744 resultados para Engagement at work and wellbeing at work
Investigating parents’ formal engagement opportunities in public schools serves well to characterize the relationship between states and societies. While the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic success has been thoroughly investigated, rarely has it been seen to indicate countries’ governing regimes. The researcher was curious to see whether and how does parents’ voice differ in different democracies. The hypothesis was that in mature regimes, institutional opportunities for formal parental engagement are plenty and parents are actively involved; while in young democracies there are less opportunities and the engagement is lower. The assumption was also that parental deliberation in expressing their dissatisfaction with schools differs across democracies: where it is more intense, there it translates to higher engagement. Parents’ informedness on relevant regulations and agendas was assumed to be equally average, and their demographic background to have similar effects on engagement. The comparative, most different systems design was employed where public middle schools last graders’ parents in Tartu, Estonia and in Huntsville, Alabama the United States served as a sample. The multidimensional study includes the theoretical review, country and community analyses, institutional analysis in terms of formal parental involvement, and parents’ survey. The findings revealed sizeable differences between parents’ engagement levels in Huntsville and Tartu. The results indicate passivity in both communities, while in Tartu the engagement seems to be alarmingly low. Furthermore, Tartu parents have much less institutional opportunities to engage. In the United States, multilevel efforts to engage parents are visible from local to federal level, in Estonia similar intentions seem to be missing and meaningful parental organizations do not exist. In terms of civic education there is much room for development in both countries. The road will be longer for a young democracy Estonia in transforming its institutional systems from formally democratic to inherently inclusive.
Since the 1980s, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled to over 30 percent of the adult population (Thorpe, 2004). Obesity is a key contributing factor to continually rising national healthcare costs. Addressing its negative implications is essential not only from a cost perspective, but also for the betterment of our nation¿s general health and wellbeing. Obesity is reportedly associated with a 35% increase in inpatient and outpatient spending, as well as a 77% increase in related necessary medications (Sturm, 2002). Obesity, which some have argued should be classified as a disease in itself, has roughly the same association with the development of chronic health conditions as does 20 years of aging (Sturm, 2002). Defined as ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, these obesity-related chronic health diagnoses ¿ like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension ¿ are in turn the primary drivers of current healthcare spending, as well as future predicted health expenditures. It is well established that lower socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher rates of obesity and the subsequent development of aforementioned obesity-related conditions. Socioeconomic status has traditionally been defined by education, income, and occupation (Adler, 2002); however, this study found empirical evidence for education being the most fundamental of these three SES indicators in determining obesity outcomes. For both men and women, as education levels increased, the likelihood of an individual being obese decreased. However, with less education, there was increased disparity between the obesity rates for men and women. Women consistently saw higher rates of obesity and were more impacted in terms of obesity onset by belonging to a lower SES category than men. In addition, this study assessed whether the impact of one¿s socioeconomic status on obesity-related health outcomes (specifically the negative impact low-SES as measured by education level) has changed over time. Results deriving from annual data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for all years from 2002 to 2012 indicate that the association between low-socioeconomic status and negative health outcomes has not increased in magnitude over the past decade. Instead, obesity rates have increased across the overall U.S. adult population, most likely due to a number of larger external societal factors resulting in increased caloric intake and decreased energy expenditure across every SES group. In addition, while the association between low-SES and obesity has not worsened, a consequence of the Great Recession has been a larger percentage of the U.S. population in lower-SES, which is still consistently subject to the same worse health outcomes.
Commonly conceptualized as neurodevelopmental disorders of yet poorly understood aetiology, schizophrenia and other nonorganic psychoses remain one of the most debilitating illnesses with often poor outcome despite all progress in treatment of the manifest disorder. Drawing on the frequent poor outcome of psychosis and its association with the frequently extended periods of untreated first-episode psychosis (FEP) including its prodrome, an early detection and treatment of both the FEP and the preceding at-risk mental state (ARMS) have been increasingly studied. Thereby both approaches are confronted with different problems, for example, treatment engagement in FEP and predictive accuracy in ARMS. They share, however, the problems related to the lack of understanding of developmental, that is, age-related, peculiarities and of the presentation and natural course of their cardinal symptoms in the community. Most research on early detection and intervention in FEP and ARMS is still related to clinical psychiatric samples, and little is known about symptom presentation and burden and help-seeking in the general population related to these experiences. Furthermore, in particular in the early detection of an ARMS, studies often address adolescents and young adults alike without consideration of developmental characteristics, thereby applying risk criteria that have been developed predominately in adults. Combining our earlier experiences described in this paper in child and adolescent, and general psychiatry as well as in both lines of research, that is, on early psychosis and its treatment and on the early detection of psychosis, in particular in its very early states by subjective disturbances in terms of basic symptoms, age-related developmental and epidemiological aspects have therefore been made the focus of our current studies in Bern, thus making our line of research unique
Introdução O nível de atividade física (NAF) insuficiente e estado nutricional (EN) inadequado conferem risco de desenvolvimento de hipertensão arterial e diabete, bem como dificultam o controle destas doenças. Assim, infere-se que os custos despendidos pelo SUS com medicamentos, internações e consultas de hipertensos e diabéticos apresentem relação inversa com NAF, incluindo a prática de caminhada e EN. Entretanto, estudos epidemiológicos que descrevam estes custos e analisem essas associações na população idosa são inexistentes no Brasil, o que dificulta a fundamentação para a implementação de políticas publicas para a economia de recursos. Objetivo Descrever os custos com procedimentos de saúde de idosos hipertensos e diabéticos e verificar qual a sua associação com NAF e EN, segundo sexo e grupos etários. Métodos A amostra foi constituída por 806 idosos com autorreferência à hipertensão e/ou diabete ( 60 anos) residentes no município de São PauloSP, participantes das três coortes do Estudo Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento SABE - em 2010. A variável dependente custo total anual (em Reais), foi estimada com base nos dados autorreferidos sobre uso de medicamentos, uso dos serviços ambulatoriais e internações hospitalares, retroativos a um ano da coleta de dados. A variáveis explanatórias: i) NAF foi estimada a partir de entrevista utilizando o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, versão curta), classificando os idosos segundo duração da realização de atividades físicas moderada, em ativos ( 150 minutos/semana) e insuficientemente ativos (< 150 minutos/semana); ii) Prática de caminhada, categorizada segundo frequência semanal: a) 4 dias/ semana; b) 1 a 3 dias/semana; c) não caminha. iii) EN, identificado pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC), classificando os idosos em dois grupos: a) IMC < 28 kg/ m²; b) IMC 28 kg/ m² (excesso de peso); as variáveis de controle foram o sexo, grupos etários (a. 70 anos; b. 65 a 69 anos; c. 60 a 64 anos); estado civil (a. casado; b. outros) e, escolaridade (a. sem escolaridade; b. 1 ano). A descrição dos custos segundo as NAF e EN foi representada pelos valores de média e IC95 por cento , mediana e P25 P75, valores mínimos e máximos. Modelos de regressão logística múltipla foram empregados para analisar as associações entre variáveis dependentes e explanatórias. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5 por cento e todas as análises foram realizadas considerando amostras complexas, por meio do software Stata, 13.0. 9 Resultados: A média de custo total anual por pessoa foi de R$ 732,54 e a soma dos custos relativa a 12 meses para os 806 idosos foi de R$ 609.587,20, sempre superiores para idosos em excesso de peso, com NAF insuficiente e para idosos que não caminham. Idosos em excesso de peso apresentaram chance 50 por cento superior de estarem no grupo de maior custo total anual (OR 1.49, IC95 por cento 1.01 2.18) e mais de 70 por cento superior de maior custo com medicamentos (OR 1.71, IC95 por cento 1.18 2.47). A ausência de caminhada significou a chance superior para maiores custos anuais com medicamentos (OR 1.63, IC95 por cento 1.06 2.51) e custos totais (OR 1.82, IC95 por cento 1.17 2.81). Todas as análises ajustadas por sexo e idade. O NAF não se associou aos custos totais e custo com medicamentos (p>0.05). Conclusão: Os custos para o controle de HAS e DM em idosos são altos e se associam inversamente à prática de caminhada e ao estado nutricional, especialmente em relação ao custo com o uso de medicamentos antihipertensivos e hipoglicemiantes.
Perinatal depression significantly impacts the mother, her partner, the unborn fetus, and the infant/child after delivery. A review of the literature supports the need for preventive intervention methods as research has shown that even with successful treatment, disruptions in attachment, temperament, and cognitive development often remain. Primary care settings are ideal targets for prevention given that they can reach a number of people at low-cost without the stigma associated with seeking help in a mental health facility. This paper purposes a preventive intervention method for perinatal depression that can be implemented in primary care settings in both Western and non-Western countries. The intervention targets two of the primary risk factors for perinatal depression; partner support and relationship quality. The intervention is structured around key target periods in gestational development and during the early weeks after delivery. Suggestions for each target visit are based on prior research that has demonstrated how psychoeducation about the transition to parenthood, as well as increased communication, can positively affect partner support and relationship quality. The ultimate goal of the intervention is not only to prevent perinatal depression but also to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the entire family system.
This study was part of a larger scoping review and environmental scan conducted for Veterans Affairs Canada on the effects of operational stress injuries (OSIs) on the mental health and wellbeing of Veterans’ families. This paper focuses broadly on the relationships between combat (and/or deployment more generally), OSIs (primarily post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), and the family. Based on the scoping review, the paper finds that existing research investigates the impacts of a Veteran’s OSI on the family, but also how various aspects of the family (such as family functioning, family support, etc.) can impact a Veteran living with an OSI.
This study analyses the current picture and prospects for EU–Brazil relations in the political and security arenas. As actors experiencing relevant changes, albeit in different directions in their respective international status quo, the EU and Brazil have found some common ground for convergence at the macro level on some structural issues, such as the normative framework of a changing global order, the striving for a multipolar world and the relevance and desirability of multilateralism. At the same time, it is argued that they differ significantly as to the strategies pursued in the attainment of those shared interests, resulting in competing, or eventually divergent, policy preferences when addressing specific issues and developments at the international level, limiting the prospects for a deep mutual commitment and engagement in political and security dynamics at the global level.
Background. The positive health and wellbeing effects of social support have been consistently demonstrated in the literature since the late 1970s. However, a better understanding of the effects of age and sex is required. Method. We examined the factor structure and reliability of Kessler's Perceived Social Support (KPSS) measure in a community-based sample that comprised younger and older adult cohorts from the Australian Twin Registry (ATR), totalling 11,389 males and females aged 18-95, of whom 887 were retested 25 months later. Results. Factor analysis consistently identified seven factors: support from spouse, twin, children, parents, relatives, friends and helping support. Internal reliability for the seven dimensions ranged from 0.87 to 0.71 and test-retest reliability ranged from 0.75 to 0.48. Perceived support was only marginally higher in females. Age dependencies were explored. Across the age range, there was a slight decline (more marked in females) in the perceived support from spouse, parent and friend, a slight increase in perceived relative and helping support for males but none for females, a substantial increase in the perceived support from children for males and females and a negligible decline in total KPSS for females against a negligible increase for males. The perceived support from twin remained constant. Females were more likely to have a confidant, although this declined with age whilst increasing with age for males. Conclusions. Total scores for perceived social support conflate heterogeneous patterns on sub-scales that differ markedly by age and sex. Our paper describes these relationships in detail in a very large Australian sample.
Background The aims of this study were threefold. First, to ascertain whether personality disorder (PD) was a significant predictor of disability (as measured in a variety of ways) over and above that contributed by Axis I mental disorders and physical conditions. Second, whether the number of PD diagnoses given to an individual resulted in increasing severity of disability, and third, whether PD was a significant predictor of health and mental health consultations with GPs, psychiatrists, and psychologists, respectively, over the last 12 months. Method Data were obtained from the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, conducted between May and August 1997. A stratified random sample of households was generated, from which all those aged 18 and over were considered potential interviewees. There were 10 641 respondents to the survey, and this represented a response rate of 78%. Each interviewee was asked questions indexing specific ICD-10 PD criteria. Results Five measures of disability were examined. It was found that PD was a significant predictor of disability once Axis I and physical conditions were taken into account for four of the five disability measures. For three of the dichotomously-scored disability measures, odds ratios ranged from 1.88 to 6.32 for PD, whilst for the dimensionally-scored Mental Summary Subscale of the SF-12, a beta weight of -0.17 was recorded for PD. As regards number of PDs having a quasi-linear relationship to disability, there was some indication of this on the SF-12 Mental Summary Subscale and the two role functioning measures, and less so on the other two measures. As regards mental consultations, PD was a predictor of visits to GPs, psychiatrists and psychologists, over and above Axis I disorders and physical conditions. Conclusion The study reports findings from a nationwide survey conducted within Australia and as such the data are less influenced by the selection and setting bias inherent in other germane studies. However, it does support previous findings that PD is a significant predictor of disability and mental health consultations independent of Axis I disorders and physical conditions.
Five case study communities in both metropolitan and regional urban locations in Australia are used as test sites to develop measures of 'community strength' on four domains: Natural Capital; Produced Economic Capital; Human Capital; and Social and Institutional Capital. The paper focuses on the fourth domain. Sample surveys of households in the five case study communities used a survey instrument with scaled items to measure four aspects of social capital - formal norms, informal norms, formal structures and informal structures - that embrace the concepts of trust, reciprocity, bonds, bridges, links and networks in the interaction of individuals with their community inherent in the notion social capital. Exploratory principal components analysis is used to identify factors that measure those aspects of social and institutional capital, while a confirmatory analysis based on Cronbach's alpha explores the robustness of the measures. Four primary scales and 15 subscales are identified when defining the domain of social and institutional capital. Further analysis reveals that two measures - anomie, and perceived quality of life and wellbeing - relate to certain primary scales of social capital.
The measurement of lifetime prevalence of depression in cross-sectional surveys is biased by recall problems. We estimated it indirectly for two countries using modelling, and quantified the underestimation in the empirical estimate for one. A microsimulation model was used to generate population-based epidemiological measures of depression. We fitted the model to 1-and 12-month prevalence data from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS) and the Australian Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey. The lowest proportion of cases ever having an episode in their life is 30% of men and 40% of women, for both countries. This corresponds to a lifetime prevalence of 20 and 30%, respectively, in a cross-sectional setting (aged 15-65). The NEMESIS data were 38% lower than these estimates. We conclude that modelling enabled us to estimate lifetime prevalence of depression indirectly. This method is useful in the absence of direct measurement, but also showed that direct estimates are underestimated by recall bias and by the cross-sectional setting.
Impaired self-awareness may affect clients' emotional status, engagement in rehabilitation and community reintegration following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-awareness, emotional distress and community integration in adults with TBI during the transition from hospital to the community. Thirty-four rehabilitation clients with TBI were assessed in the week before and 2 months after discharge home. Measures of self-awareness and emotional functioning were administered predischarge and repeated at follow-up along with a measure of community integration. Nonparametric tests were used to compare levels of self-awareness and emotional distress pre- and postdischarge, their interrelationships and association with community integration. Self-awareness significantly increased following discharge, and a trend towards increased depression was found. There were no consistent relationships found between level of self-awareness, emotional functioning, and community integration. The development of self-awareness in the immediate postdischarge phase suggests this is an important time for clinical interventions targeting compensation strategies and adjustment to disability.
The aim of this study was to investigate how a community of practice focused on learning to teach secondary mathematics was created and sustained by pre-service and beginning teachers. Bulletin board discussions of one pre-service cohort are analysed in terms of Wenger’s (1998) three defining features of a community of practice: mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and a shared repertoire. The study shows that the emergent design of the community contributed to its sustainability in allowing the pre-service teachers to define their own professional goals and values. Sustainability was also related to how the participants expanded, transformed, and maintained the community during the pre-service program and after graduation.
In 2001/02 five case study communities in both metropolitan and regional urban locations in Australia were chosen as test sites to develop measures of community strength on four domains: natural capital; produced economic capital; human capital; and social and institutional capital. Secondary data sources were used to develop measures on the first three domains. For the fourth domain social and institutional capital primary data collection was undertaken through sample surveys of households. A structured approach was devised. This involved developing a survey instrument using scaled items relating to four elements: formal norms; informal norms; formal structures; and informal structures which embrace the concepts of trust, reciprocity, bonds, bridges, links and networks in the interaction of individuals with their community inherent in the notion social capital. Exploratory principal components analysis was used to identify factors that measure those aspects of social and institutional capital, with confirmatory analysis conducted using Cronbach's Alpha. This enabled the construction of four primary scales and 15 sub-scales as a tool for measuring social and institutional capital. Further analyses reveals that two measures anomie and perceived quality of life and wellbeing relate to certain primary scales of social capital.
This chapter focuses on women members of the Sunnī-dominated national organization Sweden's Young Muslims (Sveriges Unga Muslimer, SUM) and some of its local youth associations in different Swedish towns, to argue that involvement with these associations is increasing Muslim women's engagement with mosques and other venues for acquisition of Islamic knowledge. Illuminating the continuous challenges to the women's presence in mosques and their wider public activism the chapter examines how these women defend their right to exercise religious authority while supporting the traditional sources of Muslim authority in the public sphere. It analyzes how the women reinterpret the Islamic texts to change their daily lives as well as their position within both the Muslim community and Swedish society as a whole. The chapter emphasizes that in more informal situations, backstage among peers, the women put gender on the agenda, initiate reflexive deliberations, and test alternative norms and practices.