970 resultados para GPS INS
The Amazonian regions are characterized by large space-time variability in the humidity fields due to the intense convective process in those areas associated with the great humidity potential generated by high temperatures. An experiment denominated RACCI/DRY-TO-WET (RAdiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in the Amazonia during the DRY-TO-WET Transition Season) was carried out in the Brazilian Amazonian Region in 2002. The IWV values from GPS and other techniques, such as radiosondes, radiometer and humidity sounding satellites were used in this experiment to supply subsidies to evaluate the aerosols influence in the associated processes modifications to seasonality of atmospheric water vapor. Those regions are one of the most humid of the planet, where IWV (Integrated Water Vapor) average values are in the order of 50 kg/m2. As according the literature the IWV quantification using GPS has not been explored in those circumstances, the objective this paper is to present the preliminary results obtained in the evaluation of the GPS performance in Amazonian Regions when comparing with other techniques. The tendency measurement values indicated that the IWV values from GPS tend to be larger than those from radiosondes and smaller than those from radiometer. On the other hand, IWV values from GPS are very close of the average values supplied by radiosondes and radiometer. Due to the great amount of atmospheric water vapor existent in this region, the results obtained in the experiment in percentile terms are quite better than those found in the literature, which are around of 10%.
Wavelets are being extensively used in Geodetic applications. In this paper, the Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) using wavelets is applied to pseudorange and carrier phase GPS double differences (DDs) in order to reduce multipath effects. The wavelets were already applied to GPS carrier phase DDs, but some questions remain: How good can be the results, and are all multipath effects reduced? The answers to these questions are discussed in this paper. Thus, the wavelet transform is used to decompose the DD signals, splitting them in lower resolution components. After the decomposition process, the wavelet shrinkage is performed by thresholding to eliminate the components relative to multipath effects. Then, the DD observation can be reconstructed. This new DD signal is used to perform the baseline processing. The daily multipath repeatability was verified. With the application of the proposed approach, the results showed that the reliability of the ambiguity resolution and accuracy of the results improved when compared with the standard procedure. Furthermore, the method showed to be very efficient computationally, because, it is not noticed, at practical level, difference in the time span between the processing with and without application of the proposed method. However, only the high frequency multipath was eliminated.
A trial was carried out to determine the resistance to natural infection by gastrointestinal nematodes in 12 Santa Inês and nine Ile de France lambs before weaning. Faecal samples were obtained for faecal nematode egg counts (FEC). Blood samples were collected to determine packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein levels and peripheral eosinophil counts. Most Ile de France lambs (77.8%) were treated with an anthelmintic at 43 days of age, while 50% off Santa Inês lambs were treated at weaning, 57 days of age. The mean PCV values were normal in Santa Inês lambs, while in Ile de France lambs showed lower values reaching 22.3% at 43 days of age. The lowest mean plasma protein values were observed in Ile de France lambs (4.13 g/dl) at 43 days of age and in Santa Inês lambs (5.0 g/dl) at 57 days of age. Before weaning, Santa Inês lambs were susceptible to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes but with a greater capacity to stand the adverse effects of parasitism compared to Ile de France lambs.
The multipath effect affects the differential and relative positioning, even that one involving short baselines. So it is necessary to detect this effect, check the caused error level, and mainly, its removal. This paper aims at analysing and comparing some useful components in the detection of this effect. These components are the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the values of MP1 and MP2 obtained from the TEQC software that indicates the multipath level in the carriers L1 and L2, the multipath repeatability in consecutive days and the elevation angle and the azimuth of the satellites. For this purpose, an experiment is carried out, comparing such components in the presence and the absence of reflector objects that cause the multipath. Not only there is clear multipath repeatability in the residuals, but it also appears in the measures SNR, MP1 and MP2, reaching up 99% of correlation. For reduction, at least, of the high frequency multipath effect, the Multi-Resolution Analysis using wavelets is applied in the double differences (DD) measures. Some statistical tests were accomplished, which indicate results improvement, and mainly, larger reliability in the solution of the ambiguities, reaching up 49% of improvement concerning the Ratio test without applying the proposed method.
Single frequency GPS receivers have been many used in GPS surveys. Among the several applications, one can mention those that are to obtain the receiver's antenna coordinates in real time. One of the main error sources to these applications is the ionosphere systematic error. In the FCT/UNESP a regional ionosphere model (Mod_Ion) was developed. It has been implemented to execute after collecting of GPS data. At real time application two improvements in the Mod_Ion were introduced, consisting of an alteration of the function of modeling and implementation of the Kalman Filter. The results of the experiments showed that the modifications were the most effective in the ionosphere systematic effect's corrections, providing a improvement in the accuracy of point positioning, of 90,75%, in period of the highest ionosphere activity.
The error associated with the ionosphere depends on Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere. The geomagnetic field exerts strong influence in the TEC variation, because it controls the movement of the electrons. After solar events the magnetic lines of force can be compressed, characterizing the geomagnetic storm. The aim of this paper is to present to geodesic community the effects of a geomagnetic storm in the relative positioning. The processing of the data was accomplished with an interval of two hours, with a 430 km baseline. The analyze of the obtained results have been carried out from the discrepancies between the true coordinates and corresponding ones obtained in the processing of the baseline. The used data in this paper include the period of 30/03/2001 up to 02/04/2001. In March 31 a strong geomagnetic storm happened. One day after, that it corresponds to main phase of the storm, the values of the discrepancies decreased significantly. For instance, in 01:00-03:00 UT period, the value of the planimetric discrepancy reached 20 m in the storm day. However, in the main phase of the storm, the planimetric discrepancy decreased to 0.1 m.
Among the positioning systems that compose GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), GPS has the capability of providing low, medium and high precision positioning data. However, GPS observables may be subject to many different types of errors. These systematic errors can degrade the accuracy of the positioning provided by GPS. These errors are mainly related to GPS satellite orbits, multipath, and atmospheric effects. In order to mitigate these errors, a semiparametric model and the penalized least squares technique were employed in this study. This is similar to changing the stochastical model, in which error functions are incorporated and the results are similar to those in which the functional model is changed instead. Using this method, it was shown that ambiguities and the estimation of station coordinates were more reliable and accurate than when employing a conventional least squares methodology.
This work analyses a real time orbit estimator using the raw navigation solution provided by GPS receivers. The estimation algorithm considers a Kalman filter with a rather simple orbit dynamic model and random walk modeling of the receiver clock bias and drift. Using the Topex/Poseidon satellite as test bed, characteristics of model truncation, sampling rates and degradation of the GPS receiver (Selective Availability) were analysed. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.
The GPS observables are subject to several errors. Among them, the systematic ones have great impact, because they degrade the accuracy of the accomplished positioning. These errors are those related, mainly, to GPS satellites orbits, multipath and atmospheric effects. Lately, a method has been suggested to mitigate these errors: the semiparametric model and the penalised least squares technique (PLS). In this method, the errors are modeled as functions varying smoothly in time. It is like to change the stochastic model, in which the errors functions are incorporated, the results obtained are similar to those in which the functional model is changed. As a result, the ambiguities and the station coordinates are estimated with better reliability and accuracy than the conventional least square method (CLS). In general, the solution requires a shorter data interval, minimizing costs. The method performance was analyzed in two experiments, using data from single frequency receivers. The first one was accomplished with a short baseline, where the main error was the multipath. In the second experiment, a baseline of 102 km was used. In this case, the predominant errors were due to the ionosphere and troposphere refraction. In the first experiment, using 5 minutes of data collection, the largest coordinates discrepancies in relation to the ground truth reached 1.6 cm and 3.3 cm in h coordinate for PLS and the CLS, respectively, in the second one, also using 5 minutes of data, the discrepancies were 27 cm in h for the PLS and 175 cm in h for the CLS. In these tests, it was also possible to verify a considerable improvement in the ambiguities resolution using the PLS in relation to the CLS, with a reduced data collection time interval. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
Integer carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to rapid and high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning and navigation. As important as the integer ambiguity estimation, it is the validation of the solution, because, even when one uses an optimal, or close to optimal, integer ambiguity estimator, unacceptable integer solution can still be obtained. This can happen, for example, when the data are degraded by multipath effects, which affect the real-valued float ambiguity solution, conducting to an incorrect integer (fixed) ambiguity solution. Thus, it is important to use a statistic test that has a correct theoretical and probabilistic base, which has became possible by using the Ratio Test Integer Aperture (RTIA) estimator. The properties and underlying concept of this statistic test are shortly described. An experiment was performed using data with and without multipath. Reflector objects were placed surrounding the receiver antenna aiming to cause multipath. A method based on multiresolution analysis by wavelet transform is used to reduce the multipath of the GPS double difference (DDs) observations. So, the objective of this paper is to compare the ambiguity resolution and validation using data from these two situations: data with multipath and with multipath reduced by wavelets. Additionally, the accuracy of the estimated coordinates is also assessed by comparing with the ground truth coordinates, which were estimated using data without multipath effects. The success and fail probabilities of the RTIA were, in general, coherent and showed the efficiency and the reliability of this statistic test. After multipath mitigation, ambiguity resolution becomes more reliable and the coordinates more precise. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
Twenty six Santa Inês ewes were asigned to three treatments to evaluate the efficiency of the Ovsynch protocol. In the treatment 1 - control (n=8), the estrus was synchronized with sponges containing 60 mg MAP for 14 days. On D14, 300 IU eCG were administered. In treatment 2 (n=9) the Ovsynch protocol was used: 25 μg of GnRH (D0), 37.5 μg of PGF2α (D7) and 25 μg of GnRH (D9). In treatment 3 (n=9) the modified Ovsynch protocol was used: the administration of PGF2α and second GnRH as two days early. Estrus detection was accomplished using teaser. All ewes were mated twice with 12 hours of interval. Pregnancy rate (PR) was evaluated by ultrasonography 30 days after the end of mating. Estrus response was of 88.46% on average, and without differences among treatments (p>0.05). The interval for onset of estrus was greater (p<0.05) in T1, when compared with T2 and T3 (41.31±7.2, 13.37±8.42 and 6.75±5.2 h, respectively). The time of receptivity was greater (p<0.05) in females of T1 and T3 (40.5±6.49 h and 53.68±10.27 h, respectively), compared to females of T2 (34.56±7.2 h). The duration of the induced estrus did not differ significant among treatments (p>0.05). Pregnancy rate was significantly greater (p<0.05) in ewes synchronized with Ovsynch protocol (37.5%, 62.5% and 25% for treatment 1, 2 and 3, respectively). The results show superior efficiency of the Ovsynch protocol, under the experimental conditions.
In the Brazil, several have been the applications of GPS and with the introduction of the Law 10.267/2001 that among other dispositions, it treats of the georeferencing of the rural parcels. However, most of the commercial softwares of processing and adjustment of GPS data doesn't allow that the users may evaluate their results in a reliable way. For example, the constraints are normally used as absolute, which provides results with very optimists precisions. The adoption of additional analyses and the implementation of softwares can reduce these kinds of problems. Thus, it was developed a software for adjustment of GPS networks, aiming to assist in a reliable way the requirements of the Law 10.267/2001. In this context, in this work it is analyzed the adjustments of GPS networks, utilizing absolute and relative constraints. In the case of the last one, the adjustments were accomplished considering and not considering the correlations among the coordinate positions.
GPS active networks are more and more used in geodetic surveying and scientific experiments, as water vapor monitoring in the atmosphere and lithosphere plate movement. Among the methods of GPS positioning, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has provided very good results. A characteristic of PPP is related to the modeling and / or estimation of the errors involved in this method. The accuracy obtained for the coordinates can reach few millimeters. Seasonal effects can affect such accuracy if they are not consistent treated during the data processing. Coordinates time series analyses have been realized using Fourier or Harmonics spectral analyses, wavelets, least squares estimation among others. An approach is presented in this paper aiming to investigate the seasonal effects included in the stations coordinates time series. Experiments were carried out using data from stations Manaus (NAUS) and Fortaleza (BRFT) which belong to the Brazilian Continuous GPS Network (RBMC). The coordinates of these stations were estimated daily using PPP and were analyzed through wavelets for identification of the periods of the seasonal effects (annual and semi-annual) in each time series. These effects were removed by means of a filtering process applied in the series via the least squares adjustment (LSQ) of a periodic function. The results showed that the combination of these two mathematical tools, wavelets and LSQ, is an interesting and efficient technique for removal of seasonal effects in time series.
This paper aims to evaluate the quality of the pseudorange observables generated for a Virtual Reference Station (VRS). In order to generate the VRS data three different approaches were implemented and tested. In the first one, raw data from the reference station network were used while in the second it was based on double difference reference station corrections. Finally, in the third approach atmospheric models (ionosphere and troposphere) were used to create the VRS data. Sao Paulo State Network stations were used in all experiments. The VRS data were generated in a reference station position of known coordinates (real file). In order to validate the approaches, the VRS data were compared with the real data file. The results were quite similar, reaching the decimeter or centimeter level, depending on the approach applied.
Data set of 17.767 weight records of 4.210 Santa Inês lambs were used aiming to evaluate the importance of the inclusion of the maternal effect in the model to estimate components of (Co) variance and resulting genetic parameters for the growth curve through random regression models. The fixed and random regressions were fitted using Legendre Polynomials of order three, being fit four models that differed in relation to the inclusion of the additive genetic and permanent environmental maternal effects. Considerable increase was observed in Log L and decrease in the criteria AIC and BIC when the maternal effect was included (genetic or permanent environmental), evidencing its importance. The maternal genetic effect explained larger proportion of the phenotypic variance than the maternal permanent environmental along the growth curve. The direct additive genetic variance was inflated by maternal effect, when this last one was not considered in the analysis model, reflecting the same behavior in the heritabilities. The maternal permanent environmental effect contributed to maternal variance, as well as, it inflated maternal genetic variance, when it was not considered in the model. Similar behavior was verified with maternal heritability. The correlation estimated for the four models hardly differed in function of maternal effect. The maternal effect should be considered in the genetic studies of the growth curve of Santa Inês sheep.