997 resultados para FABRICATO TEJICONDOR S.A. – CONTABILIDAD - COLOMBIA - 2008 – 2013


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In the last years there has been a considerable increase in the number of people in need of intensive care, especially among the elderly, a phenomenon that is related to population ageing (Brown 2003). However, this is not exclusive of the elderly, as diseases as obesity, diabetes, and blood pressure have been increasing among young adults (Ford and Capewell 2007). As a new fact, it has to be dealt with by the healthcare sector, and particularly by the public one. Thus, the importance of finding new and cost effective ways for healthcare delivery are of particular importance, especially when the patients are not to be detached from their environments (WHO 2004). Following this line of thinking, a VirtualECare Multiagent System is presented in section 2, being our efforts centered on its Group Decision modules (Costa, Neves et al. 2007) (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh 2001).On the other hand, there has been a growing interest in combining the technological advances in the information society - computing, telecommunications and knowledge in order to create new methodologies for problem solving, namely those that convey on Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), based on agent perception. Indeed, the new economy, along with increased competition in today’s complex business environments, takes the companies to seek complementarities, in order to increase competitiveness and reduce risks. Under these scenarios, planning takes a major role in a company life cycle. However, effective planning depends on the generation and analysis of ideas (innovative or not) and, as a result, the idea generation and management processes are crucial. Our objective is to apply the GDSS referred to above to a new area. We believe that the use of GDSS in the healthcare arena will allow professionals to achieve better results in the analysis of one’s Electronically Clinical Profile (ECP). This attainment is vital, regarding the incoming to the market of new drugs and medical practices, which compete in the use of limited resources.


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It is difficult to get the decision about an opinion after many users get the meeting in same place. It used to spend too much time in order to find solve some problem because of the various opinions of each other. TAmI (Group Decision Making Toolkit) is the System to Group Decision in Ambient Intelligence [1]. This program was composed with IGATA [2], WebMeeting and the related Database system. But, because it is sent without any encryption in IP / Password, it can be opened to attacker. They can use the IP / Password to the bad purpose. As the result, although they make the wrong result, the joined member can’t know them. Therefore, in this paper, we studied the applying method of user’s authentication into TAmI.


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Although it is always weak between RFID Tag and Terminal in focus of the security, there are no security skills in RFID Tag. Recently there are a lot of studying in order to protect it, but because it has some physical limitation of RFID, that is it should be low electric power and high speed, it is impossible to protect with the skills. At present, the methods of RFID security are using a security server, a security policy and security. One of them the most famous skill is the security module, then they has an authentication skill and an encryption skill. In this paper, we designed and implemented after modification original SEED into 8 Round and 64 bits for Tag.


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Emotion although being an important factor in our every day life it is many times forgotten in the development of systems to be used by persons. In this work we present an architecture for a ubiquitous group decision support system able to support persons in group decision processes. The system considers the emotional factors of the intervenient participants, as well as the argumentation between them. Particular attention will be taken to one of components of this system: the multi-agent simulator, modeling the human participants, considering emotional characteristics, and allowing the exchanges of hypothetic arguments among the participants.


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Decision Making is one of the most important activities of the human being. Nowadays decisions imply to consider many different points of view, so decisions are commonly taken by formal or informal groups of persons. Groups exchange ideas or engage in a process of argumentation and counter-argumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving. Group Decision Making is a social activity in which the discussion and results consider a combination of rational and emotional aspects. In this paper we will present a Smart Decision Room, LAID (Laboratory of Ambient Intelligence for Decision Making). In LAID environment it is provided the support to meeting room participants in the argumentation and decision making processes, combining rational and emotional aspects.


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The main objective of an Adaptive System is to adequate its relation with the user (content presentation, navigation, interface, etc.) according to a predefined but updatable model of the user that reflects his objectives, preferences, knowledge and competences [Brusilovsky, 2001], [De Bra, 2004]. For Educational Adaptive Systems, the emphasis is placed on the student knowledge in the domain application and learning style, to allow him to reach the learning objectives proposed for his training [Chepegin, 2004]. In Educational AHS, the User Model (UM), or Student Model, has increased relevance: when the student reaches the objectives of the course, the system must be able to readapt, for example, to his knowledge [Brusilovsky, 2001]. Learning Styles are understood as something that intent to define models of how given person learns. Generally it is understood that each person has a Learning Style different and preferred with the objective of achieving better results. Some case studies have proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom and methods to best fit each student's learning style [Kolb, 2005], [Martins, 2008]. The learning process must take into consideration the individual cognitive and emotional parts of the student. In summary each Student is unique so the Student personal progress must be monitored and teaching shoul not be not generalized and repetitive [Jonassen, 1991], [Martins, 2008]. The aim of this paper is to present an Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Tool based on Progressive Assessment.


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This document is a survey in the research area of User Modeling (UM) for the specific field of Adaptive Learning. The aims of this document are: To define what it is a User Model; To present existing and well known User Models; To analyze the existent standards related with UM; To compare existing systems. In the scientific area of User Modeling (UM), numerous research and developed systems already seem to promise good results, but some experimentation and implementation are still necessary to conclude about the utility of the UM. That is, the experimentation and implementation of these systems are still very scarce to determine the utility of some of the referred applications. At present, the Student Modeling research goes in the direction to make possible reuse a student model in different systems. The standards are more and more relevant for this effect, allowing systems communicate and to share data, components and structures, at syntax and semantic level, even if most of them still only allow syntax integration.


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The tongue is the most important and dynamic articulator for speech formation, because of its anatomic aspects (particularly, the large volume of this muscular organ comparatively to the surrounding organs of the vocal tract) and also due to the wide range of movements and flexibility that are involved. In speech communication research, a variety of techniques have been used for measuring the three-dimensional vocal tract shapes. More recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) becomes common; mainly, because this technique allows the collection of a set of static and dynamic images that can represent the entire vocal tract along any orientation. Over the years, different anatomical organs of the vocal tract have been modelled; namely, 2D and 3D tongue models, using parametric or statistical modelling procedures. Our aims are to present and describe some 3D reconstructed models from MRI data, for one subject uttering sustained articulations of some typical Portuguese sounds. Thus, we present a 3D database of the tongue obtained by stack combinations with the subject articulating Portuguese vowels. This 3D knowledge of the speech organs could be very important; especially, for clinical purposes (for example, for the assessment of articulatory impairments followed by tongue surgery in speech rehabilitation), and also for a better understanding of acoustic theory in speech formation.


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This study aims to analyze and compare micro-firms’ organizational culture related to organizational performance. A case study methodology was used based on four firms, competitors among themselves in the Information Technology business, focusing on the years between 2008-2013. Findings pointed out many similarities to larger firms, but some specificities of micro-firms were found and propositions were defined: clan culture predominance is related to best performing micro-firms; the configuration of several culture types seemed to be the most suitable for obtaining good organizational results, provided that they do not focus only on hierarchy and market types of culture; the market culture predominance perception by employees is associated with low job satisfaction; and, after a certain time in business, micro-firms, as do larger companies, seek to standardize and control processes. Recognizing that organizational culture is considered important to firms’ results, this study sheds some light on that important factor for micro-firms.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável


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In this article, we develop a specification technique for building multiplicative time-varying GARCH models of Amado and Teräsvirta (2008, 2013). The variance is decomposed into an unconditional and a conditional component such that the unconditional variance component is allowed to evolve smoothly over time. This nonstationary component is defined as a linear combination of logistic transition functions with time as the transition variable. The appropriate number of transition functions is determined by a sequence of specification tests. For that purpose, a coherent modelling strategy based on statistical inference is presented. It is heavily dependent on Lagrange multiplier type misspecification tests. The tests are easily implemented as they are entirely based on auxiliary regressions. Finite-sample properties of the strategy and tests are examined by simulation. The modelling strategy is illustrated in practice with two real examples: an empirical application to daily exchange rate returns and another one to daily coffee futures returns.


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წარმოდგენილ სტატიაში ყურადღება გამახვილებულია გეოფიზიკური კვლევის შედარებით ახალ მეთოდზე სეისმოსტრატიგრაფიაზე, რომელიც საკმაო დამაჯერებლობით გვიჩვენებს დანალექი ფორმაციების სივრცორბრივ ორიენტაციას. საუბარია სეისმოსტრატიგრაფიული მეთოდის გამოყენების ფართო შესაძლებლობებზე.


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სტატიაში დამტკიცებულია პოტენციალთა თეორიის შებრუნებული ამოცანის ამონახსნის ერთადერთობა, როდესაც გარე საზღვარზე ∂Ω∞ (Ω= Ω1 UΩ2) არსებობს ∂Ω1 და ∂Ω2 წირების გადაკვეთის წერტილი.


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ჩატარებულია ჰაერის ელექტროგამტარობის საშუალო თვიური მნიშვნელობების, როგორც ატმოსფეროს სისუფთავის ფაქტორის, ცვალებადობის გამოკვლევა და შეფასებულია მისი გავლენა ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობაზე


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ჩატარდა ელექტროტელურული ველის ცვალებადობის შესაძლო კავშირის კვლევა სეისმოტექტონიკური პროცესების აქტიურობასთან მიმართებაში მაქსიმალური დასაჯერებლობის პრინციპის გამოყენებით. 1982 წელს ელექტროტელურული ველის ურთიერთმართობული მდგენელების ინტენსივობის წლიურ-ყოველსაათიან ცვალებადობას და დუშეთიდან ასორმოცდაათი კილომეტრის რადიუსით შემოსაზღვრულ არეში მომხდარი არასუსტი მიწისძვრების მაგნიტუდების ცვალებადობას შორის არსებობს შესაძლო კავშირი.