919 resultados para Courses -- Grande-Bretagne
Mariage et altérité : les alliances mixtes chez la noblesse canadienne après la Conquête (1760-1800)
Le 8 septembre 1760, la Nouvelle-France s’incline devant son opposant, la Grande-Bretagne, après six années de conflits armés. La fin des hostilités en Europe, concrétisée par la signature du traité de Paris le 10 février 1763, marque un tournant pour les habitants de la vallée du Saint-Laurent qui ont désormais un nouveau souverain. Le changement de régime est lourd de répercussions, particulièrement pour la noblesse canadienne. Étant donné qu’ils sont dépendants des dirigeants afin d’obtenir des postes de choix, les membres de ce groupe privilégié ayant décidé de rester dans la colonie doivent s’adapter s’ils désirent maintenir leur statut social. L’arrivée des nouvelles élites militaires, administratives et commerciales britanniques oblige la noblesse à se renouveler. Les familles nobles ont-elles usé de stratégies matrimoniales en mariant leurs enfants à des individus non francophones dans le but de se rapprocher des autorités? En contrepartie, ces alliances interethniques ont-elles permis aux conjoints « étrangers » de s’insérer dans les réseaux seigneuriaux? Les unions mixtes impliquant un membre de la noblesse sont peu nombreuses (38) et concernent surtout les filles nobles. La présence de fils nobles n’est pas pour autant inexistante, bien que les comportements de ceux-ci se distinguent de leurs compatriotes féminines. Ayant des caractéristiques hétérogènes, les mariages mixtes perpétuent tout de même les pratiques en place sous le régime français, notamment sur le plan sociodémographique. Les parcours religieux variés sont toutefois le reflet de la période de transition que constitue la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Sur le plan socioprofessionnel, les conjoints non francophones ont relativement bien tiré profit de leur alliance avec une noble canadienne, contrairement aux pères nobles. Malgré leur nombre restreint, l’étude des mariages mixtes permet de documenter un phénomène jusque là méconnu, en plus d’approfondir les connaissances en histoire de la famille et du genre pour les quarante années qui suivent la Conquête.
Ce recueil présente les résumés des campagnes océanographiques des organismes publics français qui se sont déroulées en 2006 sur les navires français ou en coopération sur d’autres navires. Les navires océanographiques français sont gérés par les organismes suivants : * CNRS/INSU (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers), * IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer), * IPEV (Institut Polaire Français – Paul Emile Victor), * IRD (Institut de Recherche et Développement, anciennement ORSTOM), * MARINE NATIONALE/SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine Nationale). Enfin, des accords d’échange de temps navire existent avec plusieurs pays dont la Grande-Bretagne, l’Allemagne, les Etats-Unis et l’Espagne. Ils permettent de réaliser des campagnes sur des navires de ces pays. Les résumés (Cruise Summary Reports) des campagnes sont publiés annuellement dans ce recueil depuis l’année 1977, et archivés dans la base du SISMER « Campagnes Océanographiques Françaises ». Par ailleurs, dans le cadre du programme européen SeaDataNet (contrat n°026212, http://www.seadatanet.org ), ces résumés sont transmis au BSH/DOD (Centre national de données allemand) qui assure la diffusion internationale des CSR (Cruise Summary Report) européens, en particulier vers le CIEM. La collecte et la circulation internationale de ces résumés constituent une composante importante des échanges internationaux de données océanographiques. En retour, ils facilitent la constitution de jeux de données globaux accessibles à tous. C’est un devoir d’y contribuer, c’est aussi un intérêt pour tous.
Ce recueil présente les résumés des campagnes océanographiques des organismes publics français qui se sont déroulées en 2005 sur les navires français ou en coopération sur d’autres navires. Les navires océanographiques français sont gérés par les organismes suivants : * CNRS/INSU (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) * IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer) * IPEV (Institut Polaire Français – Paul Emile Victor) * IRD (Institut de Recherche et Développement, anciennement ORSTOM) * SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine Nationale) Enfin, des accords d’échange de temps navire existent avec plusieurs pays dont la Grande-Bretagne, l’Allemagne, les Etats-Unis et l’Espagne qui permettent de réaliser des campagnes sur des navires de ces pays. Les résumés (Cruise Summary Reports) des campagnes sont publiés annuellement dans ce recueil depuis l’année 1977, et archivés dans la base du SISMER « Campagnes Océanographiques Françaises ». Par ailleurs, dans le cadre du programme européen SeaDataNet (contrat n°026212, http://www.seadatanet.org), ces résumés sont transmis au BSH/DOD (Centre national de données allemand) qui assure la diffusion internationale des CSR (Cruise Summary Report) européens, en particulier vers le CIEM.
Este estudo investigou a variação altitudinal da comunidade de anfíbios anuros em uma montanha de floresta Atlântica da Ilha Grande, avaliando a ocorrência, distribuição, organização e riqueza de anuros nas diferentes altitudes. Estabelecemos seis faixas de altitude para realização do estudo: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 e 900 metros acima do nível do mar. Utilizamos duas metodologias de amostragem: o método de parcelas grandes (5 x 5 metros) e o método de transecção, entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2009. Os dados indicaram que na região de Mata Atlântica do Pico do Papagaio ocorre uma considerável riqueza de espécies de anuros, a qual varia dependendo da faixa de altitude ao longo do gradiente altitudinal do morro. Houve em geral uma tendência a um decréscimo da riqueza com aumento da altitude, com exceção da altitude de 900 metros, onde a riqueza teve um aumento quando comparado à faixa altitudinal imediatamente abaixo. Nossos dados mostram ainda que ao longo de todo o gradiente altitudinal do morro, as maiores riquezas de anuros em geral ocorrem nas faixas de altitudes de 150 e 300 metros. Nossos dados indicaram para a região estudada uma considerável densidade de anuros, que além de variar significativamente entre as estações seca e chuvosa, foi influenciada negativamente pela altitude: na medida em que houve um aumento da altitude ocorreu uma correspondente diminuição na densidade geral de anuros da comunidade componente. A anurofauna da região do Pico do Papagaio apresentou uma queda abrupta na abundância a partir dos 450 metros de altitude, com grande dominância, em termos numéricos, de três espécies com desenvolvimento direto. Nossos dados mostraram haver uma variação sazonal na abundância e, nas densidades de anuros na região do Pico do Papagaio. Concluímos que a região de Mata Atlântica do Pico do Papagaio possui uma elevada riqueza de espécies de anuros, a qual varia ao longo do gradiente altitudinal com os maiores valores de riqueza e abundâncias encontradas entre as faixas de 150 e 300 metros, o que pode ser favorecido pela menor inclinação do terreno, pela maior ocorrência de cursos dágua e pela elevada pluviosidade que ocorre nestas faixas altitudinais na Ilha Grande. A considerável similaridade na comunidade componente de anuros entre as altitudes de 150 e 300 pode resultar da similaridade estrutural da vegetação entre estas faixas de altitudes. A região em geral teve uma alta densidade de anuros, que além de variar sazonalmente, foi negativamente influenciada pela altitude. A observada redução na abundância dos anuros a partir dos 450 metros de altitude pareceu favorecer espécies com desenvolvimento direto.
O presente trabalho pretende analisar alguns reflexos da incorporação dos influxos da nova ordem globalizada e do neoliberalismo na ordem jurídica nacional. Será demonstrado que os valores sugeridos ainda que essa sugestão tenha caráter quase cogente pelo Banco Mundial, por meio de sua atividade paranormativa, são incorporados pela ordem legal brasileira através de reformas processuais que priorizam a justiça quantitativa. Essas reformas, somadas a outros fatores tais como o aumento das demandas levadas ao Poder Judiciário, a influência da economia na análise do Direito, a utilização equivocada, irrefletida e mecânica de discursos de fundamentação prévia, a pobreza do ensino jurídico e a submissão dos juízes ao que ditam os tribunais, resultam em um patamar de jurisdição padronizada. Paralelamente a esse processo, a população carcerária brasileira cresce em acelerado ritmo, o que pode ser relacionado com o avanço dos valores neoliberais e da retração do estado do bem estar social.Diante desse quadro, é proposto, como forma de aproximação da teoria jurídica com a prática forense e de maneira a proporcionar abertura do direito penal ao mundo dos fatos, a dogmática funcional redutora, de modo que o Direito Penal atue como dique de contenção do estado de polícia que subjaz a cada estado de direito. Ademais, propõe-se que essa adoção se dê nas salas de aula dos cursos de direito, utilizando-se, tanto quanto possível, de diversos recursos didáticos para tornar mais palpáveis e inteligíveis os conceitos e ideias propostos.
This study describes research on a postgraduate blended learning programme within the Department of Education at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. It is based on a multi-philosophical paradigm and examines students‟ satisfaction levels through the application of Herzberg‟s Motivation and Hygiene Theory. The main question being addressed in this research is: “Can the Motivation and Hygiene Theory be adopted as a means to measure student satisfaction with their blended learning environment?” Embedded within this research question are four fundamental questions which set the scene for the development of this research study and are explored in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively: 1. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning satisfaction with their b-Learning course? 2. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning dissatisfaction with their b-Learning course? 3. Can these factors be represented as Motivation and Hygiene factors? 4. Will this method of measuring learning satisfaction lead to a set of guidelines that could be considered as a framework for the development of b-Learning courses? The results indicate that the Motivation and Hygiene Theory or an adapted version such as the Enricher and Enabler Theory proposed in this study could be considered as a plausible means of analysing an institution‟s b-Learning processes. The opportunity to carry out future research is evident and can be varied depending on the research objectives in mind. Examples where further exploration would be beneficial lay within the application of this theory to the wider sector; the use of larger samples, focusing on the teachers, as well as the learners and the application of Web 2.0 technologies as means of gathering information. The results of this research will be of great significance to those areas of education that are interested in locating quick and efficient means by which to evaluate their b-Learning and to no lesser extent e-Learning environments.
A educação profissional no Brasil sempre esteve voltada para o desenvolvimento de aptidões para a vida produtiva. A rapidez das transformações tecnológicas, entretanto, passou a exigir dos profissionais de nível técnico uma qualificação atualizada, que atenda às dinâmicas exigências do mundo do trabalho. Além disso, a recente reforma na legislação básica do ensino profissional concedeu relativa autonomia às instituições de ensino, tanto para a organização e o planejamento de seus cursos quanto para a sua adequação às demandas dos setores produtivos. Daí a necessidade de se implantarem mecanismos permanentes de consulta a fim de avaliar os atributos valorizados pelo mercado de trabalho, a exemplo do que propõe o estudo de caso desta dissertação. Para definir o perfil do egresso demandado pelo mercado de trabalho, foram pesquisadas as empresas potencialmente interessadas em contratar egressos da Escola Técnica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, instituição que tradicionalmente forma recursos humanos com vistas ao mercado de trabalho. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o levantamento, foram elaboradas sugestões no sentido de adequar o perfil das habilitações oferecidas às demandas de mercado, considerando as diferentes áreas profissionais desenvolvidas na Escola Técnica.
The discussions wherein develop proposals for university reform in Brazil include, among other things, the conception of the university titled "New University", whose structural origin comes from the bill of higher education reform and unification of the foundations of education European upper (Bologna process). At its core, the Bologna process has imposed a series of transformations, among which, the promotion of mobility, as a stimulus to interinstitutional cooperation to enable an better and bigger qualification of the students. Nevertheless, what we see is that this point is one of the main points made flawed by Brazilian institutions that have adopted this model of higher education. An example is the Bachelor of Science and Technology - BC&T, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, where there are problems of the internal order, represented by the problem of the reusing of the disciplines, such also of external order, in cases of transfers interinstitutional. Because of this, and knowing that this is a typical problem in which multiple criteria are involved, the aim of this study is to propose a multicriteria model for selection of interciclo of the BC&T of the UFRN which addresses the issue of mobility. For this, this study was of exploratory and study case nature, use as tools of data collection, the bibliographic and documentary research, as well as semi-structured interviews. For the elaboration of the model, were used the five phases most commonly used in the modeling of problems in operational research in a sample of 91 students of BC&T. As a result, we obtained a model that addresses the issue of internal and external mobility of the school and that, moreover, was also more robust and fair than the current model of BC&T and also what is used in other courses of the UFRN, taking into consideration the expected results by the decision makers
This work aims to describe and analyze the process of the mathematics teacher modernizing in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980. For that, we use as theoretical foundation assumptions of Cultural History and memories of the researchers Maurice Halbwach, Ecléa Bosi and Paul Thompson. As methodological tools, we used bibliographical resources and semi-structured interviews, in order to do a historical reconstruct of the mathematics educational scene of institutions and people who taught mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte, or those who participated in the modernization of the teaching of this subject, recovering their training and its practices in teaching. For the analysis of the bibliographical resources, initially we organized in a systematic way the transcripts of the interviews and documents, which were accumulated during the research, so long our thoughts, returning to the theoretical basis of this research, through questioning of knowledge acquired and that guided the problem of our study. The analysis showed that, important moments to modernize the teaching of mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte happened such: (1) Training Course of Lay Teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, in 1965, (2) Course for Teachers in Normal Schools, in 1971 (3) Satelite Project on Interdisciplinary Advanced Communications (SPIAC) in 1973; (4) Lectures of the teacher Malba Tahan, at Natal, from the end of the 50 s, that could be analyzed through the lessons notes of the teacher Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque and the narrative of teacher Evaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho and (5) Courses of the Campaign for Improvement of Secondary Education and Broadcasting (CISEB). Thereby, the modernization of the school s mathematics teaching in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980, was given mainly by disclosure of the Discovery Method and by the Set Theory contents in Teacher Training Courses
Inclusion of students with disabilities is a recent case that has been discussed in school contexts, but the current policy of inclusion for access and retention of students in higher education is still a problem face there is much to do, therefore, are incipient studies in which this student body is involved. Accordingly, what is happening is that the most studies deal with on these students and little is said about them. For inclusive education thus the institution should prepare to receive students, having as one of its premises their point of views about what actually experience aiming at promoting education for all. Therefore, this study deals with the process of inclusion of students with disabilities regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.They were used the assumptions of qualitative research enabled by the case study method and semi-structured interviews. It has been analyzed by guiding actions and teaching practices, under the views of disabled students and teachers, the conditions of access and permanence offered by UFRN. Twelve students with physical, visual, hearing disabilities participated and five teachers from the acedemic centers that in academic year 2008 taught to these students. For data analysis it was used the technique of content analysis. It was extracted two themes: access and retention of students with disabilities in UFRN, in which emerged the categories described and analyzed in the course of this work. The results show the difficulties of access and retention of students with disabilities within the UFRN, such as attitudinal, pedagogical and architectural barriers. However, as it has also turned out, initial advances in the quest for achieving more effective actions to guarantee access and permanence of these students in UFRN. It has concluded that the scope for the exercise of citizenship in the pupils with disabilities who need this Higher Education Institution has an inclusive education Project, wide and consolidated, for the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Education - MEC, by itself, are not guaranteed to all students due to mobility, autonomy and security. It has hoped this work will bring benefits for new studies to develop features that were located, but were not our focus, because then the UFRN may advance the inclusive process of disabled students
This research has the objective of studying the teacher-engineers awareness regarding their teaching practice of courses Civil, Electrical and Materials at the Federal University of Campina Grande. It presents and analyses major themes concerning the teaching work. At the same time, it pinpoints the need to develop good teaching practice in higher education. The study is based on the concepts of bricolage (KINCHELOE; BERRY, 2007) and multi-referentiality (ARDOINO, 1998). The Case Study procedure was adopted as an investigation strategy (YIN, 2004; AFONSO, 2005). The data collection was done through the application of questionnaires based on the teacher education paradigms (ZEICHNER, 1983; SACRISTAN, 1998; ALTET, 2001; BRÜTTEN, 2008). The theoretical background for the thematic axis is oriented by reflections on university teaching (MASETTO, 2003; 2007; ZABALZA, 2004; CUNHA et al, 2005; GRILLO, 2008; PIMENTA; ANASTASIOU, 2010 ); on Engineering teaching (BAZZO, 2001; MASETTO, 2009) and on the present-day relationship between educational policies and higher education (MENEZES, 2001; SANTOS, 1995;2005; BOSI, 2007). The data analysis was done by means of a quantitative and qualitative approach (SAMPIERI; COLLADO; LUCIO, 2006), allow us to understand how the teachers surveyed live their professional activity. The results make it possible to generalize that the teacher-engineers give value to research as part of their teacher education and they view the university pedagogy as an important aspect to improve their practice. A considerable number of them is interested in being part of reflection groups, aiming to enhance teaching at higher education. The teacher-engineers dedicate themselves to university teaching without sharing their experience with other teachers, consolidating a present tendency seen in the international and national literature. They tend to apply a pedagogy originated from their daily teaching practice, because they believe that teaching is perfected through practice, though they admit that practice alone is not sufficient for professional development. In the view of most informants, good teaching requires willingness, along with the political element, the mastery of the lesson contents and familiarity with the discipline objectives, if we regard teachers as advisors in the educational process. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers use diversified pedagogical strategies, such as contextualization and exemplification of the lesson contents, epistemological basis in the scientific field, and group work. They do not share any bond of relationship between them and the students, though they consider it important. In general terms, they lack preparation for university teaching and no involvement or interest in institutional issues, by supporting and improving the teaching quality
This research aims to understand the social representations Teaching Work in groups of undergraduate students of Physics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, the proposal was based on the three theoretical and methodological consensus Carvalho (2012) in the explanation of socio-genetic mechanisms constituents of dynamic consensus that has functionality to your organization. It Was used to achieve this goal, the theoretical-epistemological Serge Moscovici (1978, 2003), Jodelet (2011), Wagner (1998,( 2011) and Carvalho (2012). The corpus analyzed results from a qualitative and quantitative research, developed in three stages. The first two (2) questionnaires to fifty (50) of each undergraduate course, a questionnaire and another profile for collection of free associations concerning motes inductors "Give Lesson," "Student" and "Teacher". The second step in the procedure Multiple Classifications, Roazzi (1995), aimed for another thirty (30) undergraduate students for each course, as well as Document Analysis of Educational Projects Curriculum courses in Physics and Chemistry. The data analysis of the first stage focused on descriptive statistics and frequency and average order of the words associated with motes inductors. The results from the Multiple Classification Procedure submitted to multidimensional analysis (MSA multidimensional scalogram analysis) and SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis), were interpreted by the theoretical and methodological proposal of the three consensus, supported by analysis of the rhetorical nature of justifications classifications and categorizations of words, boosted in times of application of Procedure Multiple Classification. The data revealed that the groups surveyed were the same Social Representation with specific dynamic consensual. Thinking Teaching Work for these groups it is considered in three dimensions: the BE-DO-HAVE of teaching. In the group of Physics consensus was clear semantic, which expressed a dynamic in which the interpretations of "Teaching Work" peacefully coexist on perceptions of two concepts: An identity around the "BE" "Teacher" or "BE" "Educator" and the other, how they think about professional development. The type of group consensus Chemistry pointed to a consensual logic hierarchical order in which the gradual between the elements of BE-DO-HAVE attested conflicts and disagreements about the perceptual object "Teaching Work", around what value most, whether they are the attributes of personal or professional-technical dimension of teaching, in the course of professional development. The thesis to explain the mechanisms of socio-genetic Representation Social Teaching Work by theoretical and methodological proposal was confirmed
Hansen´s disease is considered a serious public health problem. In 2006, the Ministry of Health reported that worldwide, Brazil ranked 2nd in the number of cases of the disease, surpassed only by India. The North region is the geographical area in Brazil that presents the most cases. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the disease is considered to be eliminated because its prevalence has been identified as 1 per 10.000 inhabitants, criteria established by the State Elimination Letter of 2005. Training programs have been offered by the Coordination for the Control of Hansen´s Disease Program of Rio Grande do Norte, PCH-RN since 1997, with the support of the English governmental agency Leprosy Relief Association, LRA, with no evaluation having been conducted. The objective of this study was to evaluate the training programs in clinical diagnosis of Hansen´s disease and their contribution to the detection of the disease in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The study was conducted in seven municipalities that are known as Regional Public Health Units (URSAPs): São José de Mipibu URSAP I, Mossoró URSAP II, João Câmara URSAP III, Caicó URSAP IV, Santa Cruz URSAP V, Pau dos Ferros URSAP VI and Natal, capital city of the State, in the Metropolitan Region. Physicians and nurses of the Family Health Program PSF were interviewed as to their perceptions of the implementation of the training program in clinica diagnosis of Hansen´s Disease conducted by the PCH-RN. They evaluated their own practice and the training program. These professionals presented a positive evaluation of the program and gave suggestions for future courses. The results of this study suggest the need for permanent education. Data of the disease obtained from the official records of the Secretariat of Health and from the interviews indicate that health education is the means to control Hansen´s disease effectively
Exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study with prospective data, performed in the Mobile Emergency Care Service in the metropolitan region of Natal/RN, in order to identify the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about the rules of standard precautions and worker safety, to identify occupational hazards peculiar to the activities of this service; characterize work-related accidents (WRA) and know the procedures adopted after each WRA. The population consisted of 162 professionals and data were collected between the months of November and December 2010. As for personal and professional characteristics, of the 162 professional, 12,96% were physicians; 6,79%, nurses; 33,95%, nursing technicians, 46,29%, conductors; 74,70% were male; 43,21% were between 31 and 40 years old; 69,33% lived in Natal/RN, 50,00% had completed high school; 58,64% were married; 69,75% had children, 46,91% were between 1 and 4 years of training; 61,73% had improvement courses; 59,25% had 3 to 4 years of service; 54,32%, with 1-4 years experience in emergency; 44,44% received 1-2 minimum wages; 78,40% received insalubrity premium; 67,28% worked in Basic Support Unit (BSU); 83,95% had journey on SAMU Metropolitano of 31-40 hours per week; 52,47% had other employments. As for knowledge of rules of standard precautions, safety and occupational hazards, 99,38% knew what it was WRA; 62,96% gave incomplete answers; 74,07% knew the rules of prevent WRA; 46,67% acquired this knowledge in lectures; 53,09% knew Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 71,60% gave incorrect answers about the importance of standard precautions; 45,06% never received an educational intervention on this issue; 89,51% said that educational interventions in the prevention of WRA are very important; 90,12% pointed out this as a very important issue in the workplace; 27,00% suggested guidance on the topic in the workplace; regarding the physical hazards, 34,57% considered noise as the most important; about chemical hazards, 78,40% chose the gases and smoke; for biological hazards, 48,77% reported contact with the blood; for mechanical hazards, 80,86% said that were transport accidents; about ergonomic risks, 40,12% say it is the tension/stress in the care of critically ill, psychiatric and aggressive patients; and there was an average of 4,5 to the feeling of safety in the workplace. Regarding the data on the WRAs occurred, 31,48% experienced at least one accident event; 72,55% did not notify it; 60,98% answered that there was no routine for notification; 56,86% were performing patient transportation; 49,02% were hurt in the Basic Support Unit/Rescue Unit (BSU/RH); 60,78% occurred during the day; 96,08% of professionals were in normal work schedule (24 hours on duty); 31,37% had contusion; 58.82% had damage to members/pelvic girdle; 43,14% had traffic accidents. About the evolution of the WRA, 62,75% did not have to take time away from work; 76,47% had no sequelae; 88,24% did not require rehabilitation; no professional had a change of occupation. And by means of univariate logistic regression, showed that the nurses and male sex were risk factors for the occurrence of WRA. We conclude that there were gaps in the knowledge of staff regarding WRA, emphasizing the need for continuing education in biosafety in the service.
In Brazil, the mental health network proposed by the Psychiatric Reform inserts the intermediate and replacement services in the pursuit of alignment or resocialization of patients with mental and behavioral disorder in the community. Was adopted, among other services, the Center for Psychosocial Care, Home Therapy, Sheltered Home, Day Hospital and psychiatric beds in general hospital. In this context, the State of Rio Grande do Norte implanted the Day Hospital Dr. Elger Nunes (HDEN) in Natal / RN in 1996, linked to State Department of Public Health. At HDEN happened a multi and interdisciplinary therapeutic work, besides being the scene of disciplinary practices, and extension projects for graduate courses in Higher Education Institutions in the city. However, with the process of decentralization of local services, the hospital was terminated by an administrative state act in 2006, leaving damage to the activities provided to users, disciplinary practices and extension activities. From this breakdown, the objective was to narrate the trajectory of HDEN through a multidisciplinary team of professionals and teachers who used it as a field of disciplinary practices. It is characterized as a documental and qualitative, backed in the technique of thematic oral history, following the phases: authorization of the interviewee, interview recording, transcription, textualization and transcreation of the material obtained. We used documents, ordinances, general reports of activities, among others, plus interviews to fifteen employees who used this service, being thirteen part of the multidisciplinary team of professionals and two graduation professors of health care area, nursing and medicine. The stories collected were organized according to the technique chosen, respecting its steps. In preparing the body subjected to ALCESTE computer program, priority was given to the vital tone for the formation of categories and classes elected by the program, structured in three thematic areas. In the first axis, called Trajectory of HDEN, were recalled the beginning of its activities, the steps of that time, their activities, and its actors - users, families, professionals, and teaching practices. The second axis has dealt with the process of extinction of HDEN, rescuing the feelings of employees, the main reasons given at the time and immediate postextinction scenario. And the third axis revealed in an articulated form the situation of mental health in Natal / RN, listing to the challenges and prospects for the psychosocial care, starting from the trajectory of HDEN with emphasis on activities. Moreover, the trajectory of HDEN provides recognition of the historical basis outlined in the constitution of the network of substitute services present in the current scenario of psychosocial care in the city of Natal and in RN.