864 resultados para Drug Related Problems
Caspofungin at standard dose was evaluated as first-line monotherapy of mycologically documented probable/proven invasive aspergillosis (IA) (unmodified European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group criteria) in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients. The primary efficacy end point was complete or partial response at end of caspofungin treatment. Response at week 12, survival and safety were additional end points. Enrollment was stopped prematurely because of low accrual, with 42 enrolled and 24 eligible, giving the study a power of 85%. Transplant was from unrelated donors in 16 patients; acute or chronic GVHD was present in 15. In all, 12 patients were neutropenic (<500/microl) at baseline, 10 received steroids and 16 calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus. Median duration of caspofungin treatment was 24 days. At the end of caspofungin therapy, 10 (42%) patients had complete or partial response (95% confidence interval: 22-63%); 1 (4%) and 12 (50%) had stable and progressing disease, respectively; one was not evaluable. At week 12, eight patients (33%) had complete or partial response. Survival rates at week 6 and 12 were 79 and 50%, respectively. No patient had a drug-related serious adverse event or discontinued because of toxicity. Caspofungin first-line therapy was effective and well tolerated in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients with mycologically documented IA.
Background: Alcohol use has beneficial as well as adverse consequences on health, but few studies examined its role in the development of age-related frailty. Objectives: To describe the cross-sectional and longitudinal association between alcohol intake and frailty in older persons. Design: The Lausanne cohort 65+ population-based study, launched in 2004. Setting: Community. Participants: One thousand five hundred sixty-four persons aged 65-70 years. Measurements: Annual data collection included demographics, health and functional status, extended by a physical examination every 3 years. Alcohol use (AUDIT-C), and Fried's frailty criteria were measured at baseline and 3-year follow-up. Participants were categorized into robust (0 frailty criterion) and vulnerable (1+ criteria). Results: Few participants (13.0%) reported no alcohol consumption over the past year, 57.8% were light-to-moderate drinkers, while 29.3% drank above recommended thresholds (18.7% "at risk" and 10.5% "heavy" drinkers). At baseline, vulnerability was most frequent in non-drinkers (43.0%), least frequent in light-to-moderate drinkers (26.2%), and amounted to 31.9% in "heavy" drinkers showing a reverse J-curve pattern. In multivariate analysis, compared to light-to-moderate drinkers, non-drinkers had twice higher odds of prevalent (adjOR: 2.24; 95%CI:1.39-3.59; p=.001), as well as 3-year incident vulnerability (adjOR: 2.00; 95%CI:1.02-3.91; p=.043). No significant association was observed among "at risk" and "heavy" drinkers. Conclusion: Non-drinkers had two-times higher odds of prevalent and 3-year incident vulnerability, even after adjusting for their baseline poorer health status. Although residual confounding is still possible, these results likely reflect a healthy survival effect among drinkers while those who experienced health- or alcohol-related problems stopped drinking earlier.
Aquesta recerca està motivada per l’interès en les Mesures Penals Alternatives, concretament, en les suspensions judicials com a mesura més adient per a determinats subjectes amb perfils toxicològics i que requereixen d’una intervenció que es pot abordar en context comunitari. Per tal de valorar la seva eficàcia, l’equip d’investigadors s’ha centrat en els índexs de reincidència i aquells factors que poden influir a partir de l’anàlisi estadística d’una mostra de 237 subjectes sotmesos a l’obligació de tractament de deshabituació. Observant l’índex de reincidència, en funció de l’anàlisi de variables sociopersonals i judicials dels subjectes, es busquen aquells indicadors que poden ser eficaços per reduir la comissió de nous fets delictius. Del resultats obtinguts, es conclou que variables com una bona adherència familiar, una estabilitat laboral així com la finalització correcta d’un tractament de deshabituació aporten uns nivells de reincidència baixos. Igualment, es justifica l’atorgament de suspensions judicials com a eina punitiva més eficaç per a aquells subjectes amb característiques toxicològiques i necessitats rehabilitadores a causa de la seva addicció, atès que els nivells de reincidència obtinguts en aquesta recerca aporten uns índexs més baixos que els nivells actuals de reincidència penitenciària (cal tenir en compte, però, la diferència de perfils). Es conclou que aquestes mesures penals alternatives són una eina més integradora ja que es desenvolupen en l’entorn comunitari.
Esta investigación está motivada por el interés por las suspensiones judiciales como medida más adecuada para determinados sujetos con perfiles toxicológicos y que requieren una intervención que se puede abordar en un contexto comunitario. Con el fin de valorar su eficacia, el equipo de investigadores se ha centrado en los índices de reincidencia y aquellos factores que pueden influir a partir del análisis estadístico de una muestra de 237 sujetos sometidos a la obligación de tratamiento de deshabituación. Observando el índice de reincidencia, en función del análisis de variables sociopersonales y judiciales de los sujetos, se buscan aquellos indicadores que pueden ser eficaces para reducir la comisión de nuevos hechos delictivos. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que variables como una buena adherencia familiar, la estabilidad laboral o la finalización correcta de un tratamiento de deshabituación aportan unos niveles de reincidencia bajos Asimismo, se justifica el otorgamiento de suspensiones judiciales como herramienta punitiva más eficaz para aquellos sujetos con características toxicológicas y necesidades rehabilitadoras debido a su adicción, dado que los niveles de reincidencia obtenidos en esta investigación aportan unos índices más bajos que los niveles actuales de reincidencia penitenciaria (siempre teniendo en cuenta la diferencia de perfiles). Se concluye en este estudio que la aplicación de estas medidas penales alternativas son una herramienta más integradora debido a que se desarrolla dentro del entorno comunitario.
AIM: To investigate the baseline and follow-up characteristics of a group of alcohol-dependent patients being treated under civil commitment. METHODS: This study involved a cross-sectional comparative analysis of baseline characteristics and a follow-up survey of a group of committed alcoholic patients. The study was undertaken in the Alcohol Unit of a 1,000-bed general and university hospital. The study included 17 consecutive cases of civil commitment (representing 15 patients, of whom 2 were committed twice) and a comparative group of 34 randomly selected age- and sex-matched patients. Baseline characteristics of the cases (at the time of commitment) and of patients from the comparative group were collected from medical records, including sociodemographic data, medical condition, patterns of drinking and number and dates of previous treatments for alcohol-related problems. A structured follow-up interview of the cases provided information on their medical condition, social status, patterns of alcohol use, type and duration of residential treatment as well as their perceptions of commitment. RESULTS: During a 4-year period, our Unit referred 23 cases of alcohol-dependent patients (out of 367) to the Guardianship Authority, requesting civil commitment. On 17 occasions, patients were committed to residential treatment, including 2 patients who underwent commitment on two separate occasions, thus representing a total of 15 different patients. In comparison with age- and sex-matched patients seen at the Unit, the cases were characterized by multiple medical, social and psychological alcohol-related impairments. At the time of follow-up, 14 out of 15 patients were alive, among whom 10 agreed to be interviewed. Eight of these reported complete abstinence, whereas 9 considered their alcohol problem as less severe than before. The average duration of commitment was 29 weeks. The majority of patients retrospectively considered the measure as having been justified and useful. The patients' satisfaction with the decision to commit was higher among women than among men. Health-related quality of life at the time of follow-up, as assessed by the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire, was good on average and better than that usually reported by other cohorts of alcoholics undergoing treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The usefulness of residential civil commitment of certain severely impaired alcohol-dependent patients is underscored. This study suggests that civil commitment not only may save the lives of endangered patients but could also be a health-promoting measure that may sometimes allow for recovery from dependence. Unexpectedly, this measure was retrospectively well accepted by many patients, who considered the commitment decision as having been justified and useful.
Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille yrityksille Kiinassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella yritykset eivät pysty vaikuttamaan infrastruktuurin kehittymiseen tai säädösten implementointiin, mutta ylläpitämällä suhteita ja valitsemalla oikeat partnerit yritykset pystyvät hallitsemaan ongelma-alueitaan. Etenkin ulkomaalaisille yrityksille oikean logistiikkaoperaattorin valinta on tärkeätä ja huomioon ottaen palvelutason, kulttuuritaustan sekä kansainväliset operaatiot on ulkomaalaisten yritysten tehokkaampaa käyttää kansainvälisiä operaattoreita kuin paikallisia toimijoita, jotkaovat usein halvempia, mutta eivät pysty toimimaan kansainvälisellä tasolla. Vientiin keskittyneiden yritysten tulisi sijoittua vapaakauppa-alueille tai vientiin painottuneille teollisuusalueille. Kyseisillä alueilla liiketoiminta mannermaahan on rajoitettu, eivätkä alueet täten sovellu yrityksille, jotka ovat keskittyneet Kiinan markkinoille. Paikallisesti operoivien yritysten tulisi sijoittua normaaleihin teollisuuspuistoihin ja käyttää tullin valvomia varastoja tukemaan kansainvälisiä toimintojaan.Tulisi myös muistaa etteivät kiinalaiset teollisuuspuistot täytä kansainvälisiä kriteerejä, joten säädöksiin on tärkeätä tutustua huolella jamielipiteitä kerätä toisilta yrityksiltä. Kiinassa merkittävimmät logistiikkaongelmat ilmenevät tuonnin ja viennin yhteydessä, jolloin säädökset ja toimintamallit ovat kontrolloidumpia. Etenkin tullaus- ja arvonlisävero ongelmat liittyvät kiinteästi tuonti- ja vientiprosessiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että tullausprosessi tehostuu yhteistyön ja koulutuksen kautta, mutta arvonlisäverosta aiheutuvien kustannusten minimointi vaatii logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä. Mikäli asiakas haluaa tehdä tullauksen kotiprovinssissaan tai yritys tekee kauppaa ALV -vapautettujen yritysten kanssa, tulisi logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä lisätä. Käytettäessä logistiikkapuistoja yritykset välttävät tuotteiden kuljetukset Hongkongiin jatakaisin säästäen huomattavasti kustannuksissa ja toimitusajoissa. Logistiikkapuistoja on myös mahdollista käyttää ratkaisuna kasvaviin ja viivästyviin ALV palautuksiin. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan toimintaympäristö ja vientipainotteinen valmistus ohjaavat 3PL yritysten valintaa ja vaihtoehtoisten logistiikkapalvelujen implementointia. Etabloiduttaessavapaakauppa-alueille vientiin ja tuontiin liittyvät ongelmatekijät vahvistuvat sekä rajoitukset kiinan liiketoimintaan kasvavat, mikä tekee yhteistyönkansainvälisten logistiikkaoperaattoreiden kanssa välttämättömäksi ja kannustaa hyödyntämään logistiikkapuistoja.
Käyttäjien tunnistaminen tietojärjestelmissä on ollut yksi tietoturvan kulmakivistä vuosikymmenten ajan. Ajatus käyttäjätunnuksesta ja salasanasta on kaikkein kustannustehokkain ja käytetyin tapa säilyttää luottamus tietojärjestelmän ja käyttäjien välillä. Tietojärjestelmien käyttöönoton alkuaikoina, jolloin yrityksissä oli vain muutamia tietojärjestelmiä ja niitä käyttivät vain pieni ryhmä käyttäjiä, tämä toimintamalli osoittautui toimivaksi. Vuosien mittaan järjestelmien määrä kasvoi ja sen mukana kasvoi salasanojen määrä ja monimuotoisuus. Kukaan ei osannut ennustaa, kuinka paljon salasanoihin liittyviä ongelmia käyttäjät kohtaisivat ja kuinka paljon ne tulisivat ruuhkauttamaan yritysten käyttäjätukea ja minkälaisia tietoturvariskejä salasanat tulisivat aiheuttamaan suurissa yrityksissä. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastelemme salasanojen aiheuttamia ongelmia suuressa, globaalissa yrityksessä. Ongelmia tarkastellaan neljästä eri näkökulmasta; ihmiset, teknologia, tietoturva ja liiketoiminta. Ongelmat osoitetaan esittelemällä tulokset yrityksen työntekijöille tehdystä kyselystä, joka toteutettiin osana tätä diplomityötä. Ratkaisu näihin ongelmiin esitellään keskitetyn salasanojenhallintajärjestelmän muodossa. Järjestelmän eri ominaisuuksia arvioidaan ja kokeilu -tyyppinen toteutus rakennetaan osoittamaan tällaisen järjestelmän toiminnallisuus.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan projektiin liittyvää toiminnanohjausta. Tutkimusongelmana on, kuinka toiminnanohjausta voitaisiin kehittää aikataulutuksen avulla. Työn yhtenä tavoitteena on luoda kokonaiskuva aikataulutuksen nykytilanteesta. Toisena tavoitteena on kartoittaa ajankohtaiset ongelmat. Kolmantena tavoitteena on luoda malli aikataulun laatimiselle kalanterin valmistuksessa.Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella luotiin kuva projektiliiketoiminnasta ja projektinhallintaan sisältyvästä aikataulunhallinnasta. Haastattelututkimuksen perusteella luotiin kokonaiskuva projektin aikataulutuksesta ja siihen liittyvistä ongelmista. Tutkimusta täydennettiin analysoimalla erään projektin suunniteltua aikataulua ja toteutunutta aikataulua. Toiminnanohjauksen aikataulutustehtävä on muuttumassa yhä tarkeämmäksi toimittaessa resurssien äärirajoilla. Ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä ovat: toteutusaikataulun laatimistekniikka, projektin osittaminen, optimi suunnittelujärjestys ja kriittinen polku.Tutkimuksen perusteella kehitettiin toteutusaikataulun suunnittelun malli ja malliaikataulu. Mallin keskeiset osat ovat: projektin osittaminen tehtäviin, tärkeimpien tehtävien määrittäminen tarkempaa ohjausta varten, tehtävien välisten riippuvuuksien määrittäminen, tehtävien limitysmahdollisuuksien ja ajallisen keston arviointi, aikataulun esittäminen janakaaviona ja ulkoisten tekijöiden, kuten hankinnan asettamien vaatimusten huomioiminen malliaikataulussa. Malliaikataulua tullaan soveltamaan seuraavaan sopivaan toimitusprojektiin.
BACKGROUND: The Pulmonary Embolism Quality of Life questionnaire (PEmb-QoL) is a 40-item questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in patients with pulmonary embolism. It covers six 6 dimensions: frequency of complaints, limitations in activities of daily living, work-related problems, social limitations, intensity of complaints, and emotional complaints. Originally developed in Dutch and English, we prospectively validated a German version of the PEmb-QoL. METHODS: A forward-backward translation of the English version of the PEmb-QoL into German was performed. German-speaking consecutive adult patients aged ≥18 years with an acute, objectively confirmed pulmonary embolism discharged from a Swiss university hospital (01/2011-06/2013) were recruited telephonically. Established psychometric tests and criteria were used to evaluate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the German PEmb-QoL questionnaire. To assess the underlying dimensions, an exploratory factor analysis was performed. RESULTS: Overall, 102 patients were enrolled in the study. The German version of the PEmb-QoL showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.72 to 0.96), item-total (0.53-0.95) and inter-item correlations (>0.4), and test-retest reliability (intra-class correlation coefficients 0.59-0.89) for the dimension scores. A moderate correlation of the PEmb-QoL with SF-36 dimension and summary scores (0.21-0.83) indicated convergent validity, while low correlations of PEmb-QoL dimensions with clinical characteristics (-0.16-0.37) supported discriminant validity. The exploratory factor analysis suggested four underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activities, symptoms, work-related problems, and emotional complaints. CONCLUSION: The German version of the PEmb-QoL questionnaire is a valid and reliable disease-specific measure for quality of life in patients with pulmonary embolism.
Between-country differences in medical and sociodemographic variables, and patient-related outcomes (PROs) before treatment might explain published variations of side effects after radical prostatecomy (RP) or radiotherapy (RAD) for prostate cancer (PCa). This hypothesis was tested among 1908 patients from the United States, Spain, and Norway. Significant between-country differences were observed for most factors investigated before treatment. The observations should be considered in comparison of the frequency and severity of internationally published studies. Background: In men with PCa, large variations of PROs after RP or high-dose RAD might be related to betweencountry differences of medical and sociodemographic variables, and differences in PROs before treatment in the sexual and urinary domains. Patients and Methods: In 1908 patients with localized PCa from Norway, the United States, or Spain, the relation between medical (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score, cT-category) and sociodemographic variables (age, education, marital status) before treatment was investigated. Using the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite questionnaire, PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains were also considered. Results: Compared with the European patients, American patients were younger, fewer had comorbid conditions, and more had a high education level. Fifty-three percent of the US men eligible for RP had low-risk tumors compared with 42% and 31% among the Norwegian and the Spanish patients, respectively. Among the Spanish RAD patients, 54% had had low-risk tumors compared with 34% of the American and 21% of the Norwegian men planned for RAD, respectively. Compared with the European patients, significantly fewer US patients reported moderate or severe sexual dysfunction and related problems. In most subgroups, the number of patients with sexual or urinary dysfunction exceeded that of patients with bother related to the reported dysfunction. Conclusion: Statistically significant between-country differences were observed in medical and sociodemographic variables, and in PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains. Large differences between reported dysfunction and related problems within the sexual and urinary domains indicate that dysfunction and bother should be reported separately in addition to calculation of summary scores. The documented differences, not at least regarding PROs, might in part explain the large variation of side effects after treatment evident in the medical literature
OBJECTIVES: Specifically we aim to demonstrate that the results of our earlier safety data hold true in this much larger multi-national and multi-ethnical population. BACKGROUND: We sought to re-evaluate the frequency, manifestations, and severity of acute adverse reactions associated with administration of several gadolinium- based contrast agents during routine CMR on a European level. METHODS: Multi-centre, multi-national, and multi-ethnical registry with consecutive enrolment of patients in 57 European centres. RESULTS: During the current observation 37,788 doses of Gadolinium based contrast agent were administered to 37,788 patients. The mean dose was 24.7 ml (range 5-80 ml), which is equivalent to 0.123 mmol/kg (range 0.01 - 0.3 mmol/kg). Forty-five acute adverse reactions due to contrast administration occurred (0.12%). Most reactions were classified as mild (43 of 45) according to the American College of Radiology definition. The most frequent complaints following contrast administration were rashes and hives (15 of 45), followed by nausea (10 of 45) and flushes (10 of 45). The event rate ranged from 0.05% (linear non-ionic agent gadodiamide) to 0.42% (linear ionic agent gadobenate dimeglumine). Interestingly, we also found different event rates between the three main indications for CMR ranging from 0.05% (risk stratification in suspected CAD) to 0.22% (viability in known CAD). CONCLUSIONS: The current data indicate that the results of the earlier safety data hold true in this much larger multi-national and multi-ethnical population. Thus, the "off-label" use of Gadolinium based contrast in cardiovascular MR should be regarded as safe concerning the frequency, manifestation and severity of acute events.
Brief addiction treatments, including motivational interviewing (MI), have shown promise with youth. One underexamined factor in this equation is the role of therapist behaviors. We therefore sought to assess whether and how therapist behaviors differ for Hispanic versus non-Hispanic youth and how that may be related to treatment outcome. With 80 substance-using adolescents (M age = 16 years; 65% male; 59% Hispanic; 41% non-Hispanic), we examined the relationship between youth ethnicity and therapist behaviors across two brief treatments (MI and alcohol/marijuana education [AME]). We then explored relationships to youth 3-month treatment response across four target outcomes: binge drinking days, alcohol-related problems, marijuana use days, and marijuana-related problems. In this study, therapists showed significantly more MI skills within the MI condition and more didactic skills in the AME condition. With respect to youth ethnicity, across both conditions (MI and AME), therapists used less MI skills with Hispanic youth. Contrary to expectations, therapists' use of MI skills was not connected to poorer outcomes for Hispanic youth across the board (e.g., for binge drinking days, marijuana use days, or marijuana-related problems). Rather, for Hispanic youth, therapists' use of lower MI skills was related only to poorer treatment outcomes in the context of alcohol-related problems. The observed relationships highlight the importance of investigating salient treatment interactions between therapist factors and youth ethnicity to guide improvements in youth treatment response. (PsycINFO Database Record
BACKGROUND: The primary analysis of the FLAMINGO study at 48 weeks showed that patients taking dolutegravir once daily had a significantly higher virological response rate than did those taking ritonavir-boosted darunavir once daily, with similar tolerability. We present secondary efficacy and safety results analysed at 96 weeks. METHODS: FLAMINGO was a multicentre, open-label, phase 3b, non-inferiority study of HIV-1-infected treatment-naive adults. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to dolutegravir 50 mg or darunavir 800 mg plus ritonavir 100 mg, with investigator-selected combination tenofovir and emtricitabine or combination abacavir and lamivudine background treatment. The main endpoints were plasma HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per mL and safety. The non-inferiority margin was -12%. If the lower end of the 95% CI was greater than 0%, then we concluded that dolutegravir was superior to ritonavir-boosted darunavir. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01449929. FINDINGS: Of 595 patients screened, 488 were randomly assigned and 484 included in the analysis (242 assigned to receive dolutegravir and 242 assigned to receive ritonavir-boosted darunavir). At 96 weeks, 194 (80%) of 242 patients in the dolutegravir group and 164 (68%) of 242 in the ritonavir-boosted darunavir group had HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per mL (adjusted difference 12·4, 95% CI 4·7-20·2; p=0·002), with the greatest difference in patients with high viral load at baseline (50/61 [82%] vs 32/61 [52%], homogeneity test p=0·014). Six participants (three since 48 weeks) in the dolutegravir group and 13 (four) in the darunavir plus ritonavir group discontinued because of adverse events. The most common drug-related adverse events were diarrhoea (23/242 [10%] in the dolutegravir group vs 57/242 [24%] in the darunavir plus ritonavir group), nausea (31/242 [13%] vs 34/242 [14%]), and headache (17/242 [7%] vs 12/242 [5%]). INTERPRETATION: Once-daily dolutegravir is associated with a higher virological response rate than is once-daily ritonavir-boosted darunavir. Dolutegravir compares favourably in efficacy and safety to a boosted darunavir regimen with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor background treatment for HIV-1-infected treatment-naive patients. FUNDING: ViiV Healthcare and Shionogi & Co.
Background: The PEmb-QoL is a validated 40-item questionnaire to quantify health-related quality of life in patients having experienced pulmonary embolism (PE). It covers six health dimensions: frequency of complaints, activities of daily living limitations, work-related problems, social limitations, intensity of complaints, and emotional complaints. Originally developed in Dutch and English, we sought to prospectively validate the psychometric properties of a French version of the PEmb-QoL. Methods: We performed a forward and backward translation of the English version of the PEmb-QoL into French. French-speaking consecutive adult patients with an acute, objectively confirmed PE admitted to the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital between 08/2009 and 09/2011 were recruited telephonically. We used standard psychometric tests and criteria to evaluate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the French version of the PEmb-QoL. We also performed an exploratory factor analysis. Results: Overall, 102 patients were enrolled in the study. The French version of the PEmb-QoL showed good reliability (internal consistency, item-total and inter-item correlations), reproducibility (test-retest reliability), and validity (convergent, discriminant) in French-speaking patients with PE. The exploratory factor analysis suggested three underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activity (items 4b-m, 5a-d), symptoms (items 1a-h and 7), and emotional complaints (items 9a-f and j). Conclusion: We successfully validated the French version of the PEmb-QoL questionnaire in patients with PE. Our results show that the PEmb-QoL is a valuable tool for assessing health-related quality of life after PE in French-speaking patients.
BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral regimens containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate have been associated with renal toxicity and reduced bone mineral density. Tenofovir alafenamide is a novel tenofovir prodrug that reduces tenofovir plasma concentrations by 90%, thereby decreasing off-target side-effects. We aimed to assess whether efficacy, safety, and tolerability were non-inferior in patients switched to a regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide versus in those remaining on one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. METHODS: In this randomised, actively controlled, multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority trial, we recruited HIV-1-infected adults from Gilead clinical studies at 168 sites in 19 countries. Patients were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 50 mL per min or greater, and were taking one of four tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens for at least 96 weeks before enrolment. With use of a third-party computer-generated sequence, patients were randomly assigned (2:1) to receive a once-a-day single-tablet containing elvitegravir 150 mg, cobicistat 150 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg, and tenofovir alafenamide 10 mg (tenofovir alafenamide group) or to carry on taking one of four previous tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group) for 96 weeks. Randomisation was stratified by previous treatment regimen in blocks of six. Patients and treating physicians were not masked to the assigned study regimen; outcome assessors were masked until database lock. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who received at least one dose of study drug who had undetectable viral load (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) at week 48. The non-inferiority margin was 12%. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01815736. FINDINGS: Between April 12, 2013 and April 3, 2014, we enrolled 1443 patients. 959 patients were randomly assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and 477 to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. Viral suppression at week 48 was noted in 932 (97%) patients assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and in 444 (93%) assigned to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group (adjusted difference 4·1%, 95% CI 1·6-6·7), with virological failure noted in ten and six patients, respectively. The number of adverse events was similar between the two groups, but study drug-related adverse events were more common in the tenofovir alafenamide group (204 patients [21%] vs 76 [16%]). Hip and spine bone mineral density and glomerular filtration were each significantly improved in patients in the tenofovir alafenamide group compared with those in the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. INTERPRETATION: Switching to a tenofovir alafenamide-containing regimen from one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate was non-inferior for maintenance of viral suppression and led to improved bone mineral density and renal function. Longer term follow-up is needed to better understand the clinical impact of these changes. FUNDING: Gilead Sciences.