865 resultados para Gender based violence


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The objectives of this study were to estimate the 1-year prevalence of chronic daily headache (CDH) and the degree of the association of CDH with some sociodemographic characteristics of the adult population of Brazil. This was a cross-sectional, population-based study. We conducted telephone interviews with 3848 people, aged 18-79 years, randomly selected from the 27 States of Brazil. The degree of the association was calculated through prevalence ratios, adjusted with Poisson regression by gender, age and some sociodemographic factors. The estimated 1-year gender- and age-adjusted prevalence of CDH was 6.9%. CDH was 2.4 times more prevalent in women, 1.72 times more in unemployed, 1.63 times more in subjects with high household income and two times greater in those who did not exercise. The overall prevalence of CDH in Brazil is high. CDH is significantly more prevalent in women, the unemployed, subjects with higher income, and in those who do not exercise.


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Police call data and court data are used to map the incidence of reported domestic violence in Brisbane. These data are correlated with low family income, unemployment and a measure of multiple disadvantage (an Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage) for each Statistical Local Area (suburb) in Brisbane. Only the Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage is a statistically significant predictor of reported domestic violence. The finding of a significantly higher incidence of reported domestic violence among relatively worse-off families is investigated within a social justice context. A measure of multiple relative disadvantage is shown to better reflect the negative impacts of structural inequalities on families in explaining the reported occurrence of domestic violence.


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OBJECTIVE: To establish body mass index (BMI) norms for standard figural stimuli using a large Caucasian population-based sample. In addition, we sought to determine the effectiveness of the figural stimuli to identify individuals as obese or thin. DESIGN: All Caucasian twins born in Virginia between 1915 and 1971 were identified by public birth record. In addition, 3347 individual twins responded to a letter published in the newsletter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). All adult twins (aged 18 and over) from both of these sources and their family members were mailed a 16 page 'Health and Lifestyle' questionnaire. SUBJECTS: BMI and silhouette data were available on 16 728 females and 11 366 males ranging in age from 18- 100. MEASUREMENTS: Self-report information on height-weight, current body size, desired body size and a discrepancy score using standard figural stimuli. RESULTS: Gender- and age-specific norms are presented linking BMI to each of the figural stimuli. Additional norms for desired body size and discrepancy scores are also presented. Receiver operating curves (ROC) indicate that the figural stimuli are effective in classifying individuals as obese or thin. CONCLUSIONS: With the establishment of these norms, the silhouettes used in standard body image assessment can now be linked to BMI. Differences were observed between women and men in terms of desired body size and discrepancy scores, with women preferring smaller sizes. The figural stimuli are a robust technique for classifying individuals as obese or thin.


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While aggregate level pay equity comparisons between Australia and the UK confirm expectations based on their different wage distributions and regulatory systems, observation of trends and occupational level analysis reveal additional complexity. Our analysis suggests the need for a multi-faceted approach to closing the average gender pay gap.


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Despite growing clinical use, cervical auscultation suffers from a lack of research-based data. One of the strongest criticisms of cervical auscultation is that there has been little research to demonstrate how dysphagic swallowing sounds are different from normal swallowing sounds, In order to answer this question, however, one first needs to document the acoustic characteristics of normal, nondysphagic swallowing sounds, This article provides the first normative database of normal swallowing sounds for the adult population. The current investigation documents the acoustic characteristics of normal swallowing sounds for individuals from 18 to more than 60 years of age over a range of thin liquid volumes. Previous research has shown the normal swallow to be a dynamic event. The normal swallow is sensitive to aging of the oropharyngeal system, and also to the volume of bolus swallowed. The current investigation found that the acoustic signals generated during swallowing were sensitive to an individual's age and to the volume of the bolus swallowed. There were also some gender-specific differences in the acoustic profile of the swallowing sound, It is anticipated that the results will provide a catalyst for further research into cervical auscultation.


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TROST. S. G., R. R. PATE, J. F. SALLIS, P. S. FREEDSON, W. C. TAYLOR, M. DOWDA, and J. SIRARD. Age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity in youth. Med. Sci. Sports Ererc., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 350-355, 2002. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity (PA) in a population-based sample of students in grades 1-12. Methods: Participants (185 male, 190 female) wore a CSA 7164 accelerometer for 7 consecutive days. To examine age-related trends. students were grouped as follows: grades 1-3 (N = 90), grades 4-6 (N = 91), grades 7-9 (N = 96). and grades 10-12 (N = 92). Bouts of PA and minutes spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and vigorous PA (VPA) were examined. Results: Daily MVPA and VPA exhibited a significant inverse relationship with grade level, with the largest differences occurring between grades 1d-3 and 4-6. Boys were more active than girls; however, for overall PA, the magnitudes of the gender differences were modest. Participation in continuous 20-min bouts of PA was low to nonexistent. Conclusion: Our results support the notion that PA declines rapidly during childhood and adolescence and that accelerometers are feasible alternatives to self-report methods in moderately sized population-level surveillance studies.


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Issues concerning the influence of attachment characteristics on own and partner's disclosure were addressed using a sample of 113 couples in medium-term dating relationships. Individual differences in attachment were assessed in terms of relationship anxiety and avoidance. Disposition to disclose was assessed using questionnaire measures of self-disclosure, relationship-focused disclosure, and the ability to elicit disclosure from the partner; in addition, structured diaries were used to assess aspects of disclosure (amount, intimacy, emotional tone, and satisfaction) in the context of couples' everyday interactions. Couple-level analyses showed that avoidance strongly predicted dispositional measures of disclosure, whereas anxiety (particularly partner's anxiety) was related to negative evaluations of everyday interactions. Interactive effects of attachment dimensions and gender were also obtained, highlighting the complexity of communication behavior. The results are discussed in terms of the goals and strategies associated with working models of attachment.


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Background & Aims: Two major mutations are defined within the hemochromatosis gene, HFE. Although the effects of the C282Y mutation have been well characterized, the effects of the H63D mutation remain unclear. We accessed a well-defined population in Busselton, Australia, and determined the frequency of the H63D mutation and its influence on total body iron stores. Methods: Serum transferrin saturation and ferritin levels were correlated with the H63D mutation in 2531 unrelated white subjects who did not possess the C282Y mutation. Results: Sixty-two subjects (2.1%) were homozygous for the H63D mutation, 711 (23.6%) were heterozygous, and 1758 (58.4%) were wild-type for the H63D mutation. Serum transferrin saturation was significantly increased in male and female H63D homozygotes and heterozygotes compared with wild-types. Serum ferritin levels within each gender were not influenced by H63D genotypes. Elevated transferrin saturation greater than or equal to45% was observed in a greater proportion of male H63D carriers than male wild-types. Male H63D homozygotes (9%) and heterozygotes (3%) were more likely to have both elevated transferrin saturation and elevated ferritin greater than or equal to300 ng/mL than male wild-types (0.7%). Homozygosity for H63D was not associated with the development of clinically significant iron overload. Conclusions: Presence of the H63D mutation results in a significant increase in serum transferrin saturation but does hot result in significant iron overload. In the absence of the C282Y mutation, the H63D mutation is not clinically significant.


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Neste trabalho, explora-se o modo como a compreensão e o desempenho dos papéis de gênero se relacionam às ocorrências de violência (física, psicológica e sexual) dos maridos contra as esposas. Quatro mulheres que apresentaram queixa na Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher contra as agressões físicas perpetradas por seus parceiros e que conviviam com eles foram entrevistadas utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista, que recolheu dados pessoais e informações a respeito das concepções sobre homem, mulher e relacionamento conjugal/afetivo. As entrevistas foram processadas pelo software Alceste, sendo a Análise de Conteúdo utilizada para complementar a análise. Os dados revelam a coexistência de concepções tradicionais de gênero com ações de insubordinação dessas mulheres (trabalho assalariado, amizades, questionamento da vida sexual). Esses aspectos, sinalizadores do empoderamento das mulheres, relacionam-se à agressividade dos parceiros que, excluídos dos debates feministas e buscando proteger sua masculinidade, usam a violência para suprimir as manifestações femininas de poder.


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Objetivo: Analisar o contexto socioeconômico e sua relação com a incidência espacial da mortalidade devido à violência. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo do tipo ecológico no município de Vitória, ES, de 2000 a 2003, sobre a distribuição espacial da mortalidade por acidentes e violência, com base nas informações populacionais e socioeconômicas. Os dados sobre mortalidade foram relacionados a informações como local de residência da vítima, tipo de ocorrência, sexo e raça/cor. A análise das informações utilizou a média espacial, odds ratio e análise de cluster. Resultados: Ocorreram 828 óbitos por violência no período estudado, representando 17% do total de óbitos do município. Destes, 72% eram homicídios, 21,8% acidentes de transporte e 6% suicídios. O padrão das vítimas dos homicídios foi ser jovem, negro, do sexo masculino e residente em regiões mais pobres da cidade. Suicídios e acidentes de transporte acometeram vítimas mais velhas, brancas, do sexo feminino e residentes na área mais rica da cidade. Conclusões: O resultados mostram que a violência é um fenômeno que atinge todas as classes sociais, com destaque para as pessoas da raça negra e baixo nível socieconômico que têm maior chance de morte por homicídio; e brancos de nível socioeconômico mais elevado, suicídios e acidentes de transporte se sobressaem.


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Women are increasingly active in the participation and consumption of tourism, representing a strong and unique market segment. Knowledge of the needs and preferences of female tourists represents a key success factor in the tourism industry. This preliminary study seeks to capture the underlying reasons for the travel decisions of the residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho, investigating their tourist motivations from a gendered perspective. Insight on tourism motivation may be an important policy tool for tourism planners and managers in the development of products and marketing strategies. The empirical analysis is undertaken based on questionnaires administered in 2012 to residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho. Preliminary results do not reveal significant gender differences in the importance that the local residents place on various tourism motivation factors.


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To date few studies have been undertaken in Portugal dealing with the attitudes, motivations, and profile of tourists who visit World Heritage Sites. Also, few studies have dealt with destination image (e.g., Agapito, Mendes & Valle, 2010; Lopes, 2011). As far as it is known, none have approached the issue of gender differences in the choice of a Portuguese heritage destination. Since cultural tourism destinations need to differentiate themselves from each other, appropriate market segmentation must be based on a deep understanding of the customers’ motivations and preferences. Keeping in mind results from empirical literature (e.g., Silberberg, 1995; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Richards, 2004; Pérez, 2009; Sheng, Shen, & Chen, 2008), gender seems to be a possible approach to market segmentation, whether for Guimarães or for other cultural tourism destinations around the world. Located in the north-western region of Portugal, Guimarães is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical centre as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study analyses the possible relation between gender and attitudes and motivations towards a World Heritage Site, such as Guimarães. Additionally, the empirical approach used in the study tries to capture differences in the perceived attributes of the city. Commonalities and distinctions within and between groups of tourists, by focusing on the specific characteristic of gender, were analysed. The study addressed two main questions: first, whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination; and, second, whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimarães. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences.


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RESUMO: Este estudo procura avaliar a Medida Socioeducativa de Internação decretada a adolescentes autores de ato infracional na Cidade do Recife no ano de 2009. É um trabalho de grande importância para a sociedade brasileira, sobretudo, no que diz respeito ao combate à violência juvenil, à criminalidade em geral, e à construção de um mundo mais justo e solidário. Escolhemos a Cidade do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, localizada na região Nordeste do Brasil, para ser o local da nossa pesquisa, por ser esta uma das mais violentas cidades do país. No decorrer desta pesquisa fizemos ainda uma breve análise do cenário sociológico da adolescência na Cidade do Recife. Em seguida estudamos o cenário jurídico dos adolescentes autores de ato infracional com base no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – Lei nº 8.069/1990, analisando a evolução histórica do tratamento legal dispensado a estes jovens, abordando o conceito de adolescente e ato infracional, e investigando as Medidas Socioeducativas previstas na legislação brasileira, sobretudo, a Medida de Internação, pelo fato de ser a mais grave delas. Assim, além investigarmos através de dados estatísticos o quantitativo por gênero de adolescentes autores de ato infracional aos quais foram decretadas Medida de Internação, observamos os tipos de atos infracionais mais praticados. Intentamos, dessa forma, questionar a violência juvenil e o modo como a sociedade e as instituições envolvidas têm tratado a questão. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com servidores da Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo- FUNASE, entidade que trabalham diretamente com a reeducação de adolescentes autores de ato infracional submetidos à Internação na Cidade do Recife, para analisar como estão sendo aplicadas essas medidas. ABSTRACT: This study aims to evaluate the Socioeducational Measure of Internation decreed to transgressor teenagers in the City of Recife at the year 2009. This study has a big importance to Brazilian society, above all, because focalize the combat of the juvenile violence in Recife, Capital of the State of Pernambuco on the northwest of the Brazil, one of the most violent city of Brazil. During this investigation, was done a brief analysis of sociological scenery of teenage in this City. It was studied too, the juridical scenery of teenagers that committed any kind of transgression, based on the Statue of Child and the Adolescent- law n° 8.069/1990, analyzing the historical evolution of lawful treatment put into practice to this people, using the concept of adolescent and infracional act, and observing the social and educative punishment in the penal justice system of Brazil, and detaching the measure of internation, that is the gravest form of punishment. So, in this study it was investigated the quantity of transgressors adolescents based in gender and the kinds of transgression most practiced by them which results on internation measure decreed. This way, the purpose of this study is discuss about young violence and the way that society and institutions have faced this question. For this, it was realized interviews with Foundation of Socioeducative Attendance – FUNASE workers, that work directly with re-education of adolescents that committed any transgression and were submitted to internation punishment, in order to analyze how are being applied these measures.


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A case series to study factors related to family expectation regarding schizophrenic patients was conducted in an out-patient setting in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. Patients diagnosed as presenting schizophrenia by the ICD 9th Edition and having had the disease for more than four years were included in the study. Family Expectation was measured by the difference between the Katz Adjustment Scale (R2 and R3) scores based on the relative's expectation and the socially expected activities of the patient (Discrepancy Score), and social adjustment was given by the DSM-III-R Global Assessment Scale (GAS) . Outcome assessments were made independently, and 44 patients comprised the sample (25 males and 19 females). The Discrepancy mean score was twice as high for males as for females (p < 0.02), and there was an inverse relationship between the discrepancy score and social adjustment (r =-0.46, p < 0.001). Moreover, sex and social adjustment exerted independent effects on the discrepancy score when age, age at onset and number of psychiatric admissions were controlled by means of a multiple regression technique. There was an interaction between sex and social adjustment, the inverse relationship between social adjustment and discrepancy score being more pronounced for males. These findings are discussed in the light of the potential association between the family environment, gender and social adjustment of schizophrenic patients, and the need for further research, i.e. ethnographic accounts of interactions between patient and relatives sharing households particularly in less developed countries.