957 resultados para Femur mineral content
Disuse osteoporosis is a problem for people with spinal cord injury or stroke, patients confined to bed rest, and astronauts exposed to microgravity. Unlike most mammals however, bears have been shown to prevent bone loss during hibernation, a seasonal period of disuse. Similarly, studies in ground squirrels indicate preservation of whole bone strength during hibernation, though evidence suggests there may be some increased osteocytic osteolysis. Uncovering the mechanism by which these animals prevent bone loss during hibernation could lead to an improved treatment for osteoporosis in humans. Marmots are a good animal model for these studies because they are small enough to easily house in an animal facility yet still utilize intracortical remodeling like humans and bears, and unlike smaller rodents like squirrels. Marmots preserve bone mechanical and microstructural properties during hibernation. Bone mechanical and geometrical properties are not diminished in post-hibernation samples compared to pre-hibernation samples. Mineral content, measured by ash fraction, was higher in post-hibernation samples (p = 0.0003). Haversian porosity as well as remodeling cavity density were not different (p > 0.38) between pre- and post-hibernation samples. Similarly, average lacunar area, lacunar density, and lacunar porosity were all lower (p < 0.0001) in post-hibernation samples. Trabecular thickness was larger in posthibernation samples (p = 0.0058). Bone volume fraction was not different between groups, but approached significance (p = 0.0725). Further studies in marmots and other hibernators could help uncover the mechanism that allows hibernators to prevent disuse osteoporosis during hibernation.
The Continental porphyry Cu‐Mo mine, located 2 km east of the famous Berkeley Pit lake of Butte, Montana, contains two small lakes that vary in size depending on mining activity. In contrast to the acidic Berkeley Pit lake, the Continental Pit waters have near-neutral pH and relatively low metal concentrations. The main reason is geological: whereas the Berkeley Pit mined highly‐altered granite rich in pyrite with no neutralizing potential, the Continental Pit is mining weakly‐altered granite with lower pyrite concentrations and up to 1‐2% hydrothermal calcite. The purpose of this study was to gather and interpret information that bears on the chemistry of surface water and groundwater in the active Continental Pit. Pre‐existing chemistry data from sampling of the Continental Pit were compiled from the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Montana Department of Environmental Quality records. In addition, in March of 2013, new water samples were collected from the mine’s main dewatering well, the Sarsfield well, and a nearby acidic seep (Pavilion Seep) and analyzed for trace metals and several stable isotopes, including dD and d18O of water, d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and d34S of dissolved sulfate. In December 2013, several soil samples were collected from the shore of the frozen pit lake and surrounding area. The soil samples were analyzed using X‐ray diffraction to determine mineral content. Based on Visual Minteq modeling, water in the Continental Pit lake is near equilibrium with a number of carbonate, sulfate, and molybdate minerals, including calcite, dolomite, rhodochrosite (MnCO3), brochantite (CuSO4·3Cu(OH)2), malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2), hydrozincite (Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6), gypsum, and powellite (CaMoO4). The fact that these minerals are close to equilibrium suggests that they are present on the weathered mine walls and/or in the sediment of the surface water ponds. X‐Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the pond “beach” sample failed to show any discrete metal‐bearing phases. One of the soil samples collected higher in the mine, near an area of active weathering of chalcocite‐rich ore, contained over 50% chalcanthite (CuSO4·5H2O). This water‐soluble copper salt is easily dissolved in water, and is probably a major source of copper to the pond and underlying groundwater system. However, concentrations of copper in the latter are probably controlled by other, less‐soluble minerals, such as brochantite or malachite. Although the acidity of the Pavilion Seep is high (~ 11 meq/L), the flow is much less than the Sarsfield Well at the current time. Thus, the pH, major and minor element chemistry in the Continental Pit lakes are buffered by calcite and other carbonate minerals. For the Continental Pit waters to become acidic, the influx of acidic seepage (e.g., Pavilion Seep) would need to increase substantially over its present volume.
BACKGROUND: The influence of adiposity on upper-limb bone strength has rarely been studied in children, despite the high incidence of forearm fractures in this population. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to compare the influence of muscle and fat tissues on bone strength between the upper and lower limbs in prepubertal children. DESIGN: Bone mineral content, total bone cross-sectional area, cortical bone area (CoA), cortical thickness (CoTh) at the radius and tibia (4% and 66%, respectively), trabecular density (TrD), bone strength index (4% sites), cortical density (CoD), stress-strain index, and muscle and fat areas (66% sites) were measured by using peripheral quantitative computed tomography in 427 children (206 boys) aged 7-10 y. RESULTS: Overweight children (n = 93) had greater values for bone variables (0.3-1.3 SD; P < 0.0001) than did their normal-weight peers, except for CoD 66% and CoTh 4%. The between-group differences were 21-87% greater at the tibia than at the radius. After adjustment for muscle cross-sectional area, TrD 4%, bone mineral content, CoA, and CoTh 66% at the tibia remained greater in overweight children, whereas at the distal radius total bone cross-sectional area and CoTh were smaller in overweight children (P < 0.05). Overweight children had a greater fat-muscle ratio than did normal-weight children, particularly in the forearm (92 +/- 28% compared with 57 +/- 17%). Fat-muscle ratio correlated negatively with all bone variables, except for TrD and CoD, after adjustment for body weight (r = -0.17 to -0.54; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Overweight children had stronger bones than did their normal-weight peers, largely because of greater muscle size. However, the overweight children had a high proportion of fat relative to muscle in the forearm, which is associated with reduced bone strength.
The effect of cyclosporine A during the development phase of adjuvant arthritis was studied in 40 female rats. Five groups of eight animals each received oral cyclosporine, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, or 30 mg/kg daily for 30 days. Also, eight normal and eight diseased rats served as placebo controls. At the time of inoculation of the adjuvant suspension on day 0, measurement of disease parameters (paw swelling and vertebral density) was started concomitantly with beginning of therapy. On completion of the study, the animals were killed, and after measurement of total skeletal and segmental (hind legs and caudal spine plus two caudal vertebrae) calcium, the two assessed vertebrae and both femoral condyles were removed for histomorphometric evaluation (vertebrae) and for estimation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of cartilage. Blood for osteocalcin determinations also was taken at term from control and untreated arthritic rats and from animals that had received 10 mg/kg cyclosporine. Treatment with 2.5 mg/kg was ineffective, but doses between 5 and 20 mg/kg prevented the development of articular and osseous lesions. The 20 mg/kg dose showed no better effect than 10 mg/kg. This was shown by the absence of inflammation and the presence of normal condylar GAG and total mineral content in the areas screened. Untreated animals showed marked reductions in all of these parameters. The 30 mg/kg dose was effective in blocking the GAG loss, but significant reductions in bone density and trabecular volume were seen. There was a close correlation between GAG and bone density values, suggesting a common causal relationship. Circulating osteocalcin was significantly elevated in the untreated animals with adjuvant arthritis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of individual factors on differences in bone mineral density (BMD) using dual X-ray absorptiometry pencil beam (PB) and fan beam (FB) modes in vivo and in vitro. PB.BMD and FB.BMD of 63 normal Caucasian females ages 21-80 yr were measured at the lumbar spine and hip. Residuals of the FB/PB regression were used to assess the impact of height, weight, adiposity index (AI) (= weight/height(3/2)), back tissue thickness, and PB.BMD, respectively, on FB/PB difference. The Hologic Anthropomorphic Spine Phantom (ASP) was measured using the PB and FB modes at two different levels to assess the impact of scanning mode and focus distance. The European Spine Phantom (ESP) prototype, a geometrically well-defined phantom with known vertebral densities, was measured using PB and FB modes and analyzed manually to determine the impact of bone density on FB/PB difference and automatically to determine the impact of edge detection on FB/PB difference. Population BMD results were perfectly correlated, but significantly overestimated by 1.5% at the lumbar spine and underestimated by 0.7% at the neck, 1.8% at the trochanter, and 2.0% at the total hip, respectively, when using the FB compared with PB mode. At the lumbar spine, the FB/PB residual correlated negatively with height (r = 0.34, p < 0.01) and PB.BMD (r = 0.48, p <: 0. 0001) and positively with AI (r = 0.26, p < 0.05). At the hip, residual of trochanter correlated positively with weight (r = 0.36, p < 0.01) and AI (r = 0.36, p < 0.01). The FB mode significantly increased ASP BMD by 0.7% compared with PB. Using the FB mode, increasing focus distance significantly (p < 0.001) decreased area and bone mineral content, but not BMD. By contrast, increasing focus distance significantly decreased PB.BMD by 0.7%. With the ESP, the PB mode supplied accurate projected are of the bone (AREA) results but significant underestimation of specified BMD in the manual analysis. The FB mode significantly underestimated PB. AREA by 2.9% but fitted specified BMD quite well. FB/PB overestimation was larger for the low-density (+8.7%) than for the high-density vertebra (+4. 9%). The automated analysis resulted in more than 14% underestimation of PB. AREA (low-density vertebra) and an almost 13% overestimation of PB.BMD (high-density vertebra) using FB. In conclusion, FB and PB measurements are highly correlated at the lumbar spine and hip with small but significant BMD differences related to height, adiposity, and BMD. In clinical practice, it can be erroneous to switch from one method to another, especially in women with low bone density.
Reported effects of cyclosporin A (Sandimmun, CsA) on bone have been both contradictory and controversial. Thus, stimulation of new bone formation as well as increased mineral and matrix resorption have been observed. To investigate the response of basal mineral and matrix turnover to CsA treatment at different stages of skeletal development, comparative experiments were conducted in young growing female rats and in adults. Fifty-six young animals (study A) and 40 adults (study B) received orally either the carrier substance or 5, 15, and 30 mg/kg CsA for 30 days. The following parameters were measured: (a) total skeletal mineral content by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) on days 1 and 30; (b) tibial trabecular volume at day 30; (c) serum osteocalcin at 5-day intervals; (d) urinary deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) excretion (days 1, 15, and 30); and (e) plasma levels of CsA. Results can be summarized as follows: in young rats (study A), total skeletal mineral was not modified by the 5- and 15-mg/kg doses of CsA, whereas 30 mg/kg induced a significant decrease (-15%, p < 0.01). This parameter was not significantly modified in adult animals (study B) subjected to the same doses. The administration of 5 mg/kg CsA did not alter tibial trabecular volume in young rats, but 15 and 30 mg/kg significantly lowered this parameter (-16.3%, p < 0.02, and -42%, p < 0.001, respectively). In adult rats, tibial trabecular volume remained unchanged with the exception of the group receiving 30 mg/kg which exhibited significantly lower values (-28%, p < 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
High-resolution reconstructions of climate variability that cover the past millennia are necessary to improve the understanding of natural and anthropogenic climate change across the globe. Although numerous records are available for the mid- and high-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, global assessments are still compromised by the scarcity of data from the Southern Hemisphere. This is particularly the case for the tropical and subtropical areas. In addition, high elevation sites in the South American Andes may provide insight into the vertical structure of climate change in the mid-troposphere. This study presents a 3000 yr-long austral summer (November to February) temperature reconstruction derived from the 210Pb- and 14C-dated organic sediments of Laguna Chepical (32°16' S, 70°30' W, 3050 m a.s.l.), a high-elevation glacial lake in the subtropical Andes of central Chile. Scanning reflectance spectroscopy in the visible light range provided the spectral index R570/R630, which reflects the clay mineral content in lake sediments. For the calibration period (AD 1901–2006), the R570/R630 data were regressed against monthly meteorological reanalysis data, showing that this proxy was strongly and significantly correlated with mean summer (NDJF) temperatures (R3 yr = −0.63, padj = 0.01). This calibration model was used to make a quantitative temperature reconstruction back to 1000 BC. The reconstruction (with a model error RMSEPboot of 0.33 °C) shows that the warmest decades of the past 3000 yr occurred during the calibration period. The 19th century (end of the Little Ice Age (LIA)) was cool. The prominent warmth reconstructed for the 18th century, which was also observed in other records from this area, seems systematic for subtropical and southern South America but remains difficult to explain. Except for this warm period, the LIA was generally characterized by cool summers. Back to AD 1400, the results from this study compare remarkably well to low altitude records from the Chilean Central Valley and southern South America. However, the reconstruction from Laguna Chepical does not show a warm Medieval Climate Anomaly during the 12–13th century, which is consistent with records from tropical South America. The Chepical record also indicates substantial cooling prior to 800 BC. This coincides with well-known regional as well as global glacier advances which have been attributed to a grand solar minimum. This study thus provides insight into the climatic drivers and temperature patterns in a region for which currently very few data are available. It also shows that since ca. AD 1400, long-term temperature patterns were generally similar at low and high altitudes in central Chile.
INTRODUCTION The omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the immediate precursors to a number of important mediators of immunity, inflammation and bone function, with products of omega-6 generally thought to promote inflammation and favour bone resorption. Western diets generally provide a 10 to 20-fold deficit in omega-3 PUFAs compared with omega-6, and this is thought to have contributed to the marked rise in incidence of disorders of modern human societies, such as heart disease, colitis and perhaps osteoporosis. Many of our food production animals, fed on grains rich in omega-6, are also exposed to a dietary deficit in omega-3, with perhaps similar health consequences. Bone fragility due to osteoporotic changes in laying hens is a major economic and welfare problem, with our recent estimates of breakage rates indicating up to 95% of free range hens suffer breaks during lay. METHODS Free range hens housed in full scale commercial systems were provided diets supplemented with omega-3 alpha linolenic acid, and the skeletal benefits were investigated by comparison to standard diets rich in omega-6. RESULTS There was a significant 40-60% reduction in keel bone breakage rate, and a corresponding reduction in breakage severity in the omega-3 supplemented hens. There was significantly greater bone density and bone mineral content, alongside increases in total bone and trabecular volumes. The mechanical properties of the omega-3 supplemented hens were improved, with strength, energy to break and stiffness demonstrating significant increases. Alkaline phosphatase (an osteoblast marker) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (an osteoclast marker) both showed significant increases with the omega-3 diets, indicating enhanced bone turnover. This was corroborated by the significantly lower levels of the mature collagen crosslinks, hydroxylysyl pyridinoline, lysyl pyridinoline and histidinohydroxy-lysinonorleucine, with a corresponding significant shift in the mature:immature crosslink ratio. CONCLUSIONS The improved skeletal health in laying hens corresponds to as many as 68million fewer hens suffering keel fractures in the EU each year. The biomechanical and biochemical evidence suggests that increased bone turnover has enhanced the bone mechanical properties, and that this may suggest potential benefits for human osteoporosis.
The Effingen Member is a low-permeability rock unit of Oxfordian age (ca. 160 Ma) that occurs across northern Switzerland. It comprises sandy calcareous marls and (argillaceous) limestones. This report describes the hydrogeochemistry, mineralogy and supporting physical properties of the Effingen Member in three boreholes in the Jura-Südfuss area: Oftringen, Gösgen and Küttigen, where it is 220–240 m thick. The top of the Effingen Member is at 420, 66 and 32 m depths at the three sites. Core materials are available from Oftringen and Gösgen, whereas information from Küttigen is limited to cuttings, in-situ hydrogeological testing and geophysical logging. Hydrogeological boundaries of the Effingen Member vary between locations. Ground-water flows were identified during drilling at the top (Geissberg Member), but not at the base, of the Effingen Member at Oftringen, at the base (Hauptrogenstein Formation) of the Effingen Member at Gösgen, and in a limestone layer (Gerstenhübel unit) within the Effingen Member at Küttigen. The marls and limestones of the Effingen Member have carbonate contents of 46–91 wt.-% and clay-mineral contents of 5–37 wt.-%. Pyrite contents are up to 1.6 wt.-%, but no sulphate minerals were detected by routine analyses. Clay minerals are predominantly mixed-layer illite-smectite, illite and kaolinite, with sporadic traces of chlorite and smectite. Veins filled with calcite ± celestite occur through the Effingen Member at Oftringen but not at Gösgen or Küttigen. They formed at 50–70 ºC from externally derived fluids, probably of Miocene age. Water contents are 0.7–4.2 wt.-%, corresponding to a water-loss porosity range of 1.9–10.8 vol.-%. Specific surface areas, measured by the BET method, are 2–30 m2/g, correlating with clay-mineral contents. Water activity has been measured and yielded surprisingly low values down to 0.8. These cannot be explained by pore-water salinity alone and include other effects, such as changes in the fabric due to stress release or partial saturation. Observed variations in measurements are not fully understood. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cation populations have been studied by the Ni-en method. CEC, derived from the consumption of the index cation Ni, is 9–99 meq/kgrock at a solid:liquid ratio of 1, correlating with the clay-mineral content. Cation concentrations in Ni-en extract solutions are in the order Na+≥Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Sr2+. However, the analytical results from the Ni-en extractions have additional contributions from cations originating from pore water and from mineral dissolution reactions that occurred during extraction, and it was not possible to reliably quantify these contributions. Therefore, in-situ cation populations and selectivity coefficients could not be derived. A suite of methods have been used for characterising the chemical compositions of pore waters in the Effingen Member. Advective displacement was used on one sample from each Oftringen and Gösgen and is the only method that produces results that approach complete hydrochemical compositions. Aqueous extraction was used on core samples from these two boreholes and gives data only for Cl- and, in some cases, Br-. Out-diffusion was used on core samples from Oftringen and similarly gives data for Cl- and Br- only. For both aqueous extraction and out-diffusion, reaction of the experimental water with rock affected concentrations of cations, SO42 and alkalinity in experimental solutions. Another method, centrifugation, failed to extract pore water. Stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) of pore waters in core samples from Oftringen were analysed by the diffusive exchange method and helium contents of pore water in Oftringen samples were extracted for mass spectrometric analysis by quantitative outgassing of preserved core samples. Several lines of evidence indicate that drillcore samples might not have been fully saturated when opened and subsampled in the laboratory. These include comparisons of water-loss porosities with physical porosities, water-activity measurements, and high contents of dissolved gas as inferred from ground-water samples. There is no clear proof of partial saturation and it is unclear whether this might represent in-situ conditions or is due to exsolution of gas due to the pressure release since drilling. Partial saturation would have no impact on the recalculation of pore-water compositions from aqueous extraction experiments using water-loss porosity data. The largest uncertainty in the pore-water Cl- concentrations recalculated from aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experiments is the magnitude of the anion-accessible fraction of water-loss porosity. General experience of clay-mineral rich formations suggests that the anion-accessible porosity fraction is very often about 0.5 and generally in a range of 0.3 to 0.6 and tends to be inversely correlated with clay-mineral contents. Comparisons of the Cl- concentration in pore water obtained by advective displacement with that recalculated from aqueous extraction of an adjacent core sample suggests a fraction of 0.27 for an Oftringen sample, whereas the same procedure for a Gösgen sample suggests a value of 0.64. The former value for anion-accessible porosity fraction is presumed to be unrepresentative given the local mineralogical heterogeneity at that depth. Through-diffusion experiments with HTO and 36Cl- suggest that the anion-accessible porosity fraction in the Effingen Member at Oftringen and Gösgen is around 0.5. This value is proposed as a typical average for rocks of the Effingen Member, bearing in mind that it varies on a local scale in response to the heterogeneity of lithology and pore-space architecture. The substantial uncertainties associated with the approaches to estimating anion-accessible porosity propagate into the calculated values of in-situ pore-water Cl- concentrations. On the basis of aqueous extraction experiments, and using an anion-accessible porosity fraction of 0.5, Cl- concentrations in the Effingen Member at Oftringen reach a maximum of about 14 g/L in the centre. Cl- decreases upwards and downwards from that, forming a curved depth profile. Cl- contents in the Effingen Member at Gösgen increase with depth from about 3.5 g/L to about 14 g/L at the base of the cored profile (which corresponds to the centre of the formation). Out-diffusion experiments were carried out on four samples from Oftringen, distributed through the Effingen Member. Recalculated Cl- concentrations are similar to those from aqueous extraction for 3 out of the 4 samples, and somewhat lower for one sample. Concentrations of other components, i.e. Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, SO42- and HCO3- cannot be obtained from the aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experimental data because of mineral dissolution and cation exchange reactions during the experiments. Pore-water pH also is not constrained by those extraction experiments. The only experimental approach to obtain complete pore-water compositions for samples from Oftringen and Gösgen is advective displacement of pore water. The sample from Oftringen used for this experiment is from 445 m depth in the upper part of the Effingen Member and gave eluate with 16.5 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction from a nearby sample indicated about 9 g/L Cl-. The sample from Gösgen used for advective displacement is from 123 m depth in the centre of the Effingen Member sequence and gave eluate with about 9 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction gave 11.5 g/L Cl-. In both cases the pore waters have Na-(Ca)-Cl compositions and SO42- concentrations of about 1.1 g/L. The Gösgen sample has a Br/Cl ratio similar to that of sea water, whereas this ratio is lower for the Oftringen sample. Taking account of uncertainties in the applied experimental approaches, it is reasonable to place an upper limit of ca. 20 g/L on Cl- concentration for pore water in the Effingen Member in this area. There are major discrepancies between pore-water SO42- concentrations inferred from aqueous extraction or out-diffusion experiments and those obtained from advective displacement in both the Oftringen and Gösgen cases. A general conclusion is that all or at least part of the discrepancies are attributable to perturbation of the sulphur system and enhancement of SO42- by sulphate mineral dissolution and possibly minor pyrite oxidation during aqueous extraction and out-diffusion. Therefore, data for SO42- calculated from those pore-water sampling methods are considered not to be representative of in-situ conditions. A reference pore-water composition was defined for the Effingen Member in the Jura Südfuss area. It represents the probable upper limits of Cl- contents and corresponding anion and cation concentrations that are reasonably constrained by experimental data. Except for Cl- and possibly Na+ concentrations, this composition is poorly constrained especially with respect to SO42- and Ca2+ concentrations, and pH and alkalinity. Stable isotope compositions, δ18O and δ2H, of pore waters in the Effingen Member at Oftringen plot to the right of the meteoric water line, suggesting that 18O has been enriched by water-rock exchange, which indicates that the pore waters have a long residence time. A long residence time of pore water is supported by the level of dissolved 4He that has accumulated in pore water of the Effingen Member at Oftringen. This is comparable with, or slightly higher than, the amounts of 4He in the Opalinus Clay at Benken. Ground waters were sampled from flowing zones intersected by boreholes at the three locations. The general interpretation is that pore waters and ground-water solutes may have similar origins in Mesozoic and Cenozoic brackish-marine formations waters, but ground-water solutes have been diluted rather more than pore waters by ingress of Tertiary and Quaternary meteoric waters. The available hydrochemical data for pore waters from the Effingen Member at these three locations in the Jura-Südfuss area suggest that the geochemical system evolved slowly over geological periods of time, in which diffusion was an important mechanism of solute transport. The irregularity of Cl- and δ18O profiles and spatial variability of advective ground-water flows in the Malm-Dogger system suggests that palaeohydrogeological and hydrochemical responses to changing tectonic and surface environmental conditions were complex.
Three archived core samples from boreholes DGR-4, DGR-5 and DGR-6 from the Salina F Unit, Queenston Formation and the Georgian Bay Formation were subjected to squeezing tests at pressures of up to 500 MPa. Two samples did not yield any water, while a total of 0.88 g pore water was obtained from a clay-rich sample from the Blue Mountain Formation (water content = 2.8 wt.%, porosity = 8 %). This water mass was sufficient for a full chemical and water-isotope analysis – the first direct determination of pore-water composition in rocks from the DGR boreholes. The results are generally in reasonable agreement with those of independent methods, or the observed differences can be explained. Ancillary investigations included the determination of water content, densities and mineralogy, aqueous extraction of squeezed cores, and SEM investigations to characterise the microtexture of unsqueezed and squeezed rock materials. It is concluded that squeezing is a promising method of pore-water extraction and characterisation and is recommended as an alternative method for future studies. Selection criteria for potentially squeezable samples include high clay-mineral content (correlating in a high water content) and low carbonate content (low stiffness, limited cementation). Potential artefacts of the method, such as ion filtration or pressure solution, should be explored and quantified in future efforts.
Study Design. An experimental animal study. Objective. To investigate histomorphometric and radiographical changes in the BB.4S rat model after PEEK (polyetheretherketone) nonfusion interspinous device implantation. Summary of Background Data. Clinical effectiveness of the PEEK nonfusion spine implant Wallis (Abbott, Bordeaux, France; now Zimmer, Warsaw, IN) is well documented. However, there is a lack of evidence on the long-term effects of this implant on bone, in particular its influence on structural changes of bone elements of the lumbar spine. Methods. Twenty-four male BB.4S rats aged 11 weeks underwent surgery for implantation of a PEEK nonfusion interspinous device or for a sham procedure in 3 groups of 8 animals each: 1) implantation at level L4–L5; 2) implantation at level L5–L6; and 3) sham surgery. Eleven weeks postoperatively osteolyses at the implant-bone interface were measured via radiograph, bone mineral density of vertebral bodies was analyzed using osteodensitometry, and bone mineral content as well as resorption of the spinous processes were examined by histomorphometry. Results. Resorption of the spinous processes at the site of the interspinous implant was found in all treated segments. There was no significant difference in either bone density of vertebral bodies or histomorphometric structure of the spinous processes between adjacent vertebral bodies, between treated and untreated segments and between groups. Conclusion. These findings indicate that resorption of spinous processes because of a result of implant loosening, inhibit the targeted load redistribution through the PEEK nonfusion interspinous device in the lumbar spinal segment of the rat. This leads to reduced long-term stability of the implant in the animal model. These results suggest that PEEK nonfusion interspinous devices like the Wallis implants may have time-limited effects and should only be used for specified indications.
OBJECTIVE We investigated the skeletal growth profile of female rats from birth to senescence (100weeks) on the basis of sequential radiometrical, hormonal and biochemical parameters. DESIGN Weaning rats entered the study which was divided into two sections: a) sequential measurements of vertebral and tibial growths and bone mineral density (BMD), estimation of mineral content of the entire skeleton (BMC) and chemical analysis of vertebral Ca; and b) determination of basal and pulsatile growth hormone (rGH), insulin-like growth hormone (IGF-I), estradiol (E2), parathyroid hormone (PTH), osteocalcin (OC) and urinary d-pyridinoline (dp) throughout the experimental period. RESULTS Vertebral and tibial growths ceased at week 25 whereas BMD and BMC as well as total vertebral Ca exhibited a peak bone mass at week 40. rGH pulsatile profiles were significantly higher in younger animals coinciding with the period of active growth and IGF-I peaked at 7weeks, slowly declining thereafter and stabilizing after week 60. OC and dp closely paralleled IGF-I coinciding with the period of enhanced skeletal growth, remaining thereafter in the low range indicative of reduced bone turnover. E2 increased during reproductive life but the lower values subsequently recorded were still in the physiological range, strongly suggesting a protective role of this steroid on bone remodeling. PTH followed a similar profile to E2, but the significance of this after completion of growth remains unclear. CONCLUSIONS Mechanisms governing skeletal growth in the female rat appear similar to those in humans. Bone progression and attainment of peak bone mass are under simultaneous control of rGH, IGF-I and calciotropic hormones and are modulated by E2. This steroid seems to protect the skeleton from resorption before senescence whereas the role of PTH in this context remains uncertain.
Serpentinites release at sub-arc depths volatiles and several fluid-mobile trace elements found in arc magmas. Constraining element uptake in these rocks and defining the trace element composition of fluids released upon serpentinite dehydration can improve our understanding of mass transfer across subduction zones and to volcanic arcs. The eclogite-facies garnet metaperidotite and chlorite harzburgite bodies embedded in paragneiss of the subduction melange from Cima di Gagnone derive from serpentinized peridotite protoliths and are unique examples of ultramafic rocks that experienced subduction metasomatism and devolatilization. In these rocks, metamorphic olivine and garnet trap polyphase inclusions representing the fluid released during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite and chlorite. Combining major element mapping and laser-ablation ICP-MS bulk inclusion analysis, we characterize the mineral content of polyphase inclusions and quantify the fluid composition. Silicates, Cl-bearing phases, sulphides, carbonates, and oxides document post-entrapment mineral growth in the inclusions starting immediately after fluid entrapment. Compositional data reveal the presence of two different fluid types. The first (type A) records a fluid prominently enriched in fluid-mobile elements, with Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb concentrations up to 10(3) PM (primitive mantle), similar to 10(2) PM Tit Ba, while Rb, B, Sr, Li, U concentrations are of the order of 10(1) PM, and alkalis are similar to 2 PM. The second fluid (type B) has considerably lower fluid-mobile element enrichments, but its enrichment patterns are comparable to type A fluid. Our data reveal multistage fluid uptake in these peridotite bodies, including selective element enrichment during seafloor alteration, followed by fluid-rock interaction along with subduction metamorphism in the plate interface melange. Here, infiltration of sediment-equilibrated fluid produced significant enrichment of the serpentinites in As, Sb, B, Pb, an enriched trace element pattern that was then transferred to the fluid released at greater depth upon serpentine dehydration (type A fluid). The type B fluid hosted by garnet may record the composition of the chlorite breakdown fluid released at even greater depth. The Gagnone study-case demonstrates that serpentinized peridotites acquire water and fluid-mobile elements during ocean floor hydration and through exchange with sediment-equilibrated fluids in the early subduction stages. Subsequent antigorite devolatilization at subarc depths delivers aqueous fluids to the mantle wedge that can be prominently enriched in sediment-derived components, potentially triggering arc magmatism without the need of concomitant dehydration/melting of metasediments or altered oceanic crust.
It is generally believed that 1,25(OH)2D3, bound to its receptor (VDR) contributes to calcium homeostasis by regulating active calcium absorption in the proximal small intestine. However, studying patients with hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR) provided investigators with a better understanding of VDR's role in calcium homeostasis. HVDRR patients have inactivating mutations in the VDR, and as a consequence they develop hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism and severe rickets. However, these phenotypes can be corrected if the patients are given IV infusions of calcium or dietary calcium. This raises the question of what is the physiological significance of VDR-regulated active calcium absorption if calcium homeostasis can be restored independently of the VDR. ^ In order to distinguish the contribution of VDR in the proximal small intestine to overall calcium homeostasis, I generated transgenic mice expressing the human VDR (hVDR) exclusively in the proximal small intestine of mVDR-/- mice by using an hVDR-expressing transgene driven by the duodenal-specific adenosine deaminase enhancer (hVDR+/mVDR-/-). hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice expressed transcriptionally active hVDR only in the proximal small intestine and responded to 1,25(OH)2D3 by up-regulating expression of TRPV6 and calbindin D9K, genes involved in calcium absorption. Furthermore, ligated duodenal loop assays determined that calcium absorption in hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice was as responsive to 1,25(OH)2D3 as in WT mice. Despite having a functional hVDR in the proximal small intestine, hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice were hypocalcemic, had hyperparathyroidism, and were rachitic when fed a normal rodent diet at weaning, as were the mVDR-/- mice. However, when fed a high calcium, phosphorus, and lactose diet (rescue diet), the hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice responded more effectively than the mVDR-/- mice by down-regulation of parathyroid hormone production and by a greater increase in bone mineralization. Furthermore, when three-month-old rachitic mice were fed a rescue diet for 3 weeks, serum calcium and bone mineral content were normalized in hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice, but not in mVDR-/- mice. ^ In conclusion, hVDR expression enabled young mice to better use the rescue diet than mVDR-/- mice. Expression of transgenic hVDR also protected the ability of older mice to respond to the rescue diet despite the absence of the VDR elsewhere in the intestinal tract. I propose that because hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice responded better than mVDR-/- mice to the rescue diet, it is likely that VDR expression in the proximal small intestine is necessary in nutritional (insufficient dietary calcium) and physiological (age) conditions when passive calcium absorption is inadequate. ^
El objetivo fue evaluar la producción y la calidad de biomasa de Amaranthus mantegazzianus Pass. cv. Don Juan, en condiciones de secano, con fertilización de NPK y agregado de urea al momento de los cortes para obtención de materia verde y posterior producción de grano. Se sembró en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina, el 18/11/ 2004 en parcelas con cinco surcos distanciados 0.35 m. Se establecieron dos tratamientos: un testigo sin fertilizar y otro fertilizado con NPK (19-19-19) 50 kg ha-1 como fertilizante base y urea (100 kg ha-1) al momento del corte, en un diseño en bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las condiciones ambientales adversas solamente permitieron la realización de un corte e imposibilitaron la obtención de grano. Se midió: producción de biomasa, porcentaje de materia seca, tamaño promedio de hojas (largo x ancho), ancho promedio del tallo, largo promedio del pecíolo, número de hojas por planta cortada. Se calculó la relación lámina de la hoja/largo de pecíolo. Se determinó el contenido de proteína cruda y minerales. La fertilización realizada aumenta la relación lámina de la hoja/pecíolo. Las variables medidas y el contenido de nutrientes no presentaron diferencias significativas entre las plantas fertilizadas y sin fertilizar.