930 resultados para Cutultural dimensions
The objective of the current study was to analyze the effects of rhinoseptoplasty on internal nasal dimensions and speech resonance of individuals with unilateral cleft lip and palate, estimated by acoustic rhinometry and nasometry, respectively. Twenty-one individuals (aged 15-46 years) with previously repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate were analyzed before (PRE), and 6 to 9 (POST1) and 12 to 18 months (POST2) after surgery. Acoustic rhinometry was used to measure the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of segments corresponding to the nasal valve (CSA1), anterior portion (CSA2), and posterior portion (CSA3) of the lower turbinate, and the volumes at the nasal valve (V1) and turbinate (V2) regions at cleft and noncleft sides, before and after nasal decongestion with a topical vasoconstrictor. Nasometry was used to evaluate speech nasalance during the reading of a set of sentences containing nasal sounds and other devoid of nasal sounds. At the cleft side, before nasal decongestion, there was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in mean CSA1 and V1 values at POST1 and POST2 compared with PRE. After decongestion, increased values were also observed for CSA2 and V2 at POST2. No significant changes were observed at the noncleft side. Mean nasalance values at PRE, POST1, an POST2 were not different from each other in both oral and nasal sentences. The measurement of CSAs and volumes by acoustic rhinometry revealed that rhinoseptoplasty provided, in most cases analyzed, a significant increase in nasal patency, without concomitant changes in speech resonance, as estimated by nasalance assessment.
We present a detailed description of the Voronoi Tessellation (VT) cluster finder algorithm in 2+1 dimensions, which improves on past implementations of this technique. The need for cluster finder algorithms able to produce reliable cluster catalogs up to redshift 1 or beyond and down to 10(13.5) solar masses is paramount especially in light of upcoming surveys aiming at cosmological constraints from galaxy cluster number counts. We build the VT in photometric redshift shells and use the two-point correlation function of the galaxies in the field to both determine the density threshold for detection of cluster candidates and to establish their significance. This allows us to detect clusters in a self-consistent way without any assumptions about their astrophysical properties. We apply the VT to mock catalogs which extend to redshift 1.4 reproducing the ACDM cosmology and the clustering properties observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data. An objective estimate of the cluster selection function in terms of the completeness and purity as a function of mass and redshift is as important as having a reliable cluster finder. We measure these quantities by matching the VT cluster catalog with the mock truth table. We show that the VT can produce a cluster catalog with completeness and purity > 80% for the redshift range up to similar to 1 and mass range down to similar to 10(13.5) solar masses.
Topological interactions will be generated in theories with compact extra dimensions where fermionic chiral zero modes have different localizations. This is the case in many warped extra dimension models where the right-handed top quark is typically localized away from the left-handed one. Using deconstruction techniques, we study the topological interactions in these models. These interactions appear as trilinear and quadrilinear gauge boson couplings in low energy effective theories with three or more sites, as well as in the continuum limit. We derive the form of these interactions for various cases, including examples of Abelian, non-Abelian and product gauge groups of phenomenological interest. The topological interactions provide a window into the more fundamental aspects of these theories and could result in unique signatures at the Large Hadron Collider, some of which we explore.
We develop the superfield approach to the effective potential in three dimensions and calculate the one-loop and two-loop Kahlerian effective potential in commutative and noncommutative cases. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We study the properties of the lower bound on the exchange-correlation energy in two dimensions. First we review the derivation of the bound and show how it can be written in a simple density-functional form. This form allows an explicit determination of the prefactor of the bound and testing its tightness. Next we focus on finite two-dimensional systems and examine how their distance from the bound depends on the system geometry. The results for the high-density limit suggest that a finite system that comes as close as possible to the ultimate bound on the exchange-correlation energy has circular geometry and a weak confining potential with a negative curvature. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem we deal with consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular, triangular, squared, rectangular and also strip objects are considered. Moreover, 2D and 3D problems are treated. Twice-differentiable models for all these problems are presented. A strategy to reduce the complexity of evaluating the models is employed and, as a consequence, instances with a large number of items can be considered. Numerical experiments show the flexibility and reliability of the new unified approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Apesar da centralidade e relevância do conceito de Vantagem Competitiva em Administração de Empresas, o tema ainda é fonte de debate quanto ao seu significado, mensuração, manifestação e relação com o desempenho financeiro. Este trabalho contribui com esse debate avançando em vários pontos conceituais, metodológicos e empíricos. Por meio de uma sequência de três artigos, o conceito de vantagem competitiva é revisitado propondo-se novas dimensões, sua existência é quantificada usando um modelo Bayesiano, seu dinamismo caracterizado e, por fim, as novas dimensões propostas são testadas empiricamente. O primeiro artigo contribui teoricamente com a discussão do conceito de vantagem competitiva e sua relação com o desempenho financeiro a partir de uma abordagem de criação de valor econômico. Este artigo traz uma contribuição metodológica ao elaborar um modelo hierárquico Bayesiano bidimensional para medir a existência da vantagem competitiva a partir do desempenho financeiro e uma contribuição conceitual ao propor duas novas dimensões do conceito (momentum e consistência). O segundo artigo aplica o modelo proposto no primeiro a uma base de dados de empresas norte americana, cobrindo o período de 1995 a 2011. Esse artigo traz contribuições empíricas ao quantificar a existência e a dinâmica da vantagem competitiva oferecendo uma topografia do tema no mundo real. Os resultados indicam que a manifestação da vantagem competitiva não é tão rara quanto apontada em estudos anteriores e que o grau de raridade depende fortemente do setor. A implicação para a teoria e para a prática é uma revisão da importância do setor frente às teorias que focam os recursos internos da empresa, como a visão baseada em recursos. Os resultados também demonstram e caracterizam como lucratividade e crescimento são conjuntamente necessários para avaliar a presença da vantagem competitiva e influem na sua dinâmica de forma diferenciada. O terceiro artigo operacionaliza as novas dimensões do conceito de vantagem competitiva propostas no primeiro artigo e testa sua ocorrência e capacidade de prever a mobilidade do estado competitivo numa visão longitudinal. Os resultados indicam que a inclusão das novas dimensões potencializa a predição do status competitivo futuro das empresas.
Are all new market entry strategic dimensions equally relevant?: insights from some chilean experts?
This thesis looks into the strategic dimensions that Multi-National Companies (MNC) consider when they start the operation in a new country in Latin America and if all have the same weight or relevance when doing the strategic decisions as a guide to land onto a new country. Understanding the weight that MNCs gives to them can prompt to understand the reasons behind the success stories, the struggles - and even failures - that some companies had in the aforementioned region. The approach was via an initial analysis of the scholar bibliography in order to define three main dimensions in the models or frameworks that deal with the strategy used to land. After this, and through interviews, was found out how relevant are each of them for their companies, how they weight them and if there were other dimensions considered. The question that this thesis contributes to understand is if all new market strategic dimensions are equally relevant for a MNC when arriving to Latin America. The results show a predominance of the cultural aspect and in second place, the considered entry strategy (alliances, speed, size, etc.).
Apesar da pesquisa em confiança interorganizacional e sua relação com performance ter sido conduzida sob as perspectivas da Teoria de Custos de Transação, Teoria das Trocas Sociais e Canais de Marketing, três importantes lacunas na literatura requerem investigação. Primeiro, está em andamento um debate conceitual sobre a multi-dimensionalidade da confiança, e como ela deve ser operacionalizada e medida, e que se divide em três correntes de pensamento - um construto multidimensional definido por dimensões não dominantes, um construto baseado em duas dimensões dominantes (afetiva e calculativa), ou um construto unidimensional. Segundo, existe ambiguidade em como as dimensões da confiança são definidas, levando a artefatos de equivalência nas escalas e resultados contraditórios. Terceiro, as diferentes percepções que compradores e fornecedores podem ter em cada dimensão da confiança e seu impacto na performance logística ainda não estão claros. Esta pesquisa empírica examina a confiança nas relações entre compradores e fornecedores no setor de logística no Brasil, através de duas amostras e estudos independentes: um examina a percepção dos compradores e o outro examina a dos fornecedores. Em seguida, os dois estudos são comparados para determinar as diferentes perspectivas da confiança e as implicações na performance logística. A análise multivariada mostrou que a confiança parece estar presente nas relações interorganizacionais, e é a percepção do comprador que possui maior relação com a performance logística. Ao mesmo tempo, compradores percebem fornecedores de forma mais negativa nas dimensões mensuráveis (competência e performance), enquanto não foram encontradas diferenças nos aspectos sociais (honestidade e benevolência), o que pode ser resultado do ambiente e cultura pesquisados. As análises mostraram que, apesar da confiança poder ser definida como um construto multidimensional, ela deve ser operacionalizada como um construto unidimensional direcionado pela competência e credibilidade. Este estudo contribui para a prática sugerindo formas de aumentar a confiança interorganizacional para aumento da performance.
This doctoral thesis is about global brands under several perspectives, starting this study with and overview on the matter, followed by a "step ahead" in the conceptualization of brand equity and brand value. As the global marketplace dynamically increases, there are theoretical and empirical challenges concerning the global brands that ask for more branding researches, trying to tune and to contextualize meanings and attributes. Thereafter, the thesis intends to provide a discussion about the industry and country-of-origin effects (and their interactions) on the brand value and the firm market value. Finally, the thesis offers an interesting comparison about the practitioners’ perspectives on the dimensions of global brands, the brand equity and the brand value, branding and marketing, including highlights on the brand internationalization process. The thesis offers a general approach on the extant literature in the first chapter, and a specific literature review for each other chapter.
Worldwide reports about energy usage have noted the importance of the domestic energy consumption sector in the worldwide scenario. This fact motivated and supported the birth and spread of the so-called eco-feedback devices. Such devices provide information about individual or group energy consumption behavior with the goal of reducing the impact in the environment. Motivated by the body of work which questions the long term effectiveness of eco-feedback systems, this thesis focus on evaluating in-the-wild the long term usage of eco-feedback systems. We have conducted five long term studies with different eco-feedback systems designed to evaluate different dimensions in the design of eco-feedback plus two more focused short term studies aimed at studying concrete approaches. Our summary reports on the fact that the there is a novelty effect associated with ecofeedback systems in which the usage of these devices declines significantly after a month. We did not found evidence that the novelty effect is related to location or the type of information represented, nor that the decrease in the eco-feedback usage could lead to the consumption relapsing to values previous to the introduction of the eco-feedback. Our work has also generated other contributions related to the positioning of the feedback, using metaphors for representing the consumption and presenting information about the source of the energy in the feedback.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The problem of confinement of neutral fermions in two-dimensional space-time is approached with a pseudoscalar double-step potential in the Dirac equation. Bound-state solutions are obtained when the coupling is of sufficient intensity. The confinement is made plausible by arguments based on effective mass and anomalous magnetic interaction. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.