914 resultados para GUI legacy Windows Form web-application


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Il mondo di Internet ha vissuto un radicale e inarrestabile processo di rinnovamento nel corso dell'ultimo decennio. Nel giro di pochi anni, i siti che popolano il World Wide Web si sono evoluti divenendo vere e proprie applicazioni in grado di fornire un livello di interattività e di coinvolgimento fino ad allora impensabile. Il mondo del Web è mutato, e con esso quello dei browser, i quali assumono sempre più le conformazioni di "sistemi operativi nei sistemi operativi": si sono tramutati in complesse piattaforme di sviluppo in grado di fornire a programmatori e web designer potenti librerie e API relative a qualsiasi ambito, nonché avanzati strumenti di debugging. Numerosi standard che governano l'ecosistema di Internet hanno raggiunto la maturità in questo contesto: fra tutti HTML5, il quale ha arricchito enormemente le potenzialità di un browser introducendo nuovi strumenti orientati alla multimedialità e alla classificazione semantica delle risorse. Altri standard altrettanto importanti hanno visto la luce in questi anni, affermandosi e conquistando, nel giro di pochissimi anni, l'interesse di un'ampia platea di sviluppatori. E' il caso di WebGL, una potente e flessibile libreria grafica derivata dal mondo di OpenGL che ha aperto le porte al rendering di scene tridimensionali all'interno di un qualsiasi browser moderno. WebGL ha rappresentato un punto di svolta abbattendo un'ulteriore barriera tra il mondo del web che vive all'interno di un browser e la dimensione delle applicazioni native che popolano un sistema operativo, consolidando il già affermato concetto di web app che lentamente sta seppellendo l'idea di "sito" così come era stato concepito all'inizio del nuovo millennio. Scopo di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una panoramica delle principali funzionalità offerte dalla libreria WebGL (con una particolare attenzione per il supporto cross browser) e di analizzare le possibilità che essa offre, studiando e implementando i principali modelli di illuminazione e le tecniche di applicazione texture per definire un ambiente tridimensionale esplorabile e il più possibile realistico all'interno della dimensione del web.


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Gli elementi ludici aiutano a comprendere i bisogni del mondo in cui viviamo e rendono meno noiose quelle attività che normalmente non gratificano in modo sufficiente un individuo; la gamification viene definita come l'utilizzo di elementi di gioco in contesti non di gioco. In questo elaborato viene analizzato come si è evoluto il rapporto tra essere umano e gioco, come si è arrivati a definire la gamification e quali sono le parti atomiche che la compongono. Si analizzano diversi casi di successo in cui è stata implementata la gamification ed infine viene analizzato il mio progetto personale ParcheggioGratuito, in cui applico metodologie di gamification per facilitare il meccanismo di ricerca del parcheggio nella propria città.


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Le grandi catene di distribuzione, per sviluppare strategie commerciali sempre più efficaci, sono interessate a comprendere il percorso che ogni cliente effettua all’interno del punto vendita, che reparti visita, il tempo di permanenza in un’area specifica ecc… Quindi è stato necessario trovare un sistema per localizzare e tracciare un cliente all’interno di un ambiente chiuso (indoor position). Prima di tutto ci si è concentrati sulla ricerca e sviluppo di una nuova idea che potesse superare gli ostacoli delle soluzioni attualmente in commercio. Si è pensato di sostituire le tessere punti del punto vendita con delle tessere bluetoothLE e di creare un sistema di posizionamento al chiuso utilizzando la stessa logica di funzionamento del GPS per gli ambienti aperti. Il ricevitore è la tessera BLE posseduta dal cliente e i satelliti sono tre device Android dotati di un’app specifica per rilevare il segnale radio (RSSI) emesso dalla tessera ogni secondo. Le rilevazioni dei tre device Android sono successivamente trasferite all’interno di una web application che si occupa di elaborare i dati tramite il processo di trilaterazione. L’output sono le coordinate x,y di ciascuna tessera in ogni secondo di visita all’interno del punto vendita. Questi dati sono infine utilizzati per mostrare graficamente il percorso effettuato dal cliente, l’orario di ingresso e di uscita e il tempo di permanenza. Riepilogando, il progetto comprende una fase di ricerca e intuizione di una nuova idea, una fase di progettazione per traslare i meccanismi del funzionamento GPS all’utilizzo in un ambiente chiuso, una fase di implementazione dell’app e della web application e infine una fase di sperimentazioni sul campo che si concluderà dopo la laurea con test reali in un supermercato della zona.


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Nell'ambito di questa tesi è stato sviluppato un gioco per l'apprendimento della matematica rivolto ai ragazzi delle scuole medie. In particolare, è stato realizzato un cruciverba numerico sotto forma di WebApp, ovvero utilizzando tecnologie web.


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Due to their relatively high calcium oxide content, industrial mineral oxide wastes are potential candidates for mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Cement kiln dust (CKD), a byproduct of cement manufacturing contains 20-60% CaO making it a possible candidate for CO2 sequestration. In this study, three types of CKD are characterized, before and after carbonation, using environmental scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis to determine the mineralogical and morphological changes occurring due to carbonation. The reactants, products, and precipitation mechanisms were investigated to enhance understanding of the governing processes and allow better utilization of CKD for CO2 sequestration. The results of multiple independent analyses confirmed the formation of CaCO3 during carbonation. Examinations of the reaction pathways found that CaO and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) were the major reactants. Three types of CaCO3 precipitation mechanisms were observed: (1) diffusion of CO2 into Ca(OH)2 particles causing precipitation in the pores of the particle and the growth of a CaCO3 ring from the outside inward, (2) precipitation onto existing particles, and (3) precipitation from aqueous solution. The growth of a CaCO3 ring on the outside of a particle may slow further diffusion of CO2 into a particle slowing iv the overall sequestration rate. Additionally, changes caused by carbonation in the solubility of trace metals were studied by mixing pre- and post-carbonated CKD with water and analyzing the solution using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Decreases in the leaching of chromium, lead, and copper were observed, and is an incentive for use of CKD for CO2 sequestration. Equilibrium modeling using PHREEQC confirmed that CaO and Ca(OH)2 would carbonate readily and form CaCO3.


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Social networks offer horizontal integration for any mobile platform providing app users with a convenient single sign-on point. Nonetheless, there are growing privacy concerns regarding its use. These vulnerabilities trigger alarm among app developers who fight for their user base: While they are happy to act on users’ information collected via social networks, they are not always willing to sacrifice their adoption rate for this goal. So far, understanding of this trade-off has remained ambiguous. To fill this gap, we employ a discrete choice experiment to explore the role of Facebook Login and investigate the impact of accompanying requests for different information items / actions in the mobile app adoption process. We quantify users’ concerns regarding these items in monetary terms. Beyond hands-on insights for providers, our study contributes to the theoretical discourse on the value of privacy in the growing world of Social Media and mobile web.


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A subclass of eukaryotic proteins is subject to modification with fatty acids, the most common of which are palmitic and myristic acid. Protein acylation allows association with cellular membranes in the absence of transmembrane domains. Here we examine POMP39, a protein previously described to be present in the outer mitochondrial membrane proteome (POMP) of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. POMP39 lacks canonical transmembrane domains, but is likely both myristoylated and palmitoylated on its N-terminus. Interestingly, the protein is also dually localized on the surface of the mitochondrion as well as in the flagellum of both insect-stage and the bloodstream form of the parasites. Upon abolishing of global protein acylation or mutation of the myristoylation site, POMP39 relocates to the cytosol. RNAi-mediated ablation of the protein neither causes a growth phenotype in insect-stage nor bloodstream form trypanosomes.


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BACKGROUND Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppresses viral replication in HIV-infected children. The growth of virologically suppressed children on ART has not been well documented. We aimed to develop dynamic reference curves for weight-for-age z scores (WAZ) and height-for-age z scores (HAZ). RESULTS A total of 4,876 children were followed for 7,407 person-years. Analyses were stratified by baseline z-scores and age, which were the most important predictors of growth response. The youngest children showed the most pronounced increase in weight and height initially but catch-up growth stagnated after 1-2 years. Three years after starting ART, WAZ ranged from -2.2 (95% Prediction interval -5.6 to 0.8) in children with baseline age "5 years and z-score "-3 to 0.0 (-2.7 to 2.4) in children with baseline age "2 years and WAZ "-1. For HAZ the corresponding range was -2.3 (-4.9 to 0.3) in children with baseline age"5 years and z-score "-3 to 0.3 (-3.1 to 3.4) in children with baseline age 2-5 years and HAZ "-1. CONCLUSIONS We have developed an online tool to calculate reference trajectories in fully suppressed children. The web application could help to define 'optimal' growth response and identify children with treatment failure.


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In this paper we make a further step towards a dispersive description of the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) tensor, which should ultimately lead to a data-driven evaluation of its contribution to (g − 2) μ . We first provide a Lorentz decomposition of the HLbL tensor performed according to the general recipe by Bardeen, Tung, and Tarrach, generalizing and extending our previous approach, which was constructed in terms of a basis of helicity amplitudes. Such a tensor decomposition has several advantages: the role of gauge invariance and crossing symmetry becomes fully transparent; the scalar coefficient functions are free of kinematic singularities and zeros, and thus fulfill a Mandelstam double-dispersive representation; and the explicit relation for the HLbL contribution to (g − 2) μ in terms of the coefficient functions simplifies substantially. We demonstrate explicitly that the dispersive approach defines both the pion-pole and the pion-loop contribution unambiguously and in a model-independent way. The pion loop, dispersively defined as pion-box topology, is proven to coincide exactly with the one-loop scalar QED amplitude, multiplied by the appropriate pion vector form factors.


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The reporting of outputs from health surveillance systems should be done in a near real-time and interactive manner in order to provide decision makers with powerful means to identify, assess, and manage health hazards as early and efficiently as possible. While this is currently rarely the case in veterinary public health surveillance, reporting tools do exist for the visual exploration and interactive interrogation of health data. In this work, we used tools freely available from the Google Maps and Charts library to develop a web application reporting health-related data derived from slaughterhouse surveillance and from a newly established web-based equine surveillance system in Switzerland. Both sets of tools allowed entry-level usage without or with minimal programing skills while being flexible enough to cater for more complex scenarios for users with greater programing skills. In particular, interfaces linking statistical softwares and Google tools provide additional analytical functionality (such as algorithms for the detection of unusually high case occurrences) for inclusion in the reporting process. We show that such powerful approaches could improve timely dissemination and communication of technical information to decision makers and other stakeholders and could foster the early-warning capacity of animal health surveillance systems.


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La experiencia social contemporánea está signada por la dinámica y flexibilidad de las comunidades e identidades. Las imágenes adquieren un valor preeminente en la vida cotidiana y las subjetividades y las relaciones se constituyen entre y con imágenes (Dipaola, 2010). En este contexto, continuando con la investigación sobre las autonarrativas en Internet que venimos realizando como parte de los proyectos UBACYT 'Estéticas de la Comunicación Visual', encontramos en el estudio de un corpus de blogs que la autonarratividad se construye en la red como yuxtaposición de materias expresivas, con la lógica de la postproducción (Bourriaud, 2007). Sin embargo, la apropiación y reinterpretación del repertorio de imágenes y textos disponibles en el ciberespacio, la reprogramación de lo existente como parte de la creación del sí mismo, se produce en tensión con los formatos estandarizados que imponen las aplicaciones para publicar en la web


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La experiencia social contemporánea está signada por la dinámica y flexibilidad de las comunidades e identidades. Las imágenes adquieren un valor preeminente en la vida cotidiana y las subjetividades y las relaciones se constituyen entre y con imágenes (Dipaola, 2010). En este contexto, continuando con la investigación sobre las autonarrativas en Internet que venimos realizando como parte de los proyectos UBACYT 'Estéticas de la Comunicación Visual', encontramos en el estudio de un corpus de blogs que la autonarratividad se construye en la red como yuxtaposición de materias expresivas, con la lógica de la postproducción (Bourriaud, 2007). Sin embargo, la apropiación y reinterpretación del repertorio de imágenes y textos disponibles en el ciberespacio, la reprogramación de lo existente como parte de la creación del sí mismo, se produce en tensión con los formatos estandarizados que imponen las aplicaciones para publicar en la web


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La experiencia social contemporánea está signada por la dinámica y flexibilidad de las comunidades e identidades. Las imágenes adquieren un valor preeminente en la vida cotidiana y las subjetividades y las relaciones se constituyen entre y con imágenes (Dipaola, 2010). En este contexto, continuando con la investigación sobre las autonarrativas en Internet que venimos realizando como parte de los proyectos UBACYT 'Estéticas de la Comunicación Visual', encontramos en el estudio de un corpus de blogs que la autonarratividad se construye en la red como yuxtaposición de materias expresivas, con la lógica de la postproducción (Bourriaud, 2007). Sin embargo, la apropiación y reinterpretación del repertorio de imágenes y textos disponibles en el ciberespacio, la reprogramación de lo existente como parte de la creación del sí mismo, se produce en tensión con los formatos estandarizados que imponen las aplicaciones para publicar en la web


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We investigated the impacts of predicted ocean acidification and future warming on the quantity and nutritional quality of a natural phytoplankton autumn bloom in a mesocosm experiment. Since the effects of CO2-enrichment and temperature have usually been studied independently, we were also interested in the interactive effects of both aspects of climate change. Therefore, we used a factorial design with two temperature and two acidification levels in a mesocosm experiment with a Baltic Sea phytoplankton community. Our results show a significant time-dependent influence of warming on phytoplankton carbon, chlorophyll a as well as POC. Phytoplankton carbon for instance decreased by more than a half with increasing temperature at bloom time. Additionally, elemental carbon to phosphorus ratios (C:P) increased significantly by approximately 5-8 % under warming. Impacts of CO2 or synergetic effects of warming and acidification could not be detected. We suggest that temperature-induced stronger grazing pressure was responsible for the significant decline in phytoplankton biomass. Our results suggest that biological effects of warming on Baltic Sea phytoplankton are considerable and will likely have fundamental consequences for the trophic transfer in the pelagic food-web.


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Enabling real end-user programming development is the next logical stage in the evolution of Internetwide service-based applications. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own web-based solutions has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless both industry and the research community rise to the ambitious challenge of devising an end-to-end compositional model for developing a new age of end-user web application development tools. This paper describes a new composition model designed to empower programming-illiterate end users to create and share their own off-the-shelf rich Internet applications in a fully visual fashion. This paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful European Union research projects. A framework implementing this model was developed as part of the European Seventh Framework Programme FAST Project and the Spanish EzWeb Project and allowed us to validate the rationale behind our approach.