923 resultados para Frequency-dependent selection
The objective of this paper is to show an alternative methodology to estimate per unit length parameters of a line segment of a transmission line. With this methodology the line segment parameters can be obtained starting from the phase currents and voltages in receiving and sending end of the line segment. If the line segment is represented as being one or more π circuits whose frequency dependent parameters are considered lumped, its impedance and admittance can be easily expressed as functions of the currents and voltages at the sending and receiving end. Because we are supposing that voltages and currents at the sending and receiving end of the line segment (in frequency domain) are known, it is possible to obtains its impedance and admittance and consequently its per unit length longitudinal and transversal parameters. The procedure will be applied to estimate the longitudinal and transversal parameters of a small segment of a single-phase line that is already built. © 2006 IEEE.
The objective of this paper is to show an alternative representation in time domain of a non-transposed three-phase transmission line decomposed in its exact modes by using two transformation matrices. The first matrix is Clarke's matrix that is real, frequency independent, easily represented in computational transient programs (EMTP) and separates the line into Quasi-modes α, β and zero. After that, Quasi-modes a and zero are decomposed into their exact modes by using a modal transformation matrix whose elements can be synthesized in time domain through standard curve-fitting techniques. The main advantage of this alternative representation is to reduce the processing time because a frequency dependent modal transformation matrix of a three-phase line has nine elements to be represented in time domain while a modal transformation matrix of a two-phase line has only four elements. This paper shows modal decomposition process and eigenvectors of a non-transposed three-phase line with a vertical symmetry plane whose nominal voltage is 440 kV and line length is 500 km. ©2006 IEEE.
The paper shows an alternative methodology to calculate transmission line parameters per unit length and to apply it in a three-phase line with a vertical symmetry plane. This procedure is derived from a general procedure where the modal transformation matrix of the line is required. In this paper, the unknown modal transformation matrix requested by general procedure is substituted by Clarke's matrix. With the substitution that is shown in the paper, the transmission line parameters can be obtained starting from impedances measured in one terminal of the line. First, the article shows the classical methodology to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters by using Carson and Pollaczeck's equations for representing the ground effect and Bessel's functions to represent the skin effect. After that, a new procedure is shown to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters directly from currents and voltages of an existing line. Then, this procedure is applied in a non-transposed three-phase transmission line whose parameters have been previously calculated by using the classical methodology. Finally, the results obtained by using the new procedure and by using the classical methodology are compared. The article shows simulation results for typical frequency spectra of switching transients (10 Hz to 10 kHz). Results have shown that procedure has © 2006 IEEE.
Digital filtering of oscillations intrinsic to transmission line modeling based on lumped parameters
A correction procedure based on digital signal processing theory is proposed to smooth the numeric oscillations in electromagnetic transient simulation results from transmission line modeling based on an equivalent representation by lumped parameters. The proposed improvement to this well-known line representation is carried out with an Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filter used to exclude the high-frequency components associated with the spurious numeric oscillations. To prove the efficacy of this correction method, a well-established frequency-dependent line representation using state equations is modeled with an FIR filter included in the model. The results obtained from the state-space model with and without the FIR filtering are compared with the results simulated by a line model based on distributed parameters and inverse transforms. Finally, the line model integrated with the FIR filtering is also tested and validated based on simulations that include nonlinear and time-variable elements. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Reatores elétricos utilizados em subestações de energia têm funções específicas na operacionalização e manutenção da funcionalidade destas instalações, sendo equipamentos aplicados ao controle de reativos, de correntes de curto circuito e surtos de manobra em sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica. Detectou-se que alguns reatores em funcionamento apresentaram elevados níveis de vibração estrutural. Dois destes reatores operam na subestação da cidade de Rurópolis, situada a oeste do estado do Pará. Outro problema decorrente do elevado nível de vibração destas estruturas é a geração de pontos quentes no núcleo eletromagnético do reator, podendo gerar bolhas de gases altamente inflamáveis. A existência destes problemas operacionais pode ocasionar ao Sistema de Transmissão do Norte do Brasil interrupções na transmissão de energia elétrica. Isto geraria na região Norte e em outras interligadas (Nordeste, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste) elevados prejuízos sociais e financeiros. A aplicação de ferramentas para a minimização do problema vibro-acústico (redução dos níveis vibração e, por conseguinte, ruído) pode evitar danos estruturais e operacionais que resultem na sua indisponibilidade operativa reduzindo, conseqüentemente, perdas e a necessidade do desenvolvimento de equipamentos de custo elevado com baixos índices de vibração. No intuito de se reduzir tais níveis, propõe-se à aplicação de absorvedores dinâmicos na estrutura externa dos reatores. Uma vez dimensionados em quantidade, posição e parâmetros definidores (massa, rigidez e amortecimento) espera-se criar um sistema, que sintonizado com a freqüência da excitação de natureza eletromagnética, absorverá parte da energia vibratória do reator, minimizando-se, os elevados índices detectados e, por conseqüência, todos os problemas subseqüentes. São indicados compostos viscoelásticos nos absorvedores dinâmicos (com propriedades dinâmicas dependentes tanto da temperatura como da freqüência de trabalho), em virtude de estes materiais aumentarem o campo de ação dos absorvedores, adequando-se à elevada densidade modal verificada nas chaparias metálicas do reator.
As distorções estáticas são um grave problema que afeta o método magnetotelúrico e muitas tentativas têm sido feitas para eliminar ou minimizar os seus efeitos. Este trabalho trata de uma técnica nova que trata deste problema, o método EMAP, que é uma adaptação do método magnetotelúrico na qual as medidas de campo elétrico são feitas em uma linha contínua de dipolos conectados entre si, e os dados coletados desta maneira são tratados com um filtro espacial passa-baixa dependente da frequência. Este trabalho é composto de duas partes principais, a simulação numérica dos dados contaminados com as distorções estáticas e a filtragem destes dados com o filtro espacial passa-baixa. Na primeira parte, aplicamos o método dos elementos finitos para simular a resposta dos dipolos elétricos, os quais fazem as medidas do campo elétrico. Na segunda parte aplicamos a janela de Hanning como filtro passa-baixa apropriado para tratar os dados.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We present an implementation of the F-statistic to carry out the first search in data from the Virgo laser interferometric gravitational wave detector for periodic gravitational waves from a priori unknown, isolated rotating neutron stars. We searched a frequency f(0) range from 100 Hz to 1 kHz and the frequency dependent spindown f(1) range from -1.6(f(0)/100 Hz) x 10(-9) Hz s(-1) to zero. A large part of this frequency-spindown space was unexplored by any of the all-sky searches published so far. Our method consisted of a coherent search over two-day periods using the F-statistic, followed by a search for coincidences among the candidates from the two-day segments. We have introduced a number of novel techniques and algorithms that allow the use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm in the coherent part of the search resulting in a fifty-fold speed-up in computation of the F-statistic with respect to the algorithm used in the other pipelines. No significant gravitational wave signal was found. The sensitivity of the search was estimated by injecting signals into the data. In the most sensitive parts of the detector band more than 90% of signals would have been detected with dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude greater than 5 x 10(-24).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)