969 resultados para Display Remarkable Potency


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The intraspecific phylogeography of four European coastal plants, Crithmum maritimum, Halimione portulacoides, Salsola kali and Calystegia soldanella, was inferred from AFLP and ITS data. Only in C. maritimum, H. portulacoides and S. kali, a spatial genetic structure was revealed. The phylogeographic similarities and dissimilarities of these species include: (1) All three have distinct Black/Aegean and Adriatic Sea clusters. (2) Salsola kali and H. portulacoides show a distinct Atlantic/North Sea/Baltic Sea cluster, while Atlantic and eastern Spanish material of C. maritimum clustered together. (3) In the west Mediterranean, only S. kali forms a single cluster, while both H. portulacoides and C. maritimum display a phylogeographic break in the vicinity of the southern French coast. For S. kali, AFLP and ITS data concur in identifying separate Atlantic, east and west Mediterranean clades. All these patterns are postulated to result from both temperature changes during the last glacial and contemporary sea currents. No geographic AFLP structure was revealed in C. soldanella, both at the range-wide and population level. This was attributed to the remarkable seed dispersal ability of this species and possibly its longevity and clonal growth, preserving a random pattern of genetic variation generated by long-distance seed dispersal over long time periods.


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Il presente studio è stato progettato e articolato includendo tre approcci disciplinari sviluppati parallelamente al fine di ottenere dati etologici, endocrinologici, e respiratori riguardo cinque esemplari di trichecho del pacifico (Odobenus rosmarus) ospitati presso l’Oceanografic di Valencia. Il periodo di campionamento si è sviluppato in un lasso di tempo di 12 settimane durante le quali sono stati raccolti dati riguardo i tre ambiti di studio. La raccolta di dati etologici è stata effettuata per mezzo di supporto video il quale ha permesso di generare un totale di 72 ore di filmato. Attraverso l’analisi del materiale multimediale è stato possibile elaborare un catalogo comportamentale con annesso un catalogo video atto alla semplificazione di riconoscimento dei vari moduli comportamentali; la revisione della documentazione video è stata effettuata mediante il software Noldus “Observer 5.0” che si è resa necessaria per la quantificazione dei singoli comportamenti osservati durante il periodo di studio. Succesivamente i dati ottenuti sono stati sottoposti ad analisi statistica al fine di poter valutare le differenze e le analogie comportamentali dei due soggetti principali nell’arco della singola giornata e durante le dodici settimane di analisi. In concomitanza col campionamento video, si è proceduto ialla raccolta dei dati relativi ai pattern respiratori al fine di valutare la durata delle apnee in ambiente controllato. In seguito è stato effettuato un approccio endocrinologico al fine di valutare la possibilità di rilevare e quantificare glucorticoidi quali cortisolo, testosterone e progesterone presenti nei campioni. Si è ricorso alla raccolta di materiale salivare in alternativa al campionamento ematico in modo da stabilire l’effettiva efficacia del metodo. I campioni sono stati poi processati mediante RIA e i livelli ormonali ottenuti sono stati utilizzati per effettuare una comparazione con il manifestarsi dei moduli comportamentali osservati è analizzarne le correlazioni presenti e osservarne gli effetti sull’espressione etologica.


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Das allergische Asthma ist eine weit verbreitete, immunologische Erkrankung, deren Prävalenz in den vergangenen 20 Jahren vor allem in industrialisierten Regionen drastisch zugenommen hat. Trotz intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung medikamentöser Therapien steigt die Zahl der Patienten stetig an. Charakteristisch für diese Erkrankung sind entzündliche Veränderungen in der Lunge, erhöhte Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), Mukusproduktion und in chronischen Fällen auch Atemwegsobstruktion. Bei der Entstehung des allergischen Asthmas wird ein anfälliges Individuum durch die Inhalation eines normalerweise unschädlichen, in der Umwelt vorkommenden Antigens (Allergen) sensibilisiert, wodurch im Körper eine eigentlich unangebrachte Immunreaktion in Gang gesetzt wird. CD4+ T-Lymphozyten und ganz besonders die Subpopulationen der T-Helfer 1 (Th1) und Th2 Zellen spielen in dem Prozess eine zentrale Rolle. Obwohl ein Großteil der Asthmatiker mit einer Atemwegseosinophilie und erhöhter Expression der Th2-typischen Zytokine IL-4 und IL-13 ein Th2-typisches Krankheitsbild aufweisen, wurden weitere Asthmaphänotypen identifiziert. Vornehmlich in Patienten, die an schwerem Asthma leiden, sind dominierende Neutrophilie und erhöhte Mengen IFN-γ in den Atemwegen nachweisbar, was auf eine Th1-gesteuerte Immunreaktion hindeutet. Eine effektive, heilende Therapie des Asthmas wurde bislang nicht entwickelt. Die Inhibition der T-Zellantwort etwa durch Applikation allergenspezifischer, regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) gilt als ein vielversprechender, aber nicht vollständig erforschter Ansatz zur Kontrolle der Krankheitssymptome. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Mechanismen und Effekte natürlich vorkommender CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatorischer T-Zellen (nTregs) auf eine Th1 bzw. Th2-induzierte allergische Atemwegserkrankung untersucht. Anhand eines adoptiven Zelltransfermodells unter Einsatz lymphozytendefizienter Rag2-/- Mäuse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl Th1 als auch Th2 Zellen, kombiniert mit mehrfacher, inhalativer Allergenprovokation, eine erhöhte AHR induzieren. Während der Transfer allergenspezifischer Th2 Zellen eine Eosinophilie in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) und vermehrte Mukusproduktion in den Atemwegen hervorrief, war in Th1-transferierten Tieren zwar eine massive Infiltration neutrophiler Granulozyten zu beobachten, eine Becherzellmetaplasie mit vermehrten, mukusproduzierenden Atemwegsepithelzellen blieb allerdings aus. In vitro und in vivo waren voraktivierte nTregs (preTregs) nur eingeschränkt in der Lage, die Th2-gesteuerte Atemwegserkrankung zu inhibieren. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten die Th1-Effektorfunktionen in vitro und die Th1-induzierte AHR und Atemwegsentzündung in vivo durch preTregs effektiv gehemmt werden, was auf eine unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Th-Subpopulationen weist. Innerhalb der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression wird der sekundäre Botenstoff cAMP auf die zu supprimierende Zelle übertragen und führt zur Hemmung von Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion. Dass dieser Mechanismus nicht nur in vitro, sondern auch in der Suppression der Th2-gesteuerten allergischen Atemwegserkrankung eine Rolle spielt, konnte durch die Störung des intrazellulären cAMP-Abbaus mittels PDE4-Inhibitoren verdeutlicht werden. Sowohl die prophylaktische, als auch die therapeutische Applikation der PDE4-Inhibitoren verstärkte den regulativen Effekt der nTregs auf AHR und Entzündung, korrelierend mit erhöhten, zytosolischen cAMP-Konzentrationen in den Th2 Zellen der Lunge. Trotz des Fortschritts in der Isolation und In vitro-Expansion humaner nTregs ist die Ausbeute an Zellen äußerst limitiert und die Übertragbarkeit größerer Zellmengen nicht zuletzt aufgrund von hohem Kontaminationsrisiko während mehrtägiger In vitro-Expansion fragwürdig. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Behandlung mit dem PDE4-Inhibitor die suppressive Kapazität der allergenspezifischen nTregs deutlich erhöhte. Den nTreg-vermittelten Suppressionsmechanismus durch den Einsatz von Pharmazeutika zu unterstützen bietet einen viel versprechenden und realistischen Ansatz zur Therapie des allergischen Asthmas.


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The interest of the scientific community towards organic pollutants in freshwater streams is fairly recent. During the past 50 years, thousands of chemicals have been synthesized and released into the general environment. Nowadays their occurrence and effects on several organism, invertebrates, fish, birds, reptiles and also humans are well documented. Because of their action, some of these chemicals have been defined as Endocrine Disrupters Compounds (EDCs) and the public health implications of these EDCs have been the subject of scientific debate. Most interestingly, among those that were noticed to have some influence and effects on the endocrine system were the estrone, the 17β-estradiol, the 17α-estradiol, the estriol, the 17α-ethinylestradiol, the testosterone and the progesterone. This project focused its attention on the 17β-estradiol. Estradiol, or more precisely, 17β-estradiol (also commonly referred to as E2) is a human sex hormone. It belongs to the class of steroid hormones. In spite of the effort to remove these substances from the effluents, the actual wastewater treatment plants are not able to degrade or inactivate these organic compounds that are continually poured in the ecosystem. Through this work a new system for the wastewater treatment was tested, to assess the decrease of the estradiol in the water. It involved the action of Chlorella vulgaris, a fresh water green microalga belonging to the family of the Chlorellaceae. This microorganism was selected for its adaptability and for its photosynthetic efficiency. To detect the decrease of the target compound in the water a CALUX bioassay analysis was chosen. Three different experiments were carried on to pursue the aim of the project. By analysing their results several aspects emerged. It was assessed the presence of EDCs inside the water used to prepare the culture media. C. vulgaris, under controlled conditions, could be efficient for this purpose, although further researches are essential to deepen the knowledge of this complex phenomenon. Ultimately by assessing the toxicity of the effluent against C. vulgaris, it was clear that at determined concentrations, it could affect the normal growth rate of this microorganism.


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BACKGROUND: Physiologic data display is essential to decision making in critical care. Current displays echo first-generation hemodynamic monitors dating to the 1970s and have not kept pace with new insights into physiology or the needs of clinicians who must make progressively more complex decisions about their patients. The effectiveness of any redesign must be tested before deployment. Tools that compare current displays with novel presentations of processed physiologic data are required. Regenerating conventional physiologic displays from archived physiologic data is an essential first step. OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the study were to (1) describe the SSSI (single sensor single indicator) paradigm that is currently used for physiologic signal displays, (2) identify and discuss possible extensions and enhancements of the SSSI paradigm, and (3) develop a general approach and a software prototype to construct such "extended SSSI displays" from raw data. RESULTS: We present Multi Wave Animator (MWA) framework-a set of open source MATLAB (MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) scripts aimed to create dynamic visualizations (eg, video files in AVI format) of patient vital signs recorded from bedside (intensive care unit or operating room) monitors. Multi Wave Animator creates animations in which vital signs are displayed to mimic their appearance on current bedside monitors. The source code of MWA is freely available online together with a detailed tutorial and sample data sets.


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Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) represent a novel class of binding molecules. Their favorable biophysical properties such as high affinity, stability and expression yields make them ideal candidates for tumor targeting. Here, we describe the selection of DARPins specific for the tumor-associated antigen epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), an approved therapeutic target on solid tumors. We selected DARPins from combinatorial libraries by both phage display and ribosome display and compared their binding on tumor cells. By further rounds of random mutagenesis and ribosome display selection, binders with picomolar affinity were obtained that were entirely monomeric and could be expressed at high yields in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. One of the binders, denoted Ec1, bound to EpCAM with picomolar affinity (K(d)=68 pM), and another selected DARPin (Ac2) recognized a different epitope on EpCAM. Through the use of a variety of bivalent and tetravalent arrangements with these DARPins, the off-rate on cells was further improved by up to 47-fold. All EpCAM-specific DARPins were efficiently internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, which is essential for intracellular delivery of anticancer agents to tumor cells. Thus, using EpCAM as a target, we provide evidence that DARPins can be conveniently selected and rationally engineered to high-affinity binders of various formats for tumor targeting.


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Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), known as the GDNF family ligands (GFLs), influence the development, survival and differentiation of cultured dopaminergic neurons from ventral mesencephalon (VM). Detailed knowledge about the effects of GFLs on other neuronal populations in the VM is essential for their potential application as therapeutic molecules for Parkinson's disease. Hence, in a comparative study, we investigated the effects of GFLs on cell densities and morphological differentiation of gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) and serotonin-ir (5-HT-ir) neurons in primary cultures of E14 rat VM. We observed that all GFLs [10 ng/ml] significantly increased GABA-ir cell densities (1.6-fold) as well as neurite length/neuron. However, only GDNF significantly increased the number of primary neurites/neuron, and none of the GFLs affected soma size of GABA-ir neurons. In contrast, only NRTN treatment significantly increased 5-HT-ir cells densities at 10 ng/ml (1.3-fold), while an augmentation was seen for GDNF and PSPN at 100 ng/ml (2.4-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively). ARTN had no effect on 5-HT-ir cell densities. Morphological analysis of 5-HT-ir neurons revealed a significant increase of soma size, number of primary neurites/neuron and neurite length/neuron after GDNF exposure, while PSPN only affected soma size, and NRTN and ARTN failed to exert any effect. In conclusion, we identified GFLs as effective neurotrophic factors for VM GABAergic and serotonergic neurons, demonstrating characteristic individual action profiles emphasizing their important and distinct roles during brain development.


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Potential treatment strategies of neurodegenerative and other diseases with stem cells derived from nonembryonic tissues are much less subjected to ethical criticism than embryonic stem cell-based approaches. Here we report the isolation of inner ear stem cells, which may be useful in cell replacement therapies for hearing loss, after protracted postmortem intervals. We found that neonatal murine inner ear tissues, including vestibular and cochlear sensory epithelia, display remarkably robust cellular survival, even 10 days postmortem. Similarly, isolation of sphere-forming stem cells was possible up to 10 days postmortem. We detected no difference in the proliferation and differentiation potential between stem cells isolated directly after death and up to 5 days postmortem. At longer postmortem intervals, we observed that the potency of sphere-derived cells to spontaneously differentiate into mature cell types diminishes prior to the cells losing their potential for self-renewal. Three-week-old mice also displayed sphere-forming stem cells in all inner ear tissues investigated up to 5 days postmortem. In summary, our results demonstrate that postmortem murine inner ear tissue is suited for isolation of stem cells.


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Dynamic sexual signals often show a diel rhythm and may vary substantially with time of day. Diel and short-term fluctuations in such sexual signals pose a puzzle for condition capture models of mate choice, which assume a female preference for male traits that reliably reflect a male's quality. Here we experimentally manipulated the food supply of individual male field crickets Gryllus campestris in their natural habitat in two consecutive seasons to determine (i) the effect of male nutritional condition on the fine-scaled variation of diel investment in acoustic signalling and (ii) the temporal association between the diel variation in male signalling and female mate-searching behaviour. Overall food-supplemented males signalled more often, but the effect was only visible during the daytime. In the evening and the night, signal output was still high but the time spent signalling was unrelated to a male's nutritional condition. Females' mate-searching behaviour also showed a diel rhythm with peak activity during the afternoon, when differences among calling males were highest, and where signal output reliably reflects male quality. These findings suggest that males differing in nutritional condition may optimize their investment in signalling in relation to time of day as to maximize mating success.


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Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound volume acquisition, analysis and display of fetal structures have enhanced their visualization and greatly improved the general understanding of their anatomy and pathology. The dynamic display of volume data generally depends on proprietary software, usually supplied with the ultrasound system, and on the operator's ability to maneuver the dataset digitally. We have used relatively simple tools and an established storage, display and manipulation format to generate non-linear virtual reality object movies of prenatal images (including moving sequences and 3D-rendered views) that can be navigated easily and interactively on any current computer. This approach permits a viewing or learning experience that is superior to watching a linear movie passively.