947 resultados para Extreme waves


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Unidad did??ctica para profundizar en el conocimiento y valoraci??n de las particularidades de Bodonal de la Sierra dentro del entorno extreme??o. La unidad est?? estructurada en etapas, (Educaci??n Infantil, Educaci??n Primaria y primer ciclo de ESO) ciclos y ??reas (Matem??ticas, M??sica, Conocimiento del medio, Lengua castellana y Literatura, etc.). Se establecen aspectos comunes para todas las etapas (metodolog??a, espacios, tiempo, recursos y evaluaci??n). Se pretende con esta estructura que la unidad sea aplicable en a??os sucesivos de manera que cada ni??o vaya consiguiendo aprendizajes progresivos a trav??s de cada ciclo, para llegar al conocimiento de tradiciones, paisajes, lenguaje, medio y modos de vida locales, etc.


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Estudio que tiene como objetivo principal, el conocimiento y la conservaci??n de las costumbres de la zona donde se ubican los centros del Colegio Rural Agrupado 'Llanos de la Vega' (Abertura, Alcollar??n, Campo Lugar, Pizarro y Villames??as) a trav??s de diversas formas de expresi??n: canciones, cuentos, juegos, dichos y retahilas, etc.


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Estudio sobre gastronom??a, flora y fauna, fiestas y tradiciones, juegos populares y monumentos, de 8 localidades (Baterno, Casas de Don Pedro, Garbayuela, Navalvillar de Pela, Puebla de Alcocer, Siruela, Talarrubias y Tamurejo) de la comarca de la Siberia Extreme??a.


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Se analiza la riqueza existente en la comarca de la Siberia: su fauna, flora, folklore, gastronom??a, costumbres, ganader??a, para ofrecer una visi??n general de todo aquello que ofrece esta zona. Este contenido se ha ejemplificado para poderlo llevar a la pr??ctica, en unidades did??cticas dirigidas a las etapas de Educaci??n Infantil y Primaria con la finalidad de que los ni??os conozcan la riqueza de la comarca.


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Basado en un estudio detallado de Ribera del Fresno en cuanto a geograf??a, historia, clima, fauna y flora, comunicaciones, fiestas y tradiciones, gastronom??a, aperos y utensilios, etc. se conforma el presente trabajo que recoge materiales para la realizaci??n de diversas actividades en el aula, que permitan desarrollar la cultura extreme??a en el curriculum escolar. El grupo de trabajo pretende continuar profundizando en la elaboraci??n de materiales sobre la localidad (personajes ilustres, monumentos art??sticos, etc.) y sobre la comarca de Tierra de Barros.


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El objetivo principal del trabajo fue recuperar actividades encaminadas a la conservaci??n y recuperaci??n de bienes socio-culturales acumulados por tradici??n o herencia en la Comarca de la Jara Extreme??a. El trabajo est?? estructurado en siete apartados: los pueblos de La Jara, el refranero, juegos populares, trajes regionales de la comarca, canciones populares, recetas t??picas y vocabulario y expresiones de la zona.


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Trata los desastres naturales desde el punto de vista ambiental y se analiza en qué medida la acción del hombre puede provocar ese tipo de desastres. Analiza los maremotos y otras causas de las inundaciones para tratar de determinar si la contaminación y el calentamiento global aumentan la frecuencia de ellos.


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Guía de bolsillo para la revisión de los temas clave en el área de física para alumnos de bachillerato (segundo ciclo de educación secundaria), niveles AS y A, con trescientas preguntas rápidas y sus respuestas, organizadas en secciones temáticas y con consejos de examen. Contiene: fundamentos, mecánica, radioactividad, física de partículas, electricidad, materiales sólidos, ondas y método experimental.


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El trabajo obtuvo el Primer Premio de la Modalidad A de los 'Premios Tom??s Garc??a Verdejo' a las buenas pr??cticas educativas en la Comunidad Aut??noma de Extremadura para el curso acad??mico 2013-2014


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Data from four recent reanalysis projects [ECMWF, NCEP-NCAR, NCEP - Department of Energy ( DOE), NASA] have been diagnosed at the scale of synoptic weather systems using an objective feature tracking method. The tracking statistics indicate that, overall, the reanalyses correspond very well in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) lower troposphere, although differences for the spatial distribution of mean intensities show that the ECMWF reanalysis is systematically stronger in the main storm track regions but weaker around major orographic features. A direct comparison of the track ensembles indicates a number of systems with a broad range of intensities that compare well among the reanalyses. In addition, a number of small-scale weak systems are found that have no correspondence among the reanalyses or that only correspond upon relaxing the matching criteria, indicating possible differences in location and/or temporal coherence. These are distributed throughout the storm tracks, particularly in the regions known for small-scale activity, such as secondary development regions and the Mediterranean. For the Southern Hemisphere (SH), agreement is found to be generally less consistent in the lower troposphere with significant differences in both track density and mean intensity. The systems that correspond between the various reanalyses are considerably reduced and those that do not match span a broad range of storm intensities. Relaxing the matching criteria indicates that there is a larger degree of uncertainty in both the location of systems and their intensities compared with the NH. At upper-tropospheric levels, significant differences in the level of activity occur between the ECMWF reanalysis and the other reanalyses in both the NH and SH winters. This occurs due to a lack of coherence in the apparent propagation of the systems in ERA15 and appears most acute above 500 hPa. This is probably due to the use of optimal interpolation data assimilation in ERA15. Also shown are results based on using the same techniques to diagnose the tropical easterly wave activity. Results indicate that the wave activity is sensitive not only to the resolution and assimilation methods used but also to the model formulation.


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Convectively coupled equatorial waves are fundamental components of the interaction between the physics and dynamics of the tropical atmosphere. A new methodology, which isolates individual equatorial wave modes, has been developed and applied to observational data. The methodology assumes that the horizontal structures given by equatorial wave theory can be used to project upper- and lower-tropospheric data onto equatorial wave modes. The dynamical fields are first separated into eastward- and westward-moving components with a specified domain of frequency–zonal wavenumber. Each of the components for each field is then projected onto the different equatorial modes using the y structures of these modes given by the theory. The latitudinal scale yo of the modes is predetermined by data to fit the equatorial trapping in a suitable latitude belt y = ±Y. The extent to which the different dynamical fields are consistent with one another in their depiction of each equatorial wave structure determines the confidence in the reality of that structure. Comparison of the analyzed modes with the eastward- and westward-moving components in the convection field enables the identification of the dynamical structure and nature of convectively coupled equatorial waves. In a case study, the methodology is applied to two independent data sources, ECMWF Reanalysis and satellite-observed window brightness temperature (Tb) data for the summer of 1992. Various convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin, mixed Rossby–gravity, and Rossby waves have been detected. The results indicate a robust consistency between the two independent data sources. Different vertical structures for different wave modes and a significant Doppler shifting effect of the background zonal winds on wave structures are found and discussed. It is found that in addition to low-level convergence, anomalous fluxes induced by strong equatorial zonal winds associated with equatorial waves are important for inducing equatorial convection. There is evidence that equatorial convection associated with Rossby waves leads to a change in structure involving a horizontal structure similar to that of a Kelvin wave moving westward with it. The vertical structure may also be radically changed. The analysis method should make a very powerful diagnostic tool for investigating convectively coupled equatorial waves and the interaction of equatorial dynamics and physics in the real atmosphere. The results from application of the analysis method for a reanalysis dataset should provide a benchmark against which model studies can be compared.