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The preliminary planning and approach to site 13 were taken from the JOIDES Atlantic Advisory Panel Report and from a previous detailed survey of the site by R/V Vema of the Lamont Geological Observatory. Several CSP profiles crossing the selected site in various directions show an uplifted portion of the sea floor roughly circular in shape of about 10 kilometers in diameter. In contrast to the smooth bottom of the surrounding abyssal plain, the topography of the small rise selected for the site has a small-scale roughness of amplitude of 40 to 80 meters. The work reported here is a biostratigraphic summary of available samples. Only the most important and biostratigraphically significant components of the faunas have been noted. No attempt has been made to give an exhaustive faunal analysis of the samples seen.
The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the first cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the KH-71-5, Phoenix Expedition in Nov 1971 until March 1972 by the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo from the R/V Hakuho Maru. A total of 13 cores and dredges sites have been recovered.
The BLM-OCS (Bureau of Land Management-Outer Continental Shelf) program was designed to establish chemical, biological, and geological baseline on the South Texas Continental Shelf. The focus for the geological program was to establish the nature and amount of the suspended sediment in the water column, of the Holocene sediments on the shelf, and to identify and locate regions of geology conditions which may be hazardous to OCS operations. To accomplish these goals three cruises were planned. The report constitutes results of the second cruise. The results of these cruises associated with the subsequent laboratory analysis, enabled to establish a detailed baseline in order to provide significant geologic and biologic data for environmental assessment. Dredges recovered are available at University of Texas (see: BLM/OCS South Texas Outer Continental Shelf (STOCS) Project Sediment Data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/page?xml=NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC/MGG/Geology/iso/xml/G02888.xml&view=getDataView&header=none).
Site 42 is one of the series of sites selected by the Pacific Advisory Panel along the 140th meridian to sample the longitudinal variation in sediment composition in the eastern Pacific. The site is located in an area of abyssal hills between the Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones, and is at the northern margin of the thick development of acoustically transparent sediment extending along the equator.
The rate of accumulation of a ferromanganese coating on a fragment of pillow basalt was estimated using a variety of techniques. Unsupported 230 Th activity decrease in the oxide layer, K/A dating of the basalt, fission tracks dating of the glassy layer around the basalt, thickness of the palagonitization rind, and integrated 230 Th activity give ages from approximately 3 x 10-6 years to 5 x 10-3 years. Data suggest that the ferromanganese material formed rapidly (33 mm/10-6 years) and by hydrothermal or volcanic processes.
Site 40 was located by the JOIDES Pacific Advisory Panel in the region between the Molokai and Clarion Fracture Zones with the objective of recovering a continuous sediment core for the paleontologic and biostratigraphic study of the variation in sediment components at the transition between the North Pacific gyral and the Equatorial Current System.
During U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public hearings held in 1973, 1974 and 1975 prior to Texas Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sales, concern was expressed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, scientists from Texas A&M and the University of Texas and private citizens over the possible environmental impact of oil and gas drilling and production operations on coral reefs and fishing banks in or adjacent to lease blocks to be sold. As a result, certain restrictive regulations concerning drilling operations in the vicinity of the well documented coral reefs and biostromal communities at the East and West Flower Gardens were established by BLM, and Signal Oil Company was required to provide a biological and geological baseline study of the less well known Stetson Bank before a drilling permit could be issued. Considering the almost total lack of knowledge of the geology and biotic communities associated with the South Texas OCS banks lying in or near lease blocks to be offered for sale in 1975, BLM contracted with Texas A&M University to provide the biological and geological baseline information required to facilitate judgments as to the extent and nature of restrictive regulations on drilling near these banks which might be required to insure their protection. In pursuit of this, scientists from Texas A&M University were to direct their attention toward assessments of ground fish populations, unique biological and geological features, substratum type and distribution, and the biotic and geologic relationships between these banks and those farther north.