999 resultados para DIODE LASER
Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality that has advanced rapidly in recent years. It causes tissue and vascular damage with the interaction of a photosensitizing agent (PS), light of a proper wavelength, and molecular oxygen. Evaluation of vessel damage usually relies on histopathology evaluation. Results are often qualitative or at best semi-quantitative based on a subjective system. The aim of this study was to evaluate, using CD31 immunohistochem- istry and image analysis software, the vascular damage after PDT in a well-established rodent model of chemically induced mammary tumor. Fourteen Sprague-Dawley rats received a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthraxcene (80 mg/kg by gavage), treatment efficacy was evaluated by comparing the vascular density of tumors after treatment with Photogem® as a PS, intraperitoneally, followed by interstitial fiber optic lighting, from a diode laser, at 200 mW/cm and light dose of 100 J/cm directed against his tumor (7 animals), with a control group (6 animals, no PDT). The animals were euthanized 30 hours after the lighting and mammary tumors were removed and samples from each lesion were formalin-fixed. Immunostained blood vessels were quantified by Image Pro-Plus version 7.0. The control group had an average of 3368.6 ± 4027.1 pixels per picture and the treated group had an average of 779 ± 1242.6 pixels per area (P < 0.01), indicating that PDT caused a significant decrease in vascular density of mammary tumors. The combined immu- nohistochemistry using CD31, with selection of representative areas by a trained pathology, followed by quantification of staining using Image Pro-Plus version 7.0 system was a practical and robust methodology for vessel damage evalua- tion, which probably could be used to assess other antiangiogenic treatments.
ZusammenfassungIm Rahmen der EU-Projekte POLSTAR (Polar StratosphericAerosol Experiment) und STREAM (Stratosphere TroposphereExperiment by Airborne Measurements) wurden flugzeuggetragene Spurengasmessungen in verschiedenen geografischen Breiten durchgeführt. Zwei Messkampagnen fanden im Januar (POLSTAR 97) und März (STREAM 97) 1997 über Kiruna (Schweden, 67°N, 20°O) statt, eine Kampagne wurde im Juli 1998 von Timmins (Kanada, 47°N, 81°W) aus durchgeführt (STREAM 98).CO und N2O wurden mittels TDLAS (Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy) nachgewiesen, CO2 wurde mit einem modifizierten kommerziellen Messgerät breitbandig gemessen. Zur Untersuchung von Mischungsvorgängen in der Tropopausenregion wurden Korrelationenzwischen CO, O3, N2O, CO2 und NOy herangezogen.Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass im Winter in der untersten Stratosphäre Mischung mit troposphärischen Luftmassen durch isentropen Transport im Bereich der Polarfront bis zu potentiellen Temperaturen von Theta=335K auftritt. Im Sommer lässt sich Mischung mit troposphärischen Luftmassen bis mindestens Theta=360K nachweisen, die effektiver als im Winter abläuft.Exemplarisch kann an einem Flug gezeigt werden, dassbis Theta=349K die Ausbildung der Mischungsschicht durchLuftmassenaustausch an der Polarfront verursacht wird, während oberhalb von Theta=349K Signaturen subtropischertroposphärischer Luftmassen gefunden werden.Der stratosphärische Hintergrund wird mitbestimmt durch photochemisch gealterte Luftmassen, die ihren Ursprung höchstwahrscheinlich in der Vortexregion des vorangegangenen Winters haben.
The spectroscopic investigation of the gas-phase molecules relevant for the chemistry of the atmosphere and of the interstellar medium has been performed. Two types of molecules have been studied, linear and symmetric top. Several experimental high-resolution techniques have been adopted, exploiting the spectrometers available in Bologna, Venezia, Brussels and Wuppertal: Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy, Cavity-Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Cavity-Enhanced-Absorption Spectroscopy, Tunable-Diode-Laser Spectroscopy. Concerning linear molecules, the spectra of a number of isotopologues of acetylene, 12C2D2, H12C13CD, H13C12CD, 13C12CD2, of DCCF and monodeuterodiacetylene DC4H, have been studied, from 320 to 6800 cm-1. This interval covers bending, stretching, overtone and combination bands, the focus on specific ranges depending on the molecule. In particular, the analysis of the bending modes has been performed for 12C2D2 (450-2200 cm-1), 13C12CD2 (450-1700 cm-1), DCCF (320-850cm-1) and DC4H (450-1100 cm-1), of the stretching-bending system for 12C2D2 (450-5500 cm-1) and of the 2nu1 and combination bands up to four quanta of excitation for H12C13CD, H13C12CD and 13C12CD2 (6130-6800 cm-1). In case of symmetric top molecules, CH3CCH has been investigated in the 2nu1 region (6200-6700 cm-1), which is particularly congested due to the huge network of states affected by Coriolis and anharmonic interactions. The bending fundamentals of 15ND3 (450-2700 cm-1) have been studied for the first time, characterizing completely the bending states, v2 = 1 and v4 = 1, whereas the analysis of the stretching modes, which evidenced the presence of several perturbations, has been started. Finally, the fundamental band nu4 of CF3Br in the 1190-1220 cm-1 region has been investigated. Transitions belonging to the CF379Br and CF381Br molecules have been identified since the spectra were recorded using a sample containing the two isotopologues in natural abundance. This allowed the characterization of the v4 = 1 state for both isotopologues and the evaluation of the bromine isotopic splitting.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Erweiterung und Optimierung eines Diodenlasersystems zur hochauflösenden Resonanzionisationsmassenspektrometrie beschrieben. Ein doppelinterferometrisches Frequenzkontrollsystem, welches Absolutstabilisierung auf ca. 1 MHz sowie sekundenschnelle Frequenzverstimmungen um mehrere GHz für bis zu drei Laser parallel ermöglicht, wurde optimiert. Dieses Lasersystem dient zwei wesentlichen Anwendungen. Ein Aspekt waren umfangreiche spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Uranisotopen mit dem Ziel der präzisen und eindeutigen Bestimmung von Energielagen, Gesamtdrehimpulsen, Hyperfeinkonstanten und Isotopieverschiebungen sowie die Entwicklung eines effizienten, mit kommerziellen Diodenlasern betreibbaren Anregungsschemas. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit des Lasermassenspektrometers für die Ultraspurenanalyse des Isotops 236U, welches als Neutronendosimeter und Tracer für radioaktive anthropogene Kontaminationen in der Umwelt verwendet wird, optimiert und charakterisiert. Anhand von synthetischen Proben wurde eine Isotopenselektivität von 236U/238U=4,5(1,5)∙10-9 demonstriert.
The vibrational excitation of CO2 by a fast-moving O atom followed by infrared emission from the vibrationally excited CO2 has been shown to be an important cooling mechanism in the upper atmospheresof Venus, Earth and Mars. We are trying to determine more precisely the efficiency (rate coefficient) of the CO2-O vibrational energy transfer. For experimental ease the reverse reaction is used, i.e. collision of a vibrationally excited CO2 with atomic O, where we are able to convert to the atmospherically relevant reaction via a known equilibrium constant. The goal of this experiment was to measure the magnitudes of rate coefficients for vibrational energy states above the first excited state, a bending mode in CO2. An isotope of CO2, 13CO2, was used for experimental ease. The rate coefficients for given vibrational energy transfers in 13CO2 are not significantly different from 12CO2 at this level of precision. A slow-flowing gas mixture was flowed through a reaction cell: 13CO2 (vibrational specie of interest), O3(atomic O source), and Ar (bath gas). Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor thechanging absorption of certain vibrational modes of 13CO2 after a UV pulse from a Nd:YAG laser was fired. Ozone absorbed the UV pulse in a process which vibrationally excited 13CO2 and liberated atomic O.Transient absorption signals were obtained by tuning the diode laser frequency to an appropriate ν3 transition and monitoring the population as a function of time following the Nd:YAG pulse. Transient absorption curves were obtained for various O atom concentrations to determine the rate coefficient of interest. Therotational states of the transitions used for detection were difficult to identify, though their short reequilibration timescale made the identification irrelevant for vibrational energy transfer measurements. The rate coefficient for quenching of the (1000) state was found to be (4 ± 8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 which is the same order of magnitude as the lowest-energy bend-excited mode: (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1. More data is necessary before it can be certain that the numerical difference between the two is real.
Microvascular surgery has become an important method for reconstructing surgical defects due to trauma, tumors or after burn. The most important factor for successful free flap transfer is a well-executed anastomosis. The time needed to perform the anastomosis and the failure rate are not negligible despite the high level of operator's experience. During the history, many alternatives were tried to help the microsurgeon and to reduce the complications. A Medline literature search was performed to find articles dealing with non-suture methods of microvascular anastomosis. Many historical books were also included. The non-suture techniques can be divided into four groups based on the used mechanism of sutures: double intubation including tubes and stents, intubation-eversion including simple rings, double eversion including staples and double rings, and wall adjustement with adhesives or laser. All these techniques were able to produce a faster and easier microvascular anastomosis. Nevertheless, disadvantages of the suturless techniques include toxicity, high cost, leakage or aneurysm formation. More refinement is needed before their widespread adoption. Thus, laser-assisted microvascular anastomosis using 1,9 μm diode laser appeared to be a safe and reliable help for the microsurgeon and may be further developed in the near future.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been of recent interest due to the issue of greenhouse cooling in the upper atmosphere by species such as CO2 and NO. In the Earth’s upper atmosphere, between altitudes of 75 and 110 km, a collisional energy exchange occurs between CO2 and atomic oxygen, which promotes a population of ground state CO2 to the bend excited state. The relaxation of CO2 following this excitation is characterized by spontaneous emission of 15-μm. Most of this energy is emitted away from Earth. Due to the low density in the upper atmosphere, most of this energy is not reabsorbed and thus escapes into space, leading to a local cooling effect in the upper atmosphere. To determine the efficiency of the CO2- O atom collisional energy exchange, transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor the population of the first vibrationally excited state, 13CO2(0110) or ν2, as a function of time. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), for the vibrational relaxation 13CO2 (ν2)-O was determined by fitting laboratory measurements using a home-written linear least squares algorithm. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), of the vibrational relaxation of 13CO2(ν2), by atomic oxygen at room temperature was determined to be (1.6 ± 0.3 x 10-12 cm3 s-1), which is within the uncertainty of the rate coefficient previously found in this group for 12CO2(ν2) relaxation. The cold temperature kO(ν2) values were determined to be: (2.1 ± 0.8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 274 K, (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 239 K, (2 ± 1) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 208 K, and (1.7 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 186 K. These data did not show a definitive negative temperature dependence comparable to that found for 12CO2 previously.
Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) was used to perform vibrational state population studies of the CO2 product from the hyperthermal reaction between C2H4 and O(3P) at room temperature using O3 as the O-atom precursor. Photodissociation of O3 using a frequency quadrupled Q-switch Nd:YAG laser pulse at 266 nm produced O(3P) atoms at high velocities which subsequently reacted with C2H4, producing several primary and secondary products including CO2. The CO2 product was detected using high-resolution TDLAS under five unique sets of reaction conditions. The vibrational distribution of the CO2 product did not follow a Boltzmann distribution at all five sets of conditions. The experiments showed a distribution in which there was a surprisingly high population in the (1000) (symmetric stretching) state compared with the other states probed, all of which contained bend excitation. In general, the CO2 population in the (1000) state was about 15-20% more populated than the Boltzmann distribution predicts. A possible explanation for this result may lie in the mechanism of CO2 evolution from the C2H4 + O(3P) reaction.
Laboratory measurements of the rate coefficient for quenching of O3(nu2) by ground-state atomic oxygen, kO(nu2), at room temperature are presented. kO(nu2) is currently not well known and is necessary for appropriate nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium modeling of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In this work, a 266 nm laser pulse photolyzes a small amount of O3 in a slow-flowing gas mixture of O3, Xe, and Ar. This process simultaneously produces atomic oxygen and increases the temperature of the gas mixture slightly, thereby increasing the population in the O3(nu2) state. Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy is used to monitor the populations of the O3(nu2) and ground vibrational states as the system re-equilibrates. Relaxation rates are measured over a range of quencher concentrations to extract the rate coefficient of interest. The value of kO(nu2) was determined to be (2.2 0.5) * 10(-12) cm(3) s(-1).
PURPOSE: To describe a case series of neovascular glaucoma (NVG) caused by central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) that was treated with intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB; Avastin). DESIGN: Retrospective interventional case series. METHODS: Six consecutive patients with NVG and a refractory, symptomatic elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) and pronounced anterior segment congestion received IVB (1.25 mg/0.05 ml). Diode laser cyclophotocoagulation was carried out only if pressure was controlled insufficiently by topical medication. Follow-up examinations occurred at four to 16 weeks. RESULTS: IVB resulted in a marked regression of anterior segment neovascularization and relief of symptoms within 48 hours. IOP decreased substantially in three eyes; in the other three eyes, adjuvant cyclophotocoagulation was necessary. No side effects were observed. Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) was performed as soon as feasible, five to 12 weeks after IVB treatment. CONCLUSION: IVB leads to a rapid regression of iris and angle neovascularization and should be investigated more thoroughly as an adjunct in the management of NVG.
A cold atomic cloud is a versatile object, because it offers many handles to control and tune its properties. This facilitates studies of its behavior in various circumstances, such as sample temperature, size and density, composition, dimensionality and coherence time. The range of possible experiments is constrained by the specifications of the atomic species used. In this thesis presents the work done in the experiment for laser cooling of strontium atoms, focusing on its stability, which should provide cold and ultracold samples for the study of collective effects in light scattering. From the initial apparatus, innumerous changes were performed. The vacuum system got improved and now reached lower ultra high vacuum due to the pre-baking done to its parts and adding a titanium-sublimation stage. The quadrupole trap were improved by the design and construction of a new pair of coils. The stability of the blue, green and red laser systems and the loss prevention of laser light were improved, giving rise to a robust apparatus. Another important point is the development of homemade devices to reduce the costs and to be used as a monitor of different parts of an cold atoms experiment. From this homemade devices, we could demonstrate a dramatic linewidth narrowing by injection lock of an low cost 461 nm diode laser and its application to our strontium experiment. In the end, this improved experimental apparatus made possible the study of a new scattering effect, the mirror assisted coherent back-scattering (mCBS).
Purpose: To characterize the relationship between fundus autofluorescence (FAF), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) over the course of chronic retinal degeneration in the P23H rat. Methods: Homozygous albino P23H rats, Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats as controls and pigmented Long Evans (LE) rats were used. A Spectralis HRA OCT system was used for scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) imaging OCT and angiography. To determine FAF, fluorescence was excited using diode laser at 488 nm. A fast retina map OCT was performed using the optic nerve as a landmark. IHC was performed to correlate with the findings of OCT and FAF changes. Results: During the course of retinal degeneration, the FAF pattern evolved from some spotting at 2 months old to a mosaic of hyperfluorescent dots in rats 6 months and older. Retinal thicknesses progressively diminished over the course of the disease. At later stages of degeneration, OCT documented changes in the retinal layers, however, IHC better identified the cell loss and remodeling changes. Angiography revealed attenuation of the retinal vascular plexus with time. Conclusion: We provide for the first time a detailed long-term analysis of the course of retinal degeneration in P23H rats using a combination of SLO and OCT imaging, angiography, FAF and IHC. Although, the application of noninvasive methods enables longitudinal studies and will decrease the number of animals needed for a study, IHC is still an essential tool to identify retinal changes at the cellular level.
We describe an experimental demonstration of a novel technique for liquid refractometry. A channeled spectrum is produced from an optical beam generated by a diode laser operating below threshold by intercepting half of the beam with a liquid cell. The spectrum is analyzed using a grating and a linear CCD array and provides information on the refractive index of the liquid. The experimental results show that accuracies of better than 0.3% in the index may be obtained with the present method.
We describe an experimental demonstration of a novel technique for liquid refractometry. A channeled spectrum is produced from an optical beam generated by a diode laser operating below threshold by intercepting half of the beam with a liquid cell. The spectrum is analyzed using a grating and a linear CCD array and provides information on the refractive index of the liquid. The experimental results show that accuracies of better than 0.3% in the index may be obtained with the present method.