436 resultados para Glutamine


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We report the identification of two distinct homologues of the 70-kDa mitochondrial heat shock protein (mtHSP70) from Leishmania chagasi/Leishmania infantum (Lc2.1 and Lc2.2). in Leishmania species, multiple genes encoding Lc2.2 are present whilst single genes encode Lc2.1. Strikingly, genes encoding Lc2.1-like proteins are absent from Trypanosoma species. Lc2.2 is characterized by a poly-glutamine rich C-terminus, absent from Lc2.1 or mtHSP70 homologues outside the trypanosomatids. Lc2.1 displays unique substitutions within its peptide-binding domain which modify amino acids strictly conserved in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial HSP70 proteins alike. Affinity purified antibodies recognize mainly a single protein in extracts from promastigotes/epimastigotes of various Leishmania/Trypanosoma species. Upon differentiation of Leishmania amazonensis into amastigotes a second protein (presumably Lc2.1) is induced and becomes the predominant mtHSP70 homologue expressed. Subcellular localization of these proteins was investigated and ratified a distribution throughout the mitochondrial matrix. Our results imply novel mtHSP70 functions which evolved within the genus Leishmania. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T-4) (100 mu g/100 g body weight) for 14 days. At the end of the experimental period, plasma triiodothyronine and T-4 levels were six and eight times higher, respectively, than initial values. Hyperthyroid rats gained less weight and had lower blood glucose despite an increased food intake. In both control and hyperthyroid rats, rates of glucose production by renal tubule fragments were higher with glutamine and glycerol than with lactate, alanine, or glutamate. T-4 treatment induced a significant increase in the de novo glucose synthesis from all substrates, except glutamine. The highest percent increase was obtained with alanine (64%), compared with 31-40% for glutamate, lactate, and glycerol. The T-4 treatment induced increase in glucose synthesis by renal tubule fragments suggests that renal gluconeogenesis contributes to enhance glucose production in hyperthyroidism.


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A variante de hemoglobina (Hb) D mais comum, Hb D Los Angeles ou D Punjab, é originada de uma transversão GAA->CAA no códon 121 da globina beta; essa mutação resulta na substituição do ácido glutâmico por glutamina na proteína. É a terceira variante de hemoglobina mais freqüente da população brasileira. Como as hemoglobinas D apresentam migração similar à hemoglobina S em pH alcalino, e com a hemoglobina A em pH ácido, são necessários vários testes para o correto diagnóstico. No presente estudo objetivou-se relacionar os diferentes procedimentos laboratoriais de rotina diagnóstica, além da análise molecular, para estabelecer o perfil de Hb D Los Angeles no Brasil. Foram analisados 47 indivíduos da população brasileira com provável Hb D Los Angeles, por vários procedimentos eletroforéticos em diferentes condições de pH, além da cromatografia líquida de alta pressão, e testes moleculares para confirmação da mutação. Foram encontrados quatro tipos de combinações de hemoglobinas: 42 indivíduos portadores de hemoglobina AD Los Angeles, dois indivíduos com doença de Hb S/D Los Angeles, dois indivíduos com Hb D Los Angeles e talassemia beta e um indivíduo com Hb D Los Angeles e Hb Lepore. Os indivíduos heterozigotos para D Los Angeles são assintomáticos, entretanto, em associação com outras variantes e talassemias podem apresentar graus variáveis de manifestações clínicas. Os resultados apresentados enfatizaram a necessidade da associação de várias metodologias para a identificação da Hb D Los Angeles, além de auxiliar na elucidação de combinações raras.


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O estresse hídrico afeta profundamente o metabolismo celular vegetal. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se quantificar os efeitos da deficiência hídrica e sua recuperação sobre a atividade das enzimas do metabolismo do nitrogênio: redutase do nitrato (RN), glutamina sintetase (GS) e glutamato sintase (GOGAT) e sobre o acúmulo de prolina em plantas dos genótipos de milho BR 2121 e BR 205. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, sob o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se vasos que continham 14,3kg de solo. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação dos dois genótipos e quatro intervalos entre irrigações (1, 3, 5 e 7 dias). No dia da avaliação (49 dias após emergência), os tratamentos com intervalos entre 3 e 7 dias, haviam sido irrigados no dia anterior, caracterizando-se portanto como recuperação da deficiência hídrica leve e severa, respectivamente. As extrações e análises foram realizadas utilizando-se a terceira folha basípeta completamente expandida. As atividades das enzimas estudadas não diferiram entre os tratamentos de estresse hídrico, controle e recuperação do estresse moderado, entretanto as plantas sob recuperação do estresse severo apresentaram atividade enzimática superior à das plantas controle. O acúmulo de prolina livre nas folhas aumentou com o estresse hídrico e respondeu à recuperação do estresse apresentando redução. de modo geral, a atividade enzimática e o acúmulo de prolina apresentaram respostas inversas dentro dos tratamentos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The mechanisms that regulate the gradual exit of ovarian follicles from the non-growing, primordial pool are very poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding indole acetic acid (IAA), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to the media for in vitro culture of ovine ovarian fragments and determine their effects on growth activation and viability of preantral follicles. The ovarian cortex was divided into small fragments; one fragment was immediately fixed in Bouin (control). The other fragments were cultured for 2 or 6 days in culture plates with: minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS), pyruvate, glutamine, hypoxantine, bovine serum albumine and antibiotics (MEM+); MEM+ plus IAA (40 ng/mL); MEM+ plus EGF (100 ng/mL); MEM+ plus FSH (100 ng/mL); MEM+ plus IAA + EGF; MEM+ plus IAA + FSH; MEM+ plus EGF + FSH; or MEM+ plus IAA + EGF + FSH. After 2 or 6 days of culture in each treatment, the pieces of ovarian cortex were fixed in Bonin for histological examination. Follicles were classified as primordial or developing (primary and secondary) follicles. Compared to the control, in all media tested, the percentages of primordial follicles were reduced (P < 0.05) and the percentages of developing follicles were increased (P < 0.05) after 2 or 6 days of culture. Furthermore, culture of ovarian cortex for 6 days reduced the percentages of healthy, viable follicles when compared with the control (P < 0.05), except for cultures supplemented with IAA + EGF and EGF + FSH. In conclusion, the addition of IAA and EGF or EGF and FSH to the culture media were the most effective treatments to sustain the health and viability of activated ovine primordial follicles during in vitro culture. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the effect of a meal feeding schedule (MFS) on food intake, hepatic glycogen synthesis, hepatic capacity to produce glucose and glycemia in rats. The MFS comprised free access to food for a 2-hour period daily at a fixed mealtime (8.00-10.00 a.m.) for 13 days. The control group was composed of rats with free access to food from day 1 to 12, which were then starved for 22 h, refed with a single meal at 8.00-10.00 a.m. and starved again for another 22 h. All experiments were performed at the meal time (i.e. 8.00 a.m.). The MFS group exhibited increased food intake and higher glycogen synthase activity. Since gluconeogenesis from L-glutamine or L-alanine was not affected by MFS, we conclude that the increased food intake and higher glycogen synthase activity contributed to the better glucose maintenance showed by MFS rats at the fixed meal time. Copyright © 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Vaccination of neonates is generally difficult due to the immaturity of the immune system and consequent higher susceptibility to tolerance induction. Genetic immunization has been described as an alternative to trigger a stronger immune response in neonates, including significant Th1 polarization. In this investigation we analysed the potential use of a genetic vaccine containing the heat shock protein (hsp65) from Mycobacterium leprae (pVAXhsp65) against tuberculosis (TB) in neonate mice. Aspects as antigen production, genomic integration and immunogenicity were evaluated. Methods: Hsp65 message and genomic integration were evaluated by RT-PCR and Southern blot, respectively. Immunogenicity of pVAXhsp65 alone or combined with BCG was analysed by specific induction of antibodies and cytokines, both quantified by ELISA. Results: This DNA vaccine was transcribed by muscular cells of neonate mice without integration into the cellular genome. Even though this vaccine was not strongly immunogenic when entirely administered (three doses) during early animal's life, it was not tolerogenic. In addition, pVAXhsp65 and BCG were equally able to prime newborn mice for a strong and mixed immune response (Th1 + Th2) to pVAXhsp65 boosters administered later, at the adult life. Conclusion: These results suggest that pVAXhsp65 can be safely used as a priming stimulus in neonate animals in prime-boost similar strategies to control TB. However, priming with BCG or pVAXhsp65, directed the ensuing immune response triggered by an heterologous or homologous booster, to a mixed Th1/Th2 pattern of response. Measures as introduction of IL-12 or GM-CSF genes in the vaccine construct or even IL-4 neutralization, are probably required to increase the priming towards Th1 polarization to ensure control of tuberculosis infection. © 2007 Pelizon et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing glutamine and nucleotides on growth performance and development intestinal morphology in broiler chicks. In the trial, 600 male broiler chicks distributed in randomized blocks in a 3x2 factorial arrangement (consisting of a uniform basal diet supplemented with: 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0% glutamine, and 0.0 or 0.04% nucleotides), for a total of 6 treatments with 25 birds each. Means of performance (weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and mortality) were obtained 7, 21 and 42 days of age. At the end of the experiment 4 broilers per treatment were used to determine organs weight and development intestinal morphology. Glutamine supplementation (1%) improved the body weight, feed intake and feed conversion in the first week. Glutamine and nucleotides supplementation did not affect performance in broiler chicks in the period one to 21 and one to 42 days of age. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that feeding 1.0% glutamine improved growth performance of broiler birds at 21 days of age.


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It was evaluated the effect of the addition of glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids or cellular wall of yeast to the diet of weaned pigs on the activity of the pancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) and the intestinal mucous membrane (dipeptidase, sucrase and maltase) and on the performance. Forty-five weaned pigs were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline, with four diets (T1 - basal diet (BD); T2 - BR + 1% glutamine; T3 - BD + 0,2% cellular wall of yeast; T4 - BD + 5% fish oil) and two slaughter ages (seven and 14 days post weaning). The performance was measured in the first two weeks post-weaning. The addition of 1% glutamine in the diet of pigs increased the specific and total activity of the amylase, and total activity of the trypsin in the second week post weaning. The others supplements not change the activity of the digestive enzymes in the pigs. Also an increase was observed in the total activity of the lipase, and specific activity of the trypsin and maltase in function of the age post-weaning. In general, the activities of the digestive enzymes were correlated positively, except for the dipeptidase that was not correlated with any other enzyme. Positive correlation was observed between weight gain and activity of the lipase and of the amylase. The supplements included in the diet not influence the performance of weaned pigs.


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Background: The capacity for DNA repair is essential in maintaining cellular functions and homeostasis; however, this capacity can be altered based on DNA sequence variations in DNA repair genes, which may contribute to the onset of cancer. Many single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in repair genes have been found to be associated with oral cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the presence of allelic variants Arg194Trp (rs:1799782) and Arg399Gln (rs: 25487) of XRCC1 gene and Thr241Met (rs: 861539) of XRCC3 gene and susceptibility to oral cancer. We also attempted to correlate the frequencies obtained for each of the SNPs to histopathological parameters. Methods: A case-control study was conducted with genomic DNA from 150 patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas and 150 controls. SNPs were genotyped by RFLP-PCR. Results: The presence of the polymorphic variants of the XRCC1 gene within codon 194 (OR 0.82, 95% CI: 0.44-1.51) and codon 399 (OR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.59-1.50) and within the XRCC3 gene (OR 0.72; 95% CI: 0.45-1.16) were not associated with an increased risk of oral cancer. A combinational analysis of SNPs in both genes indicated no association. The presence of the allelic variants of these two genes had no statistically significant effect on tumor differentiation, lymph node invasion or tumor size. Conclusions: These results suggest that allelic variants of XRCC1 and XRCC3 are not suitable markers for susceptibility to carcinomas of the oral cavity and are also not related to the later stages of such tumors. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs) regulate differentiation of cumulus cells and are of pivotal relevance for fertility. Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) are OSFs and enhance oocyte competence by unknown mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that BMP15 and FGF10, alone or combined in the maturation medium, enhance cumulus expansion and expression of genes in the preovulatory cascade and regulate glucose metabolism favouring hyaluronic acid production in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). BMP15 or FGF10 increased the percentage of fully expanded COCs, but the combination did not further stimulate it. BMP15 increased cumulus cell levels of mRNA encoding a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10), ADAM17, amphiregulin (AREG), and epiregulin (EREG) at 12 h of culture and of prostaglandin (PG)-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6 (TSG6)) at 22 h of culture. FGF10 did not alter the expression of epidermal growth factor-like factors but enhanced the mRNA expression of PTGS2 at 4 h, PTX3 at 12 h, and TNFAIP6 at 22 h. FGF10 and BMP15 stimulated glucose consumption by cumulus cells but did not affect lactate production or levels of mRNA encoding glycolytic enzymes phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase A. Each growth factor increased mRNA encoding glucosamine:fructose-6-PO4 transaminases, key enzymes in the hexosamine pathway leading to hyaluronic acid production, and BMP15 also stimulated hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) mRNA expression. This study provides evidence that BMP15 and FGF10 stimulate expansion of in vitro-matured bovine COCs by driving glucose metabolism toward hyaluronic acid production and controlling the expression of genes in the ovulatory cascade, the first acting upon ADAM10, ADAM17, AREG, and EREG and the second on downstream genes, particularly PTGS2. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)