938 resultados para Couples.


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The flow field and the energy transport near thermoacoustic couples are simulated using a 2D full Navier-Stokes solver. The thermoacoustic couple plate is maintained at a constant temperature; plate lengths, which are short and long compared with the particle displacement lengths of the acoustic standing waves, are tested. Also investigated are the effects of plate spacing and the amplitude of the standing wave. Results are examined in the form of energy vectors, particle paths, and overall entropy generation rates. These show that a net heat-pumping effect appears only near the edges of thermoacoustic couple plates, within about a particle displacement distance from the ends. A heat-pumping effect can be seen even on the shortest plates tested when the plate spacing exceeds the thermal penetration depth. It is observed that energy dissipation near the plate increases quadratically as the plate spacing is reduced. The results also indicate that there may be a larger scale vortical motion outside the plates which disappears as the plate spacing is reduced. (C) 2002 Acoustical Society of America.


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The relations among measures of attachment, spouse behavior, and marital satisfaction were assessed in a broad sample of 193 married couples, using both questionnaire and diary methods. Insecure attachment was associated with less favorable reports of spouse behavior, as assessed by diary checklists. Marital satisfaction was predicted by attachment treasures and reports of spouse behavior. The relation between attachment security and marital satisfaction was moderated, but not mediated, by reported spouse behavior. Specifically, insecure individuals' evaluations of their relationships were more reactive to recent spouse behavior, an effect that was especially marked for fearful participants and for those in longer-term marriages. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were obtained. The results are discussed in terms of the working models associated with attachment styles, and the processes by which relationship satisfaction may be eroded over time.


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Couples with alcohol and relationship problems often report poor communication, yet little is known about the communication of maritally distressed couples in which the woman abuses alcohol (MDWA couples). Compared with maritally distressed couples without alcohol problems (MDNA) and couples with neither problem (NDNA), MDWA couples showed a distinctive pattern of negative communication. Similar to MDNA men, MDWA men spoke negatively to their partners but listened positively to their partners much like NDNA men. MDWA women listened negatively, much as MDNA women did, but spoke positively, like NDNA women did. The interactions of MDWA couples can be characterized as a male-demand-female-withdraw pattern, which is a gender reversal of the female-demand-male-withdraw pattern often observed in MDNA couples.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and ephrins regulate morphogenesis in the developing embryo where they effect adhesion and motility of interacting cells. Although scarcely expressed in adult tissues, Eph receptors and ephrins are overexpressed in a range of tumours. In malignant melanoma, increased Eph and ephrin expression levels correlate with metastatic progression. We have examined cellular and biochemical responses of EphA3-expressing melanoma cell lines and human epithelial kidney 293T cells to stimulation with polymeric ephrin-A5 in solution and with surfaces of defined ephrin-A5 densities. Within minutes, rapid reorganisation of the actin and myosin cytoskeleton occurs through activation of RhoA, leading to the retraction of cellular protrusions, membrane blebbing and detachment, but not apoptosis. These responses are inhibited by monomeric ephrin-A5, showing that receptor clustering is required for this EphA3 response. Furthermore, the adapter CrkII, which associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated EphA3 in vitro, is recruited in vivo to ephrin-A5-stimulated EphA3. Expression of an SH3-domain mutated CrkII ablates cell rounding, blebbing and detachment. Our results suggest that recruitment of CrkII and activation of Rho signalling are responsible for EphA3-mediated cell rounding, blebbing and de-adhesion, and that ephrin-A5-mediated receptor clustering and EphA3 tyrosine kinase activity are essential for this response.


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Avaliaram-se a ação transovariana do lufenuron em Spodoptera frugiperda e sua seletividade ao parasitóide de ovos Trichogramma pretiosum. Casais da praga foram isolados em gaiolas de PVC e alimentados com solução de mel a 10% na testemunha, e nos outros tratamentos, foi adicionado à solução de mel o regulador de crescimento de insetos Match® CE nas proporções de 12,5; 15,0 e 17,5 g i.a/l. Para verificação da ação transovariana, diariamente foram coletadas as posturas, contado o número de ovos e, posteriormente, o número de larvas eclodidas. Quarenta ovos provenientes de cada tratamento foram colados em cartelas de papel (cartolina) e expostos ao parasitismo, dentro de tubos de vidro de 1,0 x 3,5 cm, contendo uma fêmea de T. pretiosum no seu interior. Cartelas contendo 40 ovos de S. frugiperda foram imersas em soluções de lufenuron com a mesma concentração dos tratamentos anteriores e, posteriormente, expostas ao parasitismo por T. pretiosum. O lufenuron afetou consideravelmente a viabilidade dos ovos de S. frugiperda. Pelos resultados obtidos nos ensaios, relativos ao parasitóide, demonstram-se a seletividade do regulador de crescimento lufenuron e a possibilidade de sua utilização em programas de Manejo Integrado, juntamente com o parasitóide de ovos T. pretiosum.


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O trabalho investigou a dinâmica das relações conjugais após ocorrência de Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio em um dos cônjuges, a fim de identificar possíveis alterações na interação e no papel de cada cônjuge. Foram entrevistados 06 casais (30 a 53 anos casamento): 03 homens enfartados, 03 mulheres enfartadas (ocorrência entre 1,5 a 8 anos), com roteiros diferenciados para o (a) enfartado e o (a) companheiro. Nas entrevistas priorizamos: interações pessoais e conjugais pós-infarto/ diferenças de gênero. A análise de conteúdo evidenciou que predominaram nas relações conjugais aspectos que remetem ao papel tradicional de gênero, embora a dinâmica conjugal tenha sofrido algumas alterações frente ao impacto do infarto, por exemplo: aumento da divisão de tarefas domésticas, homens tornaram-se mais caseiros, mulheres começaram a participar da administração financeira, maior aproximação afetiva entre o casal. Tais considerações apontam que a ocorrência do infarto foi avaliada positivamente pelas mulheres em função das alterações de papéis e negativamente pelos homens frente às limitações e dependência.


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Foram investigadas as representações sociais de filho biológico em casais que se submeteram às tecnologias reprodutivas. Nossos objetivos foram analisar a trajetória de vida do casal a partir do momento em que foi constatada a infertilidade e identificar as representações sociais de filho biológico. Cinco casais da Grande Vitória, ES foram entrevistados e nenhum deles havia obtido êxito com relação à gravidez após o tratamento. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas individualmente. O roteiro seguiu o mesmo padrão para ambos os cônjuges, incluindo itens sobre a constatação da infertilidade, o tratamento realizado, o significado da maternidade, paternidade, casamento e filho biológico. A análise dos resultados apontou para um fortalecimento do vínculo no casamento após o diagnóstico de infertilidade e evidenciou a importância que os casais atribuem ao filho biológico. Os elementos de representações sociais que apareceram fortemente foram: "sangue do meu sangue", descendência, semelhança física e pressão social.


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Políticas referentes à profilaxia pós-exposição sexual (PEP sexual) e a estratégia “tratamento como prevenção” reforçaram as ações preventivas da transmissão do HIV. Este estudo objetivou descrever percepções de pessoas com HIV/aids sobre a prevenção da transmissão do HIV no contexto da sorodiscordância. Foram conduzidos dois grupos focais com 13 participantes com relacionamentos sorodiscordantes: um com pessoas em parcerias estáveis e outro em parcerias não estáveis. Pouco mais de um terço dos participantes tinham conhecimento sobre a PEP e o “tratamento como prevenção”. Houve consenso de que há mais facilidade na adoção de práticas sexuais seguras nas parcerias sorodiscordantes não estáveis. Vantagens das novas políticas foram relatadas, não obstante o receio de que possa haver negligência quanto ao uso do preservativo. Destaca-se a relevância da atuação de equipes de saúde com casais sorodiscordantes quanto à prevenção da transmissão sexual do HIV. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ABSTRACT


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo analisar as diferenças de género nas crenças e comportamentos relacionados com a violência conjugal, fazendo uma avaliação de condutas e atitudes face ao fenómeno. Participaram no estudo 50 casais, que preencheram o Inventário de Violência Conjugal e a Escala de Crenças sobre Violência Conjugal. Os resultados apontam para a não existência de diferenças entre homens e mulheres na perpetração e vitimação de violência em relações íntimas. São os homens os que mais facilmente legitimam os comportamentos violentos, embora a tendência atitudinal flua no sentido de não a aprovar. ABSTRACT:This study aims to examine gender differences in beliefs and behaviors related to domestic violence, by making an assessment of behaviors and attitudes addressing the phenomenon. 50 couples supported the study by filling Inventário de Violência Conjugal and Escala de Crenças sobre Violência Conjugal. The results indicate that there are no substancial differences between men and women in the perpetration and victimization of violence in intimate relationships. Men are more easily prone to accredit violent behavior, although the sight tendency is not to approve.


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Em resposta ao predomínio da heteronormatividade nos estudos sobre o trabalho doméstico, este artigo explora a forma como este é organizado e distribuído em casais do mesmo sexo. Para esse efeito, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa (20 entrevistas aos membros de casais homossexuais) em torno dos desequilíbrios, do processo de negociação, do nível de satisfação, e ainda da herança familiar genderizada na actual organização do trabalho doméstico. Concluiu-se que a ausência da diferença de sexo no casal contribui para uma mais flexível e paritária negociação da organização das tarefas. Reflexo da socialização de género, as mulheres tendem para uma maior especialização e os homens para uma maior delegação das tarefas. In response to the predominance of heteronormativity in the studies on the household labour, this article explores the way it is organized and distributed in same-sex couples. Qualitative research was carried out on the basis of 20 interviews with members of homosexual couples, and informationwas collected on the imbalances, negotiation, satisfaction and gendered family legacy in the current organization of household labour. Results show that the absence of the sex difference between the members of the couple contributes to more flexible and egalitarian negotiation in the organization of chores. As a consequence of gender socialization, women tend to specialize and men to delegate.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze users' reasons for choosing in vitro fertilization treatment in public or private services and to identify their suggestions for improving fertility treatment. METHODS: A qualitative study using an interpretative approach was conducted. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (nine women, one man and five couples) at home or at their workplace in the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto and Lisbon, Portugal, between July 2005 and February 2006. RESULTS: Users evaluated access to in vitro fertilization treatment in public and private services based mainly on their individual experiences and called for more access to less costly, faster and friendlier care with suitable facilities, appropriate time management and caring medical providers. These perceptions were also associated with views on the need for fighting stigmatization of infertility, protecting children's rights and guaranteeing sustainability of health care system. Interviewees sought to balance reduced waiting time and more attentive care with costs involved. The choice of services depended on the users' purchase power and place of residence and availability of attentive care. CONCLUSIONS: Current national policies on in vitro fertilization treatment meet user's demands of promoting access to, and quality, availability and affordability of in vitro fertilization treatment. However, their focus on legal regulation and technical-scientific aspects contrasts with the users' emphasis on reimbursement, insurance coverage and focus on emotional aspects of the treatment. The study showed these policies should ensure insurance coverage, participation of user representatives in the National Council for Assisted Reproductive Technology, promotion of infertility research and certification of fertility laboratories.


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Desertification is a critical issue for Mediterranean drylands. Climate change is expected to aggravate its extension and severity by reinforcing the biophysical driving forces behind desertification processes: hydrology, vegetation cover and soil erosion. The main objective of this thesis is to assess the vulnerability of Mediterranean watersheds to climate change, by estimating impacts on desertification drivers and the watersheds’ resilience to them. To achieve this objective, a modeling framework capable of analyzing the processes linking climate and the main drivers is developed. The framework couples different models adapted to different spatial and temporal scales. A new model for the event scale is developed, the MEFIDIS model, with a focus on the particular processes governing Mediterranean watersheds. Model results are compared with desertification thresholds to estimate resilience. This methodology is applied to two contrasting study areas: the Guadiana and the Tejo, which currently present a semi-arid and humid climate. The main conclusions taken from this work can be summarized as follows: • hydrological processes show a high sensitivity to climate change, leading to a significant decrease in runoff and an increase in temporal variability; • vegetation processes appear to be less sensitive, with negative impacts for agricultural species and forests, and positive impacts for Mediterranean species; • changes to soil erosion processes appear to depend on the balance between changes to surface runoff and vegetation cover, itself governed by relationship between changes to temperature and rainfall; • as the magnitude of changes to climate increases, desertification thresholds are surpassed in a sequential way, starting with the watersheds’ ability to sustain current water demands and followed by the vegetation support capacity; • the most important thresholds appear to be a temperature increase of +3.5 to +4.5 ºC and a rainfall decrease of -10 to -20 %; • rainfall changes beyond this threshold could lead to severe water stress occurring even if current water uses are moderated, with droughts occurring in 1 out of 4 years; • temperature changes beyond this threshold could lead to a decrease in agricultural yield accompanied by an increase in soil erosion for croplands; • combined changes of temperature and rainfall beyond the thresholds could shift both systems towards a more arid state, leading to severe water stresses and significant changes to the support capacity for current agriculture and natural vegetation in both study areas.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the sociocultural aspects involved in the decision-making process of vaccination in upper-class and highly educated families.METHODS A qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews with 15 couples from the city of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, falling into three categories: vaccinators, late or selective vaccinators, and nonvaccinators. The interpretation of produced empirical material was performed through content analysis.RESULTS The study showed diverse and particular aspects surrounding the three groups’ decisions whether to vaccinate their children. The vaccinators’ decision to vaccinate their children was spontaneous and raised no questions. Most late or selective vaccinators experienced a wide range of situations that were instrumental in the decision to delay or not apply certain vaccines. The nonvaccinator’s decision-making process expressed a broader context of both criticism of hegemonic obstetric practices in Brazil and access to information transmitted via social networks and the internet. The data showed that the problematization of vaccines (culminating in the decision to not vaccinate their children) occurred in the context of humanized birth, was protagonized by women and was greatly influenced by health information from the internet.CONCLUSIONS Sociocultural aspects of the singular Brazilian context and the contemporary society were involved in the decision-making on children’s vaccination. Understanding this process can provide a real basis for a deeper reflection on health and immunization practices in Brazil in light of the new contexts and challenges of the world today.


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RESUMO: O aborto recorrente (AR) é um evento extremamente traumático com grande impacto na vida dos casais. Apesar de avanços significativos verificados na investigação médica, cerca de 50% dos casos continua sem uma causa identificada. Alguns aspectos como a caracterização inadequada das doentes e das perdas gestacionais, assim como diferentes metodologias utilizadas no seu estudo, têm influenciado a prevalência de alguns dos factores causais e dificultado a compreensão do AR. Da mesma forma, pouco se sabe sobre as diferenças de género na vivência psicológica do aborto recorrente e das suas eventuais repercussões para o relacionamento do casal, centrando-se os poucos estudos existentes preferencialmente na mulher. Por esta razão, o objectivo desta tese foi a caracterização dos factores médicos associados ao AR e das consequências psicológicas desta entidade, contribuindo para promover estratégias clínicas baseadas na evidência específica. Na primeira parte desta tese (capítulos 1 e 2), após uma breve introdução geral e através de uma revisão da literatura, efectua-se uma reflexão sobre o tema, abordando a epidemiologia do aborto recorrente, os factores médicos e os aspectos psicológicos associados. Nos capítulos 3 e 4 descrevemos três estudos efectuados em mulheres portuguesas com aborto recorrente. O primeiro estudo teve por objectivo caracterizar os factores médicos e determinar o padrão da perda recorrente de gravidez, numa coorte de mulheres submetidas a um protocolo de diagnóstico definido. As participantes foram agrupadas de acordo com a paridade (AR primário ou secundário) e a idade gestacional das perdas (embrionárias ou fetais). As anomalias da cavidade uterina, a SAAF e as translocações equilibradas parentais foram os factores mais prevalentes. 15,6% das participantes eram obesas. Em 55,5% dos casos não foi identificado nenhum factor. A história obstétrica materna influenciou significativamente os resultados encontrados: os factores anatómicos e a SAAF foram mais prevalentes em nulíparas e as perdas inexplicadas foram mais frequentes em mulheres com AR secundário. Assim, os nossos dados reforçam os resultados de pesquisas anteriores sobre a importância da obesidade, da síndrome de anticorpos antifosfolípidos e das anomalias uterinas estruturais como factores associados ao AR e mostram que os a paridade é um moderador da importância desses factores. Capítulo 6 94 A ausência de resultados consensuais na literatura sobre a etiologia do AR condiciona a pesquisa sistemática de alguns factores, envolvendo exames dispendiosos, muitas vezes sem que exista evidência que suporte a sua associação com esta entidade. A trombofilia hereditária é uma das condições frequentemente investigadas nestas doentes. O nosso segundo estudo pretende contribuir para clarificar o papel de duas mutações (factor V Leiden e protrombina G20210A) na perda recorrente de gravidez e esclarecer a necessidade do seu rastreio nestas situações. Foi efectuada a pesquisa destes polimorfismos em 100 mulheres com AR inexplicado e num grupo de controlo de multíparas sem história de perdas de gravidez. Na nossa amostra não se verificou uma associação entre perdas embrionárias recorrentes e estas mutações. Nas mulheres com este tipo de perdas, a prevalência do FLV foi inclusive menor do que a verificada nos controlos. Pelo contrário, nas participantes com perdas fetais a prevalência destes polimorfismos foi muito superior à verificada nos controlos, sugerindo uma possível associação entre estas duas entidades. A pequena dimensão deste último subgrupo de mulheres, não nos permitiu contudo tirar conclusões. Uma investigação prospectiva multicêntrica é necessária antes de recomendar a pesquisa da trombofilia hereditária na investigação do AR. Procurámos incluir também nesta tese uma dimensão psicológica e contribuir assim para o conhecimento dos processos relacionais originados pelo AR. No terceiro estudo foram investigadas as diferenças de género na vivência do AR e o seu impacto no relacionamento e sexualidade do casal. Participaram neste estudo 30 casais sem filhos, com pelo menos 3 abortos espontâneos consecutivos. Cada membro do casal respondeu a um conjunto de questionários (Impact of Events Scale, Perinatal Grief Scale, Partnership Questionnaire e Intimate Relationship Scale). Os resultados mostram que as mulheres sofrem mais intensamente do que os homens com o AR, relacionando-se a intensidade do seu sofrimento com a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal. A sexualidade do casal é também afectada pelo stress e pelo sofrimento associados ao AR. Uma avaliação e acompanhamento deste tipo de problemas são imprescindíveis para ajudar estes casais a manterem a qualidade afectiva e sexual da sua relação. Finalmente, no capítulo 5 sumariámos as conclusões de toda a contribuição pessoal para a investigação sobre os factores associados e repercussões para o casal da perda recorrente de gravidez.-------------------ABSTRACT: Recurrent miscarriage (RM), a rare condition, has been described as a traumatic event for couples. Parental chromosomal anomalies, maternal thrombophilic disorders and structural uterine anomalies have been directly associated with RM. However, despite significant advances in medical research, the vast majority of cases remain unexplained. Aspects as the ethnic diversity of the population with different expression of genes, the inappropriate characterization of patients and of pregnancy losses, as well as different methodologies used in their study, have influenced the prevalence of etiological factors and have hampered the understanding of this problem. Similarly, little is known about gender differences in psychological experience of RM and its implications for the relationship of the couple. The first objective of this thesis is the characterization of the medical factors and of the psychological consequences related with RM, in the Portuguese population, helping to promote specific evidence-based clinical strategies. In the first part of this thesis, and after a brief general introduction (Chapter 1), a critical review of literature on the definition, the epidemiology and the dimensions involved, with a special emphasis on associated medical and psychological aspects of recurrent miscarriage, is presented (Chapter 2). In Chapters 3 and 4 we describe three studies carried out in Portuguese couples with RM. The first study aimed to investigate the etiological factors and the pattern of pregnancy loss in a cohort of women with RM. Subjects were divided in groups according to their parity (primary or secondary RM) and time of pregnancy loss (embryonic or fetal). Parental chromosome anomalies, uterine anomalies and antiphospholipid syndrome were the most prevalent medical factors. 15.6% of the women were obese. In the majority of cases (55.5%) no identifiable cause was detected. Parity influenced significantly our results. There was a higher prevalence of anatomic factors and antiphospholipid syndrome in primary RM. On the other hand, unexplained losses were more frequent in secondary RM. Except for the parental chromosomal abnormalities; the frequency of risk factors was similar among women with fetal or embryonic losses. Our data emphasizes the results of previous research on the importance of obesity, antiphospholipid syndrome and structural uterine abnormalities as known risk factors for RM, and shows that parity is an important moderator of the weight of those risk factors. Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic.96 Our second study aims to clarify the role of two mutations (factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A) and elucidate the need for their screening in Portuguese women with RM. FVL and PT G20210A analysis was carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and a control group of 100 parous controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal loss). Overall the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in RM women compared with controls. In the RM embryonic subgroup of women, FVL prevalence was inclusively lower than that of controls. Conversely in women with fetal losses both polymorphisms were much more frequent, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of this subgroup of patients. These data indicate that inherited maternal thrombophilia is not associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with RM and a negative personal history of thromboembolic. In our third study, we investigate gender differences in RM experience and its impact on the couple's relationship and sexuality. Each member of 30 couples with RM answered a set of questionnaires, including the Impact of Events Scale (Horowitz et al., 1979), the Perinatal Grief Scale (Toedter et al., 1988), the Partnership Questionnaire (Hahlweg, 1979) and the Intimate Relationship Scale (Hetherington e Soeken, 1990). Results showed that men do grieve, but less intensely than women. Although the quality of the couple‟s relationship seemed not to be adversely affected by RM, both partners described sexual changes after those events. Grief was related to the quality of communication in the couple for women, and to the quality of sex life for men. An understanding of such issues is critical in helping these couples to maintain sexual and affective quality of their relationship. Finally, in Chapter 5, conclusions and clinical implications of all personal contribution to the investigation on associated factors and relational consequences of recurrent miscarriage are presented.