927 resultados para Difference frequency generation (DFG)


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the screening mode of the Humphrey-Welch Allyn frequency-doubling technology (FDT), Octopus tendency-oriented perimetry (TOP), and the Humphrey Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm (SITA)-fast (HSF) in patients with glaucoma. DESIGN: A comparative consecutive case series. METHODS: This was a prospective study which took place in the glaucoma unit of an academic department of ophthalmology. One eye of 70 consecutive glaucoma patients and 28 age-matched normal subjects was studied. Eyes were examined with the program C-20 of FDT, G1-TOP, and 24-2 HSF in one visit and in random order. The gold standard for glaucoma was presence of a typical glaucomatous optic disk appearance on stereoscopic examination, which was judged by a glaucoma expert. The sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of two algorithms for the FDT screening test, two algorithms for TOP, and three algorithms for HSF, as defined before the start of this study, were evaluated. The time required for each test was also analyzed. RESULTS: Values for area under the ROC curve ranged from 82.5%-93.9%. The largest area (93.9%) under the ROC curve was obtained with the FDT criteria, defining abnormality as presence of at least one abnormal location. Mean test time was 1.08 ± 0.28 minutes, 2.31 ± 0.28 minutes, and 4.14 ± 0.57 minutes for the FDT, TOP, and HSF, respectively. The difference in testing time was statistically significant (P <.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The C-20 FDT, G1-TOP, and 24-2 HSF appear to be useful tools to diagnose glaucoma. The test C-20 FDT and G1-TOP take approximately 1/4 and 1/2 of the time taken by 24 to 2 HSF. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The basic concepts and phenomenology of wave mixing and harmonic generation are reviewed in context of the recent advances in the enhanced nonlinear activity in metamaterials and photonic crystals. The effects of dispersion, field confinement and phase synchronism are illustrated by the examples of the on-purpose designed artificial nonlinear structures. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 22:469482, 2012.


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Over-frequency generator tripping (OFGT) is used to cut off extra generation to balance power and loads in an isolated system. In this paper the impact of OGFT as a consequence of grid-connected wind farms and under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) is analysed. The paper uses a power system model to demonstrate that wind power fluctuations can readily render OFGT and UFLS maloperation. Using combined hydro and wind generation, the paper proposes a coordinated strategy which resolves problems associated with OFGT and UFLS and preserves system stability.


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The increasing penetration of wind generation on the Island of Ireland has been accompanied by close investigation of low-frequency periodic pulsations contained within the active power flow from different wind farms. A primary concern is excitation of existing low-frequency oscillation modes already present on the system, particularly the 0.75 Hz mode as a consequence of the interconnected Northern and Southern power system networks. Recently grid code requirements on the Northern Ireland power system have been updated stipulating that wind farms connected after 2005 must be able to control the magnitude of oscillations in the range of 0.25 - 1.75 Hz to within 1% of the wind farm's registered output. In order to determine whether wind farm low-frequency oscillations have a negative effect (excite other modes) or possibly a positive impact (damping of existing modes) on the power system, the oscillations at the point of connection must be measured and characterised. Using time - frequency methods, research presented in this paper has been conducted to extract signal features from measured low-frequency active power pulsations produced by wind farms to determine the effective composition of possible oscillatory modes which may have a detrimental effect on system dynamic stability. The paper proposes a combined wavelet-Prony method to extract modal components and determine damping factors. The method is exemplified using real data obtained from wind farm measurements.


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This paper discusses methods of using the Internet as a communications media between distributed generator sites to provide new forms of loss-of-mains protection. An analysis of the quality of the communications channels between several nodes on the network was carried out experimentally. It is shown that Internet connections in urban environments are already capable of providing real-time power system protection, whilst rural Internet connections are borderline suitable but could not yet be recommended as a primary method of protection. Two strategies of providing loss-of-mains across Internet protocol are considered, broadcast of a reference frequency or phasor representing the utility and an Internet based inter-tripping scheme.


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Frequency stability has not necessarily been a major problem for the majority of power systems in the past. However, for economic and environmental reasons, power systems are now operated closer to stability limits to maximise the use of the existing networks. Therefore, introduction of new, more efficient and renewable generation technologies, and their effect on the power system must be fully understood if a reliable and secure electricity supply is to be maintained. Using the Northern Ireland, and interconnected Republic of Ireland electricity networks as a case study, this paper addresses some of the issues regarding integration and modelling of combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), and wind turbine generator (WTG) technology on a small islanded power system.


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Recent progress in plasma science and technology has enabled the development of a new generation of stable cold non-equilibrium plasmas operating at ambient atmospheric pressure. This opens horizons for new plasma technologies, in particular in the emerging field of plasma medicine. These non-equilibrium plasmas are very efficient sources for energy transport through reactive neutral particles (radicals and metastables), charged particles (ions and electrons), UV radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. The effect of a cold radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks. Plasma manipulation techniques for controlled energy delivery are highly desirable. Numerical simulations are employed for detailed investigations of the electron dynamics, which determines the generation of reactive species. New concepts based on nonlinear power dissipation promise superior strategies to control energy transport for tailored technological exploitations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In finite difference time domain simulation of room acoustics, source functions are subject to various constraints. These depend on the way sources are injected into the grid and on the chosen parameters of the numerical scheme being used. This paper addresses the issue of selecting and designing sources for finite difference simulation, by first reviewing associated aims and constraints, and evaluating existing source models against these criteria. The process of exciting a model is generalized by introducing a system of three cascaded filters, respectively, characterizing the driving pulse, the source mechanics, and the injection of the resulting source function into the grid. It is shown that hard, soft, and transparent sources can be seen as special cases within this unified approach. Starting from the mechanics of a small pulsating sphere, a parametric source model is formulated by specifying suitable filters. This physically constrained source model is numerically consistent, does not scatter incoming waves, and is free from zero- and low-frequency artifacts. Simulation results are employed for comparison with existing source formulations in terms of meeting the spectral and temporal requirements on the outward propagating wave.


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An approach is developed for probing the thermodynamics and kinetics of irreversible electrochemical reactions on solid surfaces based on local frequency-voltage spectroscopy. For a model Li-ion conductor surface, two regimes for bias-controlled behavior are demonstrated and ascribed to the difference in the critical nucleus size. The electrostatic and electrochemical phenomena at the tip-surface junction are analyzed. These studies suggest an experimental pathway for exploring local electrochemical activity in solids.


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We present an ab initio real-time-based computational approach to study nonlinear optical properties in condensed matter systems that is especially suitable for crystalline solids and periodic nanostructures. The equations of motion and the coupling of the electrons with the external electric field are derived from the Berry-phase formulation of the dynamical polarization [Souza et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 085106 (2004)]. Many-body effects are introduced by adding single-particle operators to the independent-particle Hamiltonian. We add a Hartree operator to account for crystal local effects and a scissor operator to correct the independent particle band structure for quasiparticle effects. We also discuss the possibility of accurately treating excitonic effects by adding a screened Hartree-Fock self-energy operator. The approach is validated by calculating the second-harmonic generation of SiC and AlAs bulk semiconductors: an excellent agreement is obtained with existing ab initio calculations from response theory in frequency domain [Luppi et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 235201 (2010)]. We finally show applications to the second-harmonic generation of CdTe and the third-harmonic generation of Si. 


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The pulsed second harmonic generation (SHG) by periodic stacks of nonlinear semiconductor layers with external magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The products of nonlinear scattering in the three-wave mixing process are examined. It is demonstrated that the waveform evolution in magnetoactive weakly nonlinear semiconductor periodic structure illuminated by Gaussian pulse is strongly affected by the magnetic bias and collision frequency of the carriers. The effect of nonreciprocity on the SHG efficiency is discussed and illustrated by the examples. © 2013 European Microwave Association.


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The objective of this work is an evaluation of quantitative measurements of piezoresponse force microscopy for nanoscale characterization of ferroelectric films. To this end, we investigate how the piezoresponse phase difference Delta Phi between c domains depends on the frequency omega of the applied ac field much lower than the cantilever first resonance frequency. The main specimen under study was a 102 nm thick film of Pb(Zr(0.2)Ti(0.8))O(3). For the sake of comparison, a 100 nm thick PbTiO(3) film was also used. From our measurements, we conclude a frequency dependent behavior Delta Phi similar to omega(-1), which can only be partially explained by the presence of adsorbates on the surface. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents a new technique for the detectionof islanding conditions in electrical power systems. This problem isespecially prevalent in systems with significant penetrations of distributedrenewable generation. The proposed technique is based onthe application of principal component analysis (PCA) to data setsof wide-area frequency measurements, recorded by phasor measurementunits. The PCA approach was able to detect islandingaccurately and quickly when compared with conventional RoCoFtechniques, as well as with the frequency difference and change-ofangledifference methods recently proposed in the literature. Thereliability and accuracy of the proposed PCA approach is demonstratedby using a number of test cases, which consider islandingand nonislanding events. The test cases are based on real data,recorded from several phasor measurement units located in theU.K. power system.


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Two case studies are presented in this paper to demonstrate the impact of different power system operation conditions on the power oscillation frequency modes in the Irish power system. A simplified 2 area equivalent of the Irish power system has been used in this paper, where area 1 represents the Republic of Ireland power system and area 2 represents the Northern Ireland power system.

The potential power oscillation frequency modes on the interconnector during different operation conditions have been analysed in this paper. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of different operation conditions involving wind turbine generator (WTG) penetration on power oscillation frequency modes using phasor measurement unit (PMU) data.

Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis was performed to identify the frequency oscillation mode while correlation coefficient analysis was used to determine the source of the frequency oscillation. The results show that WTG, particularly fixed speed induction generation (FSIG), gives significant contribution to inter-area power oscillation frequency modes during high WTG operation.


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In this paper, we propose a design paradigm for energy efficient and variation-aware operation of next-generation multicore heterogeneous platforms. The main idea behind the proposed approach lies on the observation that not all operations are equally important in shaping the output quality of various applications and of the overall system. Based on such an observation, we suggest that all levels of the software design stack, including the programming model, compiler, operating system (OS) and run-time system should identify the critical tasks and ensure correct operation of such tasks by assigning them to dynamically adjusted reliable cores/units. Specifically, based on error rates and operating conditions identified by a sense-and-adapt (SeA) unit, the OS selects and sets the right mode of operation of the overall system. The run-time system identifies the critical/less-critical tasks based on special directives and schedules them to the appropriate units that are dynamically adjusted for highly-accurate/approximate operation by tuning their voltage/frequency. Units that execute less significant operations can operate at voltages less than what is required for correct operation and consume less power, if required, since such tasks do not need to be always exact as opposed to the critical ones. Such scheme can lead to energy efficient and reliable operation, while reducing the design cost and overheads of conventional circuit/micro-architecture level techniques.