738 resultados para Elbe-Weser-Gebiet


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Thesis (doctoral)--Maximilians-Universitat Munchen.


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Rivers represent a transition zone between terrestric and aquatic environments, and between methane rich and methane poor environments. The Elbe River is one of the important rivers draining into the North Sea and with the Elbe potentially high amounts of methane could be imported into the water column of the North Sea. Twelve cruises from October 2010 until June 2013 were conducted from Hamburg towards the Elbe mouth at Cuxhaven. The dynamic of methane concentration in the water column and its consumption via methane oxidation was measured. In addition, physico-chemical parameters were used to estimate their influence on the methanotrophic activity. We observed high methane concentrations at the stations in the area of Hamburg harbor ("inner estuary") and about 10 times lower concentrations in the outer estuary (median of 416 versus 40 nmol/L). The methane oxidation (MOX) rate mirrowed the methane distribution with high values in the inner estuary and low values in the outer estuary (median of 161 versus 10 nmol/L/d respectively) Methane concentrations were significantly influenced by the river hydrology (falling water level) and the trophic state of the water (biological oxygen demand). In contrast to other studies no clear relation to the amount of suspendended particulate matter (SPM) was found. Methane oxidation rates were significantly influenced by methane concentration and to a weaker extent by temperature. Methane oxidation accounted for 41 ± 12% of the total loss of methane in summer/fall, but only for 5 ± 3% of the total loss in winter/spring. We applied a modified box model taking into account the residence times of a water parcel depending on discharge and tidal impact. We observed almost stable methane concentrations in the outer estuary, despite a strong loss of methane through diffusion and oxidation. Thus we postulate that in the outer Elbe estuary a strong additional input of methane is required, which could be provided by the extensive salt marshes near the river mouth.


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In oceans, estuaries, and rivers, nitrification is an important nitrate source, and stable isotopes of nitrate are often used to investigate recycling processes (e.g. remineralisation, nitrification) in the water column. Nitrification is a two-step process, where ammonia is oxidised via nitrite to nitrate. Nitrite usually does not accumulate in natural environments, which makes it difficult to study the single isotope effect of ammonia oxidation or nitrite oxidation in natural systems. However, during an exceptional flood in the Elbe River in June 2013, we found a unique co-occurrence of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate in the water column, returning towards normal summer conditions within 1 week. Over the course of the flood, we analysed the evolution of d15N-[NH4]+ and d15N-[NO2]- in the Elbe River. In concert with changes in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and d15N SPM, as well as nitrate concentration, d15N-NO3 - and d18O-[NO3] -, we calculated apparent isotope effects during net nitrite and nitrate consumption. During the flood event, > 97 % of total reactive nitrogen was nitrate, which was leached from the catchment area and appeared to be subject to assimilation. Ammonium and nitrite concentrations increased to 3.4 and 4.4 µmol/l, respectively, likely due to remineralisation, nitrification, and denitrification in the water column. d15N-[NH4]+ values increased up to 12 per mil, and d15N-[NO2]- ranged from -8.0 to -14.2 per mil. Based on this, we calculated an apparent isotope effect 15-epsilon of -10.0 ± 0.1 per mil during net nitrite consumption, as well as an isotope effect 15-epsilon of -4.0 ± 0.1 per mil and 18-epsilon of -5.3 ± 0.1 per mil during net nitrate consumption. On the basis of the observed nitrite isotope changes, we evaluated different nitrite uptake processes in a simple box model. We found that a regime of combined riparian denitrification and 22 to 36 % nitrification fits best with measured data for the nitrite concentration decrease and isotope increase.


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This paper deals with the lithostratigraphic structure of the Solling sequence (Lower Triassic, Middle Buntsandstein) in the area between the Weser river region in the west and the Thuringian Eichsfeld region in the east. Lithologic profile mapping and the gamma-ray logs of several boreholes and 40 exposures have been used to define the lithostratigraphic Classification of the Solling sequence, to mark the facies zones and to find the connection between Sediments of the Thuringian basin in the east and the Weser fault trough via the crest of the Eichsfeld-Altmark Ridge. Tectonically controlled movements of synsedimentary character are the reason for the extreme convergence within the Solling sequence and the extreme Stratigraphie gap at its base (Hardegsen unconformity, Trusheim 1961) in the region of the swells. The discussion also demonstrates the importance of fault bundles active during Triassic and responsible for the thickness pattem of the Solling sequence between the Weser fault trough and the Eichsfeld-Altmark Ridge. The largest Stratigraphie gap is present at the line Brehme (Ohm Mountains) - Beuren - Treffurt where the Solling sequence covers Av/cn/a-bearing layers of the Volpriehausen sequence. In paiticular the Ridge sequences prove the existence of a further erosion unconformity within the Solling sequence (Solling unconformity, Kunz 1965) below the Thuringian Chirotheriensandstein as found by Rohling (1986) in the North German basin at the Stratigraphie level of the Karlshafen layers.


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Während der Geländearbeit vom 12. Juni bis 30. September 1972 wurden im Untersuchungsgebiet 705 Handbohrungen abgeteuft, ein Schichtenverzeichnis für die Bohrprofile und Aufschlüsse sowie ein Kartierfeldblatt und eine Bohrpunktkarte im Maßstab 1 : 10 000 erstellt. Bohrpunkte und Kartierung wurden bei der Ausarbeitung auf Karten im Maßstab 1 : 25 000 übertragen (archiviert im Niedersächsischen Landesamt). Das kartierte Gebiet umfaßt das Tal der Oberweser von Gieselwerder im Süden bis zum Kuhlengrund im Nordwesten (Blatt Karlshafen), das auf der topographischen Karte anhand der Höhenlinien deutlich erkennbare ehemalige Weser- Umlauftal um den Kahlberg von Bodenfelde bis Wahmbeck und den Mündungsbereich des Schwülmetales bei Lippoldsberg.


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Die Rätsandsteine des nördlichen Harzvorlandes wurden petro- graphisch untersucht und beschrieben. Ihr Mineralbestand ist durch das Vorherrschen stabiler Minerale (Quarz bzw. stabile Schwerminerale) geprägt. Dieser kompositioneilen Reife entsprechen das Fehlen generell sehr grober Sedimente und die gute Sortierung fast aller Sandsteine. Das lokale Auftreten von "instabilen" Schwermineralen (hauptsächlich Granat, Staurolith, seltener Disthen, "Epidot" u.a.) sowie schwankende Feldspatgehalte erforderten gezielte Untersuchungen zum Verhalten der Komponenten während Transport und Diagenese: Danach ist die heutige Mineralverteilung nicht auf Anlieferung aus verschiedenen nahegelegenen Liefergebieten (Harz, Flechtinger Höhenzug) zurückzuführen. Das Material ist vielmehr durch Transportsonderung und durch unterschiedlich starke diagenetische Mineralauflösung differenziert worden. Die Diagenese ist im Unterrätsandstein unter alkalischen Porenwasserbedingungen abgelaufen. Dadurch blieben auch instabile Schwerminerale erhalten. Die Diagenese des Mittel- rätsandsteins war im Anfangsstadium dagegen mindestens lokal durch extrem saure Bedingungen gekennzeichnet. Hier wurden die Schwerminerale außer Zirkon, Turmalin, Rutil sowie z.T. Feldspat angegriffen oder aufgelöst. Quarz und Kaolinit bildeten sich neu. In Gebieten mit hydraulischer Verbindung zwischen den Sandsteinkörpern kam es zur Überlagerung beider Diageneseabläufe. Die frühdiagenetischen Vorgänge spiegeln die Sedimentationsbedingungen wider: Nach der Entwicklung eines ersten unterrätischen Flußsystems am Nordostrand des Gebietes (Allertal-Schüttung) mit zugehörigen Deltasedimenten (Schüttung nach Nordwesten) dringen Arme eines neuen Systems in zunächst schmalen Strängen nach Westen bzw. Nordwesten vor. Sie hinterlassen im Südteil des Gebiets den Unterrätsandstein der Fallstein-Schüttung, der sich im Überflutungsbereich der Flüsse mit Sedimenten der flachmarinen (hyperhaiinen) Steinmergelkeuper-Fazies verzahnt. Durch Meeresspiegelanstieg bildet sich im Westteil des Untersuchungsgebiets ein Becken mit marinen Ablagerungsbedingungen (Mittelrät) aus. Das alte Flußsystem wird zugleich nach Osten abgedrängt. Im Süden bleibt das Gebiet Halberstadt/Fallstein Zentrum eines Deltavorbaus (Fallstein-Schüttung), der jedoch schnell an Bedeutung verliert. Statt dessen breitet sich vom Raum Helmstedt ausgehend eine neue Deltaschüttung (Lappwald- Schüttung) bis über die Weser hinaus nach Westen aus. Besonders im Lappwald-Delta kommt es zu einer reichen Faziesdifferenzierung in den Sedimenten des Deltadachs. Die in beiden Regionen entstehenden Moorablagerungen verursachen die Versauerung des Porenwassers, das die Frühdiagenese beeinflußt. Weiterer Meeresspiegelanstieg beendet die deltaische Sedimentation auch im Bereich der Lappwald-Schüttung. Die paläogeographische Entwicklung des nördlichen Harzvorlands ist einsinnig verlaufen. Die Sedimente des nördlichen Harzvorlands enthalten keine Hinweise auf zeitweilige Regression größeren Ausmaßes. Die Verlagerung der Sedimentationsintensitat von der Fallstein-Schüttung auf die Lappwald-Schüttung entspricht vielmehr einer großräumigen Entwicklung, in deren Verlauf sich die Deltabildung zwischen Franken und Nord- Dänemark von Süden nach Norden verlagert.


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l-r: Martin Lipschitz, Sam Kohn, Hermann Judey, Willy Lipschitz, Georg Eliasberg and Jacob Judey-Barosin


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Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.) from the river Elbe has a long tradition as local food speciality. It is offered baked or fried every year during spring in many restaurants along the river. Information about the composition of the edible part and its changes during fishing season are scarce. In earlier days the fish was mostly sold by local fisherman directly after catch. Today the fish is also offered as ungutted fresh fish in ice on the whole sale market. The freshness of this fish has not been studied. Smelt from the river Elbe is known to contain nematode larvae (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in the muscle meat. Actual quantitative data on the abundance and prevalence in the commercially offered ice stored fish are missing.


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Die WEFTA (West European Fish Technologists Association – gegründet 1970) ist ein Zusammenschluß von Europäischen Instituten, die auf dem Gebiet Fischerei, Fischqualität und –verarbeitung arbeiten und forschen. Ziele der WEFTA sind der Informationsaustausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Fischindustrie auf Jahrestreffen und Arbeitsgruppen sowie die Ausweitungund Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Interessengruppen und Instituten in Projekten. Weitere Informationen können der Homepage der WEFTA (www.wefta.nl) zu entnommen werden.


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Die West European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA, gegründet 1970) ist ein Zusammenschluß von Europäischen Insti-tuten, die auf dem Gebiet Fischerei, Fischqualität und -verarbeitung arbeiten und forschen. Ziele der WEFTA ist der Informa-tionsaustausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Fischindustrie sowie die Ausweitung und Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeitunterschiedlicher Interessengruppen und Instituten in Projekten.


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Shrimping in the waddensea is frequently considered to significantly reduce the numbers of juvenile plaice . This investigation aims to reveal the seasonal and regional differences regarding discards in the German waddensea and sets the results in relation to the bycatch projects with German participation. Furthermore, methodological aspects are evaluated to find possible effects on the estimation of the netted numbers. The bycatch problem exists predominantly throughout the summer season, but high catches of juvenile plaice can occur occasionally in autumn. The discard issue seems to be most important in the East Frisian region, while the Elbe and Schleswig-Holstein areas are of lesser importance. Considering the distribution of the fish in the environment is as indispensable as sampling of the shrimp fleet with optimum representativity. There are indices that the contribution of the Dutch shrimp fleet to the discard mortality of juvenile plaice was underestimated in the recent past. A combination of time and area closures as restrictions in combination with the extensive application of selective gears could possibly gain the best protection for the affected species.


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Trials for the determination of the magnitude of bycatch reduction by sorting grids used in the commercial brown shrimp fishery were carried out from September to December 1997. Trawls with 9 m beam length were used on different fishing grounds in the estuary of the Elbe River near Cuxhaven. The sorting grids tested were made of stainless steel bars spaced at 18, 20, 22, 26 and 30 mm, built into a cylindrical stainless steel frame with a diameter of 65 cm at an angle of attack of 45 degrees. This frame was positioned between the forenet and codend. Simultaneous hauls were made with a trawl of equal construction but without a sorting grid, and the weighed catch components (fish, discard shrimps and commercial size shrimps) separated by means of a riddle were compared. The composition of the sorted out part of the catch of the sorting grid net could be calculated by comparise the corresponding catch components in both the standard trawl and the sorting grid trawl. According to this the total catch of the beam trawl with the sorting grid is reduced by 18 to 38 % depending on the space between the bars. 7 to 31 % of the sorted out part of the catch consists of fish. The use of the sorting grid, however, also leads to losses of 4 to 12 % in Oktober. Per hour of towing this means a loss of 10,3 % commerical size shrimps with a sorting grid of 18 mm space between the bars and of 12,4 % for a 26 mm grid.


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Die Situation der bewirtschafteten Fischbestände im NAFO-Gebiet hat sich im Jahr 1998 im Vergleich zu 1997 nicht verändert. Alle Bestände auf der Grand bank (Gebiet 3LNO) bis auf die Gelbschwarzflunder, deren Bestand sich weiter vergrößerte, bleiben auf niedrigstem Niveau mit wenig Aussicht auf eine kurzfristige Erholung. Auch die Bestände auf der Flämischen Kappe (Gebiet 3M) sind mit Ausnahme der Garnelen (Pandalus boreals) in der gleichen Situation.


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Trials for the determination of the magnitude of bycatch reduction by the sievenets used in the commercial brown shrimp fishery were carried out from September to December 1997. Trawls with 9 m beam length were the subjected to the investigation. They were used on different fishing grounds in the estuary of the Elbe near Cuxhaven. Sievenets with 50, 60 and 80 mm mesh opening were tested in 29 hauls and 31.6 h total duration. A trawl of equal construction without sievenets fished synchronously was used for comparison. The proportional catch composition in the codend was determined by weighing the catch components (fish, discard shrimps and commercial size shrimps) as separated by means of a riddle. The composition of the sorted out part of the catch could be calculated by comparison of the corresponding catch components both in standard trawl and sievenettrawl. According to this the total catch of a beam trawl with sievenet is diminished by 9 to 34 % depending on the mesh opening of the sievenet. 32 to 58 % of the sorted out part of the catch consists of fish. Use of a sievenet, however, also leads to a loss of 6 to 15 % of commercial size shrimps. Per hour of towing this means a loss of 8.7 kg commercial size shrimps with a sievenet of 60 mm mesh opening and of 1.8 kg for a mesh size of 80 mm.