953 resultados para Esther Honey Foundation -klinikka
materials to accompany module focussed around creation and examination of a personal portfolio reflecting on learning
currently empty stub for next weeks' notes
slides to take students through part of task of preparing portfolio - also addresses skills development (embedded in tasks)this week - self knowledge and using feedback
class exercise to use exiting feedback to gain insights and practice refection and objective target setting
materials used in class and by students during week's activities
Photograph of honey bees, (Apis mellifera), taken during a trip to New Zealand between 16th June -16th July 2006 to carry out conservation work. The beehive, was observed and also how the bees function. There are many worker bees with one queen bee. It was interesting to see how the bees put excess pollen into the cells, make it into honey and then seal off the cells by covering them with wax. After observing the various tasks the bees carry out, it was possible to see differences between them. For example tasks vary according to the age of the bees. Taken using a Kodak Easy Share CX7530 camera (5.0 mega pixels).
Part 3 Routes to Success summary of the portfolio template on one A4 page
Part 3 Routes to Success Slides Week 1
Collection of resources for Week 1 of the foundation year RTS part 3 - lecture slides, and activity resources
reading for private study during week 2, to be used in conjunction with week 1 collection
Part 3 Routes to Success Portfolio template on five A4 page
A short self evaluation quiz looking at motivation
A short self evaluation quiz looking at planning
Part 3 Routes to Success slides
No longer current Front Sheet for handin to be completed by student