253 resultados para FUJITA
The core enzyme of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase acquires essential promoter recognition and transcription initiation activities by binding one of several σ subunits. To characterize the proximity between σ70, the major σ for transcription of the growth-related genes, and the core enzyme subunits (α2ββ′), we analyzed the protein-cutting patterns produced by a set of covalently tethered FeEDTA probes [FeBABE: Fe (S)-1-(p-bromoacetamidobenzyl)EDTA]. The probes were positioned in or near conserved regions of σ70 by using seven mutants, each carrying a single cysteine residue at position 132, 376, 396, 422, 496, 517, or 581. Each FeBABE-conjugated σ70 was bound to the core enzyme, which led to cleavage of nearby sites on the β and β′ subunits (but not α). Unlike the results of random cleavage [Greiner, D. P., Hughes, K. A., Gunasekera, A. H. & Meares, C. F. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 71–75], the cut sites from different probe-modified σ70 proteins are clustered in distinct regions of the subunits. On the β subunit, cleavage is observed in two regions, one between residues 383 and 554, including the conserved C and Rif regions; and the other between 854 and 1022, including conserved region G, regions of ppGpp sensitivity, and one of the segments forming the catalytic center of RNA polymerase. On the β′ subunit, the cleavage was identified within the sequence 228–461, including β′ conserved regions C and D (which comprise part of the catalytic center).
With the completion of the determination of its entire genome sequence, one of the next major targets of Bacillus subtilis genomics is to clarify the whole gene regulatory network. To this end, the results of systematic experiments should be compared with the rich source of individual experimental results accumulated so far. Thus, we constructed a database of the upstream regulatory information of B.subtilis (DBTBS). The current version was constructed by surveying 291 references and contains information on 90 binding factors and 403 promoters. For each promoter, all of its known cis-elements are listed according to their positions, while these cis-elements are aligned to illustrate their consensus sequence for each transcription factor. All probable transcription factors coded in the genome were classified with the Pfam motifs. Using this database, we compared the character of B.subtilis promoters with that of Escherichia coli promoters. Our database is accessible at http://elmo.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dbtbs/.
We used 2D protein gel electrophoresis and DNA microarray technologies to systematically analyze genes under glucose repression in Bacillus subtilis. In particular, we focused on genes expressed after the shift from glycolytic to gluconeogenic at the middle logarithmic phase of growth in a nutrient sporulation medium, which remained repressed by the addition of glucose. We also examined whether or not glucose repression of these genes was mediated by CcpA, the catabolite control protein of this bacterium. The wild-type and ccpA1 cells were grown with and without glucose, and their proteomes and transcriptomes were compared. 2D gel electrophoresis allowed us to identify 11 proteins, the synthesis of which was under glucose repression. Of these proteins, the synthesis of four (IolA, I, S and PckA) was under CcpA-independent control. Microarray analysis enabled us to detect 66 glucose-repressive genes, 22 of which (glmS, acoA, C, yisS, speD, gapB, pckA, yvdR, yxeF, iolA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R, S and yxbF ) were at least partially under CcpA-independent control. Furthermore, we found that CcpA and IolR, a repressor of the iol divergon, were involved in the glucose repression of the synthesis of inositol dehydrogenase encoded by iolG included in the above list. The CcpA-independent glucose repression of the iol genes appeared to be explained by inducer exclusion.
How receptors catalyze exchange of GTP for GDP bound to the Gα subunit of trimeric G proteins is not known. One proposal is that the receptor uses the G protein's βγ heterodimer as a lever, tilting it to pull open the guanine nucleotide binding pocket of Gα. To test this possibility, we designed a mutant Gα that would bind to βγ in the tilted conformation. To do so, we excised a helical turn (four residues) from the N-terminal region of αs, the α subunit of GS, the stimulatory regulator of adenylyl cyclase. In the presence, but not in the absence, of transiently expressed β1 and γ2, this mutant (αsΔ), markedly stimulated cAMP accumulation. This effect depended on the ability of the coexpressed β protein to interact normally with the lip of the nucleotide binding pocket of αsΔ. We substituted alanine for an aspartate in β1 that binds to a lysine (K206) in the lip of the α subunit's nucleotide binding pocket. Coexpressed with αsΔ and γ2, this mutant, β1-D228A, elevated cAMP much less than did β1-wild type; it did bind to αsΔ normally, however, as indicated by its unimpaired ability to target αsΔ to the plasma membrane. We conclude that βγ can activate αs and that this effect probably involves both a tilt of βγ relative to αs and interaction of β with the lip of the nucleotide binding pocket. We speculate that receptors use a similar mechanism to activate trimeric G proteins.
Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is one of the paraneoplastic diseases characterized by hypophosphatemia caused by renal phosphate wasting. Because removal of responsible tumors normalizes phosphate metabolism, an unidentified humoral phosphaturic factor is believed to be responsible for this syndrome. To identify the causative factor of TIO, we obtained cDNA clones that were abundantly expressed only in a tumor causing TIO and constructed tumor-specific cDNA contigs. Based on the sequence of one major contig, we cloned 2,270-bp cDNA, which turned out to encode fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). Administration of recombinant FGF23 decreased serum phosphate in mice within 12 h. When Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing FGF23 were s.c. implanted into nude mice, hypophosphatemia with increased renal phosphate clearance was observed. In addition, a high level of serum alkaline phosphatase, low 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, deformity of bone, and impairment of body weight gain became evident. Histological examination showed marked increase of osteoid and widening of growth plate. Thus, continuous production of FGF23 reproduced clinical, biochemical, and histological features of TIO in vivo. Analyses for recombinant FGF23 products produced by Chinese hamster ovary cells indicated proteolytic cleavage of FGF23 at the RXXR motif. Recent genetic study indicates that missense mutations in this RXXR motif of FGF23 are responsible for autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, another hypophosphatemic disease with similar features to TIO. We conclude that overproduction of FGF23 causes TIO, whereas mutations in the FGF23 gene result in autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets possibly by preventing proteolytic cleavage and enhancing biological activity of FGF23.
We isolated two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cDNA clones, tomPRO1 and tomPRO2, specifying Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), the first enzyme of proline (Pro) biosynthesis. tomPRO1 is unusual because it resembles prokaryotic polycistronic operons (M.G. García-Ríos, T. Fujita, P.C. LaRosa, R.D. Locy, J.M. Clithero, R.A. Bressan, L.N. Csonka [1997] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 8249–8254), whereas tomPRO2 encodes a full-length P5CS. We analyzed the accumulation of Pro and the tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 messages in response to NaCl stress and developmental signals. Treatment with 200 mm NaCl resulted in a >60-fold increase in Pro levels in roots and leaves. However, there was a <3-fold increase in the accumulation of the tomPRO2 message and no detectable induction in the level of the tomPRO1 message in response to NaCl stress. Although pollen contained approximately 100-fold higher levels of Pro than other plant tissues, there was no detectable increase in the level of either message in pollen. We conclude that transcriptional regulation of these genes for P5CS is probably not important for the osmotic or pollen-specific regulation of Pro synthesis in tomato. Using restriction fragment-length polymorphism mapping, we determined the locations of tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 loci in the tomato nuclear genome. Sequence comparison suggested that tomPRO1 is similar to prokaryotic P5CS loci, whereas tomPRO2 is closely related to other eukaryotic P5CS genes.
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On double leaves, oriental style, in case.
Tsuguji Fujita; 1 ft. 3 35/64 in. x 10 15/64 in.; woodcut
His majesty the Emperor of Japan -- Prince Tokugawa Keiki, the last of the Shoguns -- Fujita Toko -- Sakuma Shuri (otherwise Shozan) -- Yoshida Torajiro (otherwise Sho-in) -- Marquis Ito -- Prince Iwakura Tomomi -- Prince Sanjo Sanetomi -- Count Inouye Kaoru -- Viscount Okubo Toshimichi -- Count Gogo Shojiro -- Marshal Saigo Takamori -- Field-marshal Marquis Yamagata -- Count Okuma Shigenobu -- Field-marshal Marquis Oyama -- Fukusawa Yukichi -- Marquis Kido Koin -- Count Itagaki -- Count Matsukata Masoyoshi -- Admiral Viscount Enomoto -- Admiral Togo Heigachi -- Baron Eichi Shibusawa.
On double leaves, oriental style (fukurotoji)
Using quantitative light microscopy and a modified immunoelectron microscopic technique, we have characterized the entry pathway of the cholera toxin binding subunit (CTB) in primary embryonic fibroblasts. CTB trafficking to the Golgi complex was identical in caveolin-1 null (Cav1 -/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and wild-type (WT) MEFs. CTB entry in the Cav1 -/- MEFs was predominantly clathrin and dynamin independent but relatively cholesterol dependent. Immunoelectron microscopy was used to quantify budded and surface-connected caveoloe and to identify noncaveolar endocytic vehicles. In WT MEFs a small fraction of the total Cav1-positive structures were shown to bud from the plasma membrane (2 % per minute), and budding increased upon okadaic acid or lactosyl ceramide treatment. However, the major carriers involved in initial entry of CTB were identified as uncoated tubular or ring-shaped structures. These carriers contained GPI-anchored proteins and fluid phase markers and represented the major vehicles mediating CTB uptake in both WT and caveolae-null cells.