238 resultados para Cuticle
A solution culture experiment was conducted to examine the effect of Cu toxicity on Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana), a pasture species used in mine site rehabilitation. The experiment used dilute, solution culture to achieve external nutrient concentrations which were representative of the soil solution, and ion exchange resins to maintain stable concentrations of Cu in solution. Copper toxicity was damaged plant roots, with symptoms ranging from disruption of the root cuticle and reduced root hair proliferation, to severe deformation of root structure. A reduction in root growth was observed at an external Cu concentration of
Body parts that can reflect highly polarized light have been found in several species of stomatopod crustaceans (mantis shrimps). These polarized light reflectors can be grossly divided into two major types. The first type, usually red or pink in color to the human visual system, is located within an animal’s cuticle. Reflectors of the second type, showing iridescent blue, are located beneath the exoskeleton and thus are unaffected by the molt cycle. We used reflection spectropolarimetry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the reflective properties and the structures that reflect highly polarized light in stomatopods. For the first type of reflector, the degree of polarization usually changes dramatically, from less than 20% to over 70%, with a change in viewing angle. TEM examination indicates that the polarization reflection is generated by multilayer thin-film interference. The second type of reflector, the blue colored ones, reflects highly polarized light to all viewing angles. However, these reflectors show a slight chromatic change with different viewing angles. TEM sections have revealed that streams of oval-shaped vesicles might be responsible for the production of the polarized light reflection. In all the reflectors we have examined so far, the reflected light is always maximally polarized at around 500 nm, which is close to the wavelength best transmitted by sea water. This suggests that the polarized light reflectors found in stomatopods are well adapted to the underwater environment. We also found that most reflectors produce polarized light with a horizontal e-vector. How these polarized light reflectors are used in stomatopod signaling remains unknown.
The fossil arthropod Class Trilobita is characterised by the possession of a highly mineralised dorsal exoskeleton with an incurved marginal flange (doublure). This cuticle is usually the only part of the organism to be preserved. Despite the common occurrence of trilobites in Palaeozoic sediments, the original exoskeletal mineralogy has not been determined previously. Petrographic data involving over seventy trilobite species, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, together with atomic absorption and stable isotope analyses, indicate a primary low-magnesian calcite composition. Trilobite cuticles exhibit a variety of preservational textures which are related to the different diagenetic realms through which they have passed. A greater knowledge of post-depositional processes and the specific features they produce, has enabled post-mortem artefacts to be distinguished from primary cuticular microstructures. Alterations of the cuticle can either enhance or destroy primary features, and their effects are best observed in thin-sections, both under transmitted light and cathodoluminescence. Well-preserved trilobites often retain primary microstructures such as laminations, canals, and tubercles. These have been examined in stained thin-sections and by scanning electron microscopy, from as wide a range of trilobites as possible. Construction of sensory field maps has shown that although the basic organisation of the exoskeleton is the same in all trilobites, the types of microstructures found, and their distribution is species-specific. The composition, microstructure, and architecture of the trilobite exoskeleton have also been studied from a biomechanical viewpoint. Total cuticle thickness, and the relative proportions of the different layers, together with the overall architecture all affected the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton.
Rudraksha, used throughout India and Southeast Asia in religious jewellery, is the stony endocarp of a tree distributed from northern Australia to southern Nepal. This article summarizes its biology, particularly recent research on the remarkable fruit colour. The iridescent blue colour is caused by a remarkable structure an 'iridosome'. It is secreted by the epidermal cell, and is located above the plasmalemma and beneath the adaxial wall. Cellulosic layers within the iridosome constructively interfere with blue wavelengths, causing an intense colour production at 439 nm. This colour persists in senescing fruits and may enhance their dispersal. The transparency of the cuticle at longer wavelengths allows photosynthesis to occur in the fleshy green exocarp tissue, enhancing the carbon balance of the tree. More research will certainly reveal the evolution of this remarkable phenomenon, as well as the origins of the rudraksha's cultural use.
The currently main development model on global society is driven by an economic rationality that endangers the environment and social justice. More and more, attention to this way of production and consumption is increasing, boosting research for sustainable development, with an environmental rationality that can harmonize nature preservation and welfare of all socioeconomic classes. One of the efforts on this sense is changing the sources supplying the energy demand, replacing fossil fuels for renewable and cleaner sources, such as biofuels. Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) is an oilseed crop with potential for biodiesel production, with good oil yield and chemical profile, allied to good adaptation to climates such like the northeastern semiarid lands of Brazil. With public policies fomentation, the use of this species may be an interesting alternative for family farming. In farming in general, the use of pesticides to prevent and combat diseases and plagues is common, which is not a sustainable practice. Thus, there are researched alternative, less dangerous substances. In this study, it was aimed to assess if neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract (20% m/v) and Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate) have effects on safflower. It was also aimed to verify acceptance of farmers on safflower crop in Apodi, a municipality in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, in view of it being localized in the aimed region for this crop cultivation. Besides that, understanding that the farmers’ knowledge and inclination to adopt the crop is fundamental for the introduction of this species and socioeconomic growth due to its exploration. In addition, a booklet with basic information on safflower was produced. In the field experiment, the fungicides were pulverized on plants cultivated in field experimental plots, with collection of leaf samples for analysis on anatomy, cuticle, and epicuticular wax morphology, the protective layer that interfaces with the surrounding ambient. In Apodi, forty-five farmers from Potiguar Cooperative of Apiculture and Sustainable Rural Development (COOPAPI) underwent semi-structured interviews, which also addressed their assessment on currently cultivated crops and perception of pesticide uses and sustainable alternatives. After comparing using analysis of variance, it was found that there was no difference between treatments in the experiment, as well as no anatomical or morphological modifications. Safflower acceptation among farmers was wide, with 84% of interviewees believing in a perspective of good incomes. The current scenario, comprised of low crop diversity, fragile in face of droughts and plagues, can partially explain this opinion. The booklet was effective in catching people attention for the species potential. There was wide acknowledgement on the importance of alternative pesticides, justified by health security. Based on the assessed parameter in the results of this research, the treatments here utilized may be recommended as fungicides for safflower. Given the crop susceptibility to fungi in heavy rainy period, it is advised that its potential introduction on the region shall be focused on semiarid areas.
Because the interactions between feedforward influences are inextricably linked during many motor outputs (including but not limited to walking), the contribution of descending inputs to the generation of movements is difficult to study. Here we take advantage of the relatively small number of descending neurons (DNs) in the Drosophila melanogaster model system. We first characterize the number and distribution of the DN populations, then present a novel load free preparation, which enables the study of descending control on limb movements in a context where sensory feedback can be is reduced while leaving the nervous system, musculature, and cuticle of the animal relatively intact. Lastly we use in-vivo whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology to characterize the role of individual DNs in response to specific sensory stimuli and in relationship to movement. We find that there are approximately 1100 DNs in Drosophila that are distributed across six clusters. Input from these DNs is not necessary for coordinated motor activity, which can be generated by the thoracic ganglion, but is necessary for the specific combinations of joint movements typically observed in walking. Lastly, we identify a particular cluster of DNs that are tuned to sensory stimuli and innervate the leg neuromeres. We propose that a multi-layered interaction between these DNs, other DNs, and motor circuits in the thoracic ganglia enable the diverse but well-coordinated range of motor outputs an animal might exhibit.
v. 13, n. 2, p. 82-92, 2016.
Metazoans rely on efficient mechanisms to oppose infections caused by pathogens. The immediate and first-line defense mechanism(s) in metazoans, referred to as the innate immune system, is initiated upon recognition of microbial intruders by germline encoded receptors and is executed by a set of rapid effector mechanisms. Adaptive immunity is restricted to vertebrate species and it is controlled and assisted by the innate immune system. Interestingly, most of the basic signaling cascades that regulate the primeval innate defense mechanism(s) have been well conserved during evolution, for instance between humans and the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Being devoid of adaptive signaling and effector systems, Drosophila has become an established model system for studying pristine innate immune cascades and reactions. In general, an immune response is evoked when microorganisms pass the fruit fly’s physical barriers (e.g. cuticle, epithelial lining of gut and trachea), and it is mainly executed in the hemolymph, the equivalent of the mammalian blood. Innate immunity in the fruit fly consists of a phenoloxidase (PO) response, a cellular response (hemocytes), an antiviral response, and the NF-κB dependent production of antimicrobial peptides referred to as the humoral response. The JAK/STAT and Jun kinase signaling cascades are also implicated in the defence against pathogens.
We describe a one-step bio-refinery process for shrimp composites by-products. Its originality lies in a simple rapid (6 h) biotechnological cuticle fragmentation process that recovers all major compounds (chitins, peptides and minerals in particular calcium). The process consists of a controlled exogenous enzymatic proteolysis in a food-grade acidic medium allowing chitin purification (solid phase), and recovery of peptides and minerals (liquid phase). At a pH of between 3.5 and 4, protease activity is effective, and peptides are preserved. Solid phase demineralization kinetics were followed for phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and citric acids with pKa ranging from 2.1 to 4.76. Formic acid met the initial aim of (i) 99 % of demineralization yield and (ii) 95 % deproteinization yield at a pH close to 3.5 and a molar ratio of 1.5. The proposed one-step process is proven to be efficient. To formalize the necessary elements for the future optimization of the process, two models to predict shell demineralization kinetics were studied, one based on simplified physical considerations and a second empirical one. The first model did not accurately describe the kinetics for times exceeding 30 minutes, the empirical one performed adequately.
The exocarp, or skin, of fleshy fruit is a specialized tissue that protects the fruit, attracts seed dispersing fruit eaters, and has large economical relevance for fruit quality. Development of the exocarp involves regulated activities of many genes. This research analyzed global gene expression in the exocarp of developing sweet cherry (Prunus avium L., 'Regina'), a fruit crop species with little public genomic resources. A catalog of transcript models (contigs) representing expressed genes was constructed from de novo assembled short complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences generated from developing fruit between flowering and maturity at 14 time points. Expression levels in each sample were estimated for 34 695 contigs from numbers of reads mapping to each contig. Contigs were annotated functionally based on BLAST, gene ontology and InterProScan analyses. Coregulated genes were detected using partitional clustering of expression patterns. The results are discussed with emphasis on genes putatively involved in cuticle deposition, cell wall metabolism and sugar transport. The high temporal resolution of the expression patterns presented here reveals finely tuned developmental specialization of individual members of gene families. Moreover, the de novo assembled sweet cherry fruit transcriptome with 7760 full-length protein coding sequences and over 20 000 other, annotated cDNA sequences together with their developmental expression patterns is expected to accelerate molecular research on this important tree fruit crop.
Los ascomicetos mitospóricos entomopatógenos, que actúan por vía tegumentaria, han sido utilizados para el control microbiano de plagas mediante distintas estrategias que permiten el contacto de sus conidios con los insectos diana. Sin embargo, se conocen nuevos aspectos sobre su función ecológica tales como su capacidad secretora de compuestos con actividad insecticida, así como su sorprendente comportamiento como endófitos, que complementan su empleo clásico y que pueden pantag ermitir el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de control de plagas. El empleo conjunto de estos hongos y sus extractos para el control de un insecto polífago de importancia mundial Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) es abordado en el capítulo II, donde se pone de manifiesto la existencia de variación intra- e interespecífica en la virulencia y estrategias patogénicas de las cepas de Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium brunneum evaluadas frente a larvas del noctuido. La aplicación conjunta de cepas con distintas estrategias patogénicas junto con sus extractos a larvas del lepidóptero tuvo efecto aditivo, y alguno antagónico, de lo que depende su empleo conjunto. Los capítulos III y IV revelan la existencia de colonización endofítica transitoria tras la aplicación foliar de suspensiones de conidios de cepas de las especies mencionadas en alfalfa, tomate y melón, así como el impacto de esta colonización sobre dos fitófagos con diferentes hábitos de alimentación, uno masticador S. littoralis y otro picador-suctor Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). El capítulo III muestra la contribución aditiva de la mortalidad causada por la alimentación de larvas de S. littoralis a expensas de material vegetal colonizado endofíticamente por cepas de B. bassiana y M. anisopliae con la debida al tratamiento tópico de las mismas con las suspensiones fúngicas. El origen de la mortalidad iniciada a través de la vía digestiva en larvas de este lepidóptero permanece incierto para las cepas de B. bassiana, pero podría estar asociado a la presencia en la planta de metabolitos fúngicos en las cepas de M. brunneum como denota la presencia de destruxina (dtx) A en el 11,0% de los cadáveres. El capítulo IV revela que cepas de ambas especies fúngicas pueden iniciar ciclos de infección en insectos picadores-suctores cuando se alimentan a expensas de sustrato vegetal colonizado endofíticamente, si bien, ambas especies presentan estrategias diferentes. Así, B. bassiana muestra una gran capacidad para colonizar el melón, incluso con efecto traslaminar, que causa la infección de ninfas de B. tabaci por contacto con el tegumento. Sin embargo, la mortalidad de las mismas causada por M. brunneum, de crecimiento mucho más localizado en la hoja, está relacionada una vez mas con la presencia de dtx A en el 43,0% de los cadáveres. Estos resultados deben ser considerados para la evaluación del impacto real de los tratamientos con hongos entomopatógenos, y abren nuevas vías en el control de plagas.
As células do corpo gorduroso de Pachycondyla (=Neoponera) villosa distribuem-se como uma única camada entre a cutícula e o trato digestivo, formando um conjunto de células agrupadas e recobertas por uma fina membrana. Não foram identificados tipos celulares distintos por meio da ultramorfologia, porém a histologia revelou três tipos celulares distintos: os trofócitos, mais abundantes, as células de urato, distribuídas por entre os trofócitos, e os enócitos, menos abundantes que os demais. Os enócitos são comumente observados próximos da cutícula. Histoquimicamente, os trofócitos apresentaram reação positiva para proteínas básicas no núcleo e no citoplasma e reação fortemente positiva nos grânulos citoplasmáticos. O teste para carboidratos foi fortemente positivo em todo o citoplasma, enquanto para os lipídeos observou-se reação positiva nas vesículas citoplasmáticas. em relação às células de urato, estas apresentaram reação positiva para proteínas básicas no núcleo e citoplasma, por entre as vesículas. Essas células não apresentaram reação para o teste de PAS e Sudan Black B. Quanto aos enócitos, estes apresentaram citoplasma fracamente positivo ao PAS e fortemente positivo ao Sudan Black B e para o azul de bromofenol.
The aim of this study is to understand the biological role of Serratia quinivorans BXF1, a bacterium commonly found associated with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the plant parasitic nematode responsible for pine wilt disease. Therefore, we studied strain BXF1 effect in pine wilt disease. We found that strain BXF1 promoted in vitro nematode reproduction. Moreover, the presence of bacteria led to the absence of nematode chitinase gene (Bxcht-1) expression, suggesting an effect for bacterial chitinase in nematode reproduction. Nevertheless, strain BXF1 was unable to colonize the nematode interior, bind to its cuticle with high affinity or protect the nematode from xenobiotic stress. Interestingly, strain BXF1 was able to promote tomato and pine plant-growth, as well as to colonize its interior, thus, acting like a plant-growth promoting endophyte. Consequently, strain BXF1 failed to induce wilting symptoms when inoculated in pine shoot artificial incisions. This bacterium also presented strong antagonistic activities against fungi and bacteria isolated from Pinus pinaster. Our results suggest that B. xylophilus does not possess a strict symbiotic community capable of inducing pine wilt disease symptoms as previously hypothesized. We show that bacteria like BXF1, which possess plant-growth promoting and antagonistic effects, may be opportunistically associated with B. xylophilus, possibly acquired from the bacterial endophytic community of the host pine.