861 resultados para Glomerular Basement Membrane
A mammalian recombinant strategy was established to dissect rules of basement membrane laminin assembly and secretion. The α-, β-, and γ-chain subunits of laminin-1 were expressed in all combinations, transiently and/or stably, in a near-null background. In the absence of its normal partners, the α chain was secreted as intact protein and protein that had been cleaved in the coiled-coil domain. In contrast, the β and γ chains, expressed separately or together, remained intracellular with formation of ββ or βγ, but not γγ, disulfide-linked dimers. Secretion of the β and γ chains required simultaneous expression of all three chains and their assembly into αβγ heterotrimers. Epitope-tagged recombinant α subunit and recombinant laminin were affinity-purified from the conditioned medium of αγ and αβγ clones. Rotary-shadow electron microscopy revealed that the free α subunit is a linear structure containing N-terminal and included globules with a foreshortened long arm, while the trimeric species has the typical four-arm morphology of native laminin. We conclude that the α chain can be delivered to the extracellular environment as a single subunit, whereas the β and γ chains cannot, and that the α chain drives the secretion of the trimeric molecule. Such an α-chain-dependent mechanism could allow for the regulation of laminin export into a nascent basement membrane, and might serve an important role in controlling basement membrane formation.
What determines the nuclear organization within a cell and whether this organization itself can impose cellular function within a tissue remains unknown. To explore the relationship between nuclear organization and tissue architecture and function, we used a model of human mammary epithelial cell acinar morphogenesis. When cultured within a reconstituted basement membrane (rBM), HMT-3522 cells form polarized and growth-arrested tissue-like acini with a central lumen and deposit an endogenous BM. We show that rBM-induced morphogenesis is accompanied by relocalization of the nuclear matrix proteins NuMA, splicing factor SRm160, and cell cycle regulator Rb. These proteins had distinct distribution patterns specific for proliferation, growth arrest, and acini formation, whereas the distribution of the nuclear lamina protein, lamin B, remained unchanged. NuMA relocalized to foci, which coalesced into larger assemblies as morphogenesis progressed. Perturbation of histone acetylation in the acini by trichostatin A treatment altered chromatin structure, disrupted NuMA foci, and induced cell proliferation. Moreover, treatment of transiently permeabilized acini with a NuMA antibody led to the disruption of NuMA foci, alteration of histone acetylation, activation of metalloproteases, and breakdown of the endogenous BM. These results experimentally demonstrate a dynamic interaction between the extracellular matrix, nuclear organization, and tissue phenotype. They further show that rather than passively reflecting changes in gene expression, nuclear organization itself can modulate the cellular and tissue phenotype.
Tumor cell invasion relies on cell migration and extracellular matrix proteolysis. We investigated the contribution of different integrins to the invasive activity of mouse mammary carcinoma cells. Antibodies against integrin subunits α6 and β1, but not against α1 and α2, inhibited cell locomotion on a reconstituted basement membrane in two-dimensional cell migration assays, whereas antibodies against β1, but not against α6 or α2, interfered with cell adhesion to basement membrane constituents. Blocking antibodies against α1 integrins impaired only cell adhesion to type IV collagen. Antibodies against α1, α2, α6, and β1, but not α5, integrin subunits reduced invasion of a reconstituted basement membrane. Integrins α1 and α2, which contributed only marginally to motility and adhesion, regulated proteinase production. Antibodies against α1 and α2, but not α6 and β1, integrin subunits inhibited both transcription and protein expression of the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-1. Inhibition of tumor cell invasion by antibodies against α1 and α2 was reversed by addition of recombinant stromelysin-1. In contrast, stromelysin-1 could not rescue invasion inhibited by anti-α6 antibodies. Our data indicate that α1 and α2 integrins confer invasive behavior by regulating stromelysin-1 expression, whereas α6 integrins regulate cell motility. These results provide new insights into the specific functions of integrins during tumor cell invasion.
Contact of cultured mammary epithelial cells with the basement membrane protein laminin induces multiple responses, including cell shape changes, growth arrest, and, in the presence of prolactin, transcription of the milk protein β-casein. We sought to identify the specific laminin receptor(s) mediating the multiple cell responses to laminin. Using assays with clonal mammary epithelial cells, we reveal distinct functions for the α6β4 integrin, β1 integrins, and an E3 laminin receptor. Signals from laminin for β-casein expression were inhibited in the presence of function-blocking antibodies against both the α6 and β1 integrin subunits and by the laminin E3 fragment. The α6-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by the α6β4 integrin, and the β1-blocking antibody perturbed signals mediated by another integrin, the α subunit(s) of which remains to be determined. Neither α6- nor β1-blocking antibodies perturbed the cell shape changes resulting from cell exposure to laminin. However, the E3 laminin fragment and heparin both inhibited cell shape changes induced by laminin, thereby implicating an E3 laminin receptor in this function. These results elucidate the multiplicity of cell-extracellular matrix interactions required to integrate cell structure and signaling and ultimately permit normal cell function.
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) is an autoimmune disease that affects mainly conjunctiva and other squamous epithelia. OCP is histologically characterized by a separation of the epithelium from underlying tissues within the basement membrane zone. Immunopathological studies demonstrate the deposition of anti-basement membrane zone autoantibodies in vivo. Purified IgG from sera of patients with active OCP identified a cDNA clone from a human keratinocyte cDNA library that had complete homology with the cytoplasmic domain of β4-integrin. The sera recognized a 205-kDa protein in human epidermal, human conjunctiva, and tumor cell lysates that was identified as β4-integrin by its reaction with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to human β4-integrin. Sera from patients with bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, and cicatricial pemphigoid-like diseases did not recognize the 205-kDa protein, indicating the specificity of the binding. These data strongly implicate a role for human β4-integrin in the pathogenesis of OCP. It should be emphasized that multiple antigens in the basement membrane zone of squamous epithelia may serve as targets for a wide spectrum of autoantibodies observed in vesiculobullous diseases. Molecular definition of these autoantigens will facilitate the classification and characterization of subsets of cicatricial pemphigoid and help distinguishing them from bullous pemphigoid. This study highlights the function and importance of β4-integrin in maintaining the attachment of epithelial cells to the basement membrane.
The blistering disorder, lethal junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), can result from mutations in the LAMB3 gene, which encodes laminin 5 β3 (β3). Appropriate expression of LAMβ3 in JEB skin tissue could potentially ameliorate the symptoms of the underlying disease. To explore the utility of this therapeutic approach, primary keratinocytes from six unrelated JEB patients were transduced with a retroviral vector encoding β3 and used to regenerate human skin on severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Tissue regenerated from β3-transduced JEB keratinocytes produced phenotypically normal skin characterized by sustained β3 expression and the formation of hemidesmosomes. Additionally, β3 gene transfer corrected the distribution of a number of important basement membrane zone proteins including BPAG2, integrins β4/β1, and laminins α3/γ2. Skin produced from β3-negative (β3[−]) JEB cells mimicked the hallmarks of the disease state and did not exhibit any of the aforementioned traits. Therefore, by effecting therapeutic gene transfer to β3-deficient primary keratinocytes, it is possible to produce healthy, normal skin tissue in vivo. These data support the utility of gene therapy for JEB and highlight the potential for gene delivery in the treatment of human genetic skin disease.
Copper serves as an essential cofactor for a variety of proteins in all living organisms. Previously, we described a human gene (CTR1;SLC31A1) that encodes a high-affinity copper-uptake protein and hypothesized that this protein is required for copper delivery to mammalian cells. Here, we test this hypothesis by inactivating the Ctr1 gene in mice by targeted mutagenesis. We observe early embryonic lethality in homozygous mutant embryos and a deficiency in copper uptake in the brains of heterozygous animals. Ctr1−/− embryos can be recovered at E8.5 but are severely developmentally retarded and morphologically abnormal. Histological analysis reveals discontinuities and variable thickness in the basement membrane of the embryonic region and an imperfect Reichert's membrane, features that are likely due to lack of activity in the collagen cross-linking cupro-enzyme lysyl oxidase. A collapsed embryonic cavity, the absence of an allantois, retarded mesodermal migration, and increased cell death are also apparent. In the brains of heterozygous adult mice, which at 16 months are phenotypically normal, copper is reduced to approximately half compared with control littermates, implicating CTR1 as the required port for copper entry into at least this organ. A study of the spatial and temporal expression pattern of Ctr1 during mouse development and adulthood further shows that CTR1 is ubiquitously transcribed with highest expression observed in the specialized epithelia of the choroid plexus and renal tubules and in connective tissues of the eye, ovary, and testes. We conclude that CTR1 is the primary avenue for copper uptake in mammalian cells.
Sun exposure has been clearly implicated in premature skin aging and neoplastic development. These features are exacerbated in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a hereditary disease, the biochemical hallmark of which is a severe deficiency in the nucleotide excision repair of UV-induced DNA lesions. To develop an organotypic model of DNA repair deficiency, we have cultured several strains of primary XP keratinocytes and XP fibroblasts from skin biopsies of XP patients. XP skin comprising both a full-thickness epidermis and a dermal equivalent was succesfully reconstructed in vitro. Satisfactory features of stratification were obtained, but the expression of epidermal differentiation products, such as keratin K10 and loricrin, was delayed and reduced. In addition, the proliferation of XP keratinocytes was more rapid than that of normal keratinocytes. Moreover, increased deposition of cell attachment proteins, α-6 and β-1 integrins, was observed in the basement membrane zone, and β-1 integrin subunit, the expression of which is normally confined to basal keratinocytes, extended into several suprabasal cell layers. Most strikingly, the in vitro reconstructed XP skin displayed numerous proliferative epidermal invasions within dermal equivalents. Epidermal invasion and higher proliferation rate are reminiscent of early steps of neoplasia. Compared with normal skin, the DNA repair deficiency of in vitro reconstructed XP skin was documented by long-lasting persistence of UVB-induced DNA damage in all epidermal layers, including the basal layer from which carcinoma develops. The availability of in vitro reconstructed XP skin provides opportunities for research in the fields of photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, and tissue therapy.
Escape of cancer cells from the circulation (extravasation) is thought to be a major rate-limiting step in metastasis, with few cells being able to extravasate. Furthermore, highly metastatic cells are believed to extravasate more readily than poorly metastatic cells. We assessed in vivo the extravasation ability of highly metastatic ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells (PAP2) versus control nontumorigenic nontransformed NIH 3T3 cells and primary mouse embryo fibroblasts. Fluorescently labeled cells were injected intravenously into chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane and analyzed by intravital videomicroscopy. The chorioallantoic membrane is an appropriate model for studying extravasation, since, at the embryonic stage used, the microvasculature exhibits a continuous basement membrane and adult permeability properties. The kinetics of extravasation were assessed by determining whether individual cells (n = 1481) were intravascular, extravascular, or in the process of extravasation, at 3, 6, and 24 h after injection. Contrary to expectations, our results showed that all three cell types extravasated with the same kinetics. By 24 h after injection > 89% of observed cells had completed extravasation from the capillary plexus. After extravasation, individual fibroblasts of all cell types demonstrated preferential migration within the mesenchymal layer toward arterioles, not to venules or lymphatics. Thus in this model and for these cells, extravasation is independent of metastatic ability. This suggests that the ability to extravasate in vivo is not necessarily predictive of subsequent metastasis formation, and that postextravasation events may be key determinants in metastasis.
Tumor-derived adhesion factor (TAF) was previously identified as a cell adhesion molecule secreted by human bladder carcinoma cell line EJ-1. To elucidate the physiological function of TAF, we examined its distribution in human normal and tumor tissues. Immunochemical staining with an anti-TAF monoclonal antibody showed that TAF was specifically accumulated in small blood vessels and capillaries within and adjacent to tumor nests, but not in those in normal tissues. Tumor blood vessel-specific staining of TAF was observed in various human cancers, such as esophagus, brain, lung, and stomach cancers. Double immunofluorescent staining showed apparent colocalization of TAF and type IV collagen in the vascular basement membrane. In vitro experiments demonstrated that TAF preferentially bound to type IV collagen among various extracellular matrix components tested. In cell culture experiments, TAF promoted adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to type IV collagen substrate and induced their morphological change. Furthermore, when the endothelial cells were induced to form capillary tube-like structures by type I collagen, TAF and type IV collagen were exclusively detected on the tubular structures. The capillary tube formation in vitro was prevented by heparin, which inhibited the binding of TAF to the endothelial cells. These results strongly suggest that TAF contributes to the organization of new capillary vessels in tumor tissues by modulating the interaction of endothelial cells with type IV collagen.
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease seen primarily in elderly persons. It is characterized clinically by the development of tense bullae and by the presence of an antibasement membrane antibody. In BP, the antigens involved in the autoimmunity are epidermal basement membrane peptides BPAg1 and BPAg2. We have compared high resolution typing of major histocompatibility complex class II loci (HLA-DRB1, DQB1) in 21 patients with BP, 17 with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP), and 22 with oral pemphigoid (OP) to a panel of 218 haplotypes of normal individuals. We found that the three diseases (BP, OCP, and OP) have significant association with DQB1*0301 (P = 0.005, P < 0.0001, and P = 0.001, respectively). The frequencies of alleles DQB1*0302, 0303, and 06, which share a specific amino acid sequence from position 71 to 77 (Thr-Arg-Ala-Glu-Leu-Val-Thr) were also increased (P = 0.01). We suggest that an identical major histocompatibility complex class II allele (DQB1*0301) is a common marker for enhanced susceptibility and that the same amino acid residues in positions 71-77 (DQB1*0301, -0302, -0305, -0602, -0603 alleles) are found in patients with BP, OCP and OP. Our findings propose that the autoimmune response in the three different clinical variants of pemphigoid, involves the recognition by T cells of a class II region of DQB1, bound to a peptide from the basement membrane of conjunctiva, oral mucosa, and skin.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an intricate network composed of an array of macromolecules capable of regulating the functional responsiveness of cells. Its composition greatly varies among different types of tissue, and dysregulation of its metabolism may contribute to vascular remodeling during the pathogenesis of various diseases, including atherosclerosis. In view of their antiatherosclerotic effects, the role of Ca2+ channel blockers in the metabolism of ECM was examined. Nanomolar concentrations of the five Ca2+ channel blockers amlodipine, felodipine, manidipine, verapamil, or diltiazem significantly decreased both the constitutive and platelet-derived growth factor BB-dependent collagen deposition in the ECM formed by human vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The drugs inhibited the expression of fibrillar collagens type I and III and of basement membrane type IV collagen. Furthermore, Ca2+ channel blockers specifically increased the proteolytic activity of the 72-kDa type IV collagenase as shown by gelatin zymography and inhibited the transcription of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2.
The mechanism(s) that regulates invasion of trophoblasts through the uterine epithelium during embryo implantation and nidation in hemochorial placental mammals is poorly understood. While limited trophoblast invasion is essential for the establishment of normal pregnancy, dysregulation of this process may contribute to the pathogenesis of choriocarcinoma, a highly invasive and lethal form of cancer arising from the trophoblasts. We have previously demonstrated that rabbit uteroglobin (UG), a cytokine-like, antiinflammatory protein, produced by the endometrial epithelium during pregnancy, has a potent antichemotactic effect on neutrophils and monocytes in vitro. Here, we report that recombinant human UG (hUG) dramatically suppresses invasion of human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells through an artificial basement membrane (Matrigel) in vitro but has no effect on that of human choriocarcinoma cells. We identified a previously unreported high-affinity, high molecular weight (approximately 190 kDa), nonglycosylated hUG-binding protein, readily detectable on human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells but totally lacking on choriocarcinoma cells. Taken together, these results raise the possibility that (i) hUG plays a critical role in regulating cellular invasiveness, at least in part, via its previously unrecognized cell surface binding site, and (ii) some of the numerous biological activities of proteins of the UG family, reported so far, may be mediated via this binding site.
We recently described the development in vitro of cells with granules characteristic of eosinophils and basophils (hybrid granulocytes) from normal human cord blood mononuclear cells cultured for 14 days with recombinant human (rh) interleukin (IL)-3, rhIL-5, and a soluble basement membrane, Matrigel. Hybrid granulocytes constitutively produced granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and rapidly developed into eosinophils after the exogenous cytokines and Matrigel were removed. To characterize the developmental progression of hybrid granulocytes, cells were maintained for an additional 14 days in medium containing rhIL-3, rhIL-5, and Matrigel. After 28 days, 73% +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM; n = 6) of the nonadherent cells were mononuclear eosinophils, 13% +/- 3% were eosinophils with two or more nuclear lobes, 13% +/- 4% were hybrid granulocytes, and 0.2% +/- 0.1% were basophils. More than 90% of the mononuclear eosinophils were hypodense as determined by centrifugation through metrizamide gradients. After an additional 5 days of culture in medium without exogenous cytokines, 65% +/- 3% (n = 5) of the 28-day cells excluded trypan blue. In contrast, 2% +/- 1% of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils survived 5 days of culture without exogenous cytokines (n = 5). Fifty percent conditioned medium from in vitro derived 28-day mononuclear eosinophils and 14-day hybrid granulocytes maintained the survival of 60% +/- 7% and 77% +/- 7%, respectively, of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils for 72 h, compared with 20% +/- 8% survival in medium alone (n = 3). The eosinophil viability-sustaining activity of 50% mononuclear eosinophil-conditioned medium was neutralized with a GM-CSF antibody. A total of 88% of the 28-day cells exhibited immunochemical staining for GM-CSF. Thus, during eosinophilopoiesis, both hybrid eosinophil/basophil intermediates and immature mononuclear eosinophils exhibit autocrine regulation of viability due to constitutive production of GM-CSF.
Extracellular human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein promotes growth of spindle cells derived from AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma (AIDS-KS), an angioproliferative disease very frequent in HIV-1-infected individuals. Normal vascular cells, progenitors of AIDS-KS cells, proliferate in response to Tat after exposure to inflammatory cytokines, whose levels are augmented in HIV-1-infected individuals and in KS lesions. Here we show that Tat also promotes AIDS-KS and normal vascular cells to migrate and to degrade the basement membrane and stimulates endothelial cell morphogenesis on a matrix substrate. These effects are obtained at picomolar concentrations of exogenous Tat and are promoted by the treatment of the cells with the same inflammatory cytokines stimulating expression of the receptors for Tat, the integrins alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3. Thus, under specific circumstances, Tat has angiogenic properties. As Tat and its receptors are present in AIDS-KS lesions, these data may explain some of the mechanisms by which Tat can induce angiogenesis and cooperate in the development of AIDS-KS.