905 resultados para Embryonic Mortality, Fungal Infection, Habitat Choice, Soil pH, Terrestrial Nesting


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The process to develop a guideline in a European setting remains a challenge. The ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) successfully achieved this endeavour. After two face-to-face meetings, numerous telephone conferences, and email correspondence, an ESCMID task force (basically composed of members of the Society's Fungal Infection Study Group, EFISG) finalized the ESCMID diagnostic and management/therapeutic guideline for Candida diseases. By appreciating various patient populations at risk for Candida diseases, four subgroups were predefined, mainly ICU patients, paediatric, HIV/AIDS and patients with malignancies including haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Besides treatment recommendations, the ESCMID guidelines provide guidance for diagnostic procedures. For the guidelines, questions were formulated to phrase the intention of a given recommendation, for example, outcome. The recommendation was the clinical intervention, which was graded by a score of A-D for the 'Strength of a recommendation'. The 'level of evidence' received a score of I-III. The author panel was approved by ESCMID, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology. The guidelines followed the framework of GRADE and Appraisal of Guidelines, Research, and Evaluation. The drafted guideline was presented at ECCMID 2011 and points of discussion occurring during that meeting were incorporated into the manuscripts. These ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases provide guidance for clinicians in their daily decision-making process.


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The monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs) of Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) are known to be among the most important source of natural drugs used in various cancer chemotherapies. MIAs are derived by combining the iridoid secologanin with tryptamine to form the central precursor strictosidine that is then converted to most known MIAs, such as catharanthine and vindoline that dimerize to form anticancer vinblastine and vincristine. While their assembly is still poorly understood, the complex multistep pathways involved occur in several specialized cell types within leaves that are regulated by developmental and environmental cues. The organization of MIA pathways is also coupled to secretory mechanisms that allow the accumulation of catharanthine in the waxy leaf surface, separated from vindoline found within leaf cells. While the spatial separation of catharanthine and vindoline provides an explanation for the low levels of dimeric MIAs found in the plants, the secretion of catharanthine to the leaf surface is shown to be part of plant defense mechanisms against fungal infection and insect herbivores. The transcriptomic databases of Catharanthus roseus and various MIA producing plants are facilitating bioinformatic approaches to identify novel MIA biosynthetic genes. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is being used to screen these candidate genes for their involvement in iridoid biosynthesis pathway, especially in the identification of 7-deoxyloganic acid 7-hydroxylase (CrDL7H) shown by the accumulation of its substrate, 7-deoxyloganic acid and decreased level of secologanin along with catharanthine and vindoline. VIGS can also confirm the biochemical function of genes being identified, such as in the glucosylation of 7-deoxyloganetic acid by CrUGT8 shown by decreased level of secologanin and MIAs within silenced plants. Silencing of other iridoid biosynthetic genes, loganic acid O-methyltransferase (LAMT) and secologanin synthase (SLS) also confirm the metabolic route for iridoid biosynthesis in planta through 7-deoxyloganic acid, loganic acid, and loganin intermediates. This route is validated by high substrate specificity of CrUGT8 for 7-deoxyloganetic acid and CrDL7H for 7-deoxyloganic acid. Further localization studies of CrUGT8 and CrDL7H also show that these genes are preferentially expressed within Catharanthus leaves rather than in epidermal cells where the last two steps of secologanin biosynthesis occur.


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La candidose oropharyngée (COP) constitue l’infection fongique opportuniste la plus fréquente chez les patients infectés au VIH-1. Malgré la profonde immunosuppression causée par le VIH-1, l’infection à Candida albicans demeure confinée au niveau de la muqueuse buccale sans dissémination aux organes profonds. La souris transgénique (Tg) CD4C/HIVMut exprimant le génome tronqué du VIH-1 présente, suite à l’inoculation orale de C. albicans, une COP chronique reproduisant fidèlement l’infection chez les patients séropositifs. Cette souris Tg a donc été utilisée afin de déterminer si les macrophages contribuent au confinement de C. albicans à la muqueuse buccale. Cette étude a permis de démontrer que i) les macrophages sont recrutés aux muqueuses buccale et gastrique en réponse au champignon malgré l’expression du transgène, ii) les macrophages de ces souris Tg présentent une polarisation vers un phénotype d’activation alternative et iii) la production de monoxyde d’azote par les macrophages des souris Tg n’est pas requise pour limiter la prolifération de Candida à la muqueuse buccale et pour restreindre sa dissémination aux organes profonds. Les macrophages ne semblent donc pas directement responsables de l’établissement de l’infection chronique à Candida chez la souris Tg CD4C/HIVMut.


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La candidose oro-pharyngée (COP) est l’infection fongique opportuniste la plus commune chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. La production des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 par les lymphocytes Th17 est importante lors de la résolution de la COP, puisque ces cytokines induisent la production de peptides antifongiques et le recrutement des neutrophiles polymorphonucléaires. Toutefois, les lymphocytes Th17 sont préférentiellement déplétés chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. Le modèle de COP chez la souris transgénique (Tg) CD4C/HIVMutA, exprimant les gènes nef, env et rev du VIH-1, permettra de déterminer si des altérations quantitatives et/ou fonctionnelles des sous-populations de lymphocytes T CD4+ causent la sensibilité à la candidose. Les sous-populations Th1, Th2, Th1Th17, Th17 et Treg, ainsi que leurs précurseurs, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs, sont sévèrement déplétées dans les ganglions cervicaux de la souris Tg. Cependant, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs conservent la capacité à se différencier in vitro en présence de cytokines polarisantes et à produire les cytokines typiques des diverses sous-populations. De plus, les cytokines requises pour la polarisation des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs n’étaient pas réduites dans les ganglions cervicaux des souris Tg, 7 jours après le début de l’infection. Les gènes S100a8, Ccl20, Il17 et Il22 étaient surexprimés en réponse à la COP chez la souris non-Tg, mais pas chez la souris Tg. Le traitement de souris Tg infectées à l’aide de la combinaison des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 réduit significativement la charge fongique buccale de C. albicans et le nombre d’hyphes dans l’épithélium de la langue et restaure la capacité à surexprimer des gènes S100a8, Ccl20 et Il22. Ces résultats démontrent que la perturbation de l’induction de l’immunité innée par l’Il-17 et l’Il-22 augmente la susceptibilité à la COP chez la souris Tg.


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Hypothèse: L’impression sur textile d’une formulation de microparticules lipidiques avec un principe actif (éconazole nitrate) permet de conserver ou d’améliorer son activité pharmaceutique ex vivo et in vitro. Méthode: Une formulation de microparticules d’éconazole nitrate (ECN) a été formulée par homogénéisation à haut cisaillement, puis imprimée sur un textile LayaTM par une méthode de sérigraphie. La taille des microparticules, la température de fusion des microparticules sur textile et la teneur en éconazole du tissu ont été déterminées. La stabilité de la formulation a été suivie pendant 4 mois à 25°C avec 65% humidité résiduelle (RH). L’activité in vitro des textiles pharmaceutiques a été mesurée et comparée à la formulation commerciale 1% éconazole nitrate (w/w) sur plusieurs espèces de champignons dont le C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. luminisitae, T. mentagrophytes et T. rubrum. La thermosensibilité des formulations a été étudiée par des tests de diffusion in vitro en cellules de Franz. L’absorption cutanée de l’éconazole a été évaluée ex vivo sur la peau de cochon. Résultats: Les microparticules d’éconazole avaient des tailles de 3.5±0.1 μm. La température de fusion était de 34.8°C. La thermosensibilité a été déterminée par un relargage deux fois supérieur à 32°C comparés à 22°C sur 6 heures. Les textiles ont présenté une teneur stable pendant 4 mois. Les textiles d’ECN in vitro ont démontré une activité similaire à la formulation commerciale sur toutes ii espèces de Candida testées, ainsi qu’une bonne activité contre les dermatophytes. La diffusion sur peau de cochon a démontré une accumulation supérieure dans le stratum corneum de la formulation textile par rapport à la formulation Pevaryl® à 1% ECN. La thermo-sensibilité de la formulation a permis un relargage sélectif au contact de la peau, tout en assurant une bonne conservation à température ambiante.


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Cereal commodities are frequently contaminated with mycotoxins produced by the secondary metabolism of fungal infection. Among these contaminants, deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, is the most prevalent type B trichothecene mycotoxin worldwide. Pigs are very sensitive to the toxic effects of DON and are frequently exposed to naturally contaminated feed. Recently, DON naturally contaminated feed has been shown to decrease porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) specific antibody responses following experimental infection. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of DON naturally contaminated feed on the immune response generated following vaccination with PRRSV live attenuated vaccine. Eighteen pigs were randomly divided into three experimental groups of 6 animals based on DON content of the diets (0, 2.5 and 3.5 mg DON/kg). They were fed these rations one week prior to the vaccination and for all the duration of the immune response evaluation. All pigs were vaccinated intra-muscularly with one dose of Ingelvac® PRRSV modified live vaccine (MLV). Blood samples were collected at day −1, 6, 13, 20, 27 and 35 post vaccination (pv) and tested for PRRSV RNA by RT-qPCR and for virus specific antibodies by ELISA. Results showed that ingestion of DON-contaminated diets significantly decreased PRRSV viremia. All pigs fed control diet were viremic while only 1 (17%) and 3 (50%) out of 6 pigs were viremic in the groups receiving 3.5 and 2.5 mg of DON/kg, respectively. Subsequently, all pigs fed control diet developed PRRSV specific antibodies while only viremic pigs that were fed contaminated diets have developed PRRSV specific antibodies. These results suggest that feeding pigs with DON-contaminated diet could inhibit vaccination efficiency of PRRSV MLV by severely impairing viral replication.


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Landwirtschaft spielt eine zentrale Rolle im Erdsystem. Sie trägt durch die Emission von CO2, CH4 und N2O zum Treibhauseffekt bei, kann Bodendegradation und Eutrophierung verursachen, regionale Wasserkreisläufe verändern und wird außerdem stark vom Klimawandel betroffen sein. Da all diese Prozesse durch die zugrunde liegenden Nährstoff- und Wasserflüsse eng miteinander verknüpft sind, sollten sie in einem konsistenten Modellansatz betrachtet werden. Dennoch haben Datenmangel und ungenügendes Prozessverständnis dies bis vor kurzem auf der globalen Skala verhindert. In dieser Arbeit wird die erste Version eines solchen konsistenten globalen Modellansatzes präsentiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Simulation landwirtschaftlicher Erträge und den resultierenden N2O-Emissionen liegt. Der Grund für diese Schwerpunktsetzung liegt darin, dass die korrekte Abbildung des Pflanzenwachstums eine essentielle Voraussetzung für die Simulation aller anderen Prozesse ist. Des weiteren sind aktuelle und potentielle landwirtschaftliche Erträge wichtige treibende Kräfte für Landnutzungsänderungen und werden stark vom Klimawandel betroffen sein. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt bildet die Abschätzung landwirtschaftlicher N2O-Emissionen, da bislang kein prozessbasiertes N2O-Modell auf der globalen Skala eingesetzt wurde. Als Grundlage für die globale Modellierung wurde das bestehende Agrarökosystemmodell Daycent gewählt. Neben der Schaffung der Simulationsumgebung wurden zunächst die benötigten globalen Datensätze für Bodenparameter, Klima und landwirtschaftliche Bewirtschaftung zusammengestellt. Da für Pflanzzeitpunkte bislang keine globale Datenbasis zur Verfügung steht, und diese sich mit dem Klimawandel ändern werden, wurde eine Routine zur Berechnung von Pflanzzeitpunkten entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit Anbaukalendern der FAO, die für einige Feldfrüchte und Länder verfügbar sind. Danach wurde das Daycent-Modell für die Ertragsberechnung von Weizen, Reis, Mais, Soja, Hirse, Hülsenfrüchten, Kartoffel, Cassava und Baumwolle parametrisiert und kalibriert. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass Daycent die wichtigsten Klima-, Boden- und Bewirtschaftungseffekte auf die Ertragsbildung korrekt abbildet. Berechnete Länderdurchschnitte stimmen gut mit Daten der FAO überein (R2 = 0.66 für Weizen, Reis und Mais; R2 = 0.32 für Soja), und räumliche Ertragsmuster entsprechen weitgehend der beobachteten Verteilung von Feldfrüchten und subnationalen Statistiken. Vor der Modellierung landwirtschaftlicher N2O-Emissionen mit dem Daycent-Modell stand eine statistische Analyse von N2O-und NO-Emissionsmessungen aus natürlichen und landwirtschaftlichen Ökosystemen. Die als signifikant identifizierten Parameter für N2O (Düngemenge, Bodenkohlenstoffgehalt, Boden-pH, Textur, Feldfrucht, Düngersorte) und NO (Düngemenge, Bodenstickstoffgehalt, Klima) entsprechen weitgehend den Ergebnissen einer früheren Analyse. Für Emissionen aus Böden unter natürlicher Vegetation, für die es bislang keine solche statistische Untersuchung gab, haben Bodenkohlenstoffgehalt, Boden-pH, Lagerungsdichte, Drainierung und Vegetationstyp einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die N2O-Emissionen, während NO-Emissionen signifikant von Bodenkohlenstoffgehalt und Vegetationstyp abhängen. Basierend auf den daraus entwickelten statistischen Modellen betragen die globalen Emissionen aus Ackerböden 3.3 Tg N/y für N2O, und 1.4 Tg N/y für NO. Solche statistischen Modelle sind nützlich, um Abschätzungen und Unsicherheitsbereiche von N2O- und NO-Emissionen basierend auf einer Vielzahl von Messungen zu berechnen. Die Dynamik des Bodenstickstoffs, insbesondere beeinflusst durch Pflanzenwachstum, Klimawandel und Landnutzungsänderung, kann allerdings nur durch die Anwendung von prozessorientierten Modellen berücksichtigt werden. Zur Modellierung von N2O-Emissionen mit dem Daycent-Modell wurde zunächst dessen Spurengasmodul durch eine detailliertere Berechnung von Nitrifikation und Denitrifikation und die Berücksichtigung von Frost-Auftau-Emissionen weiterentwickelt. Diese überarbeitete Modellversion wurde dann an N2O-Emissionsmessungen unter verschiedenen Klimaten und Feldfrüchten getestet. Sowohl die Dynamik als auch die Gesamtsummen der N2O-Emissionen werden befriedigend abgebildet, wobei die Modelleffizienz für monatliche Mittelwerte zwischen 0.1 und 0.66 für die meisten Standorte liegt. Basierend auf der überarbeiteten Modellversion wurden die N2O-Emissionen für die zuvor parametrisierten Feldfrüchte berechnet. Emissionsraten und feldfruchtspezifische Unterschiede stimmen weitgehend mit Literaturangaben überein. Düngemittelinduzierte Emissionen, die momentan vom IPCC mit 1.25 +/- 1% der eingesetzten Düngemenge abgeschätzt werden, reichen von 0.77% (Reis) bis 2.76% (Mais). Die Summe der berechneten Emissionen aus landwirtschaftlichen Böden beträgt für die Mitte der 1990er Jahre 2.1 Tg N2O-N/y, was mit den Abschätzungen aus anderen Studien übereinstimmt.


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This thesis consists of 4 main parts: (1) impact of growing maize on the decomposition of incorporated fresh alfalfa residues, (2) relationships between soil biological and other soil properties in saline and alkaline arable soils from the Pakistani Punjab, (3) decomposition of compost and plant residues in Pakistani soils along a gradient in salinity, and (4) interactions of compost and triple superphosphate on the growth of maize in a saline Pakistani soil. These 4 chapters are framed by a General Introduction and a Conclusions section. (1) In the first study, the effects of growing maize plants on the microbial decomposition of freshly chopped alfalfa residues was investigated in a 90-day pot experiment using a sandy arable soil. Assuming that the addition of alfalfa residues did not affect the decomposition of native soil organic matter, only 27% of the alfalfa residues were found as CO2. This suggests that a considerable part of alfalfa-C remained undecomposed in the soil. However, only 6% of the alfalfa residues could be recovered as plant remains in treatment with solely alfalfa residues. Based on d13C values, it was calculated that plant remains in treatment maize + alfalfa residues contained 14.7% alfalfa residues and 85.3% maize root remains. This means 60% more alfalfa-C was recovered in this treatment. (2) In the second study, the interactions between soil physical, soil chemical and soil biological properties were analysed in 30 Pakistani soils from alkaline and saline arable sites differing strongly in salinisation and in soil pH. The soil biological properties were differentiated into indices for microbial activity, microbial biomass, and community structure with the aim of assessing their potential as soil fertility indices. (3) In the third study, 3 organic amendments (compost, maize straw and pea straw) were added to 5 Pakistani soils from a gradient in salinity. Although salinity has depressive effects on microbial biomass C, biomass N, biomass P, and ergosterol, the clear gradient according to the soil salt concentration was not reflected by the soil microbial properties. The addition of the 3 organic amendments always increased the contents of the microbial indices analysed. The amendment-induced increase was especially strong for microbial biomass P and reflected the total P content of the added substrates. (4) The fourth study was greenhouse pot experiment with different combinations of compost and triple superphosphate amendments to investigate the interactions between plant growth, microbial biomass formation and compost decomposition in a strongly saline Pakistani arable soil in comparison to a non-saline German arable soil. The Pakistani soil had a 2 times lower content of ergosterol, a 4 times lower contents of microbial biomass C, biomass N and biomass P, but nearly a 20 times lower content of NaHCO3 extractable P. The addition of 1% compost always had positive effects on the microbial properties and also on the content of NaHCO3 extractable P. The addition of superphosphate induced a strong and similar absolute increase in microbial biomass P in both soils.


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Introducción: La fractura de cadera es un evento frecuente con una mortalidad alta a nivel mundial, sin embargo, poco énfasis se hace a los posibles factores de riesgo modificables. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles con el objetivo de identificar factores de riesgo del postoperatorio de fractura de cadera asociados a mortalidad a 90 días. Se revisaron 122 historias clínicas desde enero del 2000 hasta diciembre del 2009 en la Fundación CardioInfantil, 91 historias cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se agruparon en casos y controles: en el primer grupo 18 pacientes que fallecen a los 90 días y, en el segundo grupo 77 pacientes que no fallecen. Se hizo un análisis estadístico mediante chi cuadrado, test de Fisher y regresión logística. Resultados: La mortalidad a 90 días fue del 19%. Las variables asociadas con mortalidad estadísticamente significativas fueron: número de comorbilidades (p=0,027), hemoglobina (p=0,031), delirium pre quirúrgico (OR 6,1 p=0,05). La deambulación al alta mostró ser factor protector (OR 0,15 p=0,003). Las complicaciones que mostraron asociación con mortalidad fueron: infección (OR 27 p=0,01), hemorragia (OR 14 p=0,05), y delirum post quirúrgico (OR 8,2 0,01). Conclusión: Se encontró que la hemoglobina pre quirúrgica, delirium, número de comorbilidades, la no deambulación al alta, la infección post operatoria y la hemorragia post quirúrgica son variables asociadas a mortalidad a los 90 días postoperatorio de fractura de cadera fueron. Es necesario realizar estudios donde se intervengan estas variables y evaluar posibles cambios en la mortalidad


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Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de las infecciones en el primer año postrasplante cardiaco y los factores asociados a las infecciones en este periodo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte, con los pacientes trasplantados cardiacos en la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de cardiología desde el año 2005 hasta el 2015. Se realizaron análisis univariados, análisis bivariado entre las variables del estudio y el desenlace para la selección de las variables para el modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: Se presentó una mediana de 54 años de edad en la cohorte, con mayor proporción de hombres (75,8%) y con predominio de la cardiopatía dilatada como indicación de trasplante. La incidencia de infecciones en el primer año postrasplante fue de 45% (30/66). Se encontró mayor riesgo de infección en los primeros tres meses, del 36.3% (IC 95% 23 – 55), mostrando mayor frecuencia de infecciones pulmonares y en piel. Dentro de los organismos aislados más importantes en los primeros tres meses, se encontraron bacilos gram negativos y Aspergillus spp. En el primer año postrasplante la cardiopatía dilatada con un OR 4.7 IC95% (1.3 – 17) y la enfermedad renal crónica con un OR 6.7 IC 95% (1.4 - 32) se asociaron a la presencia de infecciones. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de infecciones en los pacientes trasplantados cardiacos en la Fundación Cardioinfantil IC es similar a la observada en la literatura. La aparición de infecciones en el primer año postrasplante, se asocia a la presencia de cardiopatía dilatada y enfermedad renal crónica.


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The effort expended on reproduction may entail future costs, such as reduced survival or fecundity, and these costs can have an important influence on life-history optimization. For birds with precocial offspring, hypothesized costs of reproduction have typically emphasized nutritional and energetic investments in egg formation and incubation. We measured seasonal survival of 3856 radio-marked female Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from arrival on the breeding grounds through brood-rearing or cessation of breeding. There was a 2.5-fold direct increase in mortality risk associated with incubating nests in terrestrial habitats, whereas during brood-rearing when breeding females occupy aquatic habitats, mortality risk reached seasonal lows. Mortality risk also varied with calendar date and was highest during periods when large numbers of Mallards were nesting, suggesting that prey-switching behaviors by common predators may exacerbate risks to adults in all breeding stages. Although prior investments in egg laying and incubation affected mortality risk, most relationships were not consistent with the cost of reproduction hypothesis; birds with extensive prior investments in egg production or incubation typically survived better, suggesting that variation in individual quality drove both relationships. We conclude that for breeding female Mallards, the primary cost of reproduction is a fixed cost associated with placing oneself at risk to predators while incubating nests in terrestrial habitats.


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Silicon release from rice straw and amorphous silica when shaken in solution with five Sri Lankan soils was studied indirectly using sorption isotherms and changes in concentration and directly using straw in dialysis bags examined using electron microscopy. The aim was to further our understanding of the processes and factors affecting the release of straw-Si in soils and its availability to rice. The soils (alfisols and ultisols) shaken with 0.1 M NaCl (5 g per 125 mL for 250 days) produced concentrations of 1 - 4 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si. Amorphous silica added to these suspensions (36.5 mg, containing 17 mg Si) raised the concentrations to 20 - 40 mg L-1, and added rice straw (0.5 g, containing 17 mg Si) gave 10 - 25 mg L-1. Sorption isotherms (7 days equilibrations) were used to calculate from the concentrations the amounts of Si released ( 24 - 38% and 8 - 21%, respectively). Both materials gave about 40 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si plus 30 mg L-1 of disilicic acid-Si when shaken in solution alone (5 g per 125 mL). Straw in dialysis bags ( 0.5 g per 25 mL in 0.1 M NaCl) was shaken in soil suspension ( 5 g per 100 mL) for 60 days. Similar concentrations and releases were measured to those obtained above. About one fifth of the mass of straw was lost by decomposition in the first 15 days. A chloroform treatment prevented decomposition, but Si release was unaffected. Disintegration continued throughout the experiments, with phytoliths being exposed and dissolved. Compared to the rate of release from straw into solution without soil, the release of Si into soil suspensions was increased during the first 20 days by adsorption on the soil, but was then reduced probably through the effect of Fe and Al on the phytolith surfaces. The extent of this blocking effect varied between soils and was not simply related to soil pH.


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Toxic trace elements present an environmental hazard in the vicinity of mining and smelting activities. However. the processes of transfer of these elements to groundwater and to plants are not always clear. Tharsis mine. in the Iberian pyrite belt (SW Spain), has been exploited since 2500 BC, with extensive smelting, taking place front the 1850S until the 1920s. Sixty four soil (mainly topsoils) and vegetation samples were collected in February 2001 and analysed by ICP-AES for 23 elements. Concentrations are 6-6300 mg kg(-1) As and 14-24800 mg kg(-1) Pb in soils, and 0.20-9 mg kg(-1) As and 2-195 mg Pb in vegetation. Trace element concentrations decrease rapidly away from the mine. with As and Pb concentrations in the range 6-1850 mg kg(-1) (median 22 mg kg(-1)) and 14-31 mg, kg(-1) (median 43 mg, kg(-1)), respectively, 1 km away from the mine. These concentrations are low when compared to other well-studied mining and smelting areas (e.g. 600 mg kg(-1) As at 8 km from Yellowknife smelter, Canada; >100 mg kg(-1) Pb over 270 km(2) around the Pb-Zn Port Pirie smelter. South Australia: mean of 1419 mg kg(-1) Pb around Aberystwyth smelter, Wales, UK). The high metal content of the vegetation and the low soil pH (mean pH 4.93) indicate the potential for trace element mobility which Could explain the relatively low concentration of metals in Tharsis topsoils and cause threats to plans to redevelop the Tharsis area as an orange plantation.


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Procedures for routine analysis of soil phosphorus (P) have been used for assessment of P status, distribution and P losses from cultivated mineral soils. No similar studies have been carried out on wetland peat soils. The objective was to compare extraction efficiency of ammonium lactate (PAL), sodium bicarbonate (P-Olsen), and double calcium lactate (P-DCaL) and P distribution in the soil profile of wetland peat soils. For this purpose, 34 samples of the 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm layers were collected from peat soils in Germany, Israel, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom and analysed for P. Mean soil pH (CaCl2, 0.01 M) was 5.84, 5.51 and 5.47 in the 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm layers, respectively. The P-DCaL was consistently about half the magnitude of either P-AL or P-Olsen. The efficiency of P extraction increased in the order P-DCaL < P-AL &LE; P-Olsen, with corresponding means (mg kg(-1)) for all soils (34 samples) of 15.32, 33.49 and 34.27 in 0-30 cm; 8.87, 17.30 and 21.46 in 30-60 cm; and 5.69, 14.00 and 21.40 in 60-90 cm. The means decreased with depth. When examining soils for each country separately, P-Olsen was relatively evenly distributed in the German, UK and Slovenian soils. P-Olsen was linearly correlated (r = 0.594, P = 0.0002) with pH, whereas the three P tests (except P-Olsen vs P-DCaL) significantly correlated with each other (P = 0.017850.0001). The strongest correlation (r = 0.617, P = 0.0001) was recorded for P-AL vs P-DCaL) and the two methods were inter-convertible using a regression equation: P-AL = -22.593 + 5.353 pH + 1.423 P-DCaL, R-2 = 0.550.


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Heat-treated animal bone char (ABC) has not previously been evaluated for its potential as a phosphorus (P) fertilizer. ABC, Gafsa phosphate rock (GPR) and triple superphosphate fertilizer (TSP) were incubated in 12 soils. Dissolved-P was assessed by extraction with NaOH and bioavailability with the Olsen extractant. The rate of P dissolution from ABC was described almost equally well by the Elovich and Power equations. After 145 days, the fraction of P dissolved ranged from 0 to 73% and to 56% for ABC and GPR, respectively. The most important soil properties determining P dissolution from ABC were pH and P sorption. P dissolution was not significant at soil pH > 6.1 (ABC) and > 5 (GPR) and the lower the pH, the greater the Dissolved-P. Dissolved-P also correlated positively and significantly with inorganic P sorption, measured by the Freundlich isotherm and the P sorption index of Bache and Williams (1971). Soil pH and P sorption index could be combined in multiple regression equations that use readily measured soil properties to predict the potential for ABC dissolution in a soil. Dissolution of P from GPR correlated with soil pH and exchangeable acidity. In comparison with GPR, ABC was a better source of available P, assessed by Olsen-P. In most soils, ABC increased Olsen-P immediately after application, including soils of relatively high pH in which GPR was ineffective. ABC is a P fertilizer of solubility intermediate between GPR and TSP.