862 resultados para Consumer based brand equity
Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.
This study had three purposes. First, it aimed to re-conceptualize organization-public relationships (OPRs) in public relations and crisis communication. This OPR re-conceptualization helps find out when the OPR buffering effect or the OPR love-becomes-hate effect happens. Second, it aimed to examine how consumer emotions are influenced by OPRs and influence consumer behavioral intentions. Third, it aimed to address the current problematic operationalization of the concept of consumer. Three pilot studies and one main study were conducted. Apple and Whole Foods were the two brands examined. One crisis that undermined the self-defining attributes shared between the brand and its consumers and another crisis that did not were examined for each brand. Almost 500 Apple consumers and 400 Whole Foods consumers provided usable questionnaires. This study had several major findings. First, non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship were different constructs. Moreover, trust, satisfaction, and commitment were not conceptually separate dimensions of OPRs. Second, the non-identifying relationships offered buffering effects by increasing positive attitudes and tempering anger and disappointment. The identifying relationships primarily offered the love-becomes-hate effects by increasing anger and disappointment. Third, if the crisis was relevant to consumers’ daily lives, brand response strategies were less effective at mitigating consumer negative reactions. Moreover, apology-compensation-reminder strategy was more effective compared to no-comment strategy. However, the apology-compensation-reminder strategy was no more effective than other strategies as long as brands compensate to the victims. Identifying relationships increased the effectiveness of response strategies. If the crisis did not undermine the self-defining attributes shared between consumers and brands, the response strategies worked even better. This study contributes to crisis communication research in multiple ways. First, it advances the OPR conceptualization by demonstrating that non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship are different concepts. More importantly, it advances the theory building of OPRs’ influences on crises by finding out when the buffering effect and the love-becomes-hate effect happen. Second, it adds to emotion research by demonstrating that strong OPRs can lead to negative emotions and positive emotions can have negative behavioral consequences on organizations. Third, the precise operationalization of the concept of consumer gives more insights about consumer reactions to crises.
We apply the collective consumption model of Browning, Chiappori and Lewbel (2006) to analyse economic well-being and poverty among the elderly. The model focuses on individual preferences, a consumption technology that captures the economies of scale of living in a couple, and a sharing rule that governs the intra-household allocation of resources. The model is applied to a time series of Dutch consumption expenditure surveys. Our empirical results indicate substantial economies of scale and a wifeís share that is increasing in total expenditures. We further calculated poverty rates by means of the collective consumption model. Collective poverty rates of widows and widowers turn out to be slightly lower than traditional ones based on a standard equivalence scale. Poverty among women (men) in elderly couples, however, seems to be heavily underestimated (overestimated) by the traditional approach. Finally, we analysed the impact of becoming a widow(er). Based on cross-sectional evidence, we find that the drop (increase) in material well-being following the husbandís death is substantial for women in high (low) expenditure couples. For men, the picture is reversed.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Doutoramento em Economia.
Introduction: Internet users are increasingly using the worldwide web to search for information relating to their health. This situation makes it necessary to create specialized tools capable of supporting users in their searches. Objective: To apply and compare strategies that were developed to investigate the use of the Portuguese version of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for constructing an automated classifier for Brazilian Portuguese-language web-based content within or outside of the field of healthcare, focusing on the lay public. Methods: 3658 Brazilian web pages were used to train the classifier and 606 Brazilian web pages were used to validate it. The strategies proposed were constructed using content-based vector methods for text classification, such that Naive Bayes was used for the task of classifying vector patterns with characteristics obtained through the proposed strategies. Results: A strategy named InDeCS was developed specifically to adapt MeSH for the problem that was put forward. This approach achieved better accuracy for this pattern classification task (0.94 sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve). Conclusions: Because of the significant results achieved by InDeCS, this tool has been successfully applied to the Brazilian healthcare search portal known as Busca Saude. Furthermore, it could be shown that MeSH presents important results when used for the task of classifying web-based content focusing on the lay public. It was also possible to show from this study that MeSH was able to map out mutable non-deterministic characteristics of the web. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. and Hewings G. J. D. Transport-regional equity issue revisited, Regional Studies. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between transport and regional equity in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Furthermore, the existence of a trade-off between economic performance and regional equity is investigated as well. To do so, the paper develops a spatial computable general equilibrium model based on Brocker and Schneider`s approach of 2002 to implement comparative static analysis, explicitly incorporating iceberg transportation costs. Four activities are modelled, namely production, final demand, transportation and exports. Two production factors are assumed: labour and other factors. The model has 12 domestic regions and three external regions. Four counterfactual experiments are developed based on decreases in transportation costs due to a `distance shortening`. The main findings indicate that if the transport infrastructure improvement is focused only among poor regions, the promotion of regional equity is insignificant. If the transport infrastructure improvement links are concentrated among rich regions, there is an increase in regional income inequalities. However, if the improvements are targeted to the roads linking poor regions and rich ones, there is greater promotion of regional equity. The same result will occur when improvements are made to all road links of the state. [image omitted] Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. et Hewings G. J. D. La question du rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional vue sous un jour nouveau, Regional Studies. Cet article cherche a analyser le rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional en Minas Gerais au Bresil. En outre, on examine la presence d`un echange entre la performance economoique et l`equilibre regional. Pour le faire, on construit un modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur fonde sur l`approche de Brockner et Schneider en 2002 afin de mettre en oeuvre une analyse statique comparative qui comprend explicitement les frais de transport iceberg. On modelise quatre activites, a savoir, la production, la demande finale, le transport et l`exportation. On fait deux suppositions quant aux facteurs de production: la main-d`oevre et d`autres facteurs. Le modele embrasse douze regions internes et trois regions externes. On fait quatre experiences paradoxales fondees sur la baisse des frais de transport due a une `reduction des distances`. Les principaux resultats indiquent que si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport ne porte que sur les regions defavorisees, la promotion de l`equilibre regional s`avere negligeable. Si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport focalise les regions riches, il s`avere un creusement des ecarts des revenus regionaux. Cependant, si les ameliorations ciblent les routes qui relient les regions defavorisees aux regions riches, il s`avere une plus grande promotion de l`equilibre regional. Il en va de meme pour la situation ou on a apporte des amenagements a toutes les liaisons routieres de l`etat. Modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur Equilibre regional Peformance economique Frais de transport Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. und Hewings G. J. D. Die Wiederaufnahme der Frage von Verkehrswesen im Verhaltnis zu regionaler Fairness, Regional Studies. Dieser Aufsatz beabsichtigt, die Beziehung zwischen Verkehrswesen und regionaler Fairness in Minas Gerais (Brasilien) zu analysieren und zugleich auch das Vorkommen von Einbussen entweder bei wirtschaftlicher Leistung der regionaler Fairness zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zwecke wird ein auf dem Ansatz von Brocker und Schneider (2002) aufbauendes raumliches komputables allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell entwickelt, um vergleichende statistische Analysen durchzufuhren, wobei verborgene `Eisberg`-Transportkosten ausdrucklich berucksichtigt werden. Es werden vier Unternehmenstatigk eiten aufgefuhrt: Herstellung, Nachfrage, Transportwesen und Exporte, und zwei Produktionsfaktoren vorausgesetzt: Arbeitskrafte und andere Faktoren. Das Modell umfasst zwolf Inlandsregionen und drei externe Regionen. Es werden vier gegensatzliche Experimente entwickelt, die auf einer Abnahme der Transportkosten infolge einer `Verkurzung der Entfernungen` beruhen. Die Hauptbefunde weisen darauf hin, dass die Forderung regionaler Fairness unbedeutend bleibt, wenn die Verbesserungen der Transportinfrastruktur sich nur auf minderbemittelte Regionen konzentrieren; werden die Verbesserungen der Verbindungen der Transportinfrastruktur in wohlhabenden Regionen durchgefuhrt, so nehmen regionale Einkommensunterschiede zu. Wenn die Verbesserungen jedoch auf Strassen abzielen, die wohlhabende Regionen mit weniger bemittelten verbinden, wird regionale Fairness starker gefordert. Das gleiche Ergebnis wird sich einstellen, wenn Verbesserungen an allen Strassenverbindungen des Staates vorgenommen werden. Raumliches, komputables, allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell Regionale Fairness Wirtschaftsleistung Transportkosten Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. y Hewings G. J. D. Revisando el tema de la igualdad del transporte en las regiones, Regional Studies. El objetivo de este documento es analizar la relacion entre el transporte y la igualdad regional en Minas Gerais, Brasil. Asimismo investigamos la existencia de una compensacion entre el rendimiento economico y la igualdad regional. Para ello desarrollamos un modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial basado en el enfoque de Brocker y Schneider en 2002 para hacer un analisis estatico y comparativo, explicitamente incorporando los costes ocultos de transporte. Se modelan cuatro actividades: la produccion, la demanda final, el transporte y las exportaciones. Suponemos que existen dos factores de produccion: mano de obra y otros factores. En este modelo, existen doce regiones internas y tres regiones externas. Desarrollamos cuatro experimentos contrafactuales basados en la disminucion de los costes de transporte debido a una `acortamiento de las distancias`. Los principales resultados indican que si la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se centra solo entre las regiones mas pobres, el fomento de la igualdad regional es insignificante. Si los enlaces de la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se concentran en las regiones ricas, aumentan las desigualdades de ingresos regionales. Sin embargo, si se mejoran los enlaces de carreteras entre las regiones pobres y ricas, se fomenta mejor la igualdad regional. El mismo resultado ocurre cuando se mejoran los enlaces de todas las carreteras del estado. Modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial Igualdad regional Rendimiento economico Costes de transporte.
This study evaluated whether projects conducted through the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Australian Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care initiative are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies for people with depression and anxiety. Synthesising data from the first 29 projects funded through the initiative, the study found that the models utilised in the projects have evolved over time. The projects have achieved a high level uptake; at a conservative estimate, 710 GPs and 160 allied health professionals (AHPs) have provided care to 3,476 consumers. The majority of these consumers have depression (77%) and/or anxiety disorders (55%); many are low income earners (57%); and a number have not previously accessed mental health care (40%). The projects have delivered 8,678 sessions of high quality care to these consumers, most commonly providing CBT-based cognitive and behavioural interventions (55% and 41%, respectively). In general, GPs, AHPs and consumers are sanguine about the projects, and have reported positive consumer outcomes. However, as with any new initiative, there are some practical and professional issues that need to be addressed. The projects are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies. The continuation and expansion of the initiative should be a priority.
Most transportation agencies stipulate that an important planning goal is to provide equitable and just public transport services. However, who is to be served and the type of service that should be provided has been ambiguous. This paper develops a methodology for examining equity in the provision of public transportation services. An approach for identifying areas in need of public transport is developed based upon the use of socio-demographic and economic information. Public transport need is then related to levels of access to service. This approach makes it possible to establish the degree to which public transport services may be considered equitable in relation to need and suitable access. A detailed analysis of the southeast Queensland region of Australia illustrates how this approach may be used to inform public transport decision making.
The theoretical framework that underpins this research study is based on the Prospect Theory formulated by Kahneman and Tversky, and Thaler's Mental Accounting Theory. The research aims to evaluate the consumers' behavior when different patterns of discount are offered (in percentage and absolute value and for larger and smaller discounts). Two experiments were conducted to explore these patterns of behavior and the results that were obtained supported the view that the framing effect was a common occurrence. The patterns of choice of individuals in a sample were found to be different due to changes in the ways discounts were offered. This can be explained by the various ways of presenting discount rates that had an impact on the influence of purchase intentions, recommendations and quality perception.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors that lead people to visit a doctor in Brazil and assess differences between socioeconomic groups. METHODS: A cross-sectional study comprising 1,260 subjects aged 15 or more was carried out in southern Brazil. Demographic, socioeconomic, health needs and regular source of care data were analyzed concerning visits to a doctor within two months from the interview. Adjusted prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Adjusted PR showed that women having stressful life events, health insurance, and a regular doctor increased the outcome. A dose-related response was found with self-reported health, and the probability of visiting a doctor increased with health needs. Analysis in the chronic disease group revealed that uneducated lower income subjects had a 62% reduction in the chance of visiting a doctor compared to uneducated higher income ones. However, as it was seen a significant interaction between income and education, years of schooling increased utilization in this group. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest the existence of health inequity in the poorest group that could be overcome with education. Specific measures reinforcing the importance of having a regular doctor may also improve access in the underserved group.
The operation of power systems in a Smart Grid (SG) context brings new opportunities to consumers as active players, in order to fully reach the SG advantages. In this context, concepts as smart homes or smart buildings are promising approaches to perform the optimization of the consumption, while reducing the electricity costs. This paper proposes an intelligent methodology to support the consumption optimization of an industrial consumer, which has a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility. A SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system developed by the authors is used to support the implementation of the proposed methodology. An optimization algorithm implemented in the system in order to perform the determination of the optimal consumption and CHP levels in each instant, according to the Demand Response (DR) opportunities. The paper includes a case study with several scenarios of consumption and heat demand in the context of a DR event which specifies a maximum demand level for the consumer.
In recent decades, all over the world, competition in the electric power sector has deeply changed the way this sector’s agents play their roles. In most countries, electric process deregulation was conducted in stages, beginning with the clients of higher voltage levels and with larger electricity consumption, and later extended to all electrical consumers. The sector liberalization and the operation of competitive electricity markets were expected to lower prices and improve quality of service, leading to greater consumer satisfaction. Transmission and distribution remain noncompetitive business areas, due to the large infrastructure investments required. However, the industry has yet to clearly establish the best business model for transmission in a competitive environment. After generation, the electricity needs to be delivered to the electrical system nodes where demand requires it, taking into consideration transmission constraints and electrical losses. If the amount of power flowing through a certain line is close to or surpasses the safety limits, then cheap but distant generation might have to be replaced by more expensive closer generation to reduce the exceeded power flows. In a congested area, the optimal price of electricity rises to the marginal cost of the local generation or to the level needed to ration demand to the amount of available electricity. Even without congestion, some power will be lost in the transmission system through heat dissipation, so prices reflect that it is more expensive to supply electricity at the far end of a heavily loaded line than close to an electric power generation. Locational marginal pricing (LMP), resulting from bidding competition, represents electrical and economical values at nodes or in areas that may provide economical indicator signals to the market agents. This article proposes a data-mining-based methodology that helps characterize zonal prices in real power transmission networks. To test our methodology, we used an LMP database from the California Independent System Operator for 2009 to identify economical zones. (CAISO is a nonprofit public benefit corporation charged with operating the majority of California’s high-voltage wholesale power grid.) To group the buses into typical classes that represent a set of buses with the approximate LMP value, we used two-step and k-means clustering algorithms. By analyzing the various LMP components, our goal was to extract knowledge to support the ISO in investment and network-expansion planning.
There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. The authors consider this an opportunity do develop a framework to assess identity. In a marketing context, literature reveals two approaches on identity: one focus on corporate identity and the other focus on branding. The aim of this paper is to integrate these two approaches to develop a synthesis framework to assess brand identity. Based on literature on identity the authors found nine components related to brand identity. Those components are described in this paper as well as the relation they have with brand identity. The authors hope that this synthesis approach contributes to a better understanding of the brand identity, and are very encouraging for refining this framework in the future.
The term “corporate brand” has been widely used in literature since the eighties. According to Balmer (1998) this concept tends to be used as an alternative to the concept of corporate identity. The author argues that the use of branding principles to discuss corporate identity has tended to align the area more closely with marketing. However, the literature on brand management (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 1991 and de Chernatony and McDonald, 1992), gives little attention to the corporate brand” (p. 985). Based on the concepts of corporate brand, brand identity and B2B relationship, the authors are interested in eliminating this gap in literature by designing a framework of corporate brand identity management. The aim of this investigation is to investigate the impact of B2B relationships in corporate brand identity management. The methodology used is quantitative analysis of surveys and scale development. The originality of this paper is to investigate the influence of the relationship between brands in corporate brand identity. This investigation is very important to help the decisions of the corporate brand managers and academics. According to literature, namely on corporate brands (Balmer 2002b, Hatch and Schultz, 2001, 2003) and on brand identity (Kapferer, 1991, 2008, Aaker, 1996, de Chernatony, 1999) the authors developed a corporate brand identity management framework considering relationships between brands a context variable with definite impact on identity management as stated by Hakansson and Snehota (1989, 1995). These authors consider that organisations´ identity management is pursued under a relational perspective with impact on identity management. Most researchers on identity and corporate brand emphasise the importance of external influences (Kennedy, 1977; King, 1991; de Chernatony, 1999; Balmer and Gray, 2000; Balmer, 2002a). Those influences concern legislation, concurrence, political issues... and stakeholders’ perceptions and reputations (due to the holistic approach demanded by corporate brands). In this context the authors claim the importance of another influence: B2B relationships. This decision is inspired in sociological studies (Mannheim, 1950; and Tajfel and Turner, 1979) regarding individual identity. These authors claim that individuals form their personality by interacting in the social field. The authors argue that corporate brand identity also develops itself under a relational approach. The relationships selected to pursue this investigation are the ones that are developed by Portuguese universities and investigation centres that cooperate by developing investigation. Those centres are administrative and financially autonomous