971 resultados para Descolamento Prematuro da Placenta


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OBJECTIVES: To study the expression and the function of the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme 1 (11beta-HSD1) and 2 (11beta-HSD2) in placenta and the fetal membranes from pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and from controls. METHODS: Amnion, chorion, decidua and cotyledon were separated from placenta; mRNA was analyzed by TaqMan real-time technology and proteins by Western blot; enzyme activities were measured by the conversion of 3H-cortisol to 3H-cortisone and vice versa. RESULTS: Predominant mRNA expression (p < 0.001) was found for 11beta-HSD1 in chorion and for 11beta-HSD2 in decidua and cotyledon. In pregnancies with IUGR, 11beta-HSD1 was upregulated in chorion (mean DeltaCt 11beta-HSD:18S mRNA 193.5 vs. 103.0 in controls respectively, p < 0.05) and 11beta-HSD2 was downregulated in decidua (mean DeltaCt 11beta-HSD2:18S mRNA 0.18 vs. 15.88 in controls respectively, p < 0.05). 11beta-HSD1 protein levels were reduced in amnion and 11beta-HSD1 and 11beta-HSD2 oxidase activity in decidua and cotyledon were reduced from pregnancies with IUGR. CONCLUSION: Reduced synthesis or activity of 11beta-HSD1 or 2 in cases of IUGR is shown in some but not in all tissues. The local mRNA expression of 11beta-HSD1 in chorion may reflect a mechanism on the post-transcriptional gene regulation to stimulate the formation of cortisone in IUGR. To provoke increasing activity with oxidase stimulators could be a future therapy in cases of IUGR.


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Workshops are an important part of the IFPA annual meeting as they allow for discussion of specialised topics. At IFPA meeting 2013 there were twelve themed workshops, three of which are summarized in this report. These workshops related to various aspects of placental biology but collectively covered areas of placental function, cell turnover and immunology: 1) immunology; 2) novel determinants of placental cell fate; 3) dual perfusion of human placental tissue.


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The formation of the placenta is one of the first and most important developmental events that occur in early mammalian embryogenesis. Even given this importance of the placenta, the academic community has largely ignored studying gene regulation during the development and maturation of the placenta. For this reason, an in-depth study of gene regulation in the trophoblast layer of the placenta using murine Adenosine Deaminase (Ada) as a model system has been undertaken. It has been determined that Ada is highly expressed in the placenta and is critical for embryo development. Dr. Kellems' laboratory has previously described a 1.8 kb fragment of the Ada 5 ′ flanking region that is capable of directing trophoblast specific expression in a transgenic model system. Preliminary studies have demonstrated several critical portions of this fragment that are necessary for the correct tissue specific expression in the placenta. My first specific aim was to elucidate the trans factor binding to one of these sequences, the FP3. Through electromobility shift assays (EMSA), the 30 bp FP3 was narrowed to a 5 bp sequence which computer databases predicted bound to Acute Myeloid Leukemia 1 (AML-1). This was confirmed by supershift analysis. The functional importance of this binding was demonstrated by a transgenic approach. A significant difference in expression of the reporter in the placenta was seen when the 5 bp sequence was mutated. This finding is a novel use for the AML-1 transcription factor which is the DNA binding portion of the heterodimer Core Binding Protein (CBP). The 5′ 240 bp region has also been demonstrated to contain functionally significant sequence. Through EMSA assays and computer predictions, the area has been narrowed to two pertinent regions that are predicted to contain GATA binding motifs. ^


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Placenta previa is alleged to be more common among women with a history of prior induced abortion. To investigate further whether there is a relationship between previous induced abortion and subsequent pregnancy complication of placenta previa, a matched case-comparison study was conducted comparing the reproductive histories of 256 women with placenta previa matched on age, date of delivery, and hospital with those of 256 women having normal deliveries and cesarean section deliveries without placental complications.^ Women with placenta previa had a twofold increase in the odds of having had one previous induced abortion (odds ratio 2.25) over women with no placental complications. Women with placenta previa and two or more previous induced abortions had a sevenfold increase in odds.^ The significant association of placenta previa and previous induced abortion remained after including gravida status, previous dilatation and curettage (D&C) status, previous spontaneous abortion, and race in a conditional logistic regression model. There is interaction between high gravidity and previous spontaneous abortion. Dilatation and curettage is associated with placenta previa primarily because women with abortion histories have also had a dilatation and curettage.^ Women who are seeking abortion and wish to have children later should be informed that there may be a longterm effect of developing placental complications in subsequent pregnancies. Women who have had at least one induced abortion or any dilatation and curettage procedure should be monitored carefully during any subsequent pregnancy for the risk of the complication of placenta previa. This knowledge should alert the physician or nurse-midwife to treat those women with a history of previous induced abortions as potential high risk pregnancies and could perhaps reduce maternal and fetal morbidity rates. ^


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El presente estudio pretende saber qué conocimiento posee el personal de enfermería con respecto a las intervenciones mínimas en el recién nacido pre término en el área de neonatología del Hospital Scaravelli del departamento de Tunuyán, durante el segundo semestre del año 2013. Los objetivos son: determinar los conocimientos que posee el personal de enfermería sobre el protocolo de intervenciones mínimas en el recién nacido pre-término; identificar acciones de enfermería pertenecientes al protocolo de intervenciones mínimas del recién nacido pre-término; demostrar si el personal de Neonatología conoce las intervenciones mínimas que deben aplicarse al recién nacido prematuro; descubrir el tipo de conocimiento que posee el personal de enfermería del servicio de Neonatología sobre las intervenciones mínimas en el neonato prematuro; comparar las acciones del personal de enfermería del área de Neonatología con el protocolo de intervenciones mínimas en el recién nacido prematuro y detallar el manejo de neonatos prematuros por parte del personal de enfermería en el servicio de Neonatología.


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