960 resultados para Data Flows
Tässä työssä perehdytään soodakattiloiden vesikiertomallin rakentamiseen. Työn päätavoitteena on kehittää simulointimallia varten taulukkolaskentapohja, jonka avulla soodakattilan lämpövuotietoja on yksinkertaista ja nopeaa käsitellä ja siirtää Apros 6 -simulointiohjelmaan. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on pyrkiä automatisoimaan työvaiheet mahdollisimman pitkälle, jolloin vesikiertolaskennan tekeminen yksinkertaistuisi, yhtenäistyisi ja tarkentuisi. Tämä on mahdollista Excel- makrojen ja Apros 6:n uusien toimintojen avulla. Apros 6:ssa on nyt mahdollista hyödyntää SCL- komentotiedostoja, joiden avulla sujuva tiedonsiirto Aproksen ja Excelin välillä vodaan toteuttaa. Vesikiertolaskentaan käytettävän datan käsittely on aikaisemmin ollut työlästä ja sen tarkkuus on pitkälti riippunut mallintajasta. Tässä diplomityössä päästään hyödyntämään uusimpia ja realistisempia soodakattiloiden CFD- malleja, joiden avulla pystytään luomaan aikaisempaa tarkemmat lämpövuojakaumat soodakattilan lämpöpinnoille. Tämä muutos parantaa vesikiertolaskennan tarkkuutta. Työn kokeellisessa osassa uutta Excel laskentatyökalua ja uusia lämpövuoarvoja testataan käytännössä. Eräs vanha Apros- vesikiertomalli päivitetään uusilla lämpövuoarvoilla ja sen rakenteeseen tehdään muutoksia tarkkuuden parantamiseksi. Uuden mallin toimivuutta testataan myös 115 %:n kapasiteetilla ja tutkitaan kuinka kyseinen vesikiertopiiri reagoi suurempaan lämpötehoon. Näitä kolmea eri tilannetta vertaillaan toisiinsa ja tarkastellaan eroavaisuuksia niiden vesi-höyrypiireissä.
Experimental geophysical fluid dynamics often examines regimes of fluid flow infeasible for computer simulations. Velocimetry of zonal flows present in these regimes brings many challenges when the fluid is opaque and vigorously rotating; spherical Couette flows with molten metals are one such example. The fine structure of the acoustic spectrum can be related to the fluid’s velocity field, and inverse spectral methods can be used to predict and, with sufficient acoustic data, mathematically reconstruct the velocity field. The methods are to some extent inherited from helioseismology. This work develops a Finite Element Method suitable to matching the geometries of experimental setups, as well as modelling the acoustics based on that geometry and zonal flows therein. As an application, this work uses the 60-cm setup Dynamo 3.5 at the University of Maryland Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory. Additionally, results obtained using a small acoustic data set from recent experiments in air are provided.
Experiments were conducted at the GALCIT supersonic shear-layer facility to investigate aspects of reacting transverse jets in supersonic crossflow using chemiluminescence and schlieren image-correlation velocimetry. In particular, experiments were designed to examine mixing-delay length dependencies on jet-fluid molar mass, jet diameter, and jet inclination.
The experimental results show that mixing-delay length depends on jet Reynolds number, when appropriately normalized, up to a jet Reynolds number of 500,000. Jet inclination increases the mixing-delay length, but causes less disturbance to the crossflow when compared to normal jet injection. This can be explained, in part, in terms of a control-volume analysis that relates jet inclination to flow conditions downstream of injection.
In the second part of this thesis, a combustion-modeling framework is proposed and developed that is tailored to large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion in high-speed flows. Scaling arguments place supersonic hydrocarbon combustion in a regime of autoignition-dominated distributed reaction zones (DRZ). The proposed evolution-variable manifold (EVM) framework incorporates an ignition-delay data-driven induction model with a post-ignition manifold that uses a Lagrangian convected 'balloon' reactor model for chemistry tabulation. A large-eddy simulation incorporating the EVM framework captures several important reacting-flow features of a transverse hydrogen jet in heated-air crossflow experiment.
Computational models for the investigation of flows in deformable tubes are developed and implemented in the open source computing environment OpenFOAM. Various simulations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids under various flow conditions are carried out and analyzed. First, simulations are performed to investigate the flow of a shear-thinning, non-Newtonian fluid in a collapsed elastic tube and comparisons are made with experimental data. The fluid is modeled by means of the Bird-Carreau viscosity law. The computational domain of the deformed tube is constructed from data obtained via computer tomography imaging. Comparison of the computed velocity fields with the ultrasound Doppler velocity profile measurements show good agreement, as does the adjusted pressure drop along the tube's axis. Analysis of the shear rates show that the shear-thinning effect of the fluid becomes relevant in the cross-sections with the biggest deformation. The peristaltic motion is simulated by means of upper and lower rollers squeezing the fluid along a tube. Two frames of reference are considered. In the moving frame the computational domain is fixed and the coordinate system is moving with the roller speed, and in the fixed frame the roller is represented by a deforming mesh. Several two-dimensional simulations are carried out for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The effect of the shear-thinning behavior of the fluid on the transport efficiency is examined. In addition, the influence of the roller speed and the gap width between the rollers on the xxvii transport efficiency is discussed. Comparison with experimental data is also presented and different types of moving waves are implemented. In addition, the influence of the roller speed and the gap width between the rollers on the transport efficiency is discussed. Comparison with experimental data is also presented and different types of moving waves are implemented.
The continual eruptive activity, occurrence of an ancestral catastrophic collapse, and inherent geologic features of Pacaya volcano (Guatemala) demands an evaluation of potential collapse hazards. This thesis merges techniques in the field and laboratory for a better rock mass characterization of volcanic slopes and slope stability evaluation. New field geological, structural, rock mechanical and geotechnical data on Pacaya is reported and is integrated with laboratory tests to better define the physical-mechanical rock mass properties. Additionally, this data is used in numerical models for the quantitative evaluation of lateral instability of large sector collapses and shallow landslides. Regional tectonics and local structures indicate that the local stress regime is transtensional, with an ENE-WSW sigma 3 stress component. Aligned features trending NNW-SSE can be considered as an expression of this weakness zone that favors magma upwelling to the surface. Numerical modeling suggests that a large-scale collapse could be triggered by reasonable ranges of magma pressure (greater than or equal to 7.7 MPa if constant along a central dyke) and seismic acceleration (greater than or equal to 460 cm/s2), and that a layer of pyroclastic deposits beneath the edifice could have been a factor which controlled the ancestral collapse. Finally, the formation of shear cracks within zones of maximum shear strain could provide conduits for lateral flow, which would account for long lava flows erupted at lower elevations.
Modern data centers host hundreds of thousands of servers to achieve economies of scale. Such a huge number of servers create challenges for the data center network (DCN) to provide proportionally large bandwidth. In addition, the deployment of virtual machines (VMs) in data centers raises the requirements for efficient resource allocation and find-grained resource sharing. Further, the large number of servers and switches in the data center consume significant amounts of energy. Even though servers become more energy efficient with various energy saving techniques, DCN still accounts for 20% to 50% of the energy consumed by the entire data center. The objective of this dissertation is to enhance DCN performance as well as its energy efficiency by conducting optimizations on both host and network sides. First, as the DCN demands huge bisection bandwidth to interconnect all the servers, we propose a parallel packet switch (PPS) architecture that directly processes variable length packets without segmentation-and-reassembly (SAR). The proposed PPS achieves large bandwidth by combining switching capacities of multiple fabrics, and it further improves the switch throughput by avoiding padding bits in SAR. Second, since certain resource demands of the VM are bursty and demonstrate stochastic nature, to satisfy both deterministic and stochastic demands in VM placement, we propose the Max-Min Multidimensional Stochastic Bin Packing (M3SBP) algorithm. M3SBP calculates an equivalent deterministic value for the stochastic demands, and maximizes the minimum resource utilization ratio of each server. Third, to provide necessary traffic isolation for VMs that share the same physical network adapter, we propose the Flow-level Bandwidth Provisioning (FBP) algorithm. By reducing the flow scheduling problem to multiple stages of packet queuing problems, FBP guarantees the provisioned bandwidth and delay performance for each flow. Finally, while DCNs are typically provisioned with full bisection bandwidth, DCN traffic demonstrates fluctuating patterns, we propose a joint host-network optimization scheme to enhance the energy efficiency of DCNs during off-peak traffic hours. The proposed scheme utilizes a unified representation method that converts the VM placement problem to a routing problem and employs depth-first and best-fit search to find efficient paths for flows.
Recent developments have made researchers to reconsider Lagrangian measurement techniques as an alternative to their Eulerian counterpart when investigating non-stationary flows. This thesis advances the state-of-the-art of Lagrangian measurement techniques by pursuing three different objectives: (i) developing new Lagrangian measurement techniques for difficult-to-measure, in situ flow environments; (ii) developing new post-processing strategies designed for unstructured Lagrangian data, as well as providing guidelines towards their use; and (iii) presenting the advantages that the Lagrangian framework has over their Eulerian counterpart in various non-stationary flow problems. Towards the first objective, a large-scale particle tracking velocimetry apparatus is designed for atmospheric surface layer measurements. Towards the second objective, two techniques, one for identifying Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) and the other for characterizing entrainment directly from unstructured Lagrangian data, are developed. Finally, towards the third objective, the advantages of Lagrangian-based measurements are showcased in two unsteady flow problems: the atmospheric surface layer, and entrainment in a non-stationary turbulent flow. Through developing new experimental and post-processing strategies for Lagrangian data, and through showcasing the advantages of Lagrangian data in various non-stationary flows, the thesis works to help investigators to more easily adopt Lagrangian-based measurement techniques.
This research was conducted to investigate the management of knowledge flows in a Mauritian multinational organisation. A case study research method was used to gather data which was analysed using the SECI model. Results show that all the four quadrants of this model were applied by the conglomerate in transferring knowledge to its newly acquired manufacturing operations in Madagascar. This paper discusses some of the knowledge management strategies employed.
Recent data indicate that levels of overweight and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world. At a population level (and commonly to assess individual health risk), the prevalence of overweight and obesity is calculated using cut-offs of the Body Mass Index (BMI) derived from height and weight. Similarly, the BMI is also used to classify individuals and to provide a notional indication of potential health risk. It is likely that epidemiologic surveys that are reliant on BMI as a measure of adiposity will overestimate the number of individuals in the overweight (and slightly obese) categories. This tendency to misclassify individuals may be more pronounced in athletic populations or groups in which the proportion of more active individuals is higher. This differential is most pronounced in sports where it is advantageous to have a high BMI (but not necessarily high fatness). To illustrate this point we calculated the BMIs of international professional rugby players from the four teams involved in the semi-finals of the 2003 Rugby Union World Cup. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) cut-offs for BMI, approximately 65% of the players were classified as overweight and approximately 25% as obese. These findings demonstrate that a high BMI is commonplace (and a potentially desirable attribute for sport performance) in professional rugby players. An unanswered question is what proportion of the wider population, classified as overweight (or obese) according to the BMI, is misclassified according to both fatness and health risk? It is evident that being overweight should not be an obstacle to a physically active lifestyle. Similarly, a reliance on BMI alone may misclassify a number of individuals who might otherwise have been automatically considered fat and/or unfit.