924 resultados para Got To Give It Up
Given cybernetic idea is formed on the basis of neurophysiologic, neuropsychological, neurocybernetic data and verisimilar hypotheses, which fill gaps of formers, of the author as well. First of all attention is focused on general principles of a Memory organization in the brain and processes which take part in it that realize such psychical functions as perception and identification of input information about patterns and a problem solving, which is specified by the input and output conditions, as well. Realization of the second function, essentially cogitative, is discussed in the aspects of figurative and lingual thinking on the levels of intuition and understanding. The reasons of advisability and principles of bionic approach to creation of appropriate tools of artificial intelligent are proposed.
In theory, the multiple platforms and transnational nature of digital media, along with a related proliferation of diverse forms of content, make it easier for children’s right to access socially and culturally beneficial information and material to be realised, as required by Article 17 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Drawing on data collected during research on children’s screen content in the Arab world, combined with scrutiny of documents collated by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, which monitors compliance with the CRC, this paper explores how three Arab countries, Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, presented their efforts to implement Article 17 as part of their periodic reporting on their overall performance in putting the CRC into effect. It uncovers tensions over the relationship between provision, participation and protection in relation to media, reveals that Article 17 is liable to get less attention than it deserves in contexts where governments keep a tight grip on media, and that, by appearing to give it a lower priority, all parties neglect the intersection between human rights in relation to media and children’s rights.
The Smiths were a critically acclaimed 1980s “indie” band that achieved cult-status within the five years they were musically active. Several studies on fandom have focused on The Smiths, particularly its frontman Morrissey, whose “apostles” are among the most committed on the popular music circuit. Yet British Prime Minister David Cameron’s repeated claims to Smiths fandom have been rebuked by fans, and the band themselves, as being incompatible with his right-wing political program; former Smiths guitarist and songwriter Johnny Marr tweeted: “David Cameron, stop saying you like The Smiths, no you don’t. I forbid you to like it.”
This article proceeds from the possibility that David Cameron was not being cynical in professing his admiration for The Smiths and considers music’s role in the embodiment of a social identity. Drawing on recent examples in the UK and the US, the article explores politicians’ problematic relationship with popular culture, alongside the notion that when an artist’s music is appropriated, they themselves are appropriated.
Korean sota on länsimaisessa historiantutkimuksessa yksi vähiten tutkittuja 1900-luvun sotia. Sotaa on tutkittu jonkin verran perinteisen sotahistorian näkökulmasta keskittyen sodan strategiaan ja taistelutilanteisiin. Oma tutkielmani pyrkii hahmottamaan Korean sotaa niin sanotun uuden sotahistorian näkökulmasta. Tässä pro gradussa tutkin Korean sodassa taistelleiden yhdysvaltalaisten sotilaiden kokemuksien kuvauksia keskittyen erityisesti tilan kuvaukseen. Tutkielmassani käytän aineistonani 2000-luvulla tehtyjä amerikkalaisten Korean sodan veteraanien haastatteluja. Etsin haastatteluista vastauksia siihen, minkälaisia kokemuksen kuvauksia liittyen tilaan, ympäristöön ja paikkaan Korean sodan veteraanit tuovat esille. Tutkielmassani määrittelen tilan olevan ensisijaisesti merkityksellistetty sijainti, johon liitetään subjektiivisia kokemuksia. Lähestyn haastateltujen veteraanien tilan kuvausta sen kautta, minkälaisia kokemuksia he tuovat esille. Haastattelut lähdeaineistona tarvitsevat avukseen muistitietotutkimusta, jota olen myös hyödyntänyt tutkielmassani. Tilaa hahmottelen useiden erilaisten teemojen kautta, kuten ympäristön, paikan, arjen kokemusten ja sosiaalisten suhteiden sekä kuoleman avulla. Veteraanit kertoivat haastatteluissaan useita kokemuksia, jotka voidaan hahmotella olevan osa tilan kokemusta. Erilaisia tilaan liittyviä veteraanien kuvailtuja kokemuksia olivat esimerkiksi juoksuhautojen kylmyys, vihollisten henkinen läheisyys sekä erilaiset nimetyt taistelupaikat, joihin yhdistettiin kokemuksia ja muistoja. Korean sota koetaan yhä niin sanottuna unohdettuna sotana, sillä se ei ole saavuttanut merkityksellistä asemaa amerikkalaisessa julkisessa muistissa ja tutkimustieto sodasta on varsin vähäistä verrattuna esimerkiksi Vietnamin sotaan. Tarkoituksenani on lähestyä Korean sotaa uudesta näkökulmasta, sillä tutkielmassani yhdistän sotahistorian ja tilan tutkimuksen.
A useful tool to give concrete answers to EU policies on patients' safety and to create new working opportunities (VS / 2013/0430
Because older patients are more vulnerable to adverse drug-related events, there is a need to ensure appropriate pharmacotherapy in these patients. Screening to identify older patients at risk of drug-related problems (DRP) and adverse drug reactions (ADR) is the first critical step within a multistep approach to geriatric pharmacotherapy.
Today, the use of heavy metals and chemical products industry expanded. The presence of significant amounts of, pollutants in industrial waste water can lead to serious risks to the environment and human health have heavy metals like chromium is one example of the future of salmon knock pond environment. Chromium is an essential element in the diet, but high doses of this element is very dangerous. Hence the use of chemical methods as a tool for the removal of metals from waste water pond be used. The aim of this study was to investigate the mineral kaolin adsorbents for the removal of chromium is water. Thus, the effect of different concentrations of absorbent micro amounts of chromium absorption and variable temperature, pH and electrolytes were studied. During the investigation of spectroscopic instrument (Varian) UV-VIS are used. Comparison of the absorption mechanism of chromium adsorption by the adsorbent with nano-absorbent kaolin kaolin was investigated. According to the studies done in the same conditions of temperature, pH and shaking rate of chromium absorption by nano kaolin kaolin is much more attractive. Therefore, its use as an adsorbent abundant, cheap, accessible, efficient and effective is proposed.
This dissertation verifies whether the following two hypotheses are true: (1) High-occupancy/toll lanes (and therefore other dedicated lanes) have capacity that could still be used; (2) such unused capacity (or more precisely, “unused managed capacity”) can be sold successfully through a real-time auction. To show that the second statement is true, this dissertation proposes an auction-based metering (ABM) system, that is, a mechanism that regulates traffic that enters the dedicated lanes. Participation in the auction is voluntary and can be skipped by paying the toll or by not registering to the new system. This dissertation comprises the following four components: a measurement of unused managed capacity on an existing HOT facility, a game-theoretic model of an ABM system, an operational description of the ABM system, and a simulation-based evaluation of the system. Some other and more specific contributions of this dissertation include the following: (1) It provides a definition and a methodology for measuring unused managed capacity and another important variable referred as “potential volume increase”. (2) It proves that the game-theoretic model has a unique Bayesian Nash equilibrium. (3) And it provides a specific road design that can be applied or extended to other facilities. The results provide evidence that the hypotheses are true and suggest that the ABM system would benefit a public operator interested in reducing traffic congestion significantly, would benefit drivers when making low-reliability trips (such as work-to-home trips), and would potentially benefit a private operator interested in raising revenue.
We report an efficient methodology for the direct oxidative esterification of primary alcohols to diether-esters using pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC). Numerous studies were carried out to probe the reaction mechanism and at the same time optimize the reaction conditions. The reaction could be conducted with 1 equivalent of PCC and 1 equivalent of BF3 center dot OEt2. Indications based on literature precedent were that the reaction may proceed via a sequential alcohol oxidation to the aldehyde followed by a putative Cr or boron catalyzed Claisen-Tishchenko-type reaction. Using this efficient methodology, we synthesized a family of novel diether-esters in very good yields; some of these molecules were subsequently tested against both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). In addition, we also disclose a new synthetic strategy for the synthesis of lactam macrocycles with potential biological activity. This methodology included the regioselective borylation of the ester substrate and a subsequent Suzuki-Miyaura coupling to obtain the desired lactam macrocycle.
In recent decades the importance of structuring sciences such as botany or phytosociology faced a declining attention from the scientific community. This was accompanied by a growing interest in theoretical ecology. For such scenario greatly contributed an hypothetical exhaustion of research topics in these areas, but especially the introduction of new technologies that have provided powerful tools for data analysis. This allowed, for example, to make predictions about the impacts of climate change on species and plant communities and the consequent recognition of theoretical ecology, as one of the most prestigious pieces of current biological sciences. However, theoretical ecology has been facing serious knoledge gaps that greatly compromise their results, putting again the spotligth on structuring sciences. For example there are enourmous gaps in knowledge and data on dispersal, species and communities chorology and abundace, as well as in biological interactions. These data is essential, since they will determine ecological behavior of species. Its omission always limits the understanding and proper execution of the models generated by theoretical ecology. In this conference we will present a review on the gaps in knowledge and data in flora and vegetation fields in order to identify situations where geobotanical knowledge can make their major contribution. Furthermore, we will emphasize the need to reformulate objectives in geobotanical sciences in order to give it the deserved scientific recognition, considering the relationship between different scientific knowledges.
Objective: To determine beliefs and behaviours of Australian doctors regarding Helicobacter pylori. Design: Anonymous reply-paid postal survey mailed in December 1995 and again in March 1996. Subjects: All members on the mailing lists of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia Endoscopy Section (n = 397) and the Australian Society of Infectious Diseases (n = 264; those without medical qualifications were asked not to reply), and 400 general practitioners (GPs) randomly selected from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Main outcome measures: Differences between specialist groups in belief in a causative association between H. pylori and peptic disease and in use of eradication therapy and pre- and post-treatment testing for H. pylori. Results: 92.6% of doctors believed H. pylori causes duodenal ulcer, with GPs significantly less likely to believe than gastroenterologists (odds ratio [OR], 0.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.00-0.81). In duodenal ulcer, 93.4% of doctors believed H. pylori eradication therapy should be given, but fewer (83.4%) claimed to give it always or mostly, with GPs less likely to report giving it than gastroenterologists (OR, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.02-0.19). For non-ulcer dyspepsia, gastrointestinal surgeons were more likely than gastroenterologists to believe in a causative link with H. pylori (OR, 5.6; 95% CI, 3.0-10.7) and in a need for eradication therapy (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.7-7.7). Most doctors (79.3%) believed in confirming the presence of H. pylori before eradication therapy in duodenal ulcer. Only 51.6% believed post-eradication testing necessary (45.5%), yet 79.1% reported performing it. Conclusions: Significant differences exist between specialist groups in beliefs and self-reported behaviours regarding H. pylori.
RESUMO: É analisada nesta pesquisa a evolução da Heráldica do Exército Português ao longo do Estado Novo, sendo referida a importante reforma da década de 60 que lhe veio a conferir uma qualidade excepcional.