1000 resultados para Entomologia florestal
É apresentada uma análise dos possíveis impactos que a diminuição da vegetação nativa, notadamente das florestas ripárias, pode causar sobre a ictiofauna. Três conjuntos de aspectos funcionais primordiais desempenhados pelas florestas ripárias são discutidos: transferência de energia solar ao ambiente aquático, interceptação de nutrientes e sedimentos que adentram nos rios e trocas de material orgânico entre o sistema terrestre e aquático. Conclui-se que qualquer alteração que se traduza em mais perdas de vegetação nativa, seja em áreas de preservação permanente ou em reservas legais, pode gerar perdas de espécies, homogeneização faunística e diminuição de biomassa íctica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, avaliar a qualidade do corte florestal com motosserra, em propriedades rurais no sul do Espírito Santo, considerando aspectos da qualidade e a perda de madeira retida nas cepas. Foram lançadas parcelas de 250 m², onde foram feitas as observações após o corte com motosserra, avaliando-se a qualidade do corte nos seguintes aspectos: presença de espetos; danos por rachadura; cepas com faixa de ruptura fora do padrão; cepas sem o entalhe direcional e a altura da cepa remanescente, com vistas a mensurar a perda de madeira retida nas cepas. de acordo com os resultados, em média, houve presença de espetos em 21,9% das cepas, de rachaduras em 17,2%, de cepas fora do padrão em 44,6% e de cepas sem entalhe direcional em 34,5% das avaliações. Para verificar a influência da realização do entalhe direcional na altura das cepas, o teste-t, a 5% de probabilidade demonstrou que há contribuição para ocorrer maior altura de cepas, nos casos em que o corte foi feito sem o entalhe direcional. A quantidade de madeira retida nas cepas, acima do máximo recomendado, foi, em média, de 2,43 m³/ha, representando um prejuízo de R$ 172,53/ha. Foi verificada que a perda de madeira remanescente nas cepas de eucalipto foi maior nos locais onde, para a derrubada das árvores, não houve a realização do entalhe direcional. Os itens avaliados demonstraram qualidade irregular, indicando a necessidade de melhoria no corte com motosserras.
Population study of white-eared-opossum, Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Didelphidae), in a small forest fragment. The white-eared-opossums are habitat generalist animals and occur in high abundance in forest fragments. Therefore these animals are important to understand the dynamics of this landscape. The population of Didelphis albiventris in a 7 ha stational semidecidual forest fragment and its agricultural surroundings was studied during one year. The population abundance, age structure and sex ratio were estimated monthly. Two movements between the fragment and the surrounding area were detected. The population dynamics showed an annual pattern with a high peak during the dry season.
A population survey was carried out in a forest fragment and in an area of vegetables, from November/1996 to February/1998, aiming to determine the predator insect species and the influence of abiotic factors. The samples were taken weekly by light traps. The results were evaluated using faunistic analysis and simple correlation with temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. In the forest fragment higher similarity in the abundance of species was observed comparing to the area of vegetables, but the largest number of captured individuals (95%) occurred in this last habitat. Metius sp., Polpochila impressifrons (Dej.), Eulissus sp. and Doru sp. were predominant species in both areas, evidencing they may play an important role as pest predators in areas of vegetables. Arthrostictus speciosus (Dej.) and Leptotrachelus sp. predominated in the forest fragment, and the same was observed with Paederus sp. in the vegetable area. This species is probably adapted for open and hot places, while A. speciosus and Leptotrachelus sp. can be adapted for dark and humid places of forests.
This study objective was to evaluate the effective revegetation in a Mogi Guaçu River degraded floodplain area, located at Luiz Antonio municipality (21° 31' S e 47° 55' W), São Paulo State, Brazil. Two native riparian forest remnants (RIP1 and RIP2) and three 10-year-old reforested areas, planted of native species (R1, R2 and R3), were analyzed by using phytosociological describers of the arboreal stratum (trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm) as indicators. The arboreal stratum inventory was accomplished by 180 plots (10 × 10 m each), 60 representing every native forest and 20 for every reforested area. A total of 60 arboreal species was recorded, only six species (Cecropia hololeuca, Crotón urucurana, Genipa americana, Inga striata, Nectandra megapotamica e Peltophorum dubium) occurring in all the five studied areas. Seventeen species were common to both native forests, and nine species were recorded in all the reforested areas. Sebastlania commersonlana and Guarea macrophyllawere recorded in the native forests (RlP1 and RIP2), and Cecropia hololeuca, Croton urucurana and Inga striata occurring in all the reforested areas, were the species that best characterize the physiognomy of local diversity and were the most important among the studied species. The results showed that the rehabilitation of the areas made by the reforestation created conditions to implant forests with similar structures of the adjacent natural remainders. The reforestation with native species performed in the degraded floodplain of Mogi Guaçu River, initially with the predomination of invasive grasses, has been effective at the first stage of the ecological restoration process. The reforestation is making possible the natural regeneration of species from the adjacent remnants, what indicates that the similarity between planted forests and the native ones are rising through the time. The phytosociology, accomplished ten years after the planting date, is adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of the reforestation during the restoration process of degradated areas in the Mogi Guaçu floodplain.
This study evaluated using of Multicriteria Evaluation in a GIS, specifically by Weighted Linear Combination Method for generation of map of priority areas for forest restoration in the initial part of River Pardo Basin, SP, in order to water resources conservation. Aiming to define criteria and restrictions it was used Participatory Techniques, and the following factors had been selected: proximity of the hydrographic network, proximity of forest cover, slope and erodibility of soil. To calculate the weight to each factor it was used the decision-making process, known as Analytic Hierarchy Analysis, this method consists of a paired comparison of factors to determine the relative importance of each. According to Weighted Linear Combination, the very high priority areas have a more limited spatial distribution, with an apparent concentration around the water bodies, outlining a buffer to the river system. The proximity factor of the hydrographic network, and enables the connection forestry, contributed, along with the factor of proximity to forest cover, so there would be the definition of most of the areas with the highest priority in the basin, which concentrate the largest areas of forest and native riparian areas along the hydrographic.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA