965 resultados para Expression pattern


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利用3’和5' RACE、Uneven PCR等技术成功地从胡萝卜肉质根中分离了茄红素β-环化酶、茄红素ε.环化酶和辣椒红/辣椒玉红素合酶cDNA以及茄红素β一环化酶基因5’端上游的部分序列,并研究了它们在胡萝卜肉质根中的表达模式,对胡萝卜中类胡萝卜素代谢和积累的分子机制进行了探讨。 胡萝卜茄红素β--环化酶cDNA(DCLYC1)长2089bp,包含一个1515bp的开放阅读框架,所编码蛋白长505个氨基酸,其一级结构与番茄、烟草和辣椒等植物的茄红素β--环化酶高度同源。与农杆菌和夏噬孢欧文氏菌等微生物的茄红素环化酶相似性较差,但相互间有3个短小的同源区,且蛋白疏水模式也十分相似。茄红素β--环化酶在胡萝卜肉质根中的表达受品种和组织特异性的调控。在紫色的富含茄红素的“齐头红”胡萝卜肉质根中该基因的表达受到了强烈的抑制,相反,在橙色的富含β--和α--胡萝卜素的“CA201”胡萝卜肉质根中表达十分活跃。茄红素β--环化酶和八氢番茄红素合酶基因的表达在肉质根的韧皮部和木质部之间存在差异,在韧皮部中的表达强于木质部。类胡萝卜素生物合成基因的差异表达是造成不同胡萝卜品种和组织中积累的类胡萝卜素的种类和含量不同的原因。 对紫色品种和橙色品种的茄红素β--环化酶基因组DNA的PCR分析表明两者的基因组中均存在茄红素β一环化酶基因。为了探明茄红素β--环化酶基因在不同胡萝卜品种中差异表达的原因,利用Uneven pCR从胡萝卜基因组DNA中分离克隆了茄红素β--环化酶基因5’端上游部分序列。该DNA片段长1.7kb,3’端286bp区域与DCLYC1的5’端序列交叉重叠,在GenBank中没有找到相似的序列。在1294bp-1336bp位置串连着3个TATA盒,结构十分特殊,在TATA盒上游大约700bβ位置有2个CAAT盒。瞬间表达实验证明它具有启动子活性,可以指导GUS基因在胡萝卜肉质根、叶片和茎等组织中表达。然而,其表达模式却与茄红素B.环化酶基因的Northern杂交结果不同,主要在韧皮部和木质部交界的分生组织中表达,同时在紫色胡萝卜肉质根中其表达并没有受到抑制。这一片段可能还不是完整的胡萝卜茄红素β--环化酶基因启动子,缺少了调控基因进行品种和组织特异性表达的部分序列元件。因此,分离更长的胡萝卜茄红素环化酶基因5’端上游序列,将有助于揭示茄红素β一环化酶基因呈品种和组织特异性表达的分子机制。 所分离的胡萝卜辣椒红/辣椒玉红素合酶cDNA (DCCCS)长1744bp,包含一个长1476bp的开放阅读框架,所编码蛋白长492个氨基酸。与辣椒和柑桔CCS的氨基酸序列同源性分别为为76.6%和75.3%,与DCLYC1等其它植物茄红素β--环化酶的氨基酸序列同源性为63.9-67.4%。DCCCS的表达模式在两个不同颜色的品种之间十分相似,在肉质根韧皮部中强烈表达,而在木质部中表达明显受到了抑制。由于CCS与LYC-B高度同源,有人认为CCS可能具有茄红素环化酶活性,然而本研究结果表明,DCCCS虽然在紫色的齐头红胡萝卜肉质根韧皮部中强烈表达,却没有影响细胞中积累大量的茄红素,因此DCCCS即使具有茄红素环化酶作用,其活性也是极低的。 分离到的胡萝卜茄红素ε--环化酶cDNA片段(DCL YC-E)长1264bp,包含了完整的3’端,5’端尚不完整。按照引物LYCP1上的阅读框架进行翻译得到长385个氨基酸的肽链与莴苣、番茄和拟南芥LYC-E肽链相应区域的氨基酸序列高度同源,达80.5%以上,其中与莴苣茄红素ε--环化酶最为接近。与拟南芥茄红素ε--环化酶第448位基团和莴苣茄红素ε--环化酶第457位基团对应的氨基酸基团为H。这一基团是一个分子开关,决定茄红素ε--环化酶是催化茄红素的一端还是两端形成ε--环,因此,胡萝卜茄红素ε--环化酶可能与莴苣茄红素ε--环化酶具有相同的功能,即可以催化对称的线性茄红素的两端均形成ε--环,生成双ε--环胡萝卜素。DCLYC-E在胡萝卜肉质根中表达模式与DCLYCI不同,在紫色品种齐头红肉质根韧皮部中表达十分强烈,没有受到抑制,而且明显强于木质部;在橙色品种CA201中DCLYCE的表达模式与DCLYCI相似,韧皮部中表达强,而木质部中相对弱得多。DCL YC-E的表达模式在所测试品种间没有差异。在富含茄红素的齐头红胡萝卜肉质根中DCL YC-E强烈表达,可见它并没有将茄红素大量转化为双ε--环胡萝卜素,因此该酶的功能和活性有待进一步研究。


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花两侧对称性的获得是由多次独立的进化事件而完成。在被子植物进化过程中,花两侧对称性在植物的适应辐射过程中有重要意义。在模式植物金鱼草中,CYCLOIDEA(CYC)是控制花对称性的关键基因。近年来,CYC 基因的同源基因已经在多个类群中被分离出来,并开展了CYC 类基因的分子进化及其与花对称性表型进化相关关系的研究。 泡桐属是模式植物金鱼草的一个近缘类群,我们从泡桐属的毛泡桐中分离出了CYC基因的两个同源基因,分别命名为PtCYC1 和PtCYC2 。组织特异性RT-PCR显示他们的表达模式发生了明显的分化。 毛泡桐中PtCYC1 基因的表达模式与 CYC 基因在金鱼草中和 McCYC 基因在M. confertiflora 中的表达模式存在明显的差异但是和RgCYC 在地黄(Rehmannia)中的表达模式十分相似。PtCYC1 基因在近轴区域的强烈表达可能与毛泡桐近轴雄蕊的缺失有关。 尽管PtCYC1和M. confertiflora 中的McCYC 基因均从近轴雄蕊延伸到了两侧雄蕊,但PtCYC1 基因的后期表达较弱。因此,毛泡桐中的两侧雄蕊的发育并没有像M. confertiflora 中的两侧雄蕊受到强烈的抑制而成为退化雄蕊,仅仅使得两侧雄蕊短于两个远轴雄蕊从而在毛泡桐中形成二强雄蕊。地黄属和泡桐属两侧对称花的显著特征是缺乏近轴雄蕊。PtCYC1 和RgCYC基因的表达模式的高度一致显示出近轴雄蕊的缺失可能和CYC类基因的强烈表达有关。十分有趣的是毛泡桐中PtCYC2 基因在各个区域均没有表达。对于PtCYC2 基因是否还有其他方面的功能还有待于进一步探讨。


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被子植物中,花对称性进化的一个重要方面就是从两侧对称向次生辐射对称的演化。唇形目是被子植物中以两侧对称花为主的类群,次生辐射对称花频繁发生。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,从两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳川鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由于CYC和LCYC的沉默所引起,这些基因沉默分别是由于转座子插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致。在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在所有五个花瓣均有表达,这相似于金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花。然而,自然界中起源于不同的两侧对称花支系的许多次生辐射对称花好像并不是因为简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或者获得。因此,以模式植物突变体表型特征的分子机制作为研究出发点,通过对自然发生的次生辐射对称花进行详细研究探讨,有可能揭示两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,包括花对称性发育过程中不同基因的参与以及他们的表达在时间上的变化等。 苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)是唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)其他类群的姊妹群, 以较弱的两侧对称花为特征,并拥有相当数量的次生辐射对称花种类;该科所拥有的辐射对称花属在唇形目所有科中占的比例最大。在苦苣苔科中,五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)是次生辐射对称花类群中具有两侧对称痕迹的代表类群,其花的发育过程显示出五数苣苔花经历了由花器官发育早期的两侧对称向成熟时期辐射对称的形态转变。这种发育模式暗示着五数苣苔的花可能起源于一个两侧对称花祖先;五数苣苔中控制花背腹非对称性的CYC类基因应该是有功能的,至少在花发育的早期是这样的。由于苦苣苔科和婆婆纳科(Veronicaceae)(金鱼草属于婆婆纳科)亲缘关系较近,而且CYC类基因的基本功能之一是导致背部雄蕊退化;因此五数苣苔中辐射对称花的形成很可能既不是由于CYC类基因失去,也不是因为CYC-类基因功能获得延伸或加强所致。在五数苣苔花发育过程中,从早期的两侧对称到成熟花的辐射对称的发育转变可能牵涉到TCP和MYB基因家族成员相互调节作用在时间和空间上的改变。因此,五数苣苔是探讨被子植物中次生辐射对称花新的进化途径的一个理想的候选材料。针对解决这一问题,我们对五数苣苔花进行了以下实验研究: 1 花器官发生过程的观察 成熟的五数苣苔花是辐射对称花,但是对花发育过程中花原基电镜扫描结果表明:在花器官起始和发育的早期,五数苣苔花是显著的两侧对称;但是随着进一步发育,这种两侧对称性逐步减弱,最后形成具有微弱两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花。 2 花对称性基因的克隆 我们应用RACE技术克隆得到了五数苣苔花对称性同源基因:BlDIV1、BlDIV2和BlRAD的翻译区全序列及其上下游非翻译区,得到了BlCYC1的3‘端翻译区和非翻译区序列。为了确定这些基因内含子的有无和位置,我们也从DNA中得到了相应同源基因的DNA序列,并且补全了BlCYC1的5‘端序列。同时也克隆到了一个没有在mRNA中得到的CYC同源基因BlCYC2。在该实验中我们第一次在金鱼草以外的类群中克隆得到了DIV和RAD的同源基因。 3 序列比较和分子系统发育分析 运用不同的比较软件和分子系统发育分析工具对五数苣苔的花对称性基因进行了比较和分析。结果表明:五数苣苔各种类型的花对称性基因和金鱼草的花对称基因在序列上是高度同源的,在分子系统发育上是非常近缘的。暗示着五数苣苔花对称性基因和金鱼草花对称性基因功能上的同源性。 4 花对称称性基因表达模式的分析 我们第一次运用组织原位杂交和RT-PCR技术对在金鱼草以外类群中所有已知类型花对称性同源基因的表达模式进行了实验研究。结果表明:五数苣苔花对称性基因的表达模式在花发育的早期类似于金鱼草;但是早期以后,BlCYC1和BlRAD被负调节,BlDIV的表达特异地在每个花瓣侧部边缘表达;这种表达结果和花的形态发生过程有很好的吻合。 上述研究表明:和金鱼草花对称基因的表达模式相比,五数苣苔三种类型花对称性基因在花发育过程中的时间和空间表达模式发生了改变;并且这种表达模式变化和五数苣苔花对称性由发育起始时期的两侧对称向成熟时期的辐射对称的转变是相互关联的。五数苣苔具有两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花和其他类群辐射对称花的比较显示:在五数苣苔中发育早期的两侧对称性应该是两侧对称性的遗迹;这是由于BlCYC1和BlRAD基因早期表达的保守性造成的。我们的结果揭示了一个新的花对称性演化路径:在花发育过程中,被CYC-like基因推动的RAD和DIV同源基因之间相互调节作用在时间和空间上的变化是花对称性从两侧对称向辐射对称转变或演化的基础;我们的发现还预示着:在一个调节网络的动态变化过程中,一个预先存在的两侧对称发育程序的修饰调节可能在被子植物次生辐射对称花多样性的形成中扮演重要角色。


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花对称性,作为花器官的一个基本而又非常重要的特征,它的进化发育过程,越来越吸引着科学家们的注意力。次生辐射对称花的形成也越来越受到关注。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳穿鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由CYC和LCYC基因沉默所致,二者基因沉默分别是由于转座子的插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致;而在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在五个花瓣上都有表达,这种情况和金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花相似。然而,自然起源的两侧对称花支系中的次生辐射对称花的形成似乎并不是简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或获得。自然形成的次生辐射对称花究竟可能经历了怎样的进化途径?对此,我们选择了广义唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)中苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物——四数苣苔(Bouenea sinensis)作为研究对象,通过和模式植物金鱼草的突变体中花对称性基因表达特征比较,结合其近缘种——五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)中DIVARICATA在时间和空间上的表达特征,试图揭示苦苣苔科中可能的两侧对称向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,以及在这种进化过程中所产生的可能的器官丢失或融合现象。 四数苣苔和五数苣苔同属于苦苣苔亚科(Cyrtandroideae)苦苣苔族(Trib.Ramondeae Eritsch)中的四数苣苔属(Bournea Oliv)。该属仅仅有两个种——四数苣苔和五数苣苔,它们都是次生辐射对称花类群中的典型代表,而且两者花发育过程都显示出了由腹部向背部顺序发生和生长的特征。然而和五数苣苔相比,四数苣苔花瓣和雄蕊数目分别少了一枚,拥有四枚花瓣(背部花瓣两枚、两侧花瓣两枚)和四枚雄蕊(背部雄蕊一枚、两侧雄蕊两枚、腹部雄蕊一枚)。从形态特征比较来看,很有可能是四数苣苔在次生辐射对称花形成的过程中,发生了腹部花瓣的丢失和两枚腹部雄蕊愈合成了一枚较大的腹部雄蕊。那么,我们推测在四数苣苔次生辐射对称花形成过程中,花对称性基因即CYC类和DIV类基因在分子水平上发生了变化,这种变化和四数苣苔中次生辐射对称花的形成有关。 基于上述考虑,我们开展了对四数苣苔中花对称性基因——BsCYCLOIDEA、BsDIVARICATA、BsRADALIS以及BsCYCLIND3四个基因共9个拷贝进行了在花组织中表达模式研究。我们在四数苣苔中共分离到了五个拷贝的CYC类基因,分别命名为BsCYC1C-1、BsCYC1C-2、BsCYC1D、BsCYC2A、BsCYC2B。这五个拷贝在保守的TCP区和R区保持了高度的同源性。BsDIV的两个拷贝BsDIV1、BsDIV2也是如此,在保守的两个区domain I、domain II,尤其是在那些螺旋和环结构处,保守性相当高。组织原位杂交结果显示,BsDIV在四数苣苔中的表达非常特别,在金鱼草和五数苣苔中该类基因的表达分两个不同时期,即早期表达和晚期特异性表达,BsDIV在四数苣苔中似乎没有早期表达模式或者在很早期就已经进入到了晚期的表达模式。它在四个花瓣的两侧边缘和四个雄蕊上均等表达,而且这种表达持续时间相对比较长。组织原位杂交结果也得到了RT-PCR结果的支持。有趣的是BsRAD的RT-PCR结果显示,BsRAD在晚期花瓣上只在背部表达,但是在雄蕊上的表达却和金鱼草中AmRAD在背部区域表达不同,它的表达从背部延伸到了两侧和腹部。BsRAD在花器官的第二轮和第三轮的表达显然发生了分化。这种现象可能暗示着BsRAD功能发生了分化。BsRAD和BsDIV在腹部雄蕊上精细的时间空间调控关系可能正是导致腹部雄蕊愈合的原因。RT-PCR结果并没有检测到BsCYC2在晚期花上的表达。原位杂交结果显示BsCYC2在第8期以后表达就基本消失了,从而验证了RT-PCR结果。BsCYC2在早期花原基和早期花器官上都是均匀表达,但在表达消失之前,它在花瓣裂片和花冠筒的分界处则有表达信号,BsCYC2可能和调控花冠筒高度有关。根据Almeida 和 Galego(2002)所说,花冠筒高度的改变依赖于CYC 、DIV基因和其它非主动生长决定因子之间的相互作用。BsCYC1C晚期的RT-PCR结果显示它在背部花瓣、背部雄蕊和两侧雄蕊上均有表达信号,但在腹部花瓣和雄蕊上则没有表达信号,这似乎和四数苣苔由腹部向背部顺序发育的形态特征相符合,说明BsCYC1C可能起到了抑制背部花瓣和背部雄蕊生长的作用。


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第一部分 茎尖分生组织的中央部位是由干细胞组成,维持干细胞的动态平衡对于植物器官启动显得尤为重要。在拟南芥花序分生组织和花分生组织中分别有WUS/CLV和(WUS+LFY)/AG两个负反馈调节环控制着这一平衡,保证了花序分生组织的非决定性和花分生组织的决定性。 本文用T-DNA激活标签技术得到功能增强突变体bre,序列分析表明BRE就是干细胞特征基因WUSCHEL。定量RT-PCR表明在突变体的茎节间WUS大量表达,证实在WUS基因的调控区插入的4个35S增强子使WUS表达增强。突变体bre生长发育缓慢,茎弯曲,花器官数目改变,心皮发育加快。尤为突出的是在茎皮层直接分化出花分生组织。这些表型可能与WUS的表达增强有关。这说明WUS功能是多效的,除了在分生组织中决定干细胞命运、促进CLV和AG的表达外,还可能与生长素极性运输以及花分生组织特征基因的表达有关。 第二部分 春化作用是促进植物从营养生长向生殖生长转变的有效途径之一,作者所在实验室曾经分离到多个小麦春化相关基因。为研究春化期间它们在不同组织或不同细胞内的表达模式,首先建立并完善了RNA组织原位杂交系统。以春化相关基因ver203F为模板,采用地高辛为标记分子,借助体外转录制备RNA探针,分析了小麦胚芽和幼苗中ver203F的表达模式。结果表明:春化前和脱春化的胚芽中不表达ver203F,春化处理14天以上的胚芽幼叶表达ver203F,而且主要定位在叶的边缘分生组织细胞内,叶维管束和表皮组织未检测到转录物,胚芽鞘和茎尖分生组织中不表达。幼苗的侧芽中的幼叶有相同的表达模式。茉莉酸可以诱导ver203F的表达。.说明春化时的低温信号可能由幼叶接收,并有可能涉及到茉莉酸介导的信号转导途径。


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Some lepidopteran lysozymes have been reported to display activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, in contrast to most lysozymes that are active only against Gram-positive bacteria. OstrinLysC, a c-type lysozyme, was purified from the As


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Background: It has been shown that mutations in at least four myotubularin family genes (MTM1, MTMR1, 2 and 13) are causative for human neuromuscular disorders. However, the pathway and regulative mechanism remain unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we reported a new role for Mtmr8 in neuromuscular development of zebrafish. Firstly, we cloned and characterized zebrafish Mtmr8, and revealed the expression pattern predominantly in the eye field and somites during early somitogenesis. Using morpholino knockdown, then, we observed that loss-of-function of Mtmr8 led to defects in somitogenesis. Subsequently, the possible underlying mechanism and signal pathway were examined. We first checked the Akt phosphorylation, and observed an increase of Akt phosphorylation in the morphant embryos. Furthermore, we studied the PH/G domain function within Mtmr8. Although the PH/G domain deletion by itself did not result in embryonic defect, addition of PI3K inhibitor LY294002 did give a defective phenotype in the PH/G deletion morphants, indicating that the PH/G domain was essential for Mtmr8's function. Moreover, we investigated the cooperation of Mtmr8 with PI3K in actin filament modeling and muscle development, and found that both Mtmr8-MO1 and Mtmr8-MO2+LY294002 led to the disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, we revealed a possible participation of Mtmr8 in the Hedgehog pathway, and cell transplantation experiments showed that Mtmr8 worked in a non-cell autonomous manner in actin modeling. Conclusion/Significance: The above data indicate that a conserved functional cooperation of Mtmr8 with PI3K regulates actin filament modeling and muscle development in zebrafish, and reveal a possible participation of Mtmr8 in the Hedgehog pathway. Therefore, this work provides a new clue to study the physiological function of MTM family members.


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To investigate germline development and germ cell specification, we identified a Dazl homolog (CagDazl) from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Its cDNA sequence and BAC clone sequence analyses revealed the genomic organization conservation and conserved synteny of the Dazl family members and their neighborhood genes among vertebrates, especially in fish. Moreover, a polyclonal antibody specific to CagDazl was produced and used to examine its expression and distribution throughout germline development at protein level. Firstly, ovary-specific expression pattern of CagDazl was confirmed in adult tissues by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addition, in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence localization demonstrated its specific expression in germ cells, and both its transcript and protein were localized to germ plasm. Then, co-localization of CagDazl and mitochondrial cloud was found, confirming that CagDazl transcript and its protein are germ plasm component and move via METRO pathway during oogenesis. Furthermore, the CagDazl is abundant and continuous throughout germline development and germ cell specification including primordial germ cell (PGC) formation, oogonium differentiation, oocyte development, and embryogenesis, and the dynamic distribution occurs at different development stages. The data suggest that maternal CagDazl might play an important role in gibel carp PGC formation. Therefore, CagDazl is a useful and specific marker for tracing germ plasm and germ cell development in the gynogenetic gibel carp. In addition, in comparison with previous studies in sexual reproduction species, the continuous and dynamic distribution of CagDazl protein in the germ plasm throughout the life cycle seems to have significant implication in sex evolution of vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Deu. Euol.) 312B:855-871, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Brain structure and function experience dramatic changes from embryonic to postnatal development. Microarray analyses have detected differential gene expression at different stages and in disease models, but gene expression information during early brain development is limited. We have generated >27 million reads to identify mRNAs from the mouse cortex for>16,000 genes at either embryonic day 18 (E18) or postnatal day 7 (P7), a period of significant synapto-genesis for neural circuit formation. In addition, we devised strategies to detect alternative splice forms and uncovered more splice variants. We observed differential expression of 3,758 genes between the 2 stages, many with known functions or predicted to be important for neural development. Neurogenesis-related genes, such as those encoding Sox4, Sox11, and zinc-finger proteins, were more highly expressed at E18 than at P7. In contrast, the genes encoding synaptic proteins such as synaptotagmin, complexin 2, and syntaxin were up-regulated from E18 to P7. We also found that several neurological disorder-related genes were highly expressed at E18. Our transcriptome analysis may serve as a blueprint for gene expression pattern and provide functional clues of previously unknown genes and disease-related genes during early brain development.


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Histone variants and their modification have significant roles in many cellular processes. In this study, we identified and characterized the histone H2A variant h2af1o in fish and revealed its oocyte-specific expression pattern during oogenesis and embryogenesis. Moreover, posttranslational modification of H2af1o was observed that results from phosphorylation during oocyte maturation. To understand the binding dynamics of the novel core histone variant H2af1o in nucleosomes, we cloned ubiquitous gibel carp h2afx as a conventional histone control and investigated the dynamic exchange difference in chromatin by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. H2af1o has significantly higher mobility in nucleosomes than ubiquitous H2afx. Compared with ubiquitous H2afx, H2af1o has a tightly binding C-terminal and a weakly binding N-terminal. These data indicate that fish oocytes have a novel H2A variant that destabilizes nucleosomes by protruding its N-terminal tail and stabilizes core particles by contracting its C-terminal tail. Our findings suggest that H2af1o may have intrinsic ability to modify chromatin properties during fish oogenesis, oocyte maturation, and early cleavage.


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Chemokines and their receptors play important roles in nervous and immune systems. Little information, however, exists concerning this gene family in teleost fish. In the present Study, 17 C-C chemokine receptors genes were identified from Danio rerio, 9 from Gasterosteus aculeatus, 10 from Oryzius latipes, 8 from Takifugu rubripes and 5 from Tetraodon nigroviridis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the orthologs to mammalian CCR6, 7, 8, 9 and CCRL1 receptors were evident in zebrafish, but the clear orthologs to mammalian CCR1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 were not found in zebrafish. The gene structure of zebrafish CCR (zfCCR) was further analyzed. The open reading frame of zfCCR3-1, zfCCR3-3, zfCCR6-1, zfCCR6-2, zfCCR8-2 contain one exon, and two exons were identified for zfCCR2-1, zfCCR2-2, zfCCR4 and zfCCRLI-1, three exons for zfCCR3-2, zfCCR5 and zfCCR7, four exons for zfCCR8-1 and zfCCR9-1. The expression analyses showed that in zebrafish, most C-C chemokine receptor genes Were expressed in fertilized eggs and oocytes, and all the receptor genes were expressed in larval stages. The zfCCR2-2, zfCCR3-1, zfCCR4 and zfCCR6-2 genes were expressed in all normal organs examined, whereas not for zfCCR2-1, zfCCR3-3, zfCCR6-1, zfCCR8-1, zfCCR9-2 and zfCCRL1-2. The expression of zfCCR3-2, zfCCR5, zfCCR7, zfCCR9-1 and zfCCRLI-1 were detected in the majority organs. and zfCCR8-2 and zfCCR8-3 detected only in brain. The differential expression pattern of different paralogues in organs may indicate their difference in function, which requires further investigation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Apo-14 is a fish-specific apolipoprotein and its biological function remains unknown. In this study, CagApo-14 was cloned from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) and its expression pattern was investigated during embryogenesis and early larval development. The CagApo-14 transcript and its protein product were firstly localized in the yolk syncytial layer at a high level during embryogenesis, and then found to be restricted to the digestive system including liver and intestine in later embryos and early larvae. Immunofluorescence staining in larvae and adults indicated that CagApo-14 protein was predominantly synthesized in and excreted from sinusoidal endothelial cells of liver tissue. Morpholino knockdown of CagApo-14 resulted in severe disruption of digestive organs including liver, intestine, pancreas and swim bladder. Moreover, yolk lipid transportation and utilization were severely affected in the CagApo-14 morphants. Overall, this data indicates that CagApo-14 is required for digestive system organogenesis during fish embryogenesis and larval development.


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m Background: Cross-species nuclear transfer has been shown to be a potent approach to retain the genetic viability of a certain species near extinction. However, most embryos produced by cross-species nuclear transfer were compromised because that they were unable to develop to later stages. Gene expression analysis of cross-species cloned embryos will yield new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in cross-species nuclear transfer and embryonic development. Results: A novel gene, K31, was identified as an up-regulated gene in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos using SSH approach and RACE method. K31 complete cDNA sequence is 1106 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 342 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 113 amino acids (aa). Comparative analysis revealed no homologous known gene in zebrafish and other species database. K31 protein contains a putative transmembrane helix and five putative phosphorylation sites but without a signal peptide. Expression pattern analysis by real time RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) shows that it has the characteristics of constitutively expressed gene. Sub-cellular localization assay shows that K31 protein can not penetrate the nuclei. Interestingly, over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality in the epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells in cell culture, which gave hint to the inefficient reprogramming events occurred in cloned embryos. Conclusion: Taken together, our findings indicated that K31 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos and over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality of cultured fish cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of novel genes involved in nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction of fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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Myelin basic protein (MBP), as a major component of the myelin sheath, has been revealed to play an important role informing and maintaining myelin structure in vertebrate nervous system. In teleost, hypothalamus is an instinctive brain center and plays significant roles in many physiological functions, such as energy metabolism, growth, reproduction, and stress response. In comparison with other MBP identified in vertebrates, a smallest MBP is cloned and identified from the orange-spotted grouper hypothalamic cDNA plasmid library in this study. RT-PCR analysis and Western blot detection indicate that the EcMBP is specific to hypothalamus, and expresses mainly in the tuberal hypothalamus in adult grouper. Immunofluorescence localization suggests that EcMBP should be expressed by oligodendrocytes, and the expressing cells should be concentrated in hypothalamus and the area surrounding hypothalamus, such as NPOpc, VC, DP, NLTm, and NDLI The studies on EcMBP expression pattern and developmental behaviour in the brains of grouper embryos and larvae reveal that the EcMBP-expressing cells are only limited in a defined set of cells on the border of hypothalamus, and suggest that the EcMBP-expressing cells might be a subpopulation of oliaodendrocyte progenitor cells. This study not only identifies a smallest MBP isoform specific to hypothalamus that can be used as a molecular marker of oligodendrocytes in fish, but also provides new insights for MBP evolution and cellular distribution. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.