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This study presents a new Miocene biostratigraphic synthesis for the high-latitude northeastern North Atlantic region. Via correlations to the bio-magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotope records of Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites, the ages of shallower North Sea deposits have been better constrained. The result has been an improved precision and documentation of the age designations of the existing North Sea foraminiferal zonal boundaries of King (1989) and Gradstein and Bäckström (1996). All calibrations have been updated to the Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS) of Lourens et al. (2004). This improved Miocene biozonation has been achieved through: the updating of age calibrations for key microfossil bioevents, identification of new events, and integration of new biostratigraphic data from a foraminiferal analysis of commercial wells in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. The new zonation has been successfully applied to two commercial wells and an onshore research borehole. At these high latitudes, where standard zonal markers are often absent, integration of microfossil groups significantly improves temporal resolution. The new zonation comprises 11 Nordic Miocene (NM) Zones with an average duration of 1 to 2 million years. This multi-group combination of a total of 92 bioevents (70 foraminifers and bolboformids; 16 dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs; 6 marine diatoms) facilitates zonal identification throughout the Nordic Atlantic region. With the highest proportion of events being of calcareous walled microfossils, this zonation is primarily suited to micropaleontologists. A correlation of this Miocene biostratigraphy with a re-calibrated oxygen isotope record for DSDP Site 608 suggests a strong correlation between Miocene planktonic microfossil turnover rates and the inferred paleoclimatic trends. Benthic foraminifera zonal boundaries appear to often coincide with Miocene global sequence boundaries. The biostratigraphic record is punctuated by four main stratigraphic hiati which show variation in their geographic and temporal extent. These are related to the following regional unconformities: basal Neogene, Lower/Middle Miocene ("mid-Miocene unconformity"), basal Upper Miocene and basal Messinian unconformities. Further coring of Neogene sections in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea may better constrain their extent and their effect on the biostratigraphic record.


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Providing accurate maps of coral reefs where the spatial scale and labels of the mapped features correspond to map units appropriate for examining biological and geomorphic structures and processes is a major challenge for remote sensing. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy and relevance of the process used to derive geomorphic zone and benthic community zone maps for three western Pacific coral reefs produced from multi-scale, object-based image analysis (OBIA) of high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral images, guided by field survey data. Three Quickbird-2 multi-spectral data sets from reefs in Australia, Palau and Fiji and georeferenced field photographs were used in a multi-scale segmentation and object-based image classification to map geomorphic zones and benthic community zones. A per-pixel approach was also tested for mapping benthic community zones. Validation of the maps and comparison to past approaches indicated the multi-scale OBIA process enabled field data, operator field experience and a conceptual hierarchical model of the coral reef environment to be linked to provide output maps at geomorphic zone and benthic community scales on coral reefs. The OBIA mapping accuracies were comparable with previously published work using other methods; however, the classes mapped were matched to a predetermined set of features on the reef.


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This dataset contains the result of a joint least squares inversion of GRACE and altimetry data. The results are evaluated in terms of sea level change for the global ocean as well as dedicated areas. In addition, some auxiliary data is provided to enable reproducibility of the results in Rietbroek et al. 2016, and a google Earth kmz file is provided which visualizes the trends derived from the inversion results.


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Durch die steigende Temperatur auf unserem Planeten schmelzen überall Gletscher. Die Konsequenzen werden letztendlich die Menschen tragen müssen. Doch die ersten Opfer sind die Gletscher selber. Einer dieser sich verändernden Gletscher ist der Vernagtferner in den Ötztaler Alpen. Der Rückgang ist stetig. Der Vergleich des heutigen Zustands des Vernagtferners mit Aufnahmen von vor hundert Jahren ist ernüchternd: Statt ganzjähriger Eismassen wird es bald nur noch Geröll und Schutt geben. Jahr für Jahr fließt mehr Schmelzwasser ins Tal. Seit 1601 wird der Gletscher von Wissenschaftlern untersucht.


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A regional ocean general circulation model of the Mediterranean is used to study the climate of the Last Glacial Maximum. The atmospheric forcing for these simulations has been derived from simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model, which in turn was forced with surface conditions from a coarse resolution earth system model. The model is successful in reproducing the general patterns of reconstructed sea surface temperature anomalies with the strongest cooling in summer in the northwestern Mediterranean and weak cooling in the Levantine, although the model underestimates the extent of the summer cooling in the western Mediterranean. However, there is a strong vertical gradient associated with this pattern of summer cooling, which makes the comparison with reconstructions complicated. The exchange with the Atlantic is decreased to roughly one half of its present value, which can be explained by the shallower Strait of Gibraltar as a consequence of lower global sea level. This reduced exchange causes a strong increase of salinity in the Mediterranean in spite of reduced net evaporation.


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Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.


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Topographic data of this geological map were obtained through stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation. The photogrammetric photo flights were undertaken in 1986 by the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt. Horizontal ground control points required for aerial photo interpretation were determined by means of Doppler satellite observation during the 2nd German Neuschwabenland Expedition 1985/86. Vertical ground control points were taken from unpublished map drafts at 1:100 000 scale by Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo. The elevation above mean sea level was transferred to Heimefrontfjella barometrically. For this reason assertions concerning the absolute elevation (referred to sea level) are uncertain. Contours and spot heights presented on the map were obtained from the photogrammetric evaluation of the photography taken in 1986; relative elevation data (hight differences) are accurate to approximately ±10 m.


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A quality-controlled snow and meteorological dataset spanning the period 1 August 1993-31 July 2011 is presented, originating from the experimental station Col de Porte (1325 m altitude, Chartreuse range, France). Emphasis is placed on meteorological data relevant to the observation and modelling of the seasonal snowpack. In-situ driving data, at the hourly resolution, consist of measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, windspeed, incoming short-wave and long-wave radiation, precipitation rate partitioned between snow- and rainfall, with a focus on the snow-dominated season. Meteorological data for the three summer months (generally from 10 June to 20 September), when the continuity of the field record is not warranted, are taken from a local meteorological reanalysis (SAFRAN), in order to provide a continuous and consistent gap-free record. Data relevant to snowpack properties are provided at the daily (snow depth, snow water equivalent, runoff and albedo) and hourly (snow depth, albedo, runoff, surface temperature, soil temperature) time resolution. Internal snowpack information is provided from weekly manual snowpit observations (mostly consisting in penetration resistance, snow type, snow temperature and density profiles) and from a hourly record of temperature and height of vertically free ''settling'' disks. This dataset has been partially used in the past to assist in developing snowpack models and is presented here comprehensively for the purpose of multi-year model performance assessment. The data is placed on the PANGAEA repository (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.774249) as well as on the public ftp server ftp://ftp-cnrm.meteo.fr/pub-cencdp/.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M72-4 between 25.04.2007 and 11.05.2007 in the Black Sea. This main objective of this cruise was to gain better knowledge of the pathways of methane from their point of formation via potential intermediate deposits to the seafloor in order to understand the mechanisms leading to the submarine discharge of methane-rich fluids. Two regional Black Sea targets have been chosen: The Sorokin Trough, with focused seepage through mud volcanoes, and the Dniepr area where active gas venting occurs from very shallow water depths down to at least 1000 m.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M84-2 between 26.02.2011 and 02.04.2011 in the Black Sea. The aim of the cruise was to investigate the gas hydrate distribution in sediments of the Black Sea by using several coring technics. In addition to the coring activities the installed EM122 and the PARASOUND system were used to detect gas emissions in the water column and to map large areas of possible seep sites.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M84-2 between 26.02.2011 and 02.04.2011 in the Black Sea. The aim of the cruise was to investigate the gas hydrate distribution in sediments of the Black Sea by using several coring technics. In addition to the coring activities the installed EM122 and the PARASOUND system were used to detect gas emissions in the water column and to map large areas of possible seep sites.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M84-2 between 26.02.2011 and 02.04.2011 in the Black Sea. The aim of the cruise was to investigate the gas hydrate distribution in sediments of the Black Sea by using several coring technics. In addition to the coring activities the installed EM122 and the PARASOUND system were used to detect gas emissions in the water column and to map large areas of possible seep sites.


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We investigated gas bubble emissions at the Don-Kuban paleo-fan in the northeastern Black Sea regarding their geological setting, quantities as well as spatial and temporal variabilities during three ship expeditions between 2007 and 2011. About 600 bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in the water column (flares) originating from the seafloor above the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) at ~700 m water depth were found. At about 890 m water depth a hydrocarbon seep area named "Kerch seep area" was newly discovered within the GHSZ. We propose locally domed sediments ('mounds') discovered during ultra-high resolution bathymetric mapping with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to result from gas hydrate accumulation at shallow depths. In situ measurements indicated spatially limited temperature elevations in the shallow sediment likely induced by upward fluid flow which may confine the local GHSZ to a few meters below the seafloor. As a result, gas bubbles are suspected to migrate into near-surface sediments and to escape the seafloor through small-scale faults. Hydroacoustic surveys revealed that several flares originated from a seafloor area of about 1 km**2 in size. The highest flare disappeared in about 350 m water depth, suggesting that the released methane remains in the water column. A methane flux estimate, combining data from visual quantifications during dives with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with results from ship-based hydroacoustic surveys and gas analysis revealed that between 2 and 87 x 10**6 mol CH4 yr-1 escaped into the water column above the Kerch seep area. Our results show that the finding of the Kerch seep area represents a so far underestimated type of hydrocarbon seep, which has to be considered in methane budget calculations.