards. The research targets maternal and child health focussing on child birth records asan exemplar...


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From the findings of McPhee et al. (1988), there is an expectation that selection in the growing pig for bodyweight gain measured on restricted feeding will result in favourable responses in the rate and efficiency of growth of lean pork on different levels of feeding. This paper examines this in two lines of Australian Large White pigs which have undergone 3 years of selection for high and for low growth rate over a 6-week period starting at 50 kg liveweight. Over this test period, pigs of both lines are all fed the same total amount of grower food, restricted to an estimated 80% of average ad libitum intake. 'Animal production for a consuming world': proceedings of 9th Congress of the AAAAP Societies and 23rd Biennial Conference of the ASAP and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, (DRF). Sydney, Australia.


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Weaner pigs on a farm near Beaudesert in south eastern Queensland refused to eat feed comprised largely of wheat and barley. Older pigs consumed small amounts and some prepubertal gilts subsequently displayed enlarged and reddened vulvas. Wheat, barley and triticale were grown on the farm during 1983, which was unusually and persistently wet. The wheat and triticale were harvested and stored for about 3 weeks with moisture contents above 14% before being fed. Samples of the wheat and triticale contained pale pink grains, which can indicate infection by the fungus Fusariurn grarninearurn Schw. On analysis 2 mycotoxins known to be produced by F. graminearurn were detected, deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) which causes feed refusal and vomiting, and zearalenone which causes oestrogenic effects. Concentrations of deoxynivalenol in the wheat, triticale and barley were 34, 10, and <0.1 mg/kg respectively. Concentrations of zearalenone were 6.2, 2.8 and 0.1 mg/kg respectively. Subsequently, F. grarninearurn was isolated from grains and crop residues. Although the wet weather contributed to F. grarninearurn infection of the crops before harvest, most of the toxins probably developed during storage.


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Mycotoxicosis due to ingestion of zearalenone was detected on 2 pig farms on the Atherton Tableland in northern Queensland. In one herd of 200 pigs, this resulted from feeding maize which had been stored with a high moisture content. In the other herd of 1400 pigs, it resulted from feeding sorghum grain which was rain affected before harvest. Concentrations of zearalenone in the feeds ranged up to 8 mg/kg. Most prepubertal gilts in the herds displayed enlarged teats and signs of oestrus such as having red, swollen vulvas. In several cases both rectal and vaginal prolapses occurred. On one of the farms, 25 pigs died as a direct result of prolapses. Autopsy of a 3-monthold gilt revealed apparently enlarged ovaries and uterine horns. Sows and boars seemed to be unaffected. Four gilts failed to conceive following mating during the period of zearalenone ingestion, but apart from this and the deaths from prolapses, production of the herds appeared ti be unaffected.


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Five cases of aflatoxicosis in pigs in southern Queensland are described. One peracute case where aflatoxin concentrations of up to 5000pg aflatoxin B,/kg were demonstrated in stomach contents was presumed to be caused by consumption of mouldy bread. High levels of toxins were also present in the livers. Two cases of acute toxicity were caused by feeding mouldy peanut screenings containing 22000~9 aflatoxin B,/kg. One case of subacute and one of chronic toxicity were caused by sorghum grain based rations with lower aflatoxin levels (4640 and 255 pg/kg). Peracute toxicity caused collapse and deaths within several hours, acute toxicity caused deaths within 12 h and with subacute toxicity deaths occured after 3 weeks on a toxic ration. Anorexia and ill thrift affecting only growing animals were seen with chronic toxicity. Extensive centrilobular liver necrosis and haemorrhage occured with peracute toxicity and in cases of acute poisoning there was hepatic centrilobular cellular infiltration, hepatocyte swelling and bile stasis. With subacute toxicity hepatocyte vacuolation together with bile stasis and bile ductule hyperplasia were seen.


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AIMS: To examine pigs at slaughter in New Zealand for the presence of Pasteurella multocida, and to determine for isolates, their biochemical profi les, somatic and capsular types, and the presence or absence of the HSB and toxA genes, associated with haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) and progressive atrophic rhinitis (PAR), respectively. METHODS: Swabs from 173 lungs, 158 palatine tonsils and 82 nasal passages of pigs at two abattoirs in New Zealand were cultured for P. multocida using conventional techniques, and isolated colonies were subjected to biochemical tests for identi- fi cation of biovars. Somatic serotyping was conducted using an agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were used to confi rm phenotypic identifi cation of colonies using species-specifi c primers, capsule type using serogroup-specifi c primers and multiplex PCR, and to test for the presence of HSB and toxA genes. RESULTS: Pasteurella multocida was isolated from 11/173 (6.4%) lung, 32/158 (20.2%) palatine tonsil and 5/82 (6.1 %) nasal swab samples, a total of 48 isolates from 413 samples (11.6%). Isolation rates per farm ranged from 1–53% of tissue samples collected from pigs 5–6 months of age. On phenotypic characterisation, isolates were allocated to seven main biovars, viz 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, and a dulcitol-negative variant of Biovar 8, the majority (30/48) being Biovar 3. Of the 42 isolates for which somatic serotyping was conducted, 10% were Serovar 1, 79% were Serovar 3, 2% were Serovar 6,1, 2% were Serovar 12, and 7% could not be typed. All 48 isolates were confi rmed as P. multocida using a species-specifi c PCR. In the capsular multiplex PCR, 92% of isolates were Capsular (Cap) type A, 2% were Cap D, and 6% could not be typed. None of the samples were positive for the HSB or toxA genes. CONCLUSION: Serovars or capsular types of P. multocida associated with HS or PAR in pigs were not detected. Establishment of species-specifi c, capsular and toxin PCR assays allowed the rapid screening of isolates of P. multocida, while serotyping provided an additional tool for epidemiological and tracing purposes.


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Objective: To assess the value of s-methylmethionine sulphonium chloride (SMMSC) (200 mg/kg) on nutritional performance of pigs and as prevention or therapy for oesophagogastric ulcers. Design: Sixty pigs from a high health status herd with continuing oesophagogastric ulcer problems were endoscopically assessed for the presence or absence of oesophagogastric ulcers. Forty-eight pigs were then selected and allocated according to an initial oesophagogastric epithelial (ulcer score) classification to replicated treatment groups in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Weight gain and feed intake were measured over 49 d, after which pigs were killed and stomachs were collected, re-examined and scored for oesophagogastric ulceration. Results: There was no difference over the 49 d in weight gain, feed intake and backfat in pigs with and without SMMSC supplementation between pigs with or without fully developed oesophagogastric ulcers at the start of the study. In pigs with an initially low ulcer score, feeding SMMSC did not prevent further oesophagogastric ulcer development. No significant effect of SMMSC was apparent when final mean oesophagogastric ulcer scores were compared in pigs with existing high ulcer score. However, further analysis of the changes in individual pig oesophagogastric ulcer scores during the experiment showed that the observed reductions in scores of the high ulcer group was significantly different from all other groups. Conclusion: This study has indicated that supplementation of pig diets with SMMSC cannot be justified unless the slight ulcer score improvement observed could be translated to some commercial production advantage such as a reduction in pig mortalities due to oesophagogastric ulcers. This study has further confirmed the benefit of endoscopy as a tool to enable objective assessment of oesophageal gastric health.


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Objective: To provide a visual guide for oesophagogastric ulcer scoring and recognition of different morphological changes in the pars oesophagea. Design: Pig stomachs were collected at slaughter and visually evaluated and scored for parakeratosis, erosion and ulceration in the pars oesophagea. Results: A visual and descriptive guide is presented that will aid in the objective assessment and scoring of oesophagogastric ulceration in pigs within the pig health monitoring system (PHMS), namely to the four categories of 0 = normal stomach, 1 = parakeratosis and thickened epithelium, 2 = erosions and 3 = developed ulcers with and without stenosis. Conclusion: A visual guide has been developed that illustrates the full range of morphological changes that can occur in the pars oesophagea of the stomach within the few currently recognised stages of the disease.


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Sago starch is an important source of dietary carbohydrates in lowland Papua New Guinea. Over the past 30 years there have been sporadic reports of severe illness following consumption of sago starch. A common assumption is that fungal metabolites might be associated with the illness, leading to the need for a more thorough investigation of the mycoflora of sago starch. Sago starch was collected from areas of high sago consumption in Papua New Guinea for fungal analysis (69 samples). Storage methods and duration were recorded at the time of collection and pH on arrival at the laboratory. Yeasts were isolated from all samples except two, ranging from 1.2 × 103 to 8.3 × 107 cfu/g. Moulds were isolated from 65 of the 69 samples, ranging from 1.0 × 102 to 3.0 × 106 cfu/g. Of 44 samples tested for ergosterol content, 42 samples showed the presence of fungal biomass. Statistical analyses indicated that sago starch stored for greater than five weeks yielded significantly higher ergosterol content and higher numbers of moulds than sago stored for less than five weeks. The method of storage was also shown to influence mould numbers with storage in natural woven fibre containers returning significantly greater numbers than present in other storage methods tested. Potentially mycotoxigenic genera of moulds including Aspergillus and Penicillium were commonly isolated from sago starch, and as such storage factors that influence the growth of these and other filamentous fungi might contribute to the safety of traditional sago starch in PNG.


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Taro (Colocasia esculenta) accessions were collected from 15 provinces of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The collection, totalling 859 accessions was collated for characterization and a core collection of 81 accessions (10%) was established on the basis of characterization data generated on 30 agro-morphological descriptors, and DNA fingerprinting using seven SSR primers. The selection of accessions was based on cluster analysis of the morphological data enabling initial selection of 20% accessions. The 20% sample was then reduced and rationalized to 10% based on molecular data generated by SSR primers. This represents the first national core collection of any species established in PNG based on molecular markers. The core has been integrated with core from other Pacific Island countries, contributing to a Pacific regional core collection, which is conserved in vitro in the South Pacific Regional Germplasm Centre at Fiji. The core collection is a valuable resource for food security of the South Pacific region and is currently being utilized by the breeding programmes of small Pacific Island countries to broaden the genetic base of the crop.


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Aims: To assay sago starch from Papua New Guinea (PNG) for important mycotoxins and to test fungal isolates from sago for mycotoxin production in culture. Methods and Results: Sago starch collected from Western and East Sepik Provinces was assayed for aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, cyclopiazonic acid, sterigmatocystin, citrinin and zearalenone and all 51 samples were negative. Frequently isolated species of Penicillium (13), Aspergillus (five) and Fusarium (one) were cultured on wheat grain, and tested for the production of ochratoxin A, cyclopiazonic acid, sterigmatocystin, citrinin, patulin and penicillic acid. All 12 isolates of P. citrinin and one of two A. flavipes isolates produced citrinin. A single isolate of A. versicolor produced sterigmatocystin. No other mycotoxins were detected in these cultures. Conclusions: No evidence was found of systemic mycotoxin contamination of sago starch. However, the isolation of several mycotoxigenic fungi shows the potential for citrinin and other mycotoxins to be produced in sago stored under special conditions. Significance and Impact of the study: Sago starch is the staple carbohydrate in lowland PNG and the absence of mycotoxins in freshly prepared sago starch is a positive finding. However, the frequent isolation of citrinin-producing fungi indicates a potential health risk for sago consumers, and food safety is dependant on promoting good storage practices.


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A restricted maximum likelihood analysis applied to an animal model showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) in pH value of the longissimus dorsi measured at 24 h post-mortem (pH24) between high and low lines of Large White pigs selected over 4 years for post-weaning growth rate on restricted feeding. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between pH24 and production and carcass traits were estimated using all performance testing records combined with the pH24 measurements (5.05-7.02) on slaughtered animals. The estimate of heritability for pH24 was moderate (0.29 ± 0.18). Genetic correlations between pH24 and production or carcass composition traits, except for ultrasonic backfat (UBF), were not significantly different from zero. UBF had a moderate, positive genetic correlation with pH24 (0.24 ± 0.33). These estimates of genetic correlations affirmed that selection for increased growth rate on restricted feeding is likely to result in limited changes in pH24 and pork quality since the selection does not put a high emphasis on reduced fatness.