824 resultados para Discursive purpose


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és presentar una proposta de lectura i producció textual, el Text de Divulgació Científica, tot fent servir una seqüència didàctica, per tal de preparar l’alumne per a la lectura i anàlisi de l’estructura textual que presenta aquest gènere discursiu, així com despertar-li l’interès per la recerca. D’aquesta manera, l’alumne comptarà amb instruments per a la producció escrita del gènere discursiu del text de divulgació científica. La proposta es basa en els treballs d’autors de lingüística textual i anàlisi del discurs.


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Vários estudos indicam que a identidade vai sendo construída e definida, um processo desenvolvimental onde também acontece a definição de objetivos de purpose e de um sentido de vida. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre estas três variáveis tendo sido considerado que a existência de objetivos de purpose e de um sentido de vida estão associados ao melhor desenvolvimento da identidade em dois grupos etários, adolescentes e adultos emergentes. As variáveis foram respetivamente avaliadas por uma medida de objetivos de purpose e uma medida de Sentido de Vida que incluía a consciência de ter um sentido de vida e a satisfação com este, construídas para este estudo, e a identidade foi avaliada pela versão reduzida da PIES (Markstrom et al, 1997). As medidas foram aplicadas a 80 adolescentes (M = 16,02; Dp = 0,42) e 80 adultos emergentes (M = 16,02; Dp = 0,42). Verificámos que o sentido de vida, consciência e satisfação, estão associados ao desenvolvimento da identidade, em ambos os grupos; os objetivos de família, amizade e carreira estão associados com a identidade nos adolescentes.


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O propósito desta investigação é identificar e analisar, a partir de um estudo de caso, o paradoxo com que se confrontam os media de referência ocidentais na cobertura dos conflitos Israel-Palestina: um trabalho jornalístico dividido entre a retórica da objectividade e a necessidade de conviver, de se apoiar e, via de regra, reproduzir o paradigma da biopolítica - à luz do qual se justifica a necessidade de controlo e subjugação dos corpos, por questões de segurança e de prevenção do terrorismo. A partir do entendimento clássico de que a objectividade - mesmo sendo uma utopia - é factor desejável e figura como componente basilar no ritual estratégico da produção jornalística, busca-se aqui remontar as origens dessa conceituação, mostrando que ela emerge numa altura da história imediatamente posterior àquela em que Michel Foucault localiza o nascimento do sistema biopolítico. Uma análise foucaultiana de discurso permitiu identificar pontos de cristalização desse paradigma em um grupo de notícias extraídas de dois jornais de referência portugueses. As teorias de Hannah Arendt e de Giogio Agamben sobre a condição humana na Modernidade surgem, então, como chaves alinhadas ao pensamento de Foucault e subsidiam as reflexões conclusivas acerca dos quadros discursivos identificados neste trabalho.


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Este texto toma por objeto el conjunto de la obra de Eugenio Espejo (Quito, 1747-1795) para recorrer en ella su complejo sistema de desdoblamientos, proyecciones y ocultamientos –fundamentados en el mecanismo del anónimo– que la ubican como el caso más interesante y significativo de las letras ecuatorianas en lo que se refiere a la génesis autoral. El propósito de Landázuri es sintetizar y ordenar la información existente sobre los procedimientos de desdoblamiento o anonimato visibles en la obra de Espejo y tratar de comprenderlos a la luz de los mecanismos discursivos del barroco, enfrentados –o asimilados– en el paradigma dieciochesco de la Ilustración. Para ello, acude a las tesis de Bolívar Echeverría sobre el “ethos barroco” y sus relaciones con la concepción de modernidad, lo cual sin duda permite una comprensión bastante amplia de lo que ocurre en la obra y cosmovisión de Espejo como síntesis y caso significativo de su época.


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The hazards associated with high voltage three phase inverters and the rotating shafts of large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering these topics to be predominantly theoretical. This paper describes a set of purpose built, low voltage and low cost teaching equipment which allows the "hands on" instruction of three phase inverters and rotating machines. By using low voltages, the student can experiment freely with the motors and inverter and can access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in text books or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are optimized for teaching purposes cost around $25 and can be made with minimal effort.


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The purpose of life is its continuation: survival is the reason things live. Here we explore this 'basic' of biology, by reference to the extraordinary life-cycle of the aphid-like pest phylloxera, and the complexity of its relationship with its host the grapevine. The effort and ingenuity that phylloxera employs to continue itself leads to a doubt that survival alone is sufficient reason. It has frequently been suggested that the reduction of life to a catalogue of facts (by science) creates this doubt, because it robs existence of its essence (which is something other than its mechanics). The part that science is said to steal is what Robert Pirsig calls Quality-the harmonious balance of things. Pirsig seems to imply that this is something inherent in things-and independent from us. A more mundane explanation is that the difference between facts and the complete reality is us-the tendency of mind to connect freely between different kinds of information. This possibility is briefly illustrated here by a myth based on the facts of phylloxera.


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The hazards associated with high voltage three phase inverters ond the rotating sha@s of large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering these topics to be predominantly theoretical. This paper describes a set of purpose built, low voltage and low cost teaching equipment which allows the “hands on I’ instruction of three phase inverters and rotating machines. By using low voltages, the student can experiment freely with the motors and inverter and can access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in text books or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are optimized for teaching purposes, cost around $25 and can be made with minimal effort.


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Based on a three year action research project, this study examines one strand of that research, namely the impact that ‘purpose’, i.e. exploring the range of rationales for studying a subject, has in helping white trainee teachers embrace cultural and ethnic diversity within their teaching. Through ‘purpose’ trainees explored different reasons why history should be taught (and by implication what content should be taught and how it should be taught) and the relationship of these reasons to diversity. Focusing on ‘purpose’ appears to have a positive impact on many trainees from white, mono-ethnic backgrounds, enabling them to bring diversity into the school curriculum, in this case history teaching. It offers one way to counter concerns about issues of ‘whiteness’ in the teaching profession and by teaching a more relevant curriculum has a potential positive impact on the achievement of students from minority ethnic backgrounds.


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A simple four-dimensional assimilation technique, called Newtonian relaxation, has been applied to the Hamburg climate model (ECHAM), to enable comparison of model output with observations for short periods of time. The prognostic model variables vorticity, divergence, temperature, and surface pressure have been relaxed toward European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) global meteorological analyses. Several experiments have been carried out, in which the values of the relaxation coefficients have been varied to find out which values are most usable for our purpose. To be able to use the method for validation of model physics or chemistry, good agreement of the model simulated mass and wind field is required. In addition, the model physics should not be disturbed too strongly by the relaxation forcing itself. Both aspects have been investigated. Good agreement with basic observed quantities, like wind, temperature, and pressure is obtained for most simulations in the extratropics. Derived variables, like precipitation and evaporation, have been compared with ECMWF forecasts and observations. Agreement for these variables is smaller than for the basic observed quantities. Nevertheless, considerable improvement is obtained relative to a control run without assimilation. Differences between tropics and extratropics are smaller than for the basic observed quantities. Results also show that precipitation and evaporation are affected by a sort of continuous spin-up which is introduced by the relaxation: the bias (ECMWF-ECHAM) is increasing with increasing relaxation forcing. In agreement with this result we found that with increasing relaxation forcing the vertical exchange of tracers by turbulent boundary layer mixing and, in a lesser extent, by convection, is reduced.