751 resultados para Cultural context


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A metamorfose, de acordo com Jean Chevalier e Alan Gheerbrant, é definida neste estudo como a transformação física e/ou comportamental de um ser em outro, sem a perda da identidade e ciência do primeiro ser. Esta transformação é um fenômeno recursivo em diversas mitologias e culturas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estabelecer, numa abordagem comparativa, as correlações e diferenças entre o tema da metamorfose recorrente nos mitos gregos relatados por Homero, em sua Odisseia, nos mitos gregos descrevidos pelo poeta latino Publius Ovidius Naso, conhecido como Ovídio, em sua obra Metamorfoses, nos cinco primeiros livros, e entre as narrativas orais que referem casos de metamorfoses ocorridos no município de Belém do Pará, inventariadas no período de 1994 a 2004. Foram consideradas as obras Odisseia e Metamorfoses por serem ambas, respectivamente, expoentes da literatura ocidental de uma Grécia dos séculos VIII a VII a.C e de uma Grécia do século I d.C retratada pelo poeta latino Ovídio, e que carregam o tema da metamorfose. Isto porque o estudo prévio ratifica a formação de índices míticos não somente nas narrativas da mitologia grega, mas também nos casos de metamorfoses oriundos de Belém. Em todo o caso, nota-se a configuração espaço-temporal como entidades que sedimentam e organizam o mundo mítico, articulando tais dimensões a representações no mundo físico-espiritual. O tema da metamorfose, contudo, é conformado de forma diferenciada, conforme o contexto histórico-cultural de cada narrativa, o que é refletido na multiplicidade de símbolos e sentidos perseguidos por cada narrativa. A fim de enriquecer o estudo dos símbolos e do contexto histórico-geográfico dos mitos gregos abordados, utilizam-se como fonte complementar os manuais de Junito Brandão, a saber, a obra Mitologia de Junito Brandão, nos volumes I, II e III, bem como os dois volumes do Dicionário Mítico-Etimológico da Mitologia Grega. Para uma análise comparativa mais eficaz, precisou-se ir além do estudo contextual de produção e representação dos códigos subjacentes a cada narrativa, pois o mito, nas palavras de Ernest Cassirer, é experimentado na consciência, porém é anterior a ela; o homem vive o mito, logo, o mito é anterior ao homem, posto que à medida que toma consciência de sua existência e das relações que tece com o mundo, o homem se vale do mito para estabelecer relações de valor e sentido, bem como representações para singularizar suas experiências. Trata-se, portanto, de uma questão filosófica de vital importância, por isso, buscou-se, para este estudo lítero-narratológico, os fundamentos da Filosofia da mitologia, junto a considerações de uma Antropologia cultural, associado ao levantamento contextual-histórico do cosmo que constitui cada narrativa, a fim de lançar bases elucidativas sobre as relações do homem com seu mundo a partir de determinadas transformações. Sob este foco, diante da pesquisa prévia das narrativas que serão analisadas, percebeu-se que as metamorfoses apresentavam maiores ocorrências quando: 1) simbolizavam o mal na figura dos metamorfoseados; 2) apresentavam motivações de cunho sexual e 3) consistiam em explicações para acontecimentos do mundo físico-espiritual. Trata-se de uma divisão metodológica que objetiva viabilizar a organização e visualização do estudo comparado. Conclui-se, então, que além de possibilitar a leitura e o conhecimento dos mitos gregos e de relatos da Amazônia pelos símbolos constituídos na consciência mítica, este estudo pode servir como uma base para verificação do exercício literário da linguagem criadora por meio do narrar, bem como ampliar a compreensão do que seja e faz a consciência humana enquanto arrimo para a difusão de comportamentos e crenças compartilhados pelo indivíduo em sociedade.


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Na Amazônia as plantas medicinais são um dos principais recursos para o tratamento de diversas doenças, dado o contexto cultural, o acesso, confiabilidade e baixo custo em comparação aos medicamentos industriais. Nesse contexto, encontra-se o Distrito de Marudá, no Município de Marapanim, a 160 Km da capital Belém, onde é comum o uso de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de agravos à saúde. O Brasil registra vários levantamentos de espécies vegetais utilizadas na fitoterapia popular de um grupo humano, aplicando-se metodologias etnoorientadas como etnobotânica e etnofarmácia, para inventariar a flora. Este trabalho objetiva investigar a prática da fitoterapia popular pelos moradores do bairro do Sossego, incluindo um grupo de mulheres denominado Erva Vida no Distrito de Marudá - PA, ilustrando a importância das plantas medicinais para este grupo humano em termos culturais, econômicos e ambientais. Para isso realizou-se um levantamento etnofarmacêutico visando identificar as plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população local. Foram entrevistados 18 praticantes da fitoterapia popular (pessoas detentoras de conhecimento sobre as plantas medicinais) que foram indicados pela própria comunidade do bairro do Sossego, seguindo a técnica bola-de-neve ou “Snow Ball”. As mulheres do Grupo Erva Vida, por também serem detentoras de conhecimentos sobre as plantas medicinais também foram entrevistadas. Foram citadas 96 etnoespécies de uso medicinal, segundo as informantes, elas distribuem-se em 44 famílias, destacando-se a Lamiaceae, com 11 etnoespécies (11,70%) e Asteraceae, com 7 etnoespécies (7,44%). O agravo mais citado é a febre, tratada com a planta anador que possui a maior Frequência relativa de alegação de uso (FRAPS), com 100% das indicações, seguida da arruda com 88% para tratar a dor de cabeça. Estas duas plantas apresentam potencial para mais estudos farmacológicos para validar suas alegações de uso popular. O presente trabalho registra o saber popular sobre a fitoterapia popular praticada no bairro do Sossego, Marudá – Marapanim, PA e traz subsídios para futuros projetos para o desenvolvimento de arranjos produtivos locais com fitoterápicos e para a utilização de remédios preparados pelo Grupo Erva Vida na atenção básica a saúde no Distrito assim induzindo o Desenvolvimento Local em Marudá.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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When I set out to attend degree in mathematics was because I believed that mathematics could be taught to students in a way closer to their daily lives, thereby making it a more attractive school discipline, gradually, eliminating its reputation of a difficult school subject. Then, during my observations in supervised, I realized that one of the greatest difficulties in mathematics was related with geometry, in which the concepts of area and perimeter were often confused. Using the methodological tool of problem solving, something to bring the concept to be developed and the cultural context in which the student is in, I developed some educational activities in which, using concrete materials, students were encouraged to construct their own knowledge about the concepts of area and perimeter. Moreover, such activities were designed to place the student as the center of attention in the classroom. The main objective of this work is to encourage and observe how this methodology, based on the solving problem process, can be used within the classroom, to better understand the concepts to be taught, always looking for improvement of the student learning


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This work aims to study and see the importance of building the image and reputation of the artist through a publishing of public relations, public recital, new technologies, media, cultural production and curatorial work. To this, we analyzed the history of the profession of public relations in Brazil. As well as their concepts, practices and definitions. Focus on work of publicist and cultural production sectors. The choice of theme is done by the need to understand the relationships. That intertwines in the art market and what media that best reaches in their audiences. Considering the artist-consumer relationship, and the relationship brand-artist and artist-public. And so, the importance of this advice means less explored public relations, for the creation of the brand concept for the artist before his public. Considered in this work as a gallery, art dealer, curator, media and consumers. In this context an analysis is done on diverse views on the market of the arts through specific interview. This interviews was made with professionals working in the cultural sector. And help to understand the communication segments that exist and the current conditions of the market in the context of competitiveness. As was considered the academic education of the public relations professional, it geared to the cultural context, the interviews with professional future. And then was considered that public relations presents itself as a proposal for better communication in the arts. They are concern to create concepts of brand identity-thinking artist and the best means for the artist to be present in this area


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The education is a fundamental part of a human life, extrapolating formal aspects and can be experienced in different existence activities. When the education is analyzed under a cultural context, it's noticed the influence of the education on docent and students formation, being the reproduction of this context. Thus, three aims were stablished: a) revise Marx literature about alienation; b) analyze and compare the understanding of alienation in Bauman's and Castoriadis' theory; c) suggest, from the theoretical readings, a search path in education area. For this purpose, a simple theoretical research was performed, showing the recurrent categories found in a literature review. Besides, the current context is discussed from a sociological and pedagogical point of view, focusing on raise important questioning for the educational area. The results pointed out that in a society characterized by liquid pragmatism, the students turn out to reflect their current society. It is expected - inside the limit of this study - to contributing to the formation of an education more aware of its culture that surrounds them


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Current paper discusses manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry as one of the distinguishing characteristics within the Parnassian orientations predominant in his cultural context. The particular way that Kilkerry employs the sublime´s expedients demonstrates the dialogue of his poetry with Romantic ideals, whose traits in his lyrical stance are directly linked to Symbolist influence, far from traditional Parnassian models. The sublime in Kilkerry develops through an elliptical and suggestive language that demonstrates the impossibility of the ideal being directly expressed and shows the affinity of his poetic work with the idealist crisis that marks post-Romantic poetry and provides the basis on which the poetics of Modernity is structured. The poetry of Pedro Kilkerry develops within a complex zone of convergence between the models provided by the Parnassian aesthetic, Romantic idealism with an atavic presence to Symbolism, and the search for new answers to old idealistic concerns. The meeting of these three conflictive currents, perceptible in the manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry, demonstrates his lyrical sensitivity to the trends of Modernity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Over the past several decades, the topic of child development in a cultural context has received a great deal of theoretical and empirical investigation. Investigators from the fields of indigenous and cultural psychology have argued that childhood is socially and historically constructed, rather than a universal process with a standard sequence of developmental stages or descriptions. As a result, many psychologists have become doubtful that any stage theory of cognitive or socialemotional development can be found to be valid for all times and places. In placing more theoretical emphasis on contextual processes, they define culture as a complex system of common symbolic action patterns (or scripts) built up through everyday human social interaction by means of which individuals create common meanings and in terms of which they organize experience. Researchers understand culture to be organized and coherent, but not homogenous or static, and realize that the complex dynamic system of culture constantly undergoes transformation as participants (adults and children) negotiate and re-negotiate meanings through social interaction. These negotiations and transactions give rise to unceasing heterogeneity and variability in how different individuals and groups of individuals interpret values and meanings. However, while many psychologists—both inside and outside the fields of indigenous and cultural psychology–are now willing to give up the idea of a universal path of child development and a universal story of parenting, they have not necessarily foreclosed on the possibility of discovering and describing some universal processes that underlie socialization and development-in-context. The roots of such universalities would lie in the biological aspects of child development, in the evolutionary processes of adaptation, and in the unique symbolic and problem-solving capacities of the human organism as a culture-bearing species. For instance, according to functionalist psychological anthropologists, shared (cultural) processes surround the developing child and promote in the long view the survival of families and groups if they are to demonstrate continuity in the face of ecological change and resource competition, (e.g. Edwards & Whiting, 2004; Gallimore, Goldenberg, & Weisner, 1993; LeVine, Dixon, LeVine, Richman, Leiderman, Keefer, & Brazelton, 1994; LeVine, Miller, & West, 1988; Weisner, 1996, 2002; Whiting & Edwards, 1988; Whiting & Whiting, 1980). As LeVine and colleagues (1994) state: A population tends to share an environment, symbol systems for encoding it, and organizations and codes of conduct for adapting to it (emphasis added). It is through the enactment of these population-specific codes of conduct in locally organized practices that human adaptation occurs. Human adaptation, in other words, is largely attributable to the operation of specific social organizations (e.g. families, communities, empires) following culturally prescribed scripts (normative models) in subsistence, reproduction, and other domains [communication and social regulation]. (p. 12) It follows, then, that in seeking to understand child development in a cultural context, psychologists need to support collaborative and interdisciplinary developmental science that crosses international borders. Such research can advance cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology, and indigenous psychology, understood as three sub-disciplines composed of scientists who frequently communicate and debate with one another and mutually inform one another’s research programs. For example, to turn to parental belief systems, the particular topic of this chapter, it is clear that collaborative international studies are needed to support the goal of crosscultural psychologists for findings that go beyond simply describing cultural differences in parental beliefs. Comparative researchers need to shed light on whether parental beliefs are (or are not) systematically related to differences in child outcomes; and they need meta-analyses and reviews to explore between- and within-culture variations in parental beliefs, with a focus on issues of social change (Saraswathi, 2000). Likewise, collaborative research programs can foster the goals of indigenous psychology and cultural psychology and lay out valid descriptions of individual development in their particular cultural contexts and the processes, principles, and critical concepts needed for defining, analyzing, and predicting outcomes of child development-in-context. The project described in this chapter is based on an approach that integrates elements of comparative methodology to serve the aim of describing particular scenarios of child development in unique contexts. The research team of cultural insiders and outsiders allows for a look at American belief systems based on a dialogue of multiple perspectives.


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In this paper we focus on the application of two mathematical alternative tasks to the teaching and learning of functions with high school students. The tasks were elaborated according to the following methodological approach: (i) Problem Solving and/or mathematics investigation and (ii) a pedagogical proposal, which defends that mathematical knowledge is developed by means of a balance between logic and intuition. We employed a qualitative research approach (characterized as a case study) aimed at analyzing the didactic pedagogical potential of this type of methodology in high school. We found that tasks such as those presented and discussed in this paper provide a more significant learning for the students, allowing a better conceptual understanding, becoming still more powerful when one considers the social-cultural context of the students.


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[ES] Thirty six years have happened since A. Beltrán carried the first study out in depth of the archaeological area of the Massif of Balos. A study that adheres strictly to this emplacement, without never one alludes to the cultural context of these representations or to the existence of other sets in the same space. The recent studies have made clear not only that the Lomo de los Letreros is not the only rock existing station in this territory but in the same one there is located a nourished representation of places that award to this place an unusual interest to realize an approach to the meaning of this pre-hispanic engravings.