901 resultados para Comunidades Europeias (CE). Parlamento Europeu, análise comparativa


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This study aims to prove the economic feasibility of the installation of mechanical compression chillers on plastic injection molding machines in order to reduce the production cycle time of toothbrush cables in a specific case study. This evidence was confirmed by the comparative analysis of the system replaced and the new system installed. The old system had only one closed loop cooling tower which pumped chilled water to the injection molds, and the new system has the same tower sending cold water to the condensers of individual chillers installed on each injection machine. We conducted an analysis of energy efficiency in each system, showing that in terms of thermal efficiency virtually nothing has changed, but in terms of electricity demand the new system consumes 60.3 kW more. We conducted an analysis of machine productivity for both systems, showing a much higher productivity of the new system due to reduced cycle times caused by the presence of chillers and their greater cooling capacities. Equipped with data such as electricity rates, increases in operating costs and initial investments, the increase in consumption and demand of electricity plus the cycle time reduction were also calculated over so the simple payback 1 year and 2 months was reached


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O estresse oxidativo é um dos fatores mais importantes na diminuição da qualidade do sêmen, pois leva a perda da integridade da membrana dos espermatozóides e de danos estruturais ao DNA através da cascata de lipoperoxidação. Os danos funcionais relacionados ao estresse oxidativo como a diminuição da motilidade e da viabilidade do espermatozóide são algumas das principais causas de infertilidade masculina. Ainda, os lipídios que compõe a membrana plasmática são macromoléculas que, além de estarem envolvidas em complexos sistemas biológicos e processos metabólicos da célula, são altamente susceptíveis ao processo de lipoperoxidação desencadeado pelo estresse oxidativo. Neste contexto, este projeto propôs o estudo das alterações no perfil lipídico do plasma seminal que pudessem estar relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo e posterior comparação destes perfis em busca de biomarcadores de infertilidade. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de sêmen de 116 pacientes que procuraram o setor de Reprodução Humana da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Estas amostras foram submetidas a técnica de TBARS para quantificação dos produtos finais do estresse oxidativo e separação dos grupos, e em seguida, ao protocolo de extração de lipídios para obtenção dos espectros de massa através da técnica de MALDI (Matrix Assisted Laser Disorption Ionization). Com esta análise foi possível a identificação de 31 lipídeos super representados nos diferentes grupos e que, futuramente, poderão vir a ser utilizados na avaliação da qualidade seminal


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In our country, the majority of freight and people by road happens municipal, state and federal. Thus, the heavy vehicles like buses and trucks are the main means of transporting people and cargo. This graduate work aims to study the process of manufacturing wheels for trucks, because we can see the lack of literature on the manufacturing process of wheels and also the importance of the processes used to manufacture wheels, such as lamination, stamping, puckering, machining, welding and painting


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Since its origin, soccer has been conquering followers all over the world. As a consequence of this cultural phenomenon, countless works are being done aiming to analyze the game systems and the fundamentals carried out by a team. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian Soccer Team’s game systems and actions with ball possession in the 1958, 1962 and 2002 World Cup finals. Specifically, the paper analyzed the actions that occur during the match, such as control, dribble, pass, shot, foul and tackling. In order to achieve that, the Skout software (Barros et al., 2006) was utilized and, through it, all fundamentals carried out by the Brazilian team were identified and codified in a virtual field. The data from each match was transported into the Matlab® software, in which the zone of major action of each player was analyzed, represented by the main axis. The outcome showed that the game systems put into practice by the Brazilian team in the 1958 and 1962 World Cup finals didn’t present significant changes, nevertheless, regarding the 2002 final, there was a great difference. The Brazilian team got similar percentages in the technical actions carried out in the three World Cup finals analyzed, however, in absolute numbers, the passes, the shots and the dribbles decreased while the fouls increased.


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O desempenho locomotor de um indivíduo pode ser considerado produto de interações multivariadas em torno de sua morfo-fisiologia, sendo particularmente determinado pela maneira como seus músculos se contraem. Essa maneira como a contração ocorre é influenciada tanto por parâmetros energéticos (atividade enzimática e proporção de fibras de contração rápida); quanto estruturais (comprimento de fibras e tendões). Para quantificar a proporção de fibras musculares, foram obtidos cortes histológicos em criostato, de seis grupamentos musculares congelados de oito individuos de Tropidurus psammonastes e um grupamento muscular, o iliofibularis, de quatro individuos de Tropidurus semitaeniatus. Os cortes foram corados por meio de técnicas histoquímicas e as fibras contadas. O perfil metabólico foi contrastado entre os músculos de um mesmo indivíduo e essa comparação serviu de base também para interpretação em relação à informações semelhantes obtidas em estudos com ileofibularis em outras sete espécies de lagartos da família Tropiduridae. O resultado mostrou algumas variações entre os músculos de um mesmo indivíduo e entre os mesmos músculos em indivíduos diferentes


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Este é um trabalho descritivo, que tem como objetivo principal comparar expressões idiomáticas do português brasileiro e do espanhol. O corpus utilizado para selecionar as expressões foi a coleção Prisma (A1-A2/B1-B2/C1-C2). Os idiomatismos selecionados foram os formados por nome de animais. Na primeira parte do trabalho, discorremos sobre Fraseologia, Expressões Idiomáticas e discutimos algumas diferenças entre estas e as colocações. Além disso, foram propostas algumas reflexões sobre a dificuldade do aprendizado das expressões por parte dos alunos. Selecionamos, no corpus acima citado, dezenove expressões idiomáticas e procedemos à descrição e análise de suas composições e de seus significados. A partir dessa análise, apresentamos uma comparação dessas expressões com seus equivalentes no português do Brasil. A partir dessa comparação, pudemos observar que alguns idiomatismos analisados, embora possuam equivalentes entre as duas línguas em questão, são formadas com nomes de animais diferentes. Isso se deve, sobretudo, à visão de mundo e à cultura de cada país. Há ainda expressões cujos equivalentes em português e em espanhol não se diferem por uma palavra, mas sim por várias, apesar do significado ser o mesmo. Observamos, ainda, a importância do aprendizado dos idiomatismos e o fato de nos níveis A1 e A2 da coleção analisada, não aparecerem expressões idiomáticas, comprovando que muitos consideram que é preciso ter um nível mais elevado na língua estrangeira para aprendê-las


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The intense urbanization in coastal environments can cause environmental changes due to the susceptibility of these areas. It is therefore of utmost importance to understand the environmental quality of coastal area and the geomorphological features are essential to make it possible, as well as the geomorphological maps that are used as an instrument to analyze the relief. However, there is no standardization among the geomorphological mapping techniques, since the proposals vary according to the taxonomy of the relief, the adopted scale and the objective of the researcher. This paper aims to carry out geomorphological mappings of sectors of the city of Mongaguá, in São Paulo state, according to the conceptions of Verstappen and Zuidam (1975) and Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen (2006), seeking to verify the possibilities and constraints that each one can provide for environmental management. Verstappen and Zuidam’s design (1975) is a classical international bibliography proposal indicating the symbols and colors that will be used to represent the relief according to the origin shape of the geomorphological features; Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen's conception (2006) is a latest international proposal which also uses symbols and colors that can be combined to represent various forms of relief, coming from different origins. The mappings in this research are although not presented as a mainstream map, but as a cartographic representation in which the symbols are superimposed on the digital ortophoto map to provide the reader an association between symbolism and the relief represented. The result is a comparative analysis among the symbols that were used in each mapping, in which is discussed what design is the most appropriate, considering the adopted scale and the geomorphological features of the mapped area


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The energy crisis has affected many countries. With the growing warning with the emission in the atmosphere and the lack of resources, the seek for sustainable sources for energy genaration have become even bigger. Some Countries, as Germany, started first in this journey, creating an incentive program to self-generation with renewable sources (wind, photovoltaics, biomass, etc.), giving priority for smaller plants. In Germany the program called EEG started in 2004. In Brazil, since the beggining of 2012, the self-generators did not know how they could be beneficted for self-generation, and self-generation didn't become commun in the country. However, with NR 482, of April 17th, 2012, the parameters were defined, and the self-generator could have a guideline. Therewith, studyies can be redirected for a better knowlegde of the conditions the self-generator will be sujected, in addition to Germany's case as reference to compare with Brazil's case. In this paper these studies are made, focused in wind power (wind turbines) and photovoltaic panels


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This paper proposes a comparative analysis of cultural critical, articles and reports related to the 28th International Biennial of Art of São Paulo published in the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal Semanal da 28ª Bienal de São Paulo, from October to December 2008. Specific aims of analysis are how an institution devoted, like Biennial, creates mechanisms to defend their choices and hegemonic position within the arts field and also to examine how this dedication can be demystified by critics from diffusion field not linked to the institution. For the study will be used the concepts of field, hierarchy of legitimacy and position of an agent developed by Pierre Bourdieu, as well as historical notions of Cultural Journalism and journalistic criticism


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Energy efficiency is an increasingly important issue due to the current scenario where increasing demand is growing faster than the energy supplied. It is important, therefore, analyze and minimize electrical system losses. This study conducts a comparison of a system formed by a photovoltaic generator feeding an LED lamp directly without steps DC-AC -DC conversion, and a system using these conversion steps for the same lamp power. Losses in conversion steps are quantified and the degradation of power quality occurred due to conversion is evaluated


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)