981 resultados para Crenzel, Emilio
Com o objetivo de prover informações dos recursos de solos da área de expansão do projeto de irrigação do Jaíba (Etapa III, que abrange 12.015 ha), a fim de possibilitar o adequado planejamento e monitoramento das atividades agrossilvipastoris e de preservação ambiental, foi realizado o levantamento de solos em nível de semidetalhe, na escala 1:50.000, conforme as normas preconizadas pela Embrapa. Predomina cobertura sedimentar cenozóica sobre rochas do Grupo Bambuí, dispostas em superfície aplainada, amplamente dominante, pontuada por dolinas e uvalas, além de um trecho de planície fluvial, ao longo do rio Ilha do Retiro. A região é caracterizada por temperaturas médias elevadas, precipitações médias abaixo dos 900 mm anuais e deficiência hídrica anual de 450 mm a 500 mm, evidenciando o curto período favorável ao crescimento das plantas em sequeiro, nas estações de primavera e verão. O ambiente seco também é evidenciado pela vegetação natural, dominada por florestas decíduas e caatingas, ou transição entre essas formações vegetais. A diferenciação de solos na área está bem condicionada ao nível topográfico relativo dos terrenos. Da superfície plana do topo da paisagem em direção às depressões semicirculares dispersas na área têm-se uma topossequência característica, com Latossolos Amarelos de caráter distrófico e textura média leve dominante na ampla área em nível topográfico superior; e solos dessa mesma classe, mas em geral com saturação por bases alta (eutróficos) e teores de argila ligeiramente mais elevados, localizados em depressões suavizadas, ou nas bordas ligeiramente inclinadas das dolinas; seguidos de Cambissolos Háplicos Tb Eutróficos (petroplínticos, endorredóxicos ou gleissólicos) de textura argilosa, em nível topográfico intermediário; aos quais se sucedem Planossolos e Gleissolos, que ocorrem associados nos fundos das dolinas e uvalas, mais rebaixadas. O vale do ribeirão Ilha do Retiro, por outro lado, apresenta um padrão de distribuição de solos distinto, com domínio de Neossolos Flúvicos, desenvolvidos de material de textura média ou argilosa de deposição aluvionar, ocorrendo nas partes topográficas inferiores, em associação com Chernossolos Rêndzicos, que tendem a predominar no segmento de nível topográfico um pouco mais alto, limitando-se no topo da encosta com a área de Latossolos Amarelos. A extensa área aplainada apresenta boas condições para agricultura intensiva com irrigação, porém com restrições decorrentes da baixa capacidade de água disponível, elevada taxa de infiltração e baixa fertilidade natural. Em direção aos níveis topográficos mais baixos, há uma tendência geral de aumentar as limitações à utilização agrícola, sobretudo em decorrência da deficiência de aeração, imposta pela dificuldade de drenagem e escoamento, assim como pela possibilidade de encharcamento por afluxo de água proveniente dos terrenos circundantes.
Este trabalho está inserido no Projeto Especial Plano Estratégico de Atuação da Embrapa na Região do Matopiba, financiado pela Embrapa (Projeto SEG/IDEARE, e tem como objetivo avaliar a aptidão agrícola das terras do Matopiba, na escala 1:500.000, com base em informações pedoclimáticas disponíveis consubstanciadas por verificação in situ por meio de campanhas de campo para validação das interpretações de aptidão agrícola.
A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. As terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam cerca de 1.040 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 16% da área total zoneada. As áreas recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 47% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial a menos de 1,5% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 80 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 82% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais e/ou recuperação ambiental equivalem a 210 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 123 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. O do município de Coxim apresenta um alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde cerca de 60% das terras são utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 40% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação. O município de Coxim apresenta um bom potencial para o desenvolvimento da agropecuária, porém, devidos às características edafoclimáticas e de topografia, a recomendação preferencial é a utilização com pastagens.
Las infecciones bacterianas de la piel y partes blandas constituyen una patología frecuente como consulta en los servicios de urgencias. Los cuadros más frecuente son las celulitis, que tienen un buen pronóstico, pero ocasionalmente se ven infecciones más profundas que afectan a tejido celular subcutáneo, fascia y músculo. En este caso el diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces son fundamentales para el pronóstico del paciente. Describimos un caso de Gangrena de Fournier que a pesar del un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces en el servicio de urgencias, produjo la muerte del paciente.
Aims Surgery for infective endocarditis (IE) is associated with high mortality. Our objectives were to describe the experience with surgical treatment for IE in Spain, and to identify predictors of in-hospital mortality. Methods Prospective cohort of 1000 consecutive patients with IE. Data were collected in 26 Spanish hospitals. Results Surgery was performed in 437 patients (43.7%). Patients treated with surgery were younger and predominantly male. They presented fewer comorbid conditions and more often had negative blood cultures and heart failure. In-hospital mortality after surgery was lower than in the medical therapy group (24.3 vs 30.7%, p = 0.02). In patients treated with surgery, endocarditis involved a native valve in 267 patients (61.1%), a prosthetic valve in 122 (27.9%), and a pacemaker lead with no clear further valve involvement in 48 (11.0%). The most common aetiologies were Staphylococcus (186, 42.6%), Streptococcus (97, 22.2%), and Enterococcus (49, 11.2%). The main indications for surgery were heart failure and severe valve regurgitation. A risk score for in-hospital mortality was developed using 7 prognostic variables with a similar predictive value (OR between 1.7 and 2.3): PALSUSE: prosthetic valve, age ≥ 70, large intracardiac destruction, Staphylococcus spp, urgent surgery, sex [female], EuroSCORE ≥ 10. In-hospital mortality ranged from 0% in patients with a PALSUSE score of 0 to 45.4% in patients with PALSUSE score > 3. Conclusions The prognosis of IE surgery is highly variable. The PALSUSE score could help to identify patients with higher in-hospital mortality.
Objectives. This paper explores the use of regression models for estimating health status of schizophrenic patients, from a Bayesian perspective. Our aims are: 1- To obtain a set of values of health states of the EQ-5D based on self-assessed health from a sample of schizophrenic patients. 2- To analyse the differences in the health status and in patients’ perceptions of their health status between four mental-health districts in Spain. Methods. We develop two linear models with dummy variables. The first model seeks to obtain an index of the health status of the patients using a VAS as a dependent variable and the different dimensions of EQ-5D as regressors. The second model allows to analyse the differences between the self-assessed health status in the different geographic areas and also the differences between the patients’ self-assessed health states, irrespective of their actual health state, in the different geographic areas. The analysis is done using Bayesian approach with Gibbs sampling (computer program WinBUGS 1.4). Data concerning self-assessed EQ-5D with VAS from four geographic areas of schizophrenic patients were obtained for the purposes of this analysis. Results. We obtained the health status index for this sample and analysed the differences for this index between the four geographic areas. Our study reveals variables that explain the differences in patients’ health status and differences in their health states assessment. We consider four possible scenarios.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) transfer from inland waters to the atmosphere, known as CO2 evasion, is a component of the global carbon cycle. Global estimates of CO2 evasion have been hampered, however, by the lack of a framework for estimating the inland water surface area and gas transfer velocity and by the absence of a global CO2 database. Here we report regional variations in global inland water surface area, dissolved CO2 and gas transfer velocity. We obtain global CO2 evasion rates of 1.8petagrams of carbon (Pg C) per year from streams and rivers and 0.32Pg Cyr-1 from lakes and reservoirs, where the upper and lower limits are respectively the 5th and 95th confidence interval percentiles. The resulting global evasion rate of 2.1 Pg Cyr-1 is higher than previous estimates owing to a larger stream and river evasion rate. Our analysis predicts global hotspots in stream and river evasion, with about 70 per cent of the flux occurring over just 20 per cent of the land surface. The source of inland water CO2 is still not known with certainty and new studies are needed to research the mechanisms controlling CO2 evasion globally. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Purpose: This study was designed to test the activity and feasibility of an all-oral regimen of levo-leucovorin and doxifluridine (dFUR) in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer and to establish whether the pharmacokinetics of dFUR and fluorouracil (FU) are affected by demographic and/or biologic parameters. Materials and Methods: One hundred eight patients with histologically proven colorectal cancer received orally administered levo-leucovorin 25 mg followed 2 hours later by dFUR 1,200 mg/m2 on days 1 to 5, with the cycle being repeated every 10 days. Results: Among 62 previously untreated patients, two complete responses (CRs) and 18 partial responses (PRs) were observed (overall response rate, 32%; 95% confidence interval, 21% to 45%). The median response duration was 4 months (range, 2 to 13) and the median survival time, 14 months. Among 46 pretreated patients, there were three CRs and three PRs (response rate, 13%; 95% confidence interval, 5% to 26%). In this group of patients, the median response duration was 4 months (range, 1 to 12) and the median survival time, 12 months. No toxic deaths were observed. The only World Health Organization (WHO) grade 3 to 4 side effect was diarrhea (32 patients). Conclusion: This regimen is active in previously untreated colorectal cancer patients and combines good compliance with safety. Limited but definite efficacy was also detected in the patients previously treated with FU, which suggests incomplete cross- resistance between the two drugs. The pharmacokinetic results suggest that the conversion rate of dFUR to FU increases between days 1 and 5, but that FU levels remain low in comparison to those measured after classical FU therapy. Under the experimental conditions used in this study, the interpatient variability of pharmacokinetic parameters remains largely unexplained by the tested variables.
Purpose: Some phase II studies have suggested that the combination of interferons (IFNs) with dacarbazine (DTIC) in the treatment of malignant melanoma (MM) increases the antitumor activity of DTIC alone. In an attempt to confirm this hypothesis, a randomized study was performed with the further intent of observing whether low doses of recombinant interferon alfa-2a (rIFNα2a) could be as effective as intermediate doses. Patients and Methods: Two hundred sixty-six patients were randomized onto three different treatment arms: DTIC 800 mg/m 2 intravenously (IV) days 1 and 21; DTIC plus rIFNα2a 9 mIU intramuscularly (IM) daily; and DTIC plus rIFNα2a 3 mIU IM three times per week. Major prognostic factors were well balanced among the three arms. Chemotherapy was administered for a maximum of eight cycles. After 6 months of therapy, rIFNα2a was continued until disease progression at 3 mIU three times per week in responding patients who had received the combined treatment. Results: The percentage of objective responses did not differ among the three groups (20%, 28%, and 23%, respectively), although a significant prolongation of response duration was observed when rIFNα2a was added to DTIC (2.6 v 8.4 v 5.5 months, respectively). However, this improvement in response duration did not translate into an amelioration of overall survival. The addition of rIFNα2a led to the onset of flu-like syndrome, but in no case was it necessary to withdraw the treatment program and no toxic deaths or life-threatening toxicities were reported. Conclusion: In this study, rIFNα2a significantly prolonged response duration, whereas no effects on response rate and survival were observed; rIFNα2a 3 mIU appeared to be equally effective and better tolerated than 9 mIU.
BACKGROUND. Laboratory data suggest that insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGE-1) may stimulate the growth of different human tumors. At least in acromegalic patients, somatostatin (SMS) analogs, such as lanreotide, suppress the serum levels of growth hormone (GH) and IGE-1. METHODS. To evaluate the tolerability and biologic activity of different doses of lanreotide in patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma, consecutive groups of 3 patients each were subcutaneous treated with lanreotide at doses of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 mg three times a day for 2 months. In the event of Grade 3 side effects, 3 additional patients were treated with the same dose before the next dose escalation. Serum samples were obtained on Days 0, 15, 30, and 60 for serum GH, IGF-1, and lanreotide assessment. RESULTS. Twenty-four patients were enrolled and all were evaluable. Except for the 3 and 6 mg doses, for which the observation of a Grade 3 side effect required that an additional three patients be treated, it was sufficient to treat 3 patients at each dose. The overall incidence of side effects was as follows: changes in bowel habits, 83%; abdominal cramps, 79%; diarrhea, 17%; vomiting, 17%; nausea, 21%; steatorrhea, 78%; hyperglycemia, 35%; laboratory hypothyroidism, 39%; gallstones, 13%; and weight loss, 17%. No evidence of an increase in the incidence, intensity, or duration of side effects was observed with dose escalation. Serum IGF-1 levels were as follows: Day 13: 63%, 60%, and 67% of the baseline values for the low (12 mg), intermediate (3-4 mg), and high (5- 6 mg) dose groups, respectively; Day 30: 63%, 59%, and 51%, respectively; and Day 60: 73%, 69%, and 47%, respectively. Serum lanreotide levels declined during treatment in all of the dose groups (90 ng/mL on Day 15, and 35 ng/mL on Day 60 for the 5-6 mg group; 10 ng/mL on Day 15, and 1.5 ng/mL on Day 60 for the 1-2 mg group). No antitumor activity or tumor marker reduction was observed. CONCLUSIONS. No increase in toxicity was observed when subcutaneous lanreotide doses were escalated to 6 mg three times a day for 2 months. The highest doses seemed to maintain reduced serum IGF-1 levels; with the lowest doses, a 'rebound' in serum IGF-1 levels was observed during treatment. Nevertheless, intermittent subcutaneous injections do not ensure constant serum drug concentrations over time.
Se estudiaron aspectos claves de la regulación poblacional de U. panicoides en cultivos de maíz y soja, con énfasis en los procesos de germinación, emergencia y producción de semillas. Se realizaron ensayos a campo y en condiciones controladas determinándose los factores ambientales que modifican el nivel de dormición y la emergencia de la maleza. Se realizó un estudio de demografía de U. panicoides en cultivos de maíz y soja, cuantificándose el efecto de los herbicidas y de los cultivos sobre la emergencia, supervivencia y fecundidad de la maleza. En referencia a los procesos de germinación y emergencia, las semillas después de cuatro meses de ocurrida la dispersión, permanecieron dormidas independientemente de las condiciones ambientales a las que fueron sometidas. Luego de 7 meses de postmaduración, la permanencia de las semillas a 4 ºC no solo no redujo la dormición sino que por el contrario indujo la misma. Al cabo del mismo período, las semillas sometidas a las condiciones ambientales presentes en el campo y aquellas almacenadas a 25 ºC presentaron un menor nivel de dormición y, por lo tanto, germinaron en un amplio rango de temperaturas. La temperatura base, óptima y máxima, fueron estimadas en 6, 35 y 45 ºC respectivamente. U. panicoides emergió a inicios de primavera con su principal flujo en el mes de octubre, requiriendo 250 ºC día a partir de la imbibición de las semillas, para que se produzca un 50 por ciento de emergencia. La disminución de la radiación solar incidente sobre el suelo a partir del uso de mallas plásticas, redujo la amplitud térmica del mismo y el número de plantas emergidas de esta especie. U. panicoides demostró una alta tolerancia a atrazina y susceptibilidad a metolaclor, obteniéndose control total de la especie a dosis de marbete de este último producto bajo condiciones controladas. Sin embargo a campo el control con dichos herbicidas en maíz fue parcial, lo que permitió la reposición del banco de semillas en este cultivo. La emergencia temprana de la maleza y su alta susceptibilidad al herbicida glifosato facilitaron el control de esta especie en el cultivo de soja, evitando de esta forma la producción de descendencia.