948 resultados para Cultures de plein champ


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production using mixed microbial cultures (MMC) requires a multi-stage process involving the microbial selection of PHA-storing microorganisms, typically operated in sequencing batch reactors (SBR), and an accumulation reactor. Since low-cost renewable feedstocks used as process feedstock are often nitrogen-deficient, nutrient supply in the selection stage is required to allow for microbial growth. In this context, the possibility to uncouple nitrogen supply from carbon feeding within the SBR cycle has been investigated in this study. Moreover, three different COD:N ratios (100:3.79, 100:3.03 and 100:2.43) were tested in three different runs which also allowed the study of COD:N ratio on the SBR performance. For each run, a synthetic mixture of acetic and propionic acids at an overall organic load rate of 8.5 gCOD L-1 d-1 was used as carbon feedstock, whereas ammonium sulfate was the nitrogen source in a lab-scale sequence batch reactor (SBR) with 1 L of working volume. Besides, a sludge retention time (SRT) of 1 d was used as well as a 6 h cycle length. The uncoupled feeding strategy significantly enhanced the selective pressure towards PHA-storing microorganisms, resulting in a two-fold increase in the PHA production (up to about 1.3 gCOD L-1). A high storage response was observed for the two runs with the COD:N ratios (gCOD:gN) of 100:3.79 and 100:3.03, whereas the lowest investigated nitrogen load resulted in very poor performance in terms of polymer production. In fact, strong nitrogen limitation caused fungi to grow and a very poor storage ability by microorganisms that thrived in those conditions. The COD:N ratio also affected the polymer composition, indeed the produced poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) showed a variable HV content (1-20 %, w/w) among the three runs, lessening as the COD:N increased. This clearly suggests the possibility to use the COD:N ratio as a tool for tuning polymer properties regardless the composition of the feedstock.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural biologically synthesized polymers that have been the subject of much interest in the last decades due to their biodegradability. Thus far, its microbial production is associated with high operational costs, which increases PHA prices and limits its marketability. To address this situation, this thesis’ work proposes the utilization of photosynthetic mixed cultures (PMC) as a new PHA production system that may lead to a reduction in operational costs. In fact, the operational strategies developed in this work led to the selection of PHA accumulating PMCs that, unlike the traditional mixed microbial cultures, do not require aeration, thus permitting savings in this significant operational cost. In particular, the first PHA accumulating PMC tested in this work was selected under non-aerated illuminated conditions in a feast and famine regime, being obtained a consortium of bacteria and algae, where photosynthetic bacteria accumulated PHA during the feast phase and consumed it for growth during the famine phase, using the oxygen produced by algae. In this symbiotic system, a maximum PHA content of 20% cell dry weight (cdw) was reached, proving for the first time, the capacity of a PMC to accumulate PHA. During adaptation to dark/light alternating conditions, the culture decreased its algae content but maintained its viability, achieving a PHA content of 30% cdw. Also, the PMC was found to be able to utilize different volatile fatty acids for PHA production, accumulating up to 20% cdw of a PHA co-polymer composed of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (HV) monomers. Finally, a new selective approach for the enrichment of PMCs in PHA accumulating bacteria was tested. Instead of imposing a feast and famine regime, a permanent feast regime was used, thus selecting a PMC that was capable of simultaneously growing and accumulating PHA, being attained a maximum PHA content of 60% cdw, the highest value reported for a PMC thus far. The results presented in this thesis prospect the utilization of cheap, VFA-rich fermented wastes as substrates for PHA production, which combined with this new photosynthetic technology opens up the possibility for direct sunlight illumination, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable PHA production process.


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Evidence concerning the presence or absence of common neuronglia lineages in the postnatal mammalian central nervous system is still a matter of speculation. We address this problem using optic nerve explants, which show an extremely long survival in culture. Morphological, immunocytochemical and immunochemical methods were applied. The results obtained from in vitro tissue were compared with optic nerves (ONs) and whole-brain samples from animals of different ages. Newborn rat ONs represented the starting material of our tissue culture; they are composed of unmyelinated axons, astrocytes and progenitor cells but devoid of neuronal cell bodies. At this age, Western blots of ONs were positively stained by neurofilament and synapsin I specific antibodies. These bands increased in intensity during postnatal in situ development. In explant cultures, the glia cells reach a stage of functional differentiation and they maintain, together with undifferentiated cells, a complex histotypic organization. After 6 days in vitro, neurofilaments and synapsin I could not be detected on immunoblots, indicating that 1) axonal degeneration was completed, and 2) neuronal somata were absent at the time. Surprisingly, after about 4-5 weeks in culture, a new cell type appeared, which showed characteristics typical of neurons. After 406 days in vitro, neurofilaments and synapsin I were unequivocally detectable on Western blots. Furthermore, both immunocytochemical staining and light and electron microscopic examinations corroborated the presence of this earlier-observed cell type. These in vitro results clearly show the high developmental plasticity of ON progenitor cells, even late in development. The existence of a common neuron-glia precursor, which never gives rise to neurons in situ, is suggested.


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Introduction 1.1 Le sujet cérébral, rencontre entre le biologique et le social L'objectif de ce travail est d'éclairer une des voies par lesquelles le phénomène anthropologique de l'individualité prend corps au sein de l'environnement contemporain. L'individualisme est compris comme les divers processus par lesquels la détermination du sujet tend à s'autonomiser des appartenances préconstituées. Il est la forme sociologique qui gouverne la façon contemporaine de faire société depuis l'avènement de la «modernité ». Le choix de l'angle de la cérébralité pour aborder la question de recherche repose sur le postulat qu'une des particularités culturelles de la figure du sujet individuel contemporain est la tendance à attribuer aux mécanismes cérébraux le rôle déterminant dans la constitution de la subjectivité du sujet. Dès lors, si aujourd'hui, penser le cerveau c'est penser l'humain, il s'agit d'un phénomène anthropologique qui demande à être explicité. Il m'appartient de démontrer que le champ des neurosciences se profile comme révélateur privilégié pour observer comment penser l'individualité concorde avec l'établissement de vérités relatives au cérébral' . Faire l'anthropologie du proche et de l'actuel a ses intérêts mais comporte aussi des risques. La perte de ce qui faisait le moteur de la recherche anthropologique -l'altérité donnée des sujets de son observation - a été compensée par l'émergence de nouveaux objets de travail et par des reconfigurations des rapports que l'anthropologue entretient avec son terrain. Le renouvellement du cadre de réflexion opéré par l'anthropologie au cours du siècle écoulé suit les transformations des pratiques sociales, culturelles et économiques qui s'opèrent au niveau mondial. L'échelle désormais planétaire de la circulation des acteurs sociaux et des objets de savoir a forcé la discipline à revoir la grille de lecture qui a longtemps opposé sociétés traditionnelles à sociétés modernes. La prise de conscience de la caducité du grand partage a engagé les anthropologues à s'intéresser à des phénomènes en rapport avec des problèmes rencontrés au sein de leur propre collectif et, dans le même mouvement, les a amenée à repenser les articulations entre le global et le local, le particulier et l'universel. Le bouleversement heuristique généré par ce repositionnement n'est toutefois pas exempt de nouvelles difficultés pour la recherche ethnographique. En se posant le défi d'étudier des traits culturels propres à sa société d'appartenance, l'anthropologie s'ouvre à des terrains enquête sur la façon dont, dans le monde occidental, le constat toujours plus pesant de la discordance entre les phénomènes de vieillissement cognitif et l'allongement de l'espérance de vie est traité. Dans une démarche ethnographique, il s'agit de voir quelles sont les logiques d'action et les pratiques sociales développées en réponse à ces inadéquations. La thématique impose une navigation entre des domaines théoriques spécialisés et des champs d'activités possédant chacun leurs cadres de référence. Une telle entreprise suppose une multiplication des systèmes de référence devant être pris en compte. Toutes les disciplines approchées au cours de ce travail abondent en métaphores utiles à la mise en ordre de leur pensée et à la description de leurs objets de travail. Toutefois, faire résonner entre elles les différentes «cultures épistémiques » (Knorr-Cetina, 1999) pour mieux faire apparaître la trame sociale qui constitue leur arrière-fond équivaut souvent à forcer le trait. Le sens des mots varie selon leurs champs d'application et l'exercice de la mise en résonance peut s'avérer périlleux. Je me suis efforcée tout au long de ces pages de préciser de quel point de vue les énoncés considérés sont formulés. L'analyse anthropologique étant guidée par la recherche des points de liaison entre les différents registres, la démarche est forcément limitée dans le niveau d'approfondissement auquel elle peut tendre. Elle risque de décevoir les lecteurs experts dans les domaines soumis à la grille de lecture de cette discipline, non familiers avec les concepts anthropologiques. Il est probable qu'un certain flou subsiste dans la façon dont ces énoncés sont décris par rapport au traitement dont ils sont l'objet dans leurs disciplines respectives. Si on perd de vue la préoccupation centrale de l'anthropologie, consistant à éclairer le système de valeurs commun sous-tendant les pratiques sociales observées, la lecture d'un tel travail risque effectivement de rater son but. En revanche, en acceptant d'emblée de se prêter à un décentrement par rapport à son modèle disciplinaire, le lecteur doit pouvoir appréhender des aspects intéressant ses propres pratiques. S'intéresser à ce qui relie les savoirs et les pratiques au sein d'un monde commun, voilà un programme heuristique qui va à l'encontre de la logique de spécialisation.


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by a combined biochemical and double-labeling immunocytochemical study for the developmental expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and glutamine synthetase (GS). It was found that these two astroglial markers are co-expressed at different developmental stages in vitro. During the phase of cellular maturation (i.e. between days 14 and 34), GFAP levels and GS activity increase rapidly and in parallel. At the same time, the number of immunoreactive cells increase while the long and thick processes staining in early cultures gradually disappear. The present results demonstrate that in this particular cell culture system only one type of astrocytes develops which expresses both GFAP and GS and which attains a relatively high degree of maturation.


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Previous work has shown that aggregate cultures prepared from fetal rat telencephalon and grown in a chemically defined medium offer a useful model to study developmental processes such as myelin synthesis. Since compact myelin is formed in these cultures, we investigated the possibility to use this culture system to study demyelinating mechanisms. In particular, we examined the effect of a monoclonal antibody (8-18C5) directed against the myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). We found that addition of anti-MOG antibodies and complement to aggregate cultures led to a highly significant decrease in myelin basic protein (MBP) content and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) specific activity. These results indicate that, in our culture system, anti-MOG antibodies have a strong demyelinating effect.


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Rotation-mediated aggregating brain cell cultures at two different maturational stages (DIV 11 and DIV 20) were subjected for 1 or 2 hours to ischaemic conditions by transient immobilization (arrest of media circulation). During recovery, cell damage was evaluated by measuring changes in cell type-specific enzyme activities and total protein content. It was found that in immature cultures (DIV 11), immobilization for 1 or 2 hours did not affect the parameters measured. By contrast, at DIV 20, ischaemic conditions for 1 hour caused a pronounced decrease in the activities of glutamic acid decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase. A significant decrease in these neuron-specific enzyme activities was found at post-ischaemic days 1-14, indicating immediate and irreversible neuronal damage. The activity of the astrocyte-specific enzyme, glutamine synthetase, was significantly increased at 4 days post-treatment; equal to control values at 6 days; and significantly decreased at 14 days after the ischaemic insult. Immobilization of DIV 20 cultures for 2 hours caused a drastic reduction in all the parameters measured at post-ischaemic day 6. Generally, the ischaemic conditions appeared to be more detrimental to neurons than to astrocytes, and GABAergic neurons were more affected than cholinergic neurons.


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College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (a) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning; (b) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect; and (c) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.