986 resultados para ERP-järjestelmä
Studio di fattibilità per la realizzazione di un modulo ERP con l'utilizzo di Apache Struts 2.
La tesi descrive le fasi di progettazione e di sviluppo di un applicativo ERP, per la verifica degli adempimenti IVA nei vari periodi. Viene illustrato lo scopo del progetto realizzato, quindi, si parte con un'analisi preliminare dello stato del sistema su cui l'applicativo va ad integrarsi, dopodiché si analizza la fase di progettazione con le tecniche in uso, le motivazioni di talune scelte progettuali ed i pattern utilizzati e successivamente si focalizza l'attenzione sulle tecniche implementative e le librerie di riferimento. Infine si ilustrano i risultati ottenuto, le funzionalità introdotte ed i casi d'uso.
Analisi e progettazione di una applicazione web ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) per una azienda di piccole/medie dimensioni.
COMPOSERS COMMONLY USE MAJOR OR MINOR SCALES to create different moods in music.Nonmusicians show poor discrimination and classification of this musical dimension; however, they can perform these tasks if the decision is phrased as happy vs. sad.We created pairs of melodies identical except for mode; the first major or minor third or sixth was the critical note that distinguished major from minor mode. Musicians and nonmusicians judged each melody as major vs. minor or happy vs. sad.We collected ERP waveforms, triggered to the onset of the critical note. Musicians showed a late positive component (P3) to the critical note only for the minor melodies, and in both tasks.Nonmusicians could adequately classify the melodies as happy or sad but showed little evidence of processing the critical information. Major appears to be the default mode in music, and musicians and nonmusicians apparently process mode differently.
As one of the largest and most complex organizations in the world, the Department of Defense (DoD) faces many challenges in solving its well-documented financial and related business operations and system problems. The DoD is in the process of implementing modern multifunction enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to replace many of its outdated legacy systems. This paper explores the ERP implementations of the DoD and seeks to determine the impact of the ERP implementations on the alignment of the DoD’s business and IT strategy. A brief overview of the alignment literature and background on ERP are followed by case study analysis of the DoD ERP development and current implementation status. Lastly, the paper explores the current successes and failures of the ERP implementation and the impact on the DoD’s goal of strategic alignment.