937 resultados para Endosomal Trafficking
Previous studies have suggested a role for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the regulation of intracellular vesicular trafficking. A quantitative fluorescence method was used to test the hypothesis that CFTR expression and activation affects endosome-endosome fusion in intact cells. Endosomes from CFTR-expressing and control (vector-transfected) Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts were labeled by internalization with 4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a, 4a-diaza-s-indacene (Bodipy)-avidin, a fluid-phase marker whose fluorescence increases approximately 8-fold upon biotin binding. Cells were washed, chased, and then labeled with biotin-albumin or biotin-transferrin. The fraction of Bodipy-avidin-labeled endosomes that fused with biotin-containing endosomes (f(fusion)) was quantified by ratio imaging microfluorimetry. Endosome fusion in unstimulated CFTR-expressing cells was similar to that in control cells. However, in CFTR-expressing cells activated by forskolin, ffusion was increased by 1.30 +/- 0.18- and 2.65 +/- 0.17-fold for a 0 and 10 min chase time between avidin and biotin-albumin pulses; f(fusion) also increased (1.32 +/- 0.11-fold) when biotin-transferrin replaced biotin-albumin. The stimulation of endosome fusion was not due to differences in rates of endocytosis or endosomal acidification. Endosome fusion was not stimulated by forskolin in Cl--depleted CFTR-expressing cells, suggesting that the increase in endosome fusion is due to the CFTR chloride channel activity. These results provide evidence that CFTR is involved in the regulation of endosome fusion and, thus, a possible basis for the cellular defects associated with cystic fibrosis.
Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Turkish Samsun NN) plants expressing a truncated replicase gene sequence from RNA-2 of strain Fny of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are resistant to systemic CMV disease. This is due to suppression of virus replication and cell-to-cell movement in the inoculated leaves of these plants. In this study, microinjection protocols were used to directly examine cell-to-cell trafficking of CMV viral RNA in these resistant plants. CMV RNA fluorescently labeled with the nucleotide-specific TOTO-1 iodide dye, when coinjected with unlabeled CMV 3a movement protein (MP), moved rapidly into the surrounding mesophyll cells in mature tobacco leaves of vector control and untransformed plants. Such trafficking required the presence of functional CMV 3a MP. In contrast, coinjection of CMV 3a MP and CMV TOTO-RNA failed to move in transgenic resistant plants expressing the CMV truncated replicase gene. Furthermore, coinjection of 9.4-kDa fluorescein-conjugated dextran (F-dextran) along with unlabeled CMV 3a MP resulted in cell-to-cell movement of the F-dextran in control plants, but not in the transgenic plants. Similar results were obtained with viral RNA when the 30-kDa MP of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was coinjected with TMV TOTO-RNA into replicase-resistant transgenic tobacco expressing the 54-kDa gene sequence of TMV. However, in these transgenic plants, the TMV-MP was still capable of mediating cell-to-cell movement of itself and the 9.4-kDa F-dextran. These results indicate that an inhibition of cell-to-cell viral RNA trafficking is correlated with replicase-mediated resistance. This raises the possibility that the RNA-2 product is potentially involved in the regulation of cell-to-cell movement of viral infectious material during CMV replication.
Plasmodium chabaudi adami causes a nonlethal infection in mice. We found that crisis, the time of rapidly dropping parasitemia, was abrogated by splenectomy, indicating the role of spleen in parasite killing. The factors that mediate spleen-dependent immunity are not known. An earlier study in Plasmodium berghei-infected rats showed an association between increased clearance of heat-treated erythrocytes and the onset of crisis [Wyler, D. J., Quinn, T. C. & Chen, L.-T. (1982) J. Clin. Invest. 67, 1400-1404]. To determine the potential effects of different vascular beds in parasite killing, we studied the distribution of parasitized erythrocytes and bacteria in the spleens of P. chabaudi adami-infected mice during precrisis (a period of rising parasitemia) and during crisis. After intravenous injection, bacteria were localized predominantly in the marginal zone. In contrast, parasitized erythrocytes were found in the red pulp. We also found that during precrisis, a time of no immunity, the uptake of radiolabeled infected erythrocytes by the spleen was increased, not decreased. These data imply that no change occurs in the flow of parasitized erythrocytes through the spleen during the transition to an immune state (crisis). Our observations suggest that immune effector mechanisms, not circulatory changes, account for spleen-dependent parasite killing during a P. chabaudi adami infection in mice.
The localization, trafficking, and fluorescence of Aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cultured vertebrate cells transiently transfected with GFP cDNA were studied. Fluorescence of GFP in UV light was found to be strongest when cells were incubated at 30 degrees C but was barely visible at an incubation temperature of 37 degrees C. COS-1 cells, primary chicken embryonic retina cells, and carp epithelial cells were fluorescently labeled under these conditions. GFP was distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus independent of cell type examined. When GFP was fused to PML protooncogene product, fluorescence was detected in a unique nuclear organelle pattern indistinguishable from that of PML protein, showing the potential use of GFP as a fluorescent tag. To analyze both function and intracellular trafficking of proteins fused to GFP, a GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor fusion construct was prepared. The GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor efficiently transactivated the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter in response to dexamethasone at 30 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C, indicating that temperature is important, even for function of the GFP fusion protein. The dexamethasone-induced translocation of GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor from cytoplasm to nucleus was complete within 15 min; the translocation could be monitored in a single living cell in real time.
Chlamydia trachomatis undergoes its entire life cycle within an uncharacterized intracellular vesicle that does not fuse with lysosomes. We used a fluorescent Golgi-specific probe, (N-[7-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)]) aminocaproylsphingosine (C6-NBD-Cer), in conjunction with conventional fluorescence or confocal microscopy to identify interactions between the Golgi apparatus and the chlamydial inclusion. We observed not only a close physical association between the Golgi apparatus and the chlamydial inclusion but the eventual presence of a metabolite of this fluorescent probe associated with the chlamydiae themselves. Sphingomyelin, endogenously synthesized from C6-NBD-Cer, was specifically transported to the inclusion and incorporated into the cell wall of the intracellular chlamydiae. Incorporation of the fluorescent sphingolipid by chlamydiae was inhibited by brefeldin A. Chlamydiae therefore occupy a vesicle distal to the Golgi apparatus that receives anterograde vesicular traffic from the Golgi normally bound for the plasma membrane. Collectively, the data suggest that the chlamydial inclusion may represent a unique compartment within the trans-Golgi network.
Organelle acidification is an essential element of the endosomal-lysosomal pathway, but our understanding of the mechanisms underlying progression through this pathway has been hindered by the absence of adequate methods for quantifying intraorganelle pH. To address this problem in neurons, we developed a direct quantitative method for accurately determining the pH of endocytic organelles in live cells. In this report, we demonstrate that the ratiometric fluorescent pH indicator 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) is the most advantageous available probe for such pH measurements. To measure intraorganelle pH, cells were labeled by endocytic uptake of HPTS, the ratio of fluorescence emission intensities at excitation wavelengths of 450 nm and 405 nm (F450/405) was calculated for each organelle, and ratios were converted to pH values by using standard curves for F450/405 vs. pH. Proper calibration is critical for accurate measurement of pH values: standard curves generated in vitro yielded artifactually low organelle pH values. Calibration was unaffected by the use of culture medium buffered with various buffers or different cell types. By using this technique, we show that both acidic and neutral endocytically derived organelles exist in the axons of sympathetic neurons in different steady-state proportions than in the cell body. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these axonal organelles have a bimodal pH distribution, indicating a rapid acidification step in their maturation that reduces the average pH of a fraction of the organelles by 2 pH units while leaving few organelles of intermediate pH at steady state. Finally, we demonstrate a spatial gradient or organelle pH along axons, with the relative frequency of acidic organelles increasing with proximity to the cell body.
La presente tesi analizza il reato di traffico di esseri umani in Europa, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno dello sfruttamento sessuale. La ricerca è stata condotta in parte nell’ambito del progetto “FIDUCIA. New European crimes and trust-based policy” (www.fiduciaproject.eu). La tesi è composta da 5 capitoli. Il primo capitolo introduce il reato di tratta di esseri umani, a livello globale e, successivamente, nello specifico, in Europa. Vengono presentati i fattori determinanti e le origini del fenomeno. Inoltre, ne vengono fornite le definizioni e le principali caratteristiche, in linea con i più importanti documenti internazionali sul tema. Il capitolo si chiude con una panoramica statistica, che affronta anche le criticità della raccolta di dati relativi ai reati. Il secondo capitolo analizza l’approccio correntemente adottato a livello domestico ed europeo contro la tratta. Le misure vengono presentate prima dal punto di vista teorico; successivamente ne vengono forniti esempi concreti, ad esempio convenzioni internazionali, direttive, ma anche progetti di ricerca, collaborazioni internazionali tra autorità ed ONG. Il terzo capitolo si concentra sulla tratta a fini di sfruttamento sessuale. Vengono analizzati il potenziale legame con la prostituzione, e l’approccio europeo. Segue un approfondimento dei modelli legali implementati a livello europeo ed uno studio comparato di cinque paesi membri, rappresentativi dei vari modelli di regolamentazione della prostituzione (Italia, Belgio, Polonia, Germania e Svezia). Il quarto capitolo raccoglie le interviste condotte con diversi esperti che si occupano di contrasto alla tratta: ONG italiane e straniere, referenti nazionali anti-tratta di Italia, Belgio e Germania, FRONTEX, membri del Parlamento Europeo. Nelle conclusioni, vengono proposte prima una valutazione complessiva del quadro attuale, e poi alcune raccomandazioni ai governi nazionali e agli organismi sopranazionali. In particolare, visto l’obiettivo di un contrasto omogeneo e coordinato della tratta (per sfruttamento sessuale specificamente) a livello europeo, si ritiene che un modello regolamentare uniforme della prostituzione negli stati membri possa contribuire a migliorare uniformità ad efficacia dell’approccio europeo alla tratta.
Toxins have been thoroughly studied for their use as therapeutic agents in search of an improvement in toxic efficiency together with a minimization of their undesired side effects. Different studies have shown how toxins can follow different intracellular pathways which are connected with their cytotoxic action inside the cells. The work herein presented describes the different pathways followed by the ribotoxin a-sarcin and the fungal RNase T1,as toxic domains of immunoconjugates with identical binding domain, the single chain variable fragment of a monoclonal antibody raised against the glycoprotein A33. According to the results obtained both immunoconjugates enter the cells via early endosomes and, while a-sarcin can translocate directly into the cytosol to exert its deathly action, RNase T1 follows a pathway that involves lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. These facts contribute to explaining the different cytotoxicity observed against their targeted cells, and reveal how the innate properties of the toxic domain, apart from its catalytic features, can be a key factor to be considered for immunotoxin optimization.
Women and children become victims of human trafficking and exploitation as a result of economic globalization, national history, social structures, and geographical positioning. Human trafficking has increasingly become a global crisis of human rights violations, threatening the lives of women and children in developing countries, like the Philippines. The Philippines can evolve into a model for ending the exploitation of human trafficking if the government commits to implementing internationally recognized strategies, such as strengthening the prosecution of traffickers, providing efficient support for victims, and partnering with international organizations and local non-governmental organizations to further prevent human trafficking from occurring. The results will be felt locally, nationally, and internationally, helping the global community meet the challenges of the Millennium Development Goals.