934 resultados para DNA repair doublestrandbreak toxicology histone h2ax chromatin


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Regular moderate physical activity reduces the risk of several noncommunicable diseases. At the same time, evidence exists for oxidative stress resulting from acute and strenuous exercise by enhanced formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, which may lead to oxidatively modified lipids, proteins, and possibly negative effects on DNA stability. The limited data on ultraendurance events such as an Ironman triathlon show no persistent DNA damage after the events. However, when considering the effects of endurance exercise comparable to a (half) marathon or a short triathlon distance, no clear conclusions could be drawn. In order to clarify which components of exercise participation, such as duration, intensity, frequency, or training status of the subjects, have an impact on DNA stability, more information is clearly needed that combines the measurement of DNA damage, gene expression, and DNA repair mechanisms before, during, and after exercise of differing intensities and durations.


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Reductions in DNA integrity, genome stability, and telomere length are strongly associated with the aging process, age-related diseases as well as the age-related loss of muscle mass. However, in people reaching an age far beyond their statistical life expectancy the prevalence of diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or dementia, is much lower compared to “averagely” aged humans. These inverse observations in nonagenarians (90–99 years), centenarians (100–109 years) and super-centenarians (110 years and older) require a closer look into dynamics underlying DNA damage within the oldest old of our society. Available data indicate improved DNA repair and antioxidant defense mechanisms in “super old” humans, which are comparable with much younger cohorts. Partly as a result of these enhanced endogenous repair and protective mechanisms, the oldest old humans appear to cope better with risk factors for DNA damage over their lifetime compared to subjects whose lifespan coincides with the statistical life expectancy. This model is supported by study results demonstrating superior chromosomal stability, telomere dynamics and DNA integrity in “successful agers”. There is also compelling evidence suggesting that life-style related factors including regular physical activity, a well-balanced diet and minimized psycho-social stress can reduce DNA damage and improve chromosomal stability. The most conclusive picture that emerges from reviewing the literature is that reaching “super old” age appears to be primarily determined by hereditary/genetic factors, while a healthy lifestyle additionally contributes to achieving the individual maximum lifespan in humans. More research is required in this rapidly growing population of super old people. In particular, there is need for more comprehensive investigations including short- and long-term lifestyle interventions as well as investigations focusing on the mechanisms causing DNA damage, mutations, and telomere shortening.


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Thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) functions in base excision repair, a DNA repair pathway that acts in a lesion-specific manner to correct individual damaged or altered bases. TDG preferentially catalyzes the removal of thymine and uracil paired with guanine, and is also active on 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) paired with adenine or guanine. The rs4135113 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of TDG is found in 10% of the global population. This coding SNP results in the alteration of Gly199 to Ser. Gly199 is part of a loop responsible for stabilizing the flipped abasic nucleotide in the active site pocket. Biochemical analyses indicate that G199S exhibits tighter binding to both its substrate and abasic product. The persistent accumulation of abasic sites in cells expressing G199S leads to the induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Cells expressing the G199S variant also activate a DNA damage response. When expressed in cells, G199S induces genomic instability and cellular transformation. Together, these results suggest that individuals harboring the G199S variant may have increased risk for developing cancer.


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RecJ exonuclease plays crucial roles in several DNA repair and recombination pathways, and its ubiquity in bacterial species points to its ancient origin and vital cellular function. RecJ exonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae is a 575-amino-acid protein that harbors the characteristic motifs conserved among RecJ homologs. The purified protein exhibits a process 5'-3' single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease activity. The exonuclease activity of H. influenzae RecJ (HiRecJ) was supported by Mg2+ or Mn2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ suggesting a different mode of metal binding in HiRecJ as compared to Escherichia coli RecJ (EcoRecJ). Site-directed mutagenesis of highly conserved residues in HiRecJ abolished enzymatic activity. Interestingly, substitution of alanine for aspartate 77 resulted in a catalytically inactive enzyme that bound to DNA with a significantly higher affinity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. Noticeably, steady-state kinetic studies showed that H. influenzae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HiSSB) increased the affinity of HiRecJ for single-stranded DNA and stimulated its exonuclease activity. HiSSB, whose C-terminal tail had been deleted, failed to enhance RecJ exonuclease activity. More importantly, HiRecJ was found to directly associate with its cognate single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), as demonstrated by various in vitro assays, Interaction studies carried out with the truncated variants of HiRecJ and HiSSB revealed that the two proteins interact via the C-terminus of SSB protein and the core-catalytic domain of RecJ. Taken together, these results emphasize direct interactio between RecJ and SSB, which confers functional cooperativity to these two proteins. In addition, these results implicate SSB as being involved in the recruitment of RecJ to DNA and provide insights into the interplay between these proteins in repair and recombination pathways.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is necessary for normal male phenotype development and essential for spermatogenesis. AR is a classical steroid receptor mediating actions of male sex steroids testosterone and 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Numerous coregulators interact with the receptor and regulate AR activity on target genes. This study deals with the characterization of androgen receptor-interacting protein 4 (ARIP4). ARIP4 binds DNA, interacts with AR in vitro and in cultured yeast and mammalian cells, and modulates AR-dependent transactivation. ARIP4 is an active DNA-dependent ATPase, and this enzymatic activity is essential for the ability of ARIP4 to modulate AR function. On the basis of sequence homology in its ATPase domain, ARIP4 belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, and homologous recombination. Similar to its closest homologs ATRX and Rad54, ARIP4 does not seem to be a classical chromatin remodeling protein in that it does not appear to form large protein complexes in vivo or remodel mononucleosomes in vitro. However, ARIP4 is able to generate superhelical torsion on linear DNA fragments. ARIP4 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and mutation of six potential SUMO attachment sites abolishes the ability of ARIP4 to bind DNA, hydrolyze ATP, and activate AR function. ARIP4 expression starts in early embryonic development. In mouse embryo ARIP4 is present mainly in the neural tube and limb buds. In adult mouse tissues ARIP4 expression is virtually ubiquitous. In mouse testis ARIP4 is expressed in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in a stage-dependent manner. ARIP4 is also present in the nuclei of Leydig cells, spermatogonia, pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes. Testicular expression pattern of ARIP4 does not differ significantly in wild-type, FSHRKO, and LuRKO mice. In the testis of hpg mice, ARIP4 is found mainly in interstitial cells and has very low, if any, expression in Sertoli and germ cells. Heterozygous Arip4+/ mice are fertile and appear normal; however, they are haploinsufficient with regard to androgen action in Sertoli cells. In contrast, Arip4 / embryos are not viable. They have significantly reduced body size at E9.5 and die by E11.5. Compared to wild-type littermates, Arip4 / embryos possess a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at E9.5 and E10.5. Fibroblasts derived from Arip4 / embryos cease growing after 2-3 passages and exhibit a significantly increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation rate than cells from wild-type embryos. Our findings demonstrate that ARIP4 plays an essential role in mouse embryonic development. In addition, testicular expression and AR coregulatory activity of ARIP4 suggest a role of ARIP4-AR interaction in the somatic cells of the testis.


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Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB) play an important role in most aspects of DNA metabolism including DNA replication, repair, and recombination. We report here the identification and characterization of SSB proteins of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sequence comparison of M. smegmatis SSB revealed that it is homologous to M. tuberculosis SSB, except for a small spacer connecting the larger amino-terminal domain with the extreme carboxyl-terminal tail. The purified SSB proteins of mycobacteria bound single-stranded DNA with high affinity, and the association and dissociation constants were similar to that of the prototype SSB. The proteolytic signatures of free and bound forms of SSB proteins disclosed that DNA binding was associated with structural changes at the carboxyl-terminal domain. Significantly, SSB proteins from mycobacteria displayed high affinity for cognate RecA, whereas Escherichia coli SSB did not under comparable experimental conditions. Accordingly, SSB and RecA were coimmunoprecipitated from cell lysates, further supporting an interaction between these proteins in vivo. The carboxyl-terminal domain of M. smegmatis SSB, which is not essential for interaction with ssDNA, is the site of binding of its cognate RecA. These studies provide the first evidence for stable association of eubacterial SSB proteins with their cognate RecA, suggesting that these two proteins might function together during DNA repair and/or recombination.


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The incorporation of dUMP during replication or the deamination of cytosine in DNA results in the occurrence of uracils in genomes. To maintain genomic integrity, uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) excise uracil from DNA and initiate the base-excision repair pathway. Here, we cloned, purified and biochemically characterized a family 5 UDG, UdgB, from Mycobacterium smegmatis to allow us to use it as a model organism to investigate the physiological significance of the novel enzyme. Studies with knockout strains showed that compared with the wild-type parent, the mutation rate of the udgB(-) strain was approximately twofold higher, whereas the mutation rate of a strain deficient in the family 1 UDG (ung(-)) was found to be similar to 8.4-fold higher. Interestingly, the mutation rate of the double-knockout (ung(-)ludgB(-)) strain was remarkably high, at similar to 19.6-fold. While CG to TA mutations predominated in the ung(-) and ung(-)/udgb(-) strains, AT to GC mutations were enhanced in the udgB(-) strain. The ung(-)/udgB(-) strain was notably more sensitive to acidified nitrite and hydrogen peroxide stresses compared with the single knockouts (ung(-) or udgB(-)). These observations reveal a synergistic effect of UdgB and Ung in DNA repair, and could have implications for the generation of attenuated strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is known to reside latently in a significant fraction of the human population. Although the bacterium possesses an aerobic mode of metabolism, it adapts to persistence under hypoxic conditions such as those encountered in granulomas. While in mammalian systems hypoxia is a recognized DNA-damaging stress, aspects of DNA repair in mycobacteria under such conditions have not been studied. We subjected Mycobacterium smegmatis, a model organism, to the Wayne's protocol of hypoxia. Analysis of the mRNA of a key DNA repair enzyme, uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung), by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) revealed its downregulation during hypoxia. However, within an hour of recovery of the culture under normal oxygen levels, the Ung mRNA was restored. Analysis of Ung by immunoblotting and enzyme assays supported the RNA analysis results. To understand its physiological significance, we misexpressed Ung in M. smegmatis by using a hypoxia-responsive promoter of narK2 from M. tuberculosis. Although the misexpression of Ung during hypoxia decreased C-to-T mutations, it compromised bacterial survival upon recovery at normal oxygen levels. RT-PCR analysis of other base excision repair gene transcripts (UdgB and Fpg) suggested that these DNA repair functions also share with Ung the phenomenon of downregulation during hypoxia and recovery with return to normal oxygen conditions. We discuss the potential utility of this phenomenon in developing attenuated strains of mycobacteria.


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The silk gland of Bombyx mori, an endomitotically replicative tissue shows high levels of DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon activities. The ratio of polymerase alpha to that of delta plus epsilon is maintained at 1.1 to 1.3 in both the posterior and middle silk glands for the entire duration of late larval development. The three activities copurify in the initial stages of fractionation through phosphocellulose and DE52 but polymerase alpha gets resolved from the others on hydroxylapatite column. Separation between polymerase delta and epsilon is achieved by chromatography on QAE-Sephadex. DNA polymerase epsilon is a heterodimer comprising of 215- and 42-kDa subunits. The activity is maximum at pH 6.5 and the Km values for dNTPs vary between 3-9 microM. The enzyme possesses an intrinsically associated exonuclease activity which functions in the mismatch repair during DNA synthesis. Both polymerase and 3'-->5' exonuclease activities are associated with the 215-kDa subunit. By itself, DNA polymerase epsilon is processive and the catalytic activity is not enhanced by externally added bPCNA (Bombyx-proliferating cell nuclear antigen, an auxiliary protein for DNA polymerase delta). The enzyme resembles polymerase delta in having the exonuclease activity and in its response to aphidicolin or substrate analogs, but could be distinguished from the latter by its lack of response to the bPCNA and sensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide. The two enzymes show partial immunological cross-reactivity with each other but no immunological relatedness to polymerase alpha. The absence of the repair enzyme DNA polymerase beta and the presence of substantial levels of polymerase epsilon in the silk glands suggest a possible role for the latter in DNA repair in that tissue.


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Uracil excision repair is ubiquitous in all domains of life and initiated by uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) which excise the promutagenic base, uracil, from DNA to leave behind an abasic site (AP-site). Repair of the resulting AP-sites requires an AP-endonuclease, a DNA polymerase, and a DNA ligase whose combined activities result in either short-patch or long-patch repair. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, has an increased risk of accumulating uracils because of its G + C-rich genome, and its niche inside host macrophages where it is exposed to reactive nitrogen and oxygen species, two major causes of cytosine deamination (to uracil) in DNA. In vitro assays to study DNA repair in this important human pathogen are limited. To study uracil excision repair in mycobacteria, we have established assay conditions using cell-free extracts of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis (a fast-growing mycobacterium) and oligomer or plasmid DNA substrates. We show that in mycobacteria, uracil excision repair is completed primarily via long-patch repair. In addition, we show that M. tuberculosis UdgB, a newly characterized family 5 UDG, substitutes for the highly conserved family 1 UDG, Ung, thereby suggesting that UdgB might function as backup enzyme for uracil excision repair in mycobacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A vast amount of literature has accumulated on the characterization of DNA methyltransferases. The HhaI DNA methyltransferase, a C5-cytosine methyltransferase, has been the subject of investigation for the last 2 decades. Biochemical and kinetic characterization have led to an understanding of the catalytic and kinetic mechanism of the methyltransfer reaction. The HhaI methyltransferase has also been subjected to extensive structural analysis, with the availability of 12 structures with or without a cofactor and a variety of DNA substrates. The mechanism of base flipping, first described for the HhaI methyltransferase, is conserved among all DNA methyltransferases and is also found to occur in numerous DNA repair enzymes. Studies with other methyltransferase reveal a significant structural and functional similarity among different types of methyltransferases. This review aims to summarize the available information on the HhaI DNA methyltransferase.


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About a third of the human population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacterium displays an excellent adaptability to survive within the host macrophages. As the reactive environment of macrophages is capable of inducing DNA damage, the ability of the pathogen to safeguard its DNA against the damage is of paramount significance for its survival within the host. Analysis of the genome sequence has provided important insights into the DNA repair machinery of the pathogen, and the studies on DNA repair in mycobacteria have gained momentum in the past few years. The studies have revealed considerable differences in the mycobacterial DNA repair machinery when compared with those of the other bacteria. This review article focuses especially on the aspects of base excision, and nucleotide excision repair pathways in mycobacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In Escherichia coli, the filament of RecA formed on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is essential for recombinational DNA repair. Although ssDNA-binding protein (SSB) plays a complicated role in RecA reactions in vivo, much of our understanding of the mechanism is based on RecA binding directly to ssDNA. Here we investigate the role of SSB in the regulation of RecA polymerization on ssDNA, based on the differential force responses of a single 576-nucleotide-long ssDNA associated with RecA and SSB. We find that SSB outcompetes higher concentrations of RecA, resulting in inhibition of RecA nucleation. In addition, we find that pre-formed RecA filaments de-polymerize at low force in an ATP hydrolysis- and SSB-dependent manner. At higher forces, re-polymerization takes place, which displaces SSB from ssDNA. These findings provide a physical picture of the competition between RecA and SSB under tension on the scale of the entire nucleoprotein SSB array, which have broad biological implications particularly with regard to competitive molecular binding.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sub1 is involved in several cellular processes such as, transcription initiation, elongation, mRNA processing and DNA repair. It has also been reported to provide cellular resistance during conditions of oxidative DNA damage and osmotic stress. Here, we report a novel role of SUB1 during starvation stress-induced sporulation, which leads to meiosis and spore formation in diploid yeast cells. Deletion of SUB1 gene significantly increased sporulation efficiency as compared to the wild-type cells in S288c genetic background. Whereas, the sporulation functions of the sub1(Y66A) missense mutant were similar to Sub1. SUB1 transcript and protein levels are downregulated during sporulation, in highly synchronized and sporulation proficient wild-type SK1 cells. The changes in Sub1 levels during sporulation cascade correlate with the induction of middle sporulation gene expression. Deletion of SUB1 increased middle sporulation gene transcript levels with no effect on their induction kinetics. In wild-type cells, Sub1 associates with chromatin at these loci in a temporal pattern that correlates with their enhanced gene expression seen in sub1. cells. We show that SUB1 genetically interacts with HOS2, which led us to speculate that Sub1 might function with Set3 repressor complex during sporulation. Positive Cofactor 4, human homolog of Sub1, complemented the sub1. sporulation phenotype, suggesting conservation of function. Taken together, our results suggest that SUB1 acts as a negative regulator of sporulation.


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Uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) are an important group of DNA repair enzymes, which pioneer the base excision repair pathway by recognizing and excising uracil from DNA. Based on two short conserved sequences (motifs A and B), UDGs have been classified into six families. Here we report a novel UDG, UdgX, from Mycobacterium smegmatis and other organisms. UdgX specifically recognizes uracil in DNA, forms a tight complex stable to sodium dodecyl sulphate, 2-mercaptoethanol, urea and heat treatment, and shows no detectable uracil excision. UdgX shares highest homology to family 4 UDGs possessing Fe-S cluster. UdgX possesses a conserved sequence, KRRIH, which forms a flexible loop playing an important role in its activity. Mutations of H in the KRRIH sequence to S, G, A or Q lead to gain of uracil excision activity in MsmUdgX, establishing it as a novel member of the UDG superfamily. Our observations suggest that UdgX marks the uracil-DNA for its repair by a RecA dependent process. Finally, we observed that the tight binding activity of UdgX is useful in detecting uracils in the genomes.