979 resultados para Delaware Bay Region (Del. and N.J.)--Maps, Tourist.


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Las respuestas que se generan a partir de cuestionamientos del origen del hombre nos permitirán especular hacia dónde evolucionará como especie. Los grandes saltos evolutivos que diferencian a los primates humanos de los no humanos, se podrían describir entre otras características por una eficiente memoria para el uso de herramientas, la dominancia para el uso de la mano junto al desarrollo de la oposición del pulgar y el lenguaje. Se ha descrito un gen, el HSR que expresa para la dominancia para el uso de la mano derecha, habilidades cognitivas relacionadas con el lenguaje y asimetría cerebral en humanos. Este es un gen imprintado, es decir, que se hereda su expresión según el origen parental y cuya expresión está regulada por factores epigenéticos. Estos factores, modifican la expresión del gen sin afectar la estructura primaria del ADN. Se ha estudiado la expresión fenotípica del gen HSR en una población de niños escolarizados de La Rioja, dividida en dos regiones (Región 1 y Región 2). Los resultados obtenidos, que muestran una alteración de las proporciones fenotípicas del gen en la Región 2, apoyan fuertemente la posibilidad de que un factor ambiental estaría condicionando el epigenotipo del gen HSR. Se piensa que el estudio de estos mecanismos regulatorios en estos genes recientemente adquiridos por la evolución y blanco de funciones también recientemente adquiridas, podría dar información de hacia dónde la evolución del hombre podría proyectarse en el futuro.


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We report the results of downhole stable isotopic (d13Corg [organic carbon] and d15N) and elemental measurements (total organic carbon [TOC], total nitrogen [TN], and carbon/nitrogen [C/N]) of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) along with stable isotopic measurements (d18O and d13C) of left-coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166. TOC and TN measurements indicate a large change from organic-rich preglacial sediments with primary organic matter to organic-poor early glacial and glacial sediments, with mainly recycled organic matter. Results of the stable isotopic measurements of SOM show a range of values that are typical of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, probably reflecting a mixture of the two. However, C/N values are mostly high (>15), suggesting greater input and/or preservation of terrestrial organic matter. Foraminifers are only present in glacial/glaciomarine sediments of latest Pliocene to Pleistocene age at Site 1166 (lithostratigraphic Unit I). The majority of this unit has d13Corg and TOC values that are similar to those of glacial sediments recovered at Site 1167 (lithostratigraphic Unit II) on the slope and may have the same source(s). Although the low resolution of the N. pachyderma (s.) d18O and d13C data set precludes any specific paleoclimatic interpretation, downcore variations in foraminifer d18O and d13C values of 0.5 per mil to 1 per mil amplitude may indicate glacial-interglacial changes in ice volume/temperature in the Prydz Bay region.


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El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar algunas líneas argumentativas sobre la territorialidad asumida por los asentamientos populares en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) como forma distintiva de urbanización informal a lo largo de su historia (1980- 2010). Se presenta, en primer lugar, una problematización del concepto de territorio, rescatándolo como elemento explicativo de la realidad social urbana. En segundo lugar, nos preguntarnos por qué surgen los asentamientos populares en la RMBA, y argumentamos la necesidad de considerar las transformaciones de la cuestión social en la Argentina y de las formas de presencia estatal distintivas de la periferia urbana como elementos centrales para comprender la emergencia de lo que llamamos una territorialidad neoliberal excluyente. Por último, indagamos sobre la dinámica interna de reproducción de los asentamientos: las transformaciones históricas en los actores y la disputa por las relaciones sociales que los definen.


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El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar algunas líneas argumentativas sobre la territorialidad asumida por los asentamientos populares en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) como forma distintiva de urbanización informal a lo largo de su historia (1980- 2010). Se presenta, en primer lugar, una problematización del concepto de territorio, rescatándolo como elemento explicativo de la realidad social urbana. En segundo lugar, nos preguntarnos por qué surgen los asentamientos populares en la RMBA, y argumentamos la necesidad de considerar las transformaciones de la cuestión social en la Argentina y de las formas de presencia estatal distintivas de la periferia urbana como elementos centrales para comprender la emergencia de lo que llamamos una territorialidad neoliberal excluyente. Por último, indagamos sobre la dinámica interna de reproducción de los asentamientos: las transformaciones históricas en los actores y la disputa por las relaciones sociales que los definen.


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El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar algunas líneas argumentativas sobre la territorialidad asumida por los asentamientos populares en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA) como forma distintiva de urbanización informal a lo largo de su historia (1980- 2010). Se presenta, en primer lugar, una problematización del concepto de territorio, rescatándolo como elemento explicativo de la realidad social urbana. En segundo lugar, nos preguntarnos por qué surgen los asentamientos populares en la RMBA, y argumentamos la necesidad de considerar las transformaciones de la cuestión social en la Argentina y de las formas de presencia estatal distintivas de la periferia urbana como elementos centrales para comprender la emergencia de lo que llamamos una territorialidad neoliberal excluyente. Por último, indagamos sobre la dinámica interna de reproducción de los asentamientos: las transformaciones históricas en los actores y la disputa por las relaciones sociales que los definen.


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Redox conditions and compositions of bottom sediments and sedimentary pore waters in the area of the hydrothermal vent in the Frolikha Bay (Baikal Lake) are under discussion. According to obtained results, the submarine vent and its companion spring nearby on the land originate from a common source. The most convincing evidence for their relation comes from proximity of stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions in the pore waters and spring water. The isotope composition indicates meteoric origin of the pore waters, but their major- and minor element compositions have influence of deep water, which may seep through the permeable faulted crust. Although the pore waters near the submarine vent have specific enrichment in major and minor constituents, hydrothermal discharge at the Baikal bottom causes minor influence on water composition of the Baikal Lake, unlike freshwater lakes in rifts of the East Africa and North America.


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The morphology of ~45,000 bedforms from 13 multibeam bathymetry surveys was used as a proxy for identifying net bedload sediment transport directions and pathways throughout the San Francisco Bay estuary and adjacent outer coast. The spatially-averaged shape asymmetry of the bedforms reveals distinct pathways of ebb and flood transport. Additionally, the region-wide, ebb-oriented asymmetry of 5% suggests net seaward-directed transport within the estuarine-coastal system, with significant seaward asymmetry at the mouth of San Francisco Bay (11%), through the northern reaches of the Bay (7-8%), and among the largest bedforms (21% for lambda > 50 m). This general indication for the net transport of sand to the open coast strongly suggests that anthropogenic removal of sediment from the estuary, particularly along clearly defined seaward transport pathways, will limit the supply of sand to chronically eroding, open-coast beaches. The bedform asymmetry measurements significantly agree (up to ~ 76%) with modeled annual residual transport directions derived from a hydrodynamically-calibrated numerical model, and the orientation of adjacent, flow-sculpted seafloor features such as mega-flute structures, providing a comprehensive validation of the technique. The methods described in this paper to determine well-defined, cross-validated sediment transport pathways can be applied to estuarine-coastal systems globally where bedforms are present. The results can inform and improve regional sediment management practices to more efficiently utilize often limited sediment resources and mitigate current and future sediment supply-related impacts.


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Sr and Nd isotopic compositions have been measured on the lithic fraction of last climatic cycle sediments from the North Atlantic (~40°N/~60°N), in order to identify the origins of the particles. From the reconstruction of their transport pathways, we deduce the mechanisms that explain their distributions. The main source regions are the Canadian shield (mostly the area of Baffin Bay and western Greenland), the Scandinavian shield, the European region (British Isles and Bay of Biscay), and Iceland. We observe a significant glacial/interglacial contrast, characterized by a dominant Icelandic input via near-bottom transport by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) during the interglacials and a largely continent-derived contribution of surface-transported, ice-rafted detritus (IRD) during the glacial period. During the last glacial period, the Heinrich events (abrupt, massive discharges of IRD) originated not only from the Laurentide ice sheet as heretofore envisioned but also from other sources. Three other major North Atlantic ice sheets (Fennoscandian, British Isles, and Icelandic) probably surged simultaneously, discharging ice and IRD into the North Atlantic. As opposed to theories implying a unique, Laurentide origin [Gwiazda et al., 1996 doi:10.1029/95PA03135] driven by an internal mechanism [MacAyeal, 1993 doi:10.1029/93PA02200], we confirm that the Icelandic and the Fennoscandian ice sheets also surged as recently proposed by other authors, and we here also distinguish a possible detrital contribution from the British Isles ice sheet. This pan-North Atlantic phenomenon thus requires a common regional, external forcing.


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During the Pleistocene glaciations, Arctic ice sheets on western Eurasia, Greenland and North America terminated at their continental margins. In contrast, the exposed continental shelves in the Beringian region of Siberia are thought to have been covered by a tundra landscape. Evidence of grounded ice on seafloor ridges and plateaux off the coast of the Beringian margin, at depths of up to 1,000 m, have generally been attributed to ice shelves or giant icebergs that spread oceanwards during glacial maxima. Here we identify marine glaciogenic landforms visible in seismic profiles and detailed bathymetric maps along the East Siberian continental margin. We interpret these features, which occur in present water depths of up to 1,200 m, as traces from grounding events of ice sheets and ice shelves. We conclude that the Siberian Shelf edge and parts of the Arctic Ocean were covered by ice sheets of about 1 km in thickness during several Pleistocene glaciations before the most recent glacial period, which must have had a significant influence on albedo and oceanic and atmospheric circulation.


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New maps of free-air and the Bouguer gravity anomalies on the Weddell Sea sector (70-81° S, 6-75° W) of Antarctica are presented. These maps are based on the first computer compilation of available gravity data collected by ''Sevmorgeologia'' in 1976-89 in the southern Weddell Sea and adjacent coasts of western Dronning Maud Land (WDML) and Coats Land. The accomplished gravity studies comprise airborne observations with a line spacing of about 20 km and conventional measurements at over-the-ice points, which were spaced at 10-30 km and supplemented by seismic soundings. Hence, anomalies on the maps represent mainly large-scale and deep crustal features. The dominant feature in free-air gravity map is a large dipolar gravity anomaly stretching along the continental margin. Following the major grain of seabed morphology this shelf-edge/slope anomaly (SESA) is clearly divided into three segments characterized by diverse anomaly amplitudes, wavelengths and trends. They are associated with continental margins of different geotectonic provinces of Antarctica surrounding the Weddell Sea. Apparent distinctions in the SESA signatures are interpreted as the gravity expression of tectonic, deep crustal structure segmentation of the continental margin. The prominent gravity highs (100-140 mGal) of the shelf edge anomaly mapped along WDML are assumed to represent high-density mantle injections intruded into the middle/lower crust during initial rifting of continental breakup. Enlarged wavelengths and diminished amplitudes of the gravity anomaly westwards, along the Weddell Sea embayment (WSE) margin, reflect a widening of the continental slope and a significant increase in thickness of underlying sediment strata. Low amplitude, negative free-air anomalies in the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelves (FRIS) contrast sharply with the dominating positive anomalies offshore. This indicates a greater sedimentary thickness of the basin in this area. Crustal response to the enlarged sediment load is impressed in mostly positive features of the Bouguer gravity field observed here. Two pronounced positive Bouguer anomalies of 50-70 mGal and an average widths of 200 km dominate the Weddell Sea embayment margins towards the Antarctic Peninsula and the East Antarctic craton. They correlate well with very deep seabed troughs (> 1000 m below sea level). The gravity highs are most likely caused by a shallow upper mantle underneath graben-rift structures evolved at the margins of the WSE basin. A regional zone (> 100 km in width) of the prominent Bouguer and free-air negative anomalies (-40 to -60 mGal) adjacent Coats Land to the north of the ice shelf edge may indicate the presence of the thick old cratonic crust far offshore beneath the Weddell Sea Embayment.


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During two Antarctic field seasons, western Dronning Maud Land and eastern Coats Land were covered by airborne radio-echo sounding surveys, conducted in combination with magnetic and gravity measurements along the 50 NW-SE-directed tracks, totaling about 11200 km and spaced 20 km apart. The data were collected in analogue form and then processed to compile ice surface, ice thickness and bedrock topography maps in I : 2 500 000 scale which gave a new and/or more detailed information on the region than previous compilations. The maps show that western Dronning Maud Land is dominated by a large mountainous area with altitudes up to 2800 m including rock outcrops of Annandagstoppane, Borgmassivet, Kirwanveggen and Heimefrontfjella. Upland terrains of Vestfjella and Mannefallknausane have an isolated position and are surrounded by a plain with bedrock depressions of 600 m deep below sea level. A narrow strip of north-eastern Coats Land studied by radio-echo soundings exhibits a smooth subice relief with altitudes close to sea level. The structural style of bedrock topography was mostly determined by extensional tectonics.


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The episodic occurrence of debris flow events in response to stochastic precipitation and wildfire events makes hazard prediction challenging. Previous work has shown that frequency-magnitude distributions of non-fire-related debris flows follow a power law, but less is known about the distribution of post-fire debris flows. As a first step in parameterizing hazard models, we use frequency-magnitude distributions and cumulative distribution functions to compare volumes of post-fire debris flows to non-fire-related debris flows. Due to the large number of events required to parameterize frequency-magnitude distributions, and the relatively small number of post-fire event magnitudes recorded in the literature, we collected data on 73 recent post-fire events in the field. The resulting catalog of 988 debris flow events is presented as an appendix to this article. We found that the empirical cumulative distribution function of post-fire debris flow volumes is composed of smaller events than that of non-fire-related debris flows. In addition, the slope of the frequency-magnitude distribution of post-fire debris flows is steeper than that of non-fire-related debris flows, evidence that differences in the post-fire environment tend to produce a higher proportion of small events. We propose two possible explanations: 1) post-fire events occur on shorter return intervals than debris flows in similar basins that do not experience fire, causing their distribution to shift toward smaller events due to limitations in sediment supply, or 2) fire causes changes in resisting and driving forces on a package of sediment, such that a smaller perturbation of the system is required in order for a debris flow to occur, resulting in smaller event volumes.