902 resultados para Energy - Brazilian foreing policy
A tanulmánykötet három részre tagolódik. Az első rész két tanulmánya a korrupció elméleti-fogalmi kereteit tárgyalja. Ebben a fejezetben egyrészt a korrupció általunk használt fogalmának tisztázása mellett a megbízó-megbízott-kliens modell segítségével bemutatjuk a korrupció négy ideáltípusát. Míg a vesztegetést és zsarolást a megbízott és kliens közti, addig a hűtlen kezelést és csalást a megbízó és megbízott közti tranzakcióként definiáljuk. A korrupció ezen alaptípusait irányított gráfok segítségével ábrázoljuk. Másrészt kitekintünk – a többnyire a közgazdaságtan fogalmaiként használatos – információs aszimmetria és morális kockázat jelenségére, oly módon, hogy egyúttal azok politikatudományi alkalmazhatósága mellett is érvelünk. A kötet második részében empirikus elemzések és esettanulmányok segítségével mutatjuk be a korrupció sokszínű jelenségét Magyarországon. Míg médiaelemzésünkben a médiában korábban napvilágot látott korrupciógyanús esetek összegyűjtésével a tranzakciós helyzetek felmérésére és elemzésére teszünk kísérletet, addig a korrupció mélyszerkezetét vizsgálva tipikus magyarországi korrupciós hálózatok társadalmi és intézményi beágyazottságát mutatjuk be, a korrupciós tranzakciókat többszereplős, bonyolult és multiplex gráfokkal ábrázolva. Harmadik tanulmányunk a járadékvadászat és a korrupció kapcsolatát empirikus példák segítségével világítja meg, míg a fejezet utolsó két tanulmánya a villamosenergia-piac működéséről és a szélerőművek telepítésének korrupciós kockázatairól fest részletesebb képet. Végül a kötet harmadik fejezetében különböző antikorrupciós politikák elveire és azok gyakorlati megvalósítási lehetőségeire térünk ki. Ennek keretében egyfelől olyan antikorrupciós reformokat körvonalazunk, amelyek közvetlenül a korrupciós tranzakciók visszaszorítására irányulnak, illetve olyan antikorrupciós kormányzati lépéseket vázolunk, amelyek a szabályozási környezet megváltozására irányulnak. A kötet záró tanulmánya a gyakorlatra helyezi a hangsúlyt. Részint egy korrupciós helyzeteket és azok jogkövetkezményeit is bemutató esettanulmány segítségével megkönnyíti az ide vonatkozó hazai szabályozásban való eligazodást, másfelől – elsősorban vállalkozók számára – javaslatokat fogalmaz meg azzal kapcsolatban, hogy hogyan lehet megelőzni, illetve hatékonyan küzdeni a különböző korrupt tevékenységek ellen.
Az Európai Unión belül az elmúlt időszakban megerősödött a vita arról, vajon a Közösség versenyképességének javításához milyen módon és mértékben járulhat hozzá az ipari és lakossági fogyasztók számára kedvező áron elérhető villamos energia. Az uniós testületek elsődlegesen a verseny feltételeinek további javításában látják a versenyképesség javításának fő eszközét, ám egyesek az aktívabb központi szabályozás mellett érvelnek. A jelenleg alkalmazott európai szabályozási gyakorlat áttekintése, a szabályozási modellek és a piaci árak alakulásának vizsgálata hozzásegíthet, hogy következtetéseket vonjunk le a tagállami gyakorlatok tekintetében, vajon sikeresebb-e a központi ármegállapításon alapuló szabályozói mechanizmus, mint a liberalizált piacmodell. ______ There is a strengthening debate within the European Union in recent years about the impact of the affordable industrial and household electricity prices on the general competitiveness of European economies. While the European Institutions argues for the further liberalization of the energy retail sector, there are others who believe in centralization and price control to achieve lower energy prices. Current paper reviews the regulatory models of the European countries and examines the connection between the regulatory regime and consumer price trends. The analysis can help to answer, whether the bureaucratic central regulation or the liberalized market model seems more successful in supporting the competitiveness goals. Although the current regulatory practice is heterogeneous within the EU member states, there is a clear trend to decrease the role of regulated tariffs in the end-user prices. Our study did not find a general causal relationship between the regulatory regime and the level of consumer electricity prices in a country concerned. However, the quantitative analysis of the industrial and household energy prices by various segments detected significant differences between the regulated and free-market countries. The first group of member states tends to decrease the prices in the low-consuming household segments through cross-financing technics, including increased network tariffs and/or taxes for the high-consuming segments and for industrial consumers. One of the major challenges of the regulatory authorities is to find the proper way of sharing these burdens proportionally with minimizing the market-distorting effects of the cross-subsidization between the different stakeholder groups.
This study assesses the Pigou taxes introduced as a response to negative externalities in practice. The authors analyze the international practice and effectiveness of taxation on food products harmful to health and on carbon emissions harmful to the environment and, in relation to these two types of taxes, the focus is on the opportunities and the factors reducing efficiency.
The current research developed in the Federal Institute of Paraíba – IFPB, João Pessoa Câmpus, aimed at analyzing the inclusion of students with disabilities in undergraduate courses based on the TEC NEP Action. It departs from the discussion about professional and special education in an inclusive perspective, focusing on people with disabilities, in the social context of these two modalities of education, considering the world scenario and the current Brazilian educational policy. It discusses the TEC NEP Action within the national and local context through the analysis of the official documents with the objective of getting familiarized and evaluating the process of educational inclusion in the IFPB João Pessoa Câmpus. The theoretical reference used contributed to the analysis of the policy which focused on inclusion in federal undergraduate institutions for professional education. The methodology used presents a qualitative analysis, having as subject of the research students with disabilities from undergraduate courses in the IFPB João Pessoa Câmpus who are supported by NAPNE. The results based on the analyzed data show that volunteer students from this research evaluate their process of inclusion in the appointed institution as positive, in spite of challenges specially the ones related to architectural barriers. It is concluded that the foundation of the House for Supporting People with Special Education Needs – (NAPNE) through the TEC NEP Action had crucial importance in the basis for the discussion about inclusion in the institution, widening the vision towards the demands of students with disabilities in order to facilitate access, permanence and academic success of these students.
This work aim to show that the reach to the limits of capital accumulation, which is showing its first signs since the 60 s, has and still is exercising great importance in Brazilian economic policies. In the first chapter, we establish a reference to what is understood as the limit of capital accumulation after World War II and how the accumulation process drives itself to its own limits. In the following chapters, we detach the importance of the reached limit to the most relevant moments of Brazilian economic policy. Since the IIPND, when the first signs of influence raise in Brazilian economy, passing through the stabilizing attempts during the 80 s and 90 s and the emergence of the pro-market State in Brazil, until the 00 s, when macroeconomic prudence took shape and delimited the conduction of the country s economic policy, we will show how the limit of capital accumulation has played an important role.
Brazilian Housing policy has always promoted homeownership. In 1999, a new form of housing promotion was set up in the country with the PAR (Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, or residential rental programme). This is a sort of leasing, in which a right to buy is granted at the end of contract. Again, with this, the final objective is homeownership. This dissertation aims at further understanding the role of PAR in the wake of the country s housing policies of the post-BNH period, analysing the case of João Pessoa, capital city of Paraíba state. By focusing in the city, it has been possible to analyse also the impact of the programme in the dynamics of the city s urban development. Accordingly, the analysis of PAR seeks to understand the programme s operational aspects as well as its location, urban and architectural aspects. The operational aspects refer to how the programme is operated, considering the differences to the other housing programmes in the country. The urban and architectural aspects refer to location, typology and construction characteristics of housing estates produced under the scheme. This study gives a general view of the country s recent housing policy and programmes and the specific characteristics of PAR, observing also its impacts in the city development
O descompasso de uma experiência: avaliação do Programa Habitar Brasil na Comunidade África-Natal/RN
This research deals with the evaluation of the Programa do Governo Federal para Urbanização de Favelas Habitar Brasil(1993) carried out in the Africa slum - Redinha neighbourhood in Natal-Rn. This study carried out in period from 2005 to 2006 searches to identify the effects of the actions proposed by Program in 1993-1994 about the current urbanistic configuration of the Africa community. It analyzes the effectiveness in the process of achievement of the considered objectives to habitation, communitity equipments, infrastructure and agrarian regularization. On the evaluation process, it has been as reference the works developed by Adauto Cardoso (2004), Blaine Worthen (2004), Ronaldo Garcia (2001) and Rosângela Paz (2006). About the Habitational Policy with approach to the Urbanistic Right and the right to the housing, the reflections by Raquel Rolnik, Nabil Bonduki, Ermínia Maricato, Saule Júnior, Betânia de Moraes Alfonsin and Edésio Fernandes are main references. To gauge the execution of the objectives proposed by Habitar Brasil in 1993, it has searched in the documentary data of the time and in information gotten in interviews with technicians that had participated of the program, consistent references on what was considered, what was executed and the process of the intervention of Habitar Brasil in the Africa community. The area analysis in 2005-2006 has developed on the base of the urbanistic survey of the current situation from the four performance lines of the Program: habitation, infrastructure, community equipments and agrarian regularization, with a current urbanistic evaluation of Africa considering the intervention carried out in 1993 and 1994. The study points out the context of Brazilian Habitational Policy where the Programa Habitar Brasil was launched, explaining the main principles of the Program. In terms of local, it empahsizes the administrative-political factors that had contributed so that Natal-Rn city has been pioneering in the resources captation of Habitar Brazil (1993). Considering Habitar Brazil in Africa, the work argues and presents the intervention diagnosis and the proposal, developed by Program in 1993 evidencing the local problem of the time. After that, it makes a current reading of the area, identifying in 2006 representative elements of Habitar Brasil (1993-1994) for the Africa community. It identifies significant advances in the constitution of the institucional apparatus of the plaining system of Habitation of Social Interest for the city of Natal and points the fragilities in the implementation of the urban infrastructure actions and above all in the achievement of the objectives of the agrarian regularization
Neste trabalho avaliamos os resultados macroeconômicos recentes da economia brasileira por meio de um instrumental analítico baseado em uma extensão geométrica e algébrica do artigo seminal de Kaldor (1971), que levou à criação do quadrado mágico. Essa abordagem permite a comparação do desempenho pré-crise (2007-2008) e durante a crise (2009-2010). Nossa análise levanta algumas dúvidas sobre as medidas de política econômica adotadas na busca por contornar a presente crise e reduzir obstáculos estruturais no processo de desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil. Concluímos que a complexidade da gestão macroeconômica tem sido subestimada. No que tange às estratégias econômicas, nossa abordagem está centrada na controvérsia entre export-led growth vs consumption-led growth. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN
Brazilian Housing policy has always promoted homeownership. In 1999, a new form of housing promotion was set up in the country with the PAR (Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, or residential rental programme). This is a sort of leasing, in which a right to buy is granted at the end of contract. Again, with this, the final objective is homeownership. This dissertation aims at further understanding the role of PAR in the wake of the country s housing policies of the post-BNH period, analysing the case of João Pessoa, capital city of Paraíba state. By focusing in the city, it has been possible to analyse also the impact of the programme in the dynamics of the city s urban development. Accordingly, the analysis of PAR seeks to understand the programme s operational aspects as well as its location, urban and architectural aspects. The operational aspects refer to how the programme is operated, considering the differences to the other housing programmes in the country. The urban and architectural aspects refer to location, typology and construction characteristics of housing estates produced under the scheme. This study gives a general view of the country s recent housing policy and programmes and the specific characteristics of PAR, observing also its impacts in the city development
Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado grandes mudanças no mercado energético global, sendo os Estados Unidos da América um dos grandes protagonistas. A presente investigação tem como principal objetivo compreender e clarificar o conceito de independência energética/auto-suficiência energética e averiguar a possibilidade e o alcance deste propósito por parte dos Estados Unidos da América, desde a Revolução do Shale. Ao longo desta investigação haverá oportunidade de estudar as políticas energéticas assumidas durante aproximadamente os últimos 40 anos, obter informações sobre a segurança energética dos Estados Unidos, bem como formas de exploração energética americana, política para exportação de energia e impactos geopolíticos. Facilmente se observa ao longo deste trabalho que a auto-suficência não pode ser vista numa perspetiva de criação de condições para o isolacionismo americano mas sim numa perspetiva de instrumentalização e proteção dos seus aliados.
A Assistência Social brasileira, reconhecida legalmente como direito social pela Constituição de 1988, enfrentou e enfrenta restrições e limites para ser consolidada como política social. Este texto problematiza e tenta apresentar algumas respostas a essa dificuldade, tendo como referencial a complexa e conflituosa relação entre assistência e trabalho nas sociedades capitalistas. Como impacto dessa relação opera-se um movimento de retrocesso nos direitos conquistados, com crescente focalização dos benefícios, programas, projetos e serviços e redução dos recursos destinados à área assistencial. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito, 2016.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.
O descompasso de uma experiência: avaliação do Programa Habitar Brasil na Comunidade África-Natal/RN
This research deals with the evaluation of the Programa do Governo Federal para Urbanização de Favelas Habitar Brasil(1993) carried out in the Africa slum - Redinha neighbourhood in Natal-Rn. This study carried out in period from 2005 to 2006 searches to identify the effects of the actions proposed by Program in 1993-1994 about the current urbanistic configuration of the Africa community. It analyzes the effectiveness in the process of achievement of the considered objectives to habitation, communitity equipments, infrastructure and agrarian regularization. On the evaluation process, it has been as reference the works developed by Adauto Cardoso (2004), Blaine Worthen (2004), Ronaldo Garcia (2001) and Rosângela Paz (2006). About the Habitational Policy with approach to the Urbanistic Right and the right to the housing, the reflections by Raquel Rolnik, Nabil Bonduki, Ermínia Maricato, Saule Júnior, Betânia de Moraes Alfonsin and Edésio Fernandes are main references. To gauge the execution of the objectives proposed by Habitar Brasil in 1993, it has searched in the documentary data of the time and in information gotten in interviews with technicians that had participated of the program, consistent references on what was considered, what was executed and the process of the intervention of Habitar Brasil in the Africa community. The area analysis in 2005-2006 has developed on the base of the urbanistic survey of the current situation from the four performance lines of the Program: habitation, infrastructure, community equipments and agrarian regularization, with a current urbanistic evaluation of Africa considering the intervention carried out in 1993 and 1994. The study points out the context of Brazilian Habitational Policy where the Programa Habitar Brasil was launched, explaining the main principles of the Program. In terms of local, it empahsizes the administrative-political factors that had contributed so that Natal-Rn city has been pioneering in the resources captation of Habitar Brazil (1993). Considering Habitar Brazil in Africa, the work argues and presents the intervention diagnosis and the proposal, developed by Program in 1993 evidencing the local problem of the time. After that, it makes a current reading of the area, identifying in 2006 representative elements of Habitar Brasil (1993-1994) for the Africa community. It identifies significant advances in the constitution of the institucional apparatus of the plaining system of Habitation of Social Interest for the city of Natal and points the fragilities in the implementation of the urban infrastructure actions and above all in the achievement of the objectives of the agrarian regularization
El orgullo brasileño estalló en el año 2007, cuando Brasil fue elegido sede del mundial FIFA 2014. Esto se debe a que Brasil en ese momento gozaba de un creciente prestigio internacional por cuenta de su condición de Potencia Emergente, miembro de los BRICS, aspirante a un puesto permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad y contar con la selección de fútbol más exitosa de la historia. No obstante, en su afán por incrementar su visibilidad y proyección internacional acudió al ejercicio del Poder Blando, a través de la Diplomacia Cultural, concretamente se decidió por la Organización de Mega Eventos deportivos, al tiempo que debía enfrentar varios problemas en el ámbito interno (desigualdad, corrupción, pobreza). Así, esta estrategia de aplicación del Poder Blando resultó de cierta manera contraproducente, debido a que la política exterior y su éxito no suele estar disociada de la realidad interna.