999 resultados para Cycle cover


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The hype cycle model traces the evolution of technological innovations as they pass through successive stages pronounced by the peak, disappointment, and recovery of expectations. Since its introduction by Gartner nearly two decades ago, the model has received growing interest from practitioners, and more recently from scholars. Given the model's proclaimed capacity to forecast technological development, an important consideration for organizations in formulating marketing strategies, this paper provides a critical review of the hype cycle model by seeking evidence from Gartner's own technology databases for the manifestation of hype cycles. The results of our empirical work show incongruences connected with the reports of Gartner, which motivates us to consider possible future directions, whereby the notion of hype or hyped dynamics (though not necessarily the hype cycle model itself) can be captured in existing life cycle models through the identification of peak, disappointment, and recovery patterns.


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The free parasites of Plasmodium berghei, obtained from infected cells of rats using an antiserum method, were investigated to study the operation of Krebs cycle. P. berghei was found to respire only with succinate; pyruvate, and other substrates of the Krebs cycle were not oxidized. The presence of a succinate dehydrogenase and a functioning cytochrome oxidase system was demonstrated. Cell-free extracts of free parasites showed the presence of enzymes for the utilization of C4 dicarboxylic acids; other enzymes of the Krebs cycle could not be detected. P. berghei differs from other species of Plasmodium in this respect.


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are organelles that produce, modify and transport proteins and lipids and regulate Ca2+ environment within cells. Structurally they are composed of sheets and tubules. Sheets may take various forms: intact, fenestrated, single or stacked. The ER, including the nuclear envelope, is a single continuous network, while the Golgi shows only some level of connectivity. It is often unclear, how different morphologies correspond to particular functions. Previous studies indicate that the structures of the ER and Golgi are dynamic and regulated by fusion and fission events, cytoskeleton, rate of protein synthesis and secretion, and specific structural proteins. For example, many structural proteins shaping tubular ER have been identified, but sheet formation is much more unclear. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy to study morphological changes of the ER and Golgi in mammalian cells. The proportion, type, location and dynamics of ER sheets and tubules were found to vary in a cell type or cell cycle stage dependent manner. During interphase, ER and Golgi structures were demonstrated to be regulated by p37, a cofactor of the fusion factor p97, and microtubules, which also affected the localization of the organelles. Like previously shown for the Golgi, the ER displayed a tendency for fenestration and tubulation during mitosis. However, this shape change did not result in ER fragmentation as happens to Golgi, but a continuous network was retained. The activity of p97/p37 was found to be important for the reassembly of both organelles after mitosis. In EM images, ER sheet membranes appear rough, since they contain attached ribosomes, whereas tubular membranes appear smooth. Our studies revealed that structural changes of the ER towards fenestrated and tubular direction correlate with loss of ER-bound ribosomes and vice versa. High and low curvature ER membranes have a low and high density of ribosomes, respectively. To conclude, both ER and Golgi architecture depend on fusion activity of p97/p37. ER morphogenesis, particularly of the sheet shape, is intimately linked to the density of membrane bound ribosomes.


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A laboratory model of a thermally driven adsorption refrigeration system with activated carbon as the adsorbent and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC 134a) as the refrigerant was developed. The single stage compression system has an ensemble of four adsorbers packed with Maxsorb II specimen of activated carbon that provide a near continuous flow which caters to a cooling load of up to 5W in the 5-18 degrees C region. The objective was to utilise the low grade thermal energy to drive a refrigeration system that can be used to cool some critical electronic components. The laboratory model was tested for it performance at various cooling loads with the heat source temperature from 73 to 93 degrees C. The pressure transients during heating and cooling phases were traced. The cyclic steady state and transient performance data are presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lihaluujauho muodostaa maatilojen myytävien kasvi- ja eläinperäisten tuotteiden jälkeen tärkeimmän agroekosysteemeistä poispäin suuntautuvan ravinnevirran. Se sisältää runsaasti pääkasvinravinteita typpeä, fosforia ja kalsiumia (N ~8%, P ~5%, Ca yleensä ~10-15% luuaineksen määrästä riippuen), sekä kaliumia n.1% tai alle. Lihaluujauho on todettu tehokkaaksi lannoitteeksi useilla viljelykasveilla ja sen käyttö on sallittu myös luomuviljelyssä EU-alueella. Lihaluujauhoon ja erityisesti sen rehukäyttöön liittyvistä riskeistä merkittävin on TSE-tautien riski (naudan BSE-, lampaiden ja vuohien scrapie-, sekä ihmisen vCJD-taudit). Rehukäyttöä on monissa maissa rajoitettu 1980-luvulla puhjenneen BSE-kriisin myötä. BSE-taudin leviäminen yhdistettiin tilanteeseen, jossa nautaperäistä lihaluujauhoa käytettiin nautaeläinten rehun ainesosana. Myös lihaluujauhon käytössä turkiseläinrehuna saattaa piillä BSE:n tai muun TSE-taudin riski. Oikein käsitellyn lihaluujauhon lannoitekäyttöön ei kuitenkaan näytä tarkastelemieni tutkimusten perusteella sisältyvän huomattavaa TSEriskiä, jos huolehditaan asianmukaisista varotoimista ja menettelyistä sekä tuotteen valmistusprosessissa, että käytettäessä lannoitetta. Lihaluujauhon lannoitekäytön lisääminen edistäisi ruokajärjestelmämme ravinnekierron sulkemista etenkin fosforin osalta. Lihaluujauho on uusiutuva luonnonvara, jonka lannoitekäytöllä voitaisiin korvata huomattava osa lannoiteaineena kulutettavista fosforipitoisista kiviaineista. Sokerijuurikkaan lannoituskokeissa Varsinais-Suomen Kaarinassa vuosina 2008 ja 2009 lihaluujauhokäsittelyt eivät menestyneet aivan yhtä hyvin satotasovertailussa kuin kontrollikäsittelyiden NPK-väkilannoitteet, mutta laatuominaisuuksiltaan (sokeripitoisuus, amino-N, K, ja Na-pitoisuudet) joiltakin osin kontrollikäsittelyjä paremmin. Kokeissa käytetyt lajikkeet olivat ’Jesper’ vuonna 2008 ja ’Lincoln’ vuonna 2009. Käytetty lihaluujauholannoite oli Honkajoki Oy:n Viljo Yleislannoite 8-4-3, joka sisälsi noin 10% kaliumsulfaatin ja kasviperäisten sivutuotteiden seosta. Viljo-lannoitetta käytettiin sekä yksistään, että yhdistettynä 10-25%:iin väkilannoitetta. Vuoden 2009 Viljo-koejäseniin vielä lisättiin kaliumsulfaattilannoitetta (42% K, 18% S), jotta päästiin annetun kaliumin määrässä päästiin lannoitussuosituksen (60 kg K/ha) tasolle. Pelkkä Viljo-lannoite tuotti merkitsevästi alhaisemmat sadot kuin kontrollikäsittelyt molempina vuosina. Kuitenkin kun Viljolannoitteen ohella käytettiin väkilannoitetta (10-25% kasvin typentarpeesta) päästiin varsin lähelle kontrollikäsittelyiden satotasoja. Myös pelkän LLJ-lannoitteen tuottamat satotasot olivat kuitenkin selvästi paremmat kuin Suomen keskimääräiset juurikassadot. Viljo-käsittelyillä oli selvästi positiivinen vaikutus laatutekijöihin amino-N, K ja Na vuonna 2008, mutta vuonna 2009 näiden pitoisuudet jäivät kontrollikäsittelyjen tasolle. Viljo-käsittelyiden sokeripitoisuudet olivat vuonna 2008 kontrollikäsittelyn luokkaa ja Viljo77%+NK1:n osalta kontrollia merkitsevästi paremmat. Vuoden 2009 sokeripitoisuudet olivat kaikilla koejäsenillä erinomaiset, ja käsittelyiden välillä ei ilmennyt merkitseviä eroja. Kokeiden perusteella kaliumsulfaatilla täydennetty lihaluujauho on hyvin toimiva lannoite sokerijuurikkaalla Suomen olosuhteissa, etenkin yhdistettynä väkilannoitteeseen.


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Recent studies have shown that changes in global mean precipitation are larger for solar forcing than for CO2 forcing of similar magnitude.In this paper, we use an atmospheric general circulation model to show that the differences originate from differing fast responses of the climate system. We estimate the adjusted radiative forcing and fast response using Hansen's ``fixed-SST forcing'' method.Total climate system response is calculated using mixed layer simulations using the same model. Our analysis shows that the fast response is almost 40% of the total response for few key variables like precipitation and evaporation. We further demonstrate that the hydrologic sensitivity, defined as the change in global mean precipitation per unit warming, is the same for the two forcings when the fast responses are excluded from the definition of hydrologic sensitivity, suggesting that the slow response (feedback) of the hydrological cycle is independent of the forcing mechanism. Based on our results, we recommend that the fast and slow response be compared separately in multi-model intercomparisons to discover and understand robust responses in hydrologic cycle. The significance of this study to geoengineering is discussed.


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Yhteenveto: Lumimallit vesistöjen ennustemalleissa


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Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV astrocytoma) is a very aggressive form of brain cancer with a poor survival and few qualified predictive markers. This study integrates experimentally validated genes that showed specific upregulation in GBM along with their protein-protein interaction information. A system level analysis was used to construct GBM-specific network. Computation of topological parameters of networks showed scale-free pattern and hierarchical organization. From the large network involving 1,447 proteins, we synthesized subnetworks and annotated them with highly enriched biological processes. A careful dissection of the functional modules, important nodes, and their connections identified two novel intermediary molecules CSK21 and protein phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1A) connecting the two subnetworks CDC2-PTEN-TOP2A-CAV1-P53 and CDC2-CAV1-RB-P53-PTEN, respectively. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed CSK21 to be moderately upregulated and PP1A to be overexpressed by 20-fold in GBM tumor samples. Immunohistochemical staining revealed nuclear expression of PP1A only in GBM samples. Thus, CSK21 and PP1A, whose functions are intimately associated with cell cycle regulation, might play key role in gliomagenesis. Cancer Res; 70(16); 6437-47. (C)2010 AACR.