999 resultados para Environnement -- Catalonia -- Garrotxa
Background: Diverse projects and guidelines to assist hospitals towards the attainment of comprehensive smoke-free policies have been developed. In 2006, Spain government passed a new smoking ban that reinforce tobacco control policies and banned completely smoking in hospitals. This study assesses the progression of tobacco control policies in the Catalan Network of Smokefree Hospitals before and after a comprehensive national smoking ban. Methods: We used the Self-Audit Questionnaire of the European Network for Smoke-free Hospitals to score the compliance of 9 policy standards (global score = 102). We used two crosssectional surveys to evaluate tobacco control policies before (2005) and after the implementation of a national smoking ban (2007) in 32 hospitals of Catalonia, Spain. We compared the means of the overall score in 2005 and 2007 according to the type of hospital, the number of beds, the prevalence of tobacco consumption, and the number of years as a smoke-free hospital. Results: The mean of the implementation score of tobacco control policies was 52.4 (95% CI:45.4-59.5) in 2005 and 71.6 (95% CI: 67.0-76.2) in 2007 with an increase of 36.7% (p < 0.01). The hospitals with greater improvement were general hospitals (48% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with > 300 beds (41.1% increase; p < 0.01), hospitals with employees' tobacco consumption prevalence 35-39% (72.2% increase; p < 0.05) and hospitals that had recently implemented smoke-free policies (74.2% increase; p < 0.01). Conclusion: The national smoking ban appears to increase tobacco control activities in hospitals combined with other non-bylaw initiatives such as the Smoke-free Hospital Network.
Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.
In this paper we analyze the size and habitat partitioning of the vascular floras of five areas of the NE Iberian Peninsula, representing five distinct vegetation belts and three floristic regions: Mediterranean (basal belt), medio-European (submontane and montane belts) and Boreo-Alpine (subalpine and alpine belts). Each area covered over 1000 ha, and was fairly uniform in terms of potential vegetation, bedrock and bioclimate. They excluded large villages and field areas, the landscape being mainly natural or moderately anthropized.
El volcanismo neógenocuaternario de Catalunya está asociado al sistema de fracturas escalonadas, de orientación preferente SW-NE y NW-SE, que condiciona también las depresiones tectónicas o fosas neógenas. Las dataciones radiométricas ponen de manifiesto una actividad volcánica entre 10 y 0.1 m.a., localizándose las erupciones más antiguas en la fosa del Empordà, mientras que el volcanismo cuaternario se concentra en las proximidades de Olot (La Garrotxa). El magmatismo es de carácter alcalino, con términos exclusivamente básicos (basanitas), salvo un afloramiento traquítico. Son frecuentes los xenolitos de rocas sedimentarias y plutónicas básicas y ácidas, presentando estos últimos el mayor grado de transformación. Los caracteres estructurales, geoquímicos y mineralógicos, junto a las relaciones isotópicas Sr8YlSr86 apoyan un origen profundo, subcrustal, del magma, y definen un volcanismo intraplaca como el que corresponde a un modelo de rift embrionario sin atenuación litosférica y con escasas manifestacion
Objective: The objective of this study was to collect data on the prevalence of smokers among Catalonian dentists (by age and sex) and compare them with existing data on the general population, doctors, registered nurses and pharmacists. The overall prevalence of smokers in Catalonia (2006) was 34.5% of men and 24.3% of women. Data available on the prevalence of smoking among doctors (26.3% men and 22.1% women), pharmacists (19.8% men and 20.6% women) and registered nurses (34.1% men and 35.3% women) relates to the year 2002. Study design: In September 2006, Catalonian dentists (n=3,799) were asked about their habits in relation to tobacco in a self-administered questionnaire, on use and opinions with respect to dental amalgam. Five hundred and seventynine questionnaires were received, of which 538 answered the question on smoking (14.2% of the sample universe). Results: The prevalence of smokers among dentists is lower (24.9% of men and 18.4% of women) than in the general population and other healthcare professionals. In dentists in the age group between 25 and 34 years, the prevalence was 26.1% in men and 14.9% in women, while the prevalence in this age group in the general population was 43.6% and 37.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Catalonian dentists have a much lower prevalence of tobacco use than the general population and lower even than other healthcare professionals. Given that non-smoking healthcare professionals have better awareness for providing recommendations for smoking prevention and cessation, Catalonian dentists may be a valid group for performing this task for which there is scientific evidence.
Les tâches nécessitant des manipulations et des transformations de figures géométriques et de formes, comme les tâches de rotation mentale, donnent lieu à des différences de performance entre hommes et femmes qui restent intrigantes. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer ces différences. La plus récurrente porte sur les différences de stratégie globale vs locale utilisées pour traiter l'information. Bien que cette conjecture soit intéressante, elle reste difficile à opérationnaliser car elle englobe tous les mécanismes cognitifs (acquisition, conservation et récupération de l'information). Ce travail prend la forme d'un retour aux sources dans la mesure où il se base sur des recherches anciennes qui ont montré que les hommes perçoivent significativement mieux que les femmes la verticale et l'horizontale. Il teste l'hypothèse selon laquelle les hommes, comparativement aux femmes, présentent une plus forte indépendance au champ perceptif visuel et sont donc plus susceptibles d'utiliser la verticalité et l'horizontalité pour résoudre une tâche de rotation mentale. Une première série d'expériences s'est penchée sur la perception spatiale pour évaluer son impact sur la résolution d'une tâche impliquant la rotation mentale. Les résultats ont montré que seuls les hommes se référaient à la verticalité et à l'horizontalité pour résoudre la tâche. Une seconde série d'expériences ont investigué l'effet de la présence, ou absence, d'axes directionnels directement liés à une tâche de rotation mentale. Elles ont été menées également en environnement réel afin d'évaluer comment le déplacement actif ou passif, correspondant à un changement de perspective en lieu et place d'une rotation mentale, module la performance des hommes et des femmes. Les résultats n'ont pas mis en évidence de différence sexuelle. Notre hypothèse est vérifiée puisque c'est uniquement lorsque la tâche ne présente pas d'axes orthogonaux évidents mais implicites que seuls les hommes, plus indépendants au champ perceptif visuel que les femmes, utilisent la perception de la verticalité et de l'horizontalité pour améliorer leur compétence en rotation mentale. -- Tasks that require manipulation and transformation of geometric shapes and forms, like tasks of mental rotation and give rise to differences in performance between men and women, remain intriguing. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these differences. The most recurring hypothesis addresses differences in global versus local strategies for processing information. While this conjecture is interesting, it remains difficult to study because it encompasses all the cognitive mechanisms (acquisition, retention and output). This work returns to the sources, which are based on earlier research that shows that men are significantly better than women at perceiving verticality and horizontality. It tests the hypothesis according to which men, as compared to women, exhibit a greater independence on the perceptive visual field, and therefore are more susceptible to utilizing the verticality and the horizontality to solve a mental rotation task. A first set of experiments examined spatial perception in order to assess its impact on the resolution of a task involving mental rotation. The results showed that only men referred to the verticality and the horizontality to solve the task. A second series of experiments investigated the effect of a presence, or absence of directional axes directed tied to the task of mental rotation. They were also conducted in a real world environment to evaluate how the active or passive displacement, corresponding to a change in perspective instead of a mental rotation, modulates the performance of men and women. The results did not show sex differences. Our hypothesis is verified: it is only when the task presents no obvious, but implicit orthogonal axes that men, who exhibit a greater independence on the perceptive visual field than women, use the perception of verticality and horizontality to improve their competence in mental rotation.
The bryozoan fauna growing on deep-water corals (Lophelia, Madrepora) from the upper-slope of Catalonia (Blanes and Banyuls-sur-mer: NW Mediterranean Sea) was studied. Among the 36 species recorded, a new species, Escharella acuta sp. nov., and a new subspecies, Escharina dutertrei protecta ssp. nov., are described; five other species have been rarely reported or were unknown from the Mediterranean Sea (Copidozoum exiguum, Amphiblestrum flemingii, Schizomavella neptuni, Smittina crystallina, Phylactellipora eximia) . This epibiotic bryozoan fauna differs clearly from shallow-water assemblages and comprises a greater proportion of boreo-atlantic species.
Triangular facets, related drainage basins, alluvial fans and subtle scarps reveal the recent activity of the normal Amer fault (NE Spain). The 1427 earthquakes which reached epicentral intensities ranging between VI1 and VI11 have been attributed to the Amer fault. However, the geomorphologic and geologic characteristics of this fault (30 km length) suggest that it might be capable of producing larger earthquakes than those occurred during de 15th century.
Irrigated agriculture has come under close scrutiny in Europe recently because of its high share of total water consumption and its apparent inefficiency. Several water policies have been advocated, in particular the use of economic instruments such as water markets. This paper simulates the impact of a policy based upon water markets on agricultural production in the internal river basins of Catalonia (Spain). This zone presents certain particularities that make it very interesting to study: competition between sectors for the resource (agriculture-urban consumption-recreational uses), recent periods of resource insufficiency and conflicts between irrigators as a result of the measures taken by the hydraulic administration in drought situations. The results show that these markets would guarantee an optimal reassignment of the resource in situations of supply restrictions, and although compared to the situation without markets they would not mean higher economic profits for the irrigators, they could prevent conflicts between them. Nevertheless, doubts exist about their acceptance by irrigators
It is usually argued that tourism exerts negative economic impacts in host jurisdictions through the increase in prices linked to increasing demand for basic services and goods from tourists. This paper surveys 149 products in 45 tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions in Catalonia (which represent a total of 18,500 prices) in order to test empirically several hypotheses related to differences in price levels in tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions. The main results show that prices in tourism jurisdictions are not significantly higher than those in non-tourism ones. The analysis suggests that tourists are likely to pay higher prices than natives for some products