994 resultados para Dinâmica da pesca
Contiene los trabajos presentados, el programa científico y el perfil de instituciones marinas cubanas. Contains abstracts of the papers presented, the scientific program and the profile of Cuban marine institutions.
The small-scale fishery is a traditional activity and enrolled in social and cultural practices of the coastal communities and some places of the inland waters of Mozambique. Scope for development, major constraints in the small-scale fisheries and best practices are examined.
In this study the author provided a synthesis of the most relevant aspects of fisheries in Mozambique and Indo-Pacific Region, discussed at the “Seminario sobre avaliaçāo de mananciais de atum na regiāo indo-pacifiqa-jacarta” held in Jakarta from 20 to 22 August 1984. Tens of documents belonging to the Department of Documentation and Information of the Fisheries Research Institute of Maputo and containing valuable information on the tuna fishing in Indo-Pacífic Region were studied in preparation of this seminar.