955 resultados para Eis (tavaramerkki)
Les restes humanes deIs períodes epipaleolític i mesolític estan pobrament representades a la Península Iberica, tot i que existeixen dos jaciments mesolítics excepcional s a Muge, Portugal (Moita do Sebastiao i Cabe~o da Arruda), amb uns 67 individus, i un altre de recentment excavat a Oliva (El Collado, Valencia), on s'han trobat uns 15 individus. EIs primers estan datats entre 7.240 i 6.300 a.P. (Ferreira 1994: 664-674), mentre que el darrer té una datació de 7.640-7.570 a.P (Aparicio 1989). Ambdós jaciments es troben en zones properes a estuaris de rius o a la costa, la qual cosa permetia 1'explotació intensiva de recursos marins molt variats. Aquest tipus d' economia condicionava un tipus de vida força sedentaria i a més a més, va permetre un increment en la densitat de població, que hauria tingut lloc probablement entre el 8.000-7.000 a.e. (Ferreira 1994: 664-674). A Catalunya, s'han excavat fins ara pocs jaciments importants d'aquests periodes (Martín y Vaquer 1995: 35-73), tots d'ells en zones d'interior i corresponents presumiblement a grups petits de caçadors-recol·lectors, força diferents dels posteriors assentaments humans més grans com Muge i Oliva. De tots aquests jaciments, només a la Balma de Guilanya (Naves, Solsones) s'han trobat restes humanes que es puguin atribuir sense cap mena de dubte als nivells epipaleolítics.
This Tier 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) presents the results of studies and analysis conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed improvements in Segment 3 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) in the Council Bluffs metropolitan area. This document is tiered to the Tier 1 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) that evaluated impacts of the overall CBIS Improvements Project, which includes five segments of independent utility This EA on Segment 3 of the Project is divided into the following sections: and encompasses 18 mainline miles of Interstate and 14 interchanges along Interstate 80 (I-80), Interstate 29 (I-29), and Interstate 480 (I-480).
Effective treatment of ovarian cancer depends upon the early detection of the malignancy. Here, we report on the development of a new nanostructured immunosensor for early detection of cancer antigen 125 (CA-125). A gold electrode was modified with mercaptopropionic acid (MPA), and then consecutively conjugated with silica coated gold nanoparticles (AuNP@SiO2), CdSe quantum dots (QDs) and anti-CA-125 monoclonal antibody (mAb). The engineered MPA|AuNP@SiO2|QD|mAb immunosensor was characterised using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Successive conjugation of AuNP@SiO2, CdSe QD and anti-CA-125 mAb onto the gold electrode resulted in sensitive detection of CA-125 with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.0016 U mL(-1) and a linear detection range (LDR) of 0-0.1 U mL(-1). Based on the high sensitivity and specificity of the immunosensor, we propose this highly stable and reproducible biosensor for the early detection of CA-125.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are proposing to improve the interstate system around Council Bluffs with improvements extending across the Missouri River on I-80 to east of the I-480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska, see Figure 1-1. The study considers long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along I-80, I-29, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system1, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. These improvements, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 up to current engineering standards and modernize the roadway to accommodate future traffic needs. In 2001, Iowa DOT and FHWA initiated the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. The agencies concluded that the environmental study process would be conducted in two stages; that is, a tiered approach would be applied. The project is being conducted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1502.20, and FHWA 23 CFR Part 771.111, that permit tiering for large, complex NEPA studies. Tier 1 is an examination of the overall interstate system improvement needs, including a clear explanation of the area’s transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation is at a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. Tier 1 includes preparation of a draft and final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that would disclose the potential environmental and social effects (evaluated at a planning level that considers a variety of conceptual designs) of the proposed improvements. The final EIS will conclude with a Record of Decision (ROD) that states the preferred plan for improvements to be implemented. Essentially, the Tier 1 document will establish the planning framework for the needed improvements. Because the scope of the overall system improvements is large, the interstate improvements would be implemented as a series of individual projects that fit into the overall planning framework. The Tier 1 Area of Potential Impact, which is discussed in detail in Section 4 is an alternative that considers a combination of the most reasonable concepts that have been developed, buffered by approximately 100 or more feet to ensure that any Tier 2 design modifications would remain inside the outer boundary.
This Tier 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) presents the results of studies and analyses conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed improvements in Segment 3 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) in the Council Bluffs metropolitan area. This document is tiered to the Tier 1 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) that evaluated impacts of the overall CBIS Improvements Project, which includes five segments of independent utility1 This EA on Segment 3 of the Project is divided into the following sections: and encompasses 18 mainline miles of Interstate and 14 interchanges along Interstate 80 (I-80), Interstate 29 (I-29), and Interstate 480 (I-480). More information about the tiering process is found below under Project Background. • Section 1 provides background information on the Project and discusses the relationship between the earlier Tier 1 EIS and this Tier 2 EA. It also discusses the proposed action and the area studied, the purpose of the Project, and the need for the Project based on transportation problems that currently exist or are expected in the future. • Section 2, Alternatives, identifies the range of alternatives considered for Segment 3 to address the transportation problems identified in Section 1. It also identifies the alternatives retained for further study in this EA and the preferred Segment 3 alternative. • Section 3, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences, describes the general environment for each resource affected by the proposed improvements. It also describes the potential environmental impacts of the Segment 3 Project and methods to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts. • Section 4, Disposition, lists the agencies and organizations that will receive copies of this EA and the locations at which this EA will be available for public review. • Section 5, Comments and Coordination, summarizes the agency coordination and public involvement efforts in conjunction with the Segment 3 Project. • Section 6, Conclusion and Recommendation, summarizes resource impacts. • Section 7, References, lists the sources cited in this EA. For Segment 3, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) determined that an EA is the appropriate level of Tier 2 study to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. The primary purpose of an EA is to clearly establish the significance of a project’s environmental impacts. That analysis is included in this document.
El pou D 18, situat a la part sud-oest de la zona coneguda del forum de Pollentia, fou amortitzat en el segon quart del segle 1 a.C. EIs materials que formaven part del farciment constitueixen un conjunt tancat representatiu sobretot deIs tipus ceramics locals i d'importació utilitzats en aquesta epoca. El volum principal d'importacions correspon als productes italics, seguits a gran distancia pels materials púnics, iberics i egeus.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar sistemas de informação para gerenciamento de pequenas empresas participantes do Programa de Qualidade Total, do Sebrae, na região de Campinas. Na elaboração de um proposta de modelo de sistema de informações para o executivo de empresas de pequeno porte, foi necessário identificar não apenas as características relacionadas às áreas de negócios, mas também as específicas em relação aos setores industrial, comercial e serviços. Para o conhecimento dessas características, foi realizado um diagnóstico para identificação dos recursos de informática, fontes, produtos e serviços de informação utilizados em pequenas empresas. Foram propostos indicadores de informação para o gerenciamento de programa de qualidade total, tendo como suporte o Executive Informations Systems (EIS).
Les excavacions realitzades a la Cerdanya han proporcionat l'evidencia arqueologica de la possible existencia d'una producció local de TSH, que inc10u les fonnes tradicionals i d'altres formes noves. Per tal de contrastar aquesta hipotesi, s'ha desenvolupat un estudi arqueometric per FRX i DRX. EIs resultats mostren l'existencia de diverses produccions desconegudes fins el present, sense que cap deis materials estudiats hagin pogut associar-se al taller d' Abella ni a les produccions de l'area de Tricio. Aquestes noves produccions ofereixen, a més, una important diversitat tecnologica.
La inscripció I.A.M.lat., 448 ens indica que l'emperador Claudi concedí a Volubilis (Mauretania Tingitana) certs beneficis després de la guerra de conquesta d' aquest regne nordafriciL L' artiele sintetitza la bibliografia que s' ha ocupat d' aquest tema des de principis de segle. EIs bona vacantia s6n un deis beneficis otorgats.
[...] L'EIS est un outil d'aide à la décision souple et non contraignant, permettant d'optimiser en termes de santé les projets, programmes ou politiques, le plus en amont possible. Une telle approche multisectorielle permet aussi de garantir la cohérence et l'efficience tant des politiques publiques que des stratégies d'entreprises. Assurant la pesée objective des intérêts en jeu, l'EIS renforce également la légitimité de la décision et sensibilise tous les acteurs impliqués dans le projet aux questions de santé publique [...].
Virallisen vastaväittäjän dosentti Jukka Kemppisen Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteelliselle tiedekunnalle antama 11.11.2002 päivätty lausunto
This thesis investigates epistemic indefinites (EIs), elements noteworthy for their grammaticalized ignorance implicature, i.e. inability to provide further information about the identity of the expression's referent. This work contributes to the effort of finding a unified account of the cross-linguistic repertoire of EIs. It comprises a corpus survey and a semantic analysis of Slovak voľa- and -si, EI items not studied until now. First, the following hypothesis was tested: the semantic/syntactic functions expressed by an indefinite will fall into contiguous areas on an implicational map (Haspelmath 1997). The results of the corpus analysis revealed that the map does not entirely capture the Slovak EIs' functional distribution and interpretations. Secondly, the semantic analysis was developed within the alternatives-and-exhaustification framework (Chierchia 2013). I show that some of the EIs' behavior can be explained as a consequence of an assumed sensitivity to parameters proposed by Chierchia. I situate voľa- and -si with respect to the framework’s typology and offer a critical assessment of this theoretical perspective.
Tutkielma vanhoista sääntöjärjestelmistä uudessa digitaalisessa ympäristössä. Teos laajentaa oikeudellisia kysymyksiä kultuurisiin, taloudellisiin ja yhteisöllisiin taustoihin selventäen sekä menneisyyttä että tulevaisuuden haasteita ja monikansallista sääntörjäestelmää. Teos on osoitettu etenkin opiskelijoille mutta se osallistuu lisäksi meneillään olevaan keskusteluun informaation sääntelynkeinoista.
Alternative splicing produces multiple isoforms from the same gene, thus increasing the number of transcripts of the species. Alternative splicing is a virtually ubiquitous mechanism in eukaryotes, for example more than 90% of protein-coding genes in human are alternatively spliced. Recent evolutionary studies showed that alternative splicing is a fast evolving and highly species- specific mechanism. The rapid evolution of alternative splicing was considered as a contribution to the phenotypic diversity between species. However, the function of many isoforms produced by alternative splicing remains unclear and they might be the result of noisy splicing. Thus, the functional relevance of alternative splicing and the evolutionary mechanisms of its rapid divergence among species are still poorly understood. During my thesis, I performed a large-scale analysis of the regulatory mechanisms that drive the rapid evolution of alternative splicing. To study the evolution of alternative splicing regulatory mechanisms, I used an extensive RNA-sequencing dataset comprising 12 tetrapod species (human, chimpanzee and bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, marmoset, mouse, opossum, platypus, chicken and frog) and 8 tissues (cerebellum, brain, heart, kidney, liver, testis, placenta and ovary). To identify the catalogue of alternative splicing eis-acting regulatory elements in the different tetrapod species, I used a previously defined computational approach. This approach is a statistical analysis of exons/introns and splice sites composition and relies on a principle of compensation between splice sites strength and the presence of additional regulators. With an evolutionary comparative analysis of the exonic eis-acting regulators, I showed that these regulatory elements are generally shared among primates and more conserved than non-regulatory elements. In addition, I showed that the usage of these regulatory elements is also more conserved than expected by chance. In addition to the identification of species- specific eis-acting regulators, these results may explain the rapid evolution of alternative splicing. I also developed a new approach based on evolutionary sequence changes and corresponding alternative splicing changes to identify potential splicing eis-acting regulators in primates. The identification of lineage-specific substitutions and corresponding lineage-specific alternative splicing changes, allowed me to annotate the genomic sequences that might have played a role in the alternative splicing pattern differences among primates. Finally, I showed that the identified splicing eis-acting regulator datasets are enriched in human disease-causing mutations, thus confirming their biological relevance.
Dins el programa d'activitats practiques del Departament de Botànica.(Facultat de Biología de la Universität de Barcelona) eis estius deis anys 1982 i 1983 férem breus estades a la Valí de Cardos. Les nostres exploracions s'estengueren per la valí principal fins a la capçalera de Broate, i també vers als estanys de Romedo i I'estany de Naorte, i per la vall lateral d'Esterri de Cardos. Junt amb diversos professors del Departament (J. Carreras, E. Carrillo, A. Fàrràs, R. M. Masalles i J . M. Ninot) i de nombrosos alumnes, estudiàrem en una primera visió general la flora i la vegetació d'aquesta contrada pirinenca tan poc visitada pels botànics catalans. Aixô ens permetéd'aplègar una série de dades inédites, de les quais extreiem ara algunes de les citacions floristiques que ens semblen mes notables.