832 resultados para Forest conservation -- Catalonia -- Maçanet de la Selva
Can social inequality be seen imprinted in a forest landscape? We studied the relationship between land holding, land use, and inequality in a peasant community in the Peruvian Amazon where farmers practice swidden-fallow cultivation. Longitudinal data on land holding, land use, and land cover were gathered through field-level surveys (n = 316) and household interviews (n = 51) in 1994/1995 and 2007. Forest cover change between 1965 and 2007 was documented through interpretation of air photos and satellite imagery. We introduce the concept of “land use inequality” to capture differences across households in the distribution of forest fallowing and orchard raising as key land uses that affect household welfare and the sustainability of swidden-fallow agriculture. We find that land holding, land use, and forest cover distribution are correlated and that the forest today reflects social inequality a decade prior. Although initially land-poor households may catch up in terms of land holdings, their use and land cover remain impoverished. Differential land use investment through time links social inequality and forest cover. Implications are discussed for the study of forests as landscapes of inequality, the relationship between social inequality and forest composition, and the forest-poverty nexus.
Atupama Sapara significa lengua de la gente de la selva. La lengua Sapara, hace un siglo atrás, era hablada por la mayoría de los habitantes de la comunidad. Durante la invasión y conquista española los Sapara fuimos conocidos como una nacionalidad conformada por 28 grupos ubicados en la inmensa selva de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Con el correr de los tiempos se fue dando una fuerte relación étnica con la cultura kichwa de Sarayacu y, entonces, la utilización de la lengua Sapara empezó a disminuir poco a poco en los niños, en los jóvenes y en la familia, y su uso quedó únicamente para la relación familiar. La creación de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y, luego, la declaración de la UNESCO a la nacionalidad Sapara como patrimonio de la humanidad, fomentaron el estudio de esta lengua y su enseñanza en el nivel escolar, dándose de esta manera una reciente recuperación en el ámbito escolar, así como un gran interés por investigarla; además, por iniciativa de los padres de familia algunos niños acuden a estos nativo-hablantes de su comunidad para aprender la lengua ancestral. Sin embargo, las investigaciones se encuentran limitadas debido a que muy pocos miembros de la cultura -apenas cinco ancianos que habitan en lugares distintos y distantes el uno del otro- hablan su lengua materna. El propósito del presente trabajo es revalorar la lengua Sapara y crear materiales para su aprendizaje mediante la elaboración de una gramática destinada a la enseñanza a los niños y niñas de la educación básica en el Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB)1. Esperamos que este trabajo constituya un primer paso en la tarea de la reconstrucción lingüística de nuestra lengua ancestral y en la elaboración de material didáctico para la enseñanza en los Centros Educativos Comunitarios Interculturales Bilingües de la nacionalidad Sapara.
El objeto de estudio de esta tesis se enmarca en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y tiene como campo de acción al aprendizaje autónomo. La investigación se ubica en la Región Lambayeque situada en la costa norte del Perú, polo de desarrollo más importante del país por su ubicación estratégica de comunicación con las regiones de la sierra (Andes) y la selva (Amazonía). La naturaleza e implementación de esta investigación tiene como base cuatro perspectivas. La primera, busca en el estudiante promover un aprendizaje sostenible en el tiempo orientado hacia una cultura de la formación continua. La segunda, asumir una cultura de la investigación y hacer de ella un estrategia permanente en el aula para la mejora de la práctica docente universitaria y el proceso formativo del estudiante. La tercera, actualizar los procesos de gestión del conocimiento a partir de las tendencias actuales de la educación superior universitaria asumiendo un enfoque basado en competencias y la última tiene que ver con el rol de la universidad para dar respuesta a las necesidades respecto al estudiante y la sociedad considerando la gestión del conocimiento como estrategia clave de aprovechamiento de toda organización para implementar procesos pedagógicos asumiendo nuevos paradigmas de enseñanza que orienten el aprendizaje autónomo basados estrategias didácticas incorporando la investigación formativa y las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. El proceso de investigación responde a un diseño de investigación no experimental, descriptivo y transaccional, descriptivo, proyectiva y holística, articulada en tres fases. La fase uno, denominada diagnóstica estuvo constituida por 5 momentos básicos dando respuesta a 5 objetivos específicos. La fase dos, propició el diseño y elaboración del programa educativo y la fase 3 considera la aplicación del programa, considerándose así los resultados académicos y la demostración de las diferentes hipótesis planteadas a partir del objeto de estudio. La investigación asume como objetivos: Analizar las estrategias didácticas para el aprendizaje autónomo tanto en la enseñanza como el aprendizaje, analizar la competencia autónomo desde la percepción de estudiantes y docentes, comparar los niveles de percepción respecto a estrategias didácticas y aprendizaje autónomo en estudiantes y docentes y determinar los efectos que producen las estrategias didácticas comprendidas en un programa educativo para el aprendizaje autónomo en estudiantes que inician el primer ciclo de formación universitaria. La población estuvo conformada por 58 docentes, 416 estudiantes pertenecientes a 16 carreras profesionales. La muestra de estudio fue no probabilístico. El muestreo fue por conveniencia, aplicado considerando el principio denominado muestra de voluntarios. Finalmente la investigación concluye, asumiendo: El docente tiene la misión de elevar al más alto nivel el desempeño de los estudiantes utilizando estrategias didácticas basadas en la investigación para la enseñanza y aprendizaje orientada a desarrollar procesos mentales generadores de la creatividad y la curiosidad, fortaleciendo el aprendizaje autónomo durante el proceso formativo. Respecto a las tecnologías de la información no se viene incorporando como estrategia didáctica basado en principios científicos para la gestión del conocimiento durante los procesos pedagógicos centrados en la elaboración, organización y recuperación de información.
El presente proyecto investiga la relación entre las organizaciones con el medio y marketing, para lo cual se debe mencionar el conflicto de intereses de la comunidad y de la organización, y como se intenta percibir a la organización como un buen vecino dentro de la comunidad. A su vez éste estudio cuenta con objetivos basados en la identificación de redes de distribución de petróleo y gas natural, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para así abarcar un sector estratégico más preciso, y mostrar las relación entre las organizaciones y la conformación de comunidades. Se tienen en cuenta factores elementales en el estudio de este sector energético, como son sus principales componentes, así como un marco teórico específico que permita desarrollar el concepto de conformación de comunidades para lograr una exitosa aplicación del mismo. Del mismo modo se incluirán temas relacionados con marketing, pero desde un punto de vista más cercano a la comunidad, tomando los medios y el marketing como un concepto más importante en el impacto de las organizaciones en la comunidad, es decir tomando el concepto de marketing como aquellas comunidades que rodean las organizaciones, como éstas dos interactúan, y que impactos tienen una sobre la otra. De la misma manera se tienen resultados en cuanto a planteamientos más profundos sobre conceptos de marketing que no son desarrollados muy a menudo, los cuales conservan su esencia fundamental y siguen impactando en silencio a las organizaciones, pero que si lo estudiamos y aprovechamos de algún modo lograremos beneficios para nuestra organización y para los intereses colectivos.
Recibido 07 de noviembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 04 de mayo de 2011 El artículo presenta la experiencia de acercar los espacios naturales a la realidad educativa, como una estrategia para la formación de valores en educación ambiental y conservación. La misma constituye una experiencia de aula abierta en espacios naturales, ejecutada en el Bosque Ramón Álvarez y desarrollada por docentes universitarios y estudiantes de la Sede Guanacaste, de la Universidad de Costa Rica. En dicha experiencia, se han integrado docentes, niños y niñas de instituciones educativas de la región.
Sundarbans, a Ramsar and World Heritage site, is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world covering parts of Bangladesh and India. Natural mangroves were very common along the entire coast of Bangladesh. However, all other natural mangrove forests, including the Chakaria Sundarbans with 21,000 hectares of mangrove, have been cleared for shrimp cultivation. Against this backdrop, the Forest Department of Bangladesh has developed project design documents for a project called ‘Collaborative REDD+ Improved Forest Management (IFM) Sundarbans Project’ (CRISP) to save the only remaining natural mangrove forest of the country. This project, involving conservation of 412,000 ha of natural mangrove forests, is expected to generate, over a 30-year period, a total emissions reduction of about 6.4 million tons of CO2. However, the successful implementation of this project involves a number of critical legal and institutional issues. It may involve complex legal issues such as forest ownership, forest use rights, rights of local people and carbon rights. It may also involve institutional reforms. Ensuring good governance of the proposed project is very vital considering the failure of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded and Bangladesh Forest Department managed ‘Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Project’. Considering this previous experience, this paper suggests that a comprehensive legal and institutional review and reform is needed for the successful implementation of the proposed CRISP project. This paper argues that without ensuring local people’s rights and their participation, no project can be successful in the Sundarbans. Moreover, corruption of local and international officials may be a serious hurdle in the successful implementation of the project.
Climate change is one of the most important global environmental challenges, with implications for food production, water supply, health, energy, etc. Addressing climate change requires a good scientific understanding as well as coordinated action at national and global level. This paper addresses these challenges. Historically, the responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions' increase lies largely with the industrialized world, though the developing countries are likely to be the source of an increasing proportion of future emissions. The projected climate change under various scenarios is likely to have implications on food production, water supply, coastal settlements, forest ecosystems, health, energy security, etc. The adaptive capacity of communities likely to be impacted by climate change is low in developing countries. The efforts made by the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol provisions are clearly inadequate to address the climate change challenge. The most effective way to address climate change is to adopt a sustainable development pathway by shifting to environmentally sustainable technologies and promotion of energy efficiency, renewable energy, forest conservation, reforestation, water conservation, etc. The issue of highest importance to developing countries is reducing the vulnerability of their natural and socio-economic systems to the projected climate change. India and other developing countries will face the challenge of promoting mitigation and adaptation strategies, bearing the cost of such an effort, and its implications for economic development.
There is a need to understand the carbon (C) sequestration potential of the forestry option and its financial implications for each country.In India the C emissions from deforestation are estimated to be nearly offset by C sequestration in forests under succession and tree plantations. India has nearly succeeded in stabilizing the area under forests and has adequate forest conservation strategies. Biomass demands for softwood, hardwood and firewood are estimated to double or treble by the year 2020. A set of forestry options were developed to meet the projected biomass needs, and keeping in mind the features of land categories available, three scenarios were developed: potential; demand-driven; and programme-driven scenarios. Adoption of the demand-driven scenario, targeted at meeting the projected biomass needs, is estimated to sequester 78 Mt of C annually after accounting for all emissions resulting from clearfelling and end use of biomass. The demand-driven scenario is estimated to offset 50% of national C emission at 1990 level. The cost per t of C sequestered for forestry options is lower than the energy options considered. The annual investment required for implementing the demand-driven scenario is estimated to be US$ 2.1 billion for six years and is shown to be feasible. Among forestry options, the ranking based on investment cost per t of C sequestered from least cost to highest cost is; natural regeneration-agro-forestry-enhanced natural regeneration (< US$ 2.5/t C)-timber-community-softwood forestry (US$ 3.3 to 7.3 per t of C).
Gottigere lake with a water spread area of about 14.98 ha is located in the Bellandur Lake catchment of the South Pennar River basin. In recent years, this lake catchment has been subjected to environmental stress mainly due to the rampant unplanned developmental activities in the catchment. The functional ability of the ecosystem is impaired due to structural changes in the ecosystem. This is evident from poor water quality, breeding of disease vectors, contamination of groundwater in the catchment, frequent flooding in the catchment due to topography alteration, decline in groundwater table, erosion in lake bed, etc. The development plans of the region (current as well as the proposed) ignore the integrated planning approaches considering all components of the ecosystem. Serious threats to the sustainability of the region due to lack of holistic approaches in aquatic resources management are land use changes (removal of vegetation cover, etc.), point and non-point sources of pollution impairing water quality, dumping of solid waste (building waste, etc.). Conservation of lake ecosystem is possible only when the physical and chemical integrity of its catchment is maintained. Alteration in the catchment either due to land use changes (leading to paved surface area from vegetation cover), alteration in topography, construction of roads in the immediate vicinity are detrimental to water yield in the catchment and hence, the sustenance of the lake. Open spaces in the form of lakes and parks aid as kidney and lung in an urban ecosystem, which maintain the health of the people residing in the locality. Identification of core buffer zones and conservation of buffer zones (500 to 1000 m from shore) is to be taken up on priority for conservation and sustainable management of Bangalore lakes. Bangalore is located over a ridge delineating four watersheds, viz. Hebbal, Koramangala, Challaghatta and Vrishabhavathi. Lakes and tanks are an integral part of natural drainage and help in retaining water during rainfall, which otherwise get drained off as flash floods. Each lake harvests rainwater from its catchment and surplus flows downstream spilling into the next lake in the chain. The topography of Bangalore has uniquely supported the creation of a large number of lakes. These lakes form chains, being a series of impoundments across streams. This emphasises the interconnectivity among Bangalore lakes, which has to be retained to prevent Bangalore from flooding or from water scarcity. The main source of replenishment of groundwater is the rainfall. The slope of the terrain allows most of the rainwater to flow as run-off. With the steep gradients available in the major valleys of Bangalore, the rainwater will flow out of the city within four to five hours. Only a small fraction of the rainwater infiltrates into the soil. The infiltration of water into the subsoil has declined with more and more buildings and paved road being constructed in the city. Thus the natural drainage of Bangalore is governed by flows from the central ridge to all lower contours and is connected with various tanks and ponds. There are no major rivers flowing in Bangalore and there is an urgent need to sustain these vital ecosystems through proper conservation and management measures. The proposed peripheral ring road connecting Hosur Road (NH 7) and Mysore Road (SH 17) at Gottigere lake falls within the buffer zone of the lake. This would alter the catchment integrity and hence water yield affecting flora, fauna and local people, and ultimately lead to the disappearance of Gottigere lake. Developmental activities in lake catchments, which has altered lake’s ecological integrity is in violation of the Indian Fisheries Act – 1857, the Indian Forest Act – 1927, Wildlife (Protection) Act – 1972, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1974, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1977, Forest (Conservation Act) – 1980, Environmental (Protection) Act – 1986, Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act – 1991 and National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development – 1992. Considering 65% decline of waterbodies in Bangalore (during last three decades), decision makers should immediately take preventive measures to ensure that lake ecosystems are not affected. This report discusses the impacts due to the proposed infrastructure developmental activities in the vicinity of Gottigere tank.
In this paper, we estimate the trends and variability in Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)-derived terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) over India for the period 1982-2006. We find an increasing trend of 3.9% per decade (r = 0.78, R-2 = 0.61) during the analysis period. A multivariate linear regression of NPP with temperature, precipitation, atmospheric CO2 concentration, soil water and surface solar radiation (r = 0.80, R-2 = 0.65) indicates that the increasing trend is partly driven by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and the consequent CO2 fertilization of the ecosystems. However, human interventions may have also played a key role in the NPP increase: non-forest NPP growth is largely driven by increases in irrigated area and fertilizer use, while forest NPP is influenced by plantation and forest conservation programs. A similar multivariate regression of interannual NPP anomalies with temperature, precipitation, soil water, solar radiation and CO2 anomalies suggests that the interannual variability in NPP is primarily driven by precipitation and temperature variability. Mean seasonal NPP is largest during post-monsoon and lowest during the pre-monsoon period, thereby indicating the importance of soil moisture for vegetation productivity.
1. The relationship between species richness and ecosystem function, as measured by productivity or biomass, is of long-standing theoretical and practical interest in ecology. This is especially true for forests, which represent a majority of global biomass, productivity and biodiversity. 2. Here, we conduct an analysis of relationships between tree species richness, biomass and productivity in 25 forest plots of area 8-50ha from across the world. The data were collected using standardized protocols, obviating the need to correct for methodological differences that plague many studies on this topic. 3. We found that at very small spatial grains (0.04ha) species richness was generally positively related to productivity and biomass within plots, with a doubling of species richness corresponding to an average 48% increase in productivity and 53% increase in biomass. At larger spatial grains (0.25ha, 1ha), results were mixed, with negative relationships becoming more common. The results were qualitatively similar but much weaker when we controlled for stem density: at the 0.04ha spatial grain, a doubling of species richness corresponded to a 5% increase in productivity and 7% increase in biomass. Productivity and biomass were themselves almost always positively related at all spatial grains. 4. Synthesis. This is the first cross-site study of the effect of tree species richness on forest biomass and productivity that systematically varies spatial grain within a controlled methodology. The scale-dependent results are consistent with theoretical models in which sampling effects and niche complementarity dominate at small scales, while environmental gradients drive patterns at large scales. Our study shows that the relationship of tree species richness with biomass and productivity changes qualitatively when moving from scales typical of forest surveys (0.04ha) to slightly larger scales (0.25 and 1ha). This needs to be recognized in forest conservation policy and management.
The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost-competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case-by-case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land-use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.
Global change is impacting forests worldwide, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services including climate regulation. Understanding how forests respond is critical to forest conservation and climate protection. This review describes an international network of 59 long-term forest dynamics research sites (CTFS-ForestGEO) useful for characterizing forest responses to global change. Within very large plots (median size 25ha), all stems 1cm diameter are identified to species, mapped, and regularly recensused according to standardized protocols. CTFS-ForestGEO spans 25 degrees S-61 degrees N latitude, is generally representative of the range of bioclimatic, edaphic, and topographic conditions experienced by forests worldwide, and is the only forest monitoring network that applies a standardized protocol to each of the world's major forest biomes. Supplementary standardized measurements at subsets of the sites provide additional information on plants, animals, and ecosystem and environmental variables. CTFS-ForestGEO sites are experiencing multifaceted anthropogenic global change pressures including warming (average 0.61 degrees C), changes in precipitation (up to +/- 30% change), atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur compounds (up to 3.8g Nm(-2)yr(-1) and 3.1g Sm(-2)yr(-1)), and forest fragmentation in the surrounding landscape (up to 88% reduced tree cover within 5km). The broad suite of measurements made at CTFS-ForestGEO sites makes it possible to investigate the complex ways in which global change is impacting forest dynamics. Ongoing research across the CTFS-ForestGEO network is yielding insights into how and why the forests are changing, and continued monitoring will provide vital contributions to understanding worldwide forest diversity and dynamics in an era of global change.
Os afloramentos rochosos apresentam flora peculiar, sendo constituídos de habitats únicos que podem representar barreira para muitas espécies devido às suas condições ambientais diferenciadas do entorno. O Estudo desse tipo de área pode fornecer informações relevantes sobre o processo evolutivo e distribuição das espécies que ali ocorrem. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos gerar maiores informações sobre ecologia, florística e conservação de comunidades de moitas em quatro pães-de-açúcar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. São eles o Maciço do Itaoca (Campos dos Goytacazes), o Costão de Itacoatiara (Niterói), o Morro dos Cabritos do Parque Natural Municipal da Prainha e o Monumento Natural dos Morros da Urca e Pão de Açúcar (Rio de Janeiro). Os resultados são apresentados em duas seções, a primeiro trata da florística, estrutura e relações ambientais desse tipo de vegetação; e a segunda aborda a florística e estado de conservação da flora rupícola de forma geral das quatro áreas de estudo. Para a primeira seção foram distribuídas 72 parcelas de 1m x 1m ao longo de três linhas de 50m em cada área amostrada e registrados dados da presença de cada espécie por parcela, área de cobertura e altura dos indivíduos. Também foi verificado o tipo de substrato e tomadas medidas de declividade e profundidade do solo e serrapilheira. No total foram marcadas 288 parcelas nas quatro áreas. Entre as famílias mais importantes para as quatro áreas estão Cactaceae, Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae e Asteraceae. Os resultados mostram que entre as espécies apontadas com maiores valores de importância estão entre as que exercem maior peso na ordenação dos grupos florísticos evidenciados pela análise de componentes principais (PCA) para as quatro áreas. Uma análise de redundância (RDA) foi realizada e mostrou que as variáveis que mais parecem influenciar a composição florística das moitas são as mais sujeitas aos processos biológicos e dinâmica da vegetação como um todo. Dados acerca do espectro biológico e índices de diversidade e equabilidade também são apresentados nesta seção. Para a 2 seção foram compiladas informações de herbários e coletas realizadas em campo, formando uma listagem geral com 193 espécies rupícolas para as quatro áreas. São apresentados os dados florísticos da vegetação e sua distribuição geográfica. No total 28 espécies são restritas ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro e 68 são endêmicas da Mata Atlântica. Dentre elas, 26 encontram-se inseridas em alguma categoria de ameaça de extinção. As principais ameaças e impactos sobre a vegetação dessas áreas foram abordados no contexto da conservação da flora rupícola encontrada, dentre elas, as mais significativas são o fogo, a mineração e a abertura de novos acessos em encostas com vegetação abundante.
Las propiedades físicas de los suelos de ambientes subtropicales húmedos fueron tradicionalmente menos estudiadas que los de zonas templadas. Una característica de los primeros es su menor resiliencia frente a un disturbio. Un aspecto poco explorado es qué sucede con los suelos cuando la selva nativa es reemplazada por una plantación forestal o un ciclo forestal por otro. La forestación es una de las principales actividades económicas de la provincia de Misiones, y la preparación de terreno uno de los momentos de mayor impacto al suelo. En esta tesis se evaluaron sobre un suelo Kandiudult tratamientos que incluyeron: a) conservación de residuos (CRes), b) subsolado (Sub), c) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qsub), d) uso de rastra (Rast), e) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qrast), y f) conservación de residuos sin plantación (Reg Nat). Todos estos contrastados con el bosque nativo (NcP). Se halló que al cuarto año de la plantación, el contenido de materia orgánica (MO) fue significativamente mayor donde se conservaron los residuos, con mayor stock de C (55 Mg.ha-1). Sin embargo este aumento de MO no logró equiparar al suelo bajo BNcP. El contenido hídrico retenido en capacidad de campo varió en similar dirección que la MO. La densidad aparente fue una las propiedades físicas más sensibles a los tratamientos, con valores significativamente más bajos hasta 30 cm de profundidad en suelo bajo Sub (1,36 Mg.m-3). El tratamiento bajo Rast presentó los mayores valores de densidad aparente (1,50 Mg.m-3). Los tratamientos afectados por quema tuvieron valores de densidad aparente más bajos que otros tratamientos (1,42 Mg.m-3). De cualquier manera, puede afirmarse que el manejo forestal causó la densificación de la superficie del suelo, comparando con los menores valores de densidad del suelo bajo BNcP (1,17 Mg.m-3). Los valores de compactación relativa calculados en base a la densidad máxima en ensayos Proctor fueron cercanos al 90 por ciento, lo cual indica la alta compactación de los suelos. La inestabilidad estructural del suelo, medida por el cambio de diámetro medio ponderado de agregados (CDMP), no se vio afectada por el reemplazo de la selva por la plantación forestal, ni por el método de preparación del terreno. La tasa de infiltración no mostró diferencias entre tratamientos, pero si reducciones importantes respecto del bosque nativo (1638 cm.h-1). Como conclusión, y dada la falta de impactos físicos severos sobre los suelos bajo plantación forestal, puede recomendarse la conservación de los residuos sobre la superficie como método de preparación, pues es el único que permite realizar secuestro efectivo de CO en los suelos.