819 resultados para Cowles, Oswald
Schwarzsee is located in the western Swiss Alps, in a region that has been affected by numerous landslides during the Holocene, as evidenced by geological surveys. Lacustrine sediments were cored to a depth of 13 m. The vegetation history of the lake's catchment was reconstructed and investigated to identify possible impacts on slope stability. The pollen analyses record development of forest cover during the middle and late Holocene, and provide strong evidence for regional anthropogenic influence such as forest clearing and agricultural activity. Vegetation change is characterized by continuous landscape denudation that begins at ca. 4300 cal. yrs BP, with five distinct pulses of increased deforestation, at 3650, 2700, 1500, 900, and 450 cal. yrs BP. Each pulse can be attributed to increased human impact, recorded by the appearance or increase of specific anthropogenic indicator plant taxa. These periods of intensified deforestation also appear to be correlated with increased landslide activity in the lake's catchment and increased turbidite frequency in the sediment record. Therefore, this study gives new evidence for a strong influence of vegetation changes on slope stability during the middle and late Holocene in the western Swiss Alps, and may be used as a case study for anthropogenically induced landslide activity.
People report suggested misinformation about a previously witnessed event for manifold reasons, such as social pressure, lack of memory of the original aspect, or a firm belief to remember the misinformation from the witnessed event. In our experiments (N = 429), which follow Loftus's paradigm, we tried to disentangle the reasons for reporting a central and a peripheral piece of misinformation in a recognition task by examining (a) the impact a warning about possible misinformation has on the error rate, and (b) whether once reported misinformation was actually attributed to the witnessed event in a later source-monitoring (SM) task. Overall, a misinformation effect was found for both items. The warning strongly reduced the misinformation effect, but only for the central item. In contrast, reports of the peripheral misinformation were correctly attributed to the misinformation source or, at least, ascribed to guesswork much more often than the central ones. As a consequence, after the SM task, the initially higher error rate for the peripheral item was even lower than that of the central item. Results convincingly show that the reasons for reporting misinformation, and correspondingly also the potential to avoid them in legal settings, depend on the centrality of the misinformation.
Oswald Lassally
Oswald Lassally
Oswald L.
Oswald Löbl
3 Brief zwischen Gretel Karplus und Max Horkheimer, 10.06.1939, 1939; 8 Briefe zwiachen Liselotte Karplus und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1938; 80 Briefe uns Beilagen sowie Briefwechsel zwischen Betty Drury, Fritz Karsen und Max Horkheimer, 1934-1948; 7 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury und Max Horkheimer, 1938; 4 Briefe zwischen Stephen Duggan vom Institute of International Education, New York, Fritz Karsen und Max Horkheimer, 30.12.1937, 14.02.1938, 24.05.1938; Institute of International Education, New York; 8 Briefe zwischen Oswald Schlockow und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Katz,... 1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Simon Katzenstein und Max Horkheimer, 04.10.1936, 20.10.1936; 5 Briefe zwischen Thekla Kauffmann 10.12.1938-1939; 4 Briefe und 1 Beilage zwischen Fritz Kaufmann und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1937; 9 Briefe zwischen Rudolf Kayser und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Joseph Keil und Max Horkheimer, 21.01.1949, 26.01.1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Kelm und Max Horkheimer, 18.06.1948, 20.06.1948; 1 Brief von Adolf Keller vom World Council of Churches New York an Max Horkheimer; 2 Briefe zwischen Hans Kelsen und Max Horkheimer, 29.02.1936, 26.05.1936; 3 Briefe zwischen Hermann Kesten und Max Horkheimer, 31.01.1947, 1947;
4 Briefe mit Antwort von Kohlhammer Verlag an Max Horkheimer, 1953, 1957; 12 Briefe mit Antwort und Beialge von Professor Hans Kohn an Max Horkheimer, 1953-1958; 3 Briefe mit Antwort von Professor Hans Kohn an Theodor W. Adorno, 1957-1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Professor Hans Kohn an Helmut Viebrock, 1958; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Helmut Vriebrock, 1957; 2 Briefe mit 1 Antwort zwischen Rudolph Kolisch und Max Horkheimer, 1957; 1 Telegram von Professor Rudolph Kolisch an R. K., 1956; 1 Brief von Max Horkheiemr an den Kölner Universitäts-Verlag, 1957; 1 Drucksache von der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 1953; 1 Drucksache von dem Kongress für Internationale Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 1951; 1 Brief mit Beilage von dem Königsteiner Kreis an Max Horkheimer, 1951; 1 Drucksache mit Beilage von der Zeitschrift "Konkret", 1958; 2 Briefe mit 1 Antwort zwischen Sekretärin Mathilde Koppen und Max Horkheimer, 1951, 1956; 2 Telegramme von Fritz Kortner an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 4 Briefe mit Antwort von Siegfried Kracauer an Max Horkheimer, 1951-1956; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Professor Alexander Mitscherlich, 1956; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Hildegard Krämer an Max Horkheimer, 1956; 2 Briefe mit 1 Antwort von Dr. Rudolf Krämer-Badoni an Max Horkheimer, 1950, 1951; 2 Briefe mit Antwort von Professor Julius Kraft an Max Horkheimer, 1956, 1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Max Horkheimer an den Präsident d. LVA Heinrich Kraft, 1955; 2 Briefe mit Antwort von Werner Kraft an Max Horkheimer, 1953; 1 Brief von Angelo Kramer an Max Horkheimer, 1955; 2 Briefe von dem Architekt Ferdinand C. A. F. Kramer an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 2 Briefe mit Antwort von dem evangelischen Studentenpfarrer Dr. Rudolf Krapp an Max Horkheimer, 1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort und Beilage von dem Rechtsreferendar Heinz Kraus, 1956; 1 Drucksache von dem Frankfurter Studentenlied, 1956; 1 Aktennotiz von Professor Otto F. Kraushaar, 1953; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an den Regierungspräsident Wiesbaden,1952; 1 Aktennotiz von Klaus Kremer, 1958; 1 Brief von Dr. Stephanie Krenn an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 1 Aktennotiz von Dean Krasomil, 1952; 1 Brief mit Beilage von Anneliese Kreutz an Max Horkheimer, 1955; 1 Brief von Anneliese Kreutz an Professor Wilhelm Sturmfels, 1955; 1 Brief mit Antwort und Beilage von Robert H. Kreutzer an Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Professor Hans Hermann Kritzinger an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 2 Briefe mit Antwort von dem Betriebspsychologe Ludwig Kroeber-Keneth an Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Brief mit Antwort und Beilage von Professor Oswald Kroh an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 1 Todesanzeige von Professor Oswald Kroh, 1955; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Professor Wilhelm Kromphardt an Max Horkheimer, 1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Max Horkheimer an den Zirkus Krone, 1956; 1 Gutachten über Hans Joachim Krüger, 1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Melitta Krüger an Max Horkheimer, 1958; 2 Briefe mit Antwort und Beilage von dem Privatdozent Otto Kühne an Max Horkheimer, 1954, 1957; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an den Ministerialrat Dr. Dr. Kühn, 1953; 1 Vermählungsanzeige von Walter Kühn, 1957; 1 Aktennotiz von dem Rundfunk Dr. Kuhnert, ohne Jahr; 1 Brief von P. W. Krüger an Max Horkheimer, 1951; 1 Vermählungsanzeige mit Antwort von Hans K. Kullmer, 1953; 3 Briefe mit Antwort und Beilage von Dr. rer. pol. Ulrich Küntzel an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 1 Brief mit Antwort von dem Professor Fritz Baade an Max Horkheimer, 1952; 3 Breife mit Antwort von dem Verlag Walter de Gruyter an Max Horkheimer, 1954, 1955; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Max Horkheimer an den Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender, 1954; 2 Drucksachen von der Sektkellerei Kupferberg & Co, 1956; 3 Briefe mit Antwort von dem Reisebüro Kuoni an Max Horkheimer, 1957; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Max Horkheimer an das Kurhaus "Zur Rose" Bad Meinberg, 1956; 2 Briefe mit Antwort und Beilage von der Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft an Max Horkheimer, 1954; 1 Gutachten von Thomas Gabor Kürthy, 1958; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Max Horkheimer an den Generaldirektor Dr. Kuss, 1953; 1 Brief mit Antwort von Professor Joseph J. Kwiat an Max Horkheimer, 1955;
The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may be associated with benzodiazepine (BZ) self-administration and risks of dependence in anxious patients. Preliminary work included examination of psychosocial characteristics and subjective drug response as potential predictors of medication use. Fifty-five M, F patients with generalized anxiety or panic disorder participated in a 3-week outpatient Choice Procedure in which they self-medicated “as needed” with alprazolam (Alz) and placebo. Findings showed that a large amount of variance in alprazolam preference, frequency, and quantity of use could be predicted by measures of anxiety, drug liking, and certain personality characteristics. The primary study extended this work by examining whether individual differences in Alz sensitivity also predict patterns of use. Twenty anxious patients participated in the study, which required 11 weekly clinic visits. Ten of these also participated in a baseline assessment of HPA-axis function that involved 24-hour monitoring of cortisol and ACTH levels and a CRH Stimulation Test. This assessment was conducted on the basis of prior evidence that steroid metabolites exert neuromodulatory effects on the GABA A receptor and that HPA-axis function may be related to BZ sensitivity and long-term disability in anxious patients. Patients were classified as either HIGH or LOW users based on their p.r.n. patterns of Alz use during the first 3 weeks of the study. They then participated in a 4-week dose response trial in which they received prescribed doses of medication (placebo, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0mg Alz), each taken TID for 1 week. The dose response trial was followed by a second 3-week Choice Procedure. Findings were not indicative of biological differences in Alz sensitivity between the HIGH and LOW users. However, the HIGH users had higher baseline anxiety and greater anxiolytic response to Alz than the LOW users. Anxiolytic benefits of p.r.n. and prescribed dosing were shown to be comparable, and patients' conservative patterns of p.r.n. medication use were not affected by the period of prescribed dosing. Although there was not strong evidence to suggest relationships between HPA-axis function and Alz use or sensitivity, interesting findings emerged about the relationship between HPA-axis function and anxiety. ^